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Tony Richards

The Atlantic Online | January/February 2010 | What Makes a Great Teacher? | Amanda Ripley - 0 views

    "What Makes a Great Teacher? Image credit: Veronika Lukasova Also in our Special Report: National: "How America Can Rise Again" Is the nation in terminal decline? Not necessarily. But securing the future will require fixing a system that has become a joke. Video: "One Nation, On Edge" James Fallows talks to Atlantic editor James Bennet about a uniquely American tradition-cycles of despair followed by triumphant rebirths. Interactive Graphic: "The State of the Union Is ..." ... thrifty, overextended, admired, twitchy, filthy, and clean: the nation in numbers. By Rachael Brown Chart: "The Happiness Index" Times were tough in 2009. But according to a cool Facebook app, people were happier. By Justin Miller On August 25, 2008, two little boys walked into public elementary schools in Southeast Washington, D.C. Both boys were African American fifth-graders. The previous spring, both had tested below grade level in math. One walked into Kimball Elementary School and climbed the stairs to Mr. William Taylor's math classroom, a tidy, powder-blue space in which neither the clocks nor most of the electrical outlets worked. The other walked into a very similar classroom a mile away at Plummer Elementary School. In both schools, more than 80 percent of the children received free or reduced-price lunches. At night, all the children went home to the same urban ecosystem, a zip code in which almost a quarter of the families lived below the poverty line and a police district in which somebody was murdered every week or so. Video: Four teachers in Four different classrooms demonstrate methods that work (Courtesy of Teach for America's video archive, available in February at At the end of the school year, both little boys took the same standardized test given at all D.C. public schools-not a perfect test of their learning, to be sure, but a relatively objective one (and, it's worth noting, not a very hard one). After a year in Mr. Taylo
Rhondda Powling

Personalize My Learning, Please | An Ethical Island - 2 views

    An infograpic, by Mia MacMeekin, that explains the whats and hows of personalized learning in three easy steps: 1. A short, succinct definition of what personalized learning is. 2. The different ways to go about creating a personalized learning experience. 3. Some interesting examples of personalized learning are featured.
Rhondda Powling

An Ethical Island | How to Teach Without a Lecture and other fun - 2 views

    An infograpic, by Mia MacMeekin, that explains the whats and hows of personalized learning in three easy steps: 1. A short, succinct definition of what personalized learning is. 2. The different ways to go about creating a personalized learning experience. 3. Some interesting examples of personalized learning are featured.

Buy Facebook Ads Accounts - 100% Cheap Verified BM Seller - 0 views

    Buy Facebook Ads Accounts Introduction If you are looking for the best buy Facebook ads accounts, then you can contact us. We have helped many businesses get the most powerful Facebook ad accounts at affordable prices. How to buy Facebook ads accounts You can buy Facebook ad accounts in three ways: You can buy a business manager account, which will allow you to manage all of your campaigns from one place. This is especially useful if you have more than one person running campaigns for different clients. You can also get an individual ad account from Facebook and use it for yourself or your company's own purposes. This option is good if there are no other people involved with the campaign (like when buying from the community). Finally, if all else fails-and it usually does-then there's always verification! Verification allows advertisers like yourself access to certain features that aren't available otherwise, such as being able to delete or change their own status updates/videos after they've been shared publicly by someone else without having any control over them beforehand.* What is a Facebook ad account? There are two types of Facebook advertising accounts: personal and business. A personal account is a profile that you use to promote something or someone else's business. For example, if you own a restaurant and want to advertise in your community, you would create a personal Facebook page so that people can find out about it if they were looking for places to eat near their homes or offices. You can also create an individual profile for yourself as well as groups on Facebook where other people can join up with their friends or colleagues who work at the same company (like Salesforce). These kinds of social media marketing strategies are fairly typical among businesses today because they offer great opportunities for communication between employees within large enterprises such as banks, airlines, or hospitals - all things which require teamwo
  • ...1 more comment...
    Buy Facebook Ads Accounts Introduction If you are looking for the best buy Facebook ads accounts, then you can contact us. We have helped many businesses get the most powerful Facebook ad accounts at affordable prices. How to buy Facebook ads accounts You can buy Facebook ad accounts in three ways: You can buy a business manager account, which will allow you to manage all of your campaigns from one place. This is especially useful if you have more than one person running campaigns for different clients. You can also get an individual ad account from Facebook and use it for yourself or your company's own purposes. This option is good if there are no other people involved with the campaign (like when buying from the community). Finally, if all else fails-and it usually does-then there's always verification! Verification allows advertisers like yourself access to certain features that aren't available otherwise, such as being able to delete or change their own status updates/videos after they've been shared publicly by someone else without having any control over them beforehand.* What is a Facebook ad account? There are two types of Facebook advertising accounts: personal and business. A personal account is a profile that you use to promote something or someone else's business. For example, if you own a restaurant and want to advertise in your community, you would create a personal Facebook page so that people can find out about it if they were looking for places to eat near their homes or offices. You can also create an individual profile for yourself as well as groups on Facebook where other people can join up with their friends or colleagues who work at the same company (like Salesforce). These kinds of social media marketing strategies are fairly typical among businesses today because they offer great opportunities for communication between employees within large enterprises such as banks, airlines, or hospitals - all things which require teamwo
    Buy Facebook Ads Accounts Introduction If you are looking for the best buy Facebook ads accounts, then you can contact us. We have helped many businesses get the most powerful Facebook ad accounts at affordable prices. How to buy Facebook ads accounts You can buy Facebook ad accounts in three ways: You can buy a business manager account, which will allow you to manage all of your campaigns from one place. This is especially useful if you have more than one person running campaigns for different clients. You can also get an individual ad account from Facebook and use it for yourself or your company's own purposes. This option is good if there are no other people involved with the campaign (like when buying from the community). Finally, if all else fails-and it usually does-then there's always verification! Verification allows advertisers like yourself access to certain features that aren't available otherwise, such as being able to delete or change their own status updates/videos after they've been shared publicly by someone else without having any control over them beforehand.* What is a Facebook ad account? There are two types of Facebook advertising accounts: personal and business. A personal account is a profile that you use to promote something or someone else's business. For example, if you own a restaurant and want to advertise in your community, you would create a personal Facebook page so that people can find out about it if they were looking for places to eat near their homes or offices. You can also create an individual profile for yourself as well as groups on Facebook where other people can join up with their friends or colleagues who work at the same company (like Salesforce). These kinds of social media marketing strategies are fairly typical among businesses today because they offer great opportunities for communication between employees within large enterprises such as banks, airlines, or hospitals - all things which require teamwo
    Buy Facebook Ads Accounts Introduction If you are looking for the best buy Facebook ads accounts, then you can contact us. We have helped many businesses get the most powerful Facebook ad accounts at affordable prices. How to buy Facebook ads accounts You can buy Facebook ad accounts in three ways: You can buy a business manager account, which will allow you to manage all of your campaigns from one place. This is especially useful if you have more than one person running campaigns for different clients. You can also get an individual ad account from Facebook and use it for yourself or your company's own purposes. This option is good if there are no other people involved with the campaign (like when buying from the community). Finally, if all else fails-and it usually does-then there's always verification! Verification allows advertisers like yourself access to certain features that aren't available otherwise, such as being able to delete or change their own status updates/videos after they've been shared publicly by someone else without having any control over them beforehand.* What is a Facebook ad account? There are two types of Facebook advertising accounts: personal and business. A personal account is a profile that you use to promote something or someone else's business. For example, if you own a restaurant and want to advertise in your community, you would create a personal Facebook page so that people can find out about it if they were looking for places to eat near their homes or offices. You can also create an individual profile for yourself as well as groups on Facebook where other people can join up with their friends or colleagues who work at the same company (like Salesforce). These kinds of social media marketing strategies are fairly typical among businesses today because they offer great opportunities for communication between employees within large enterprises such as banks, airlines, or hospitals - all things which require teamwo
David Raymond

Professor Angela McFarlane - BLC07 Keynote | November Learning - 0 views

    Professor MacFarlane discusses many issues which ring true to me. In particular: - lack of vision for what education could be like with new technology (around 4 min mark) - the web2.0 and technology revolution is great for the 15% of people who have a good life anyway because of their suituation and culture (5:30) - others don't benefit from the access to the technology - they need help (6:00) - no change in classroom over last 20 years with computers and in danger of no change in next 20 years (7:30) - instruction vs. construction (8:30) - expect learning to change with introduction of technology (10:30) - but hasn't really done so - student self-directed learning is separate from school work i.e. at home and not related to school (14:30) - much of what kids do on computers at home is trivial (16:00) - the ones that do have good experiences are the same 15% (16:30) - kids that are missing out have a computer at home probably but no access to the community that enables them to have these experiences (17:10) - doing something by themselves does not really benefit them - it is being part of a community that had benefit for learning - what are we dong for these people? (19:10) - talking about missing pedagogical model for how to teach (22:00) - teachers are expected to use technology to provide innovative learning but no model against which to do so, some don't use it at all, some use it inappropriately - there maybe some individual examples but not overall (23:00) - schools bad at connecting with their communities in a learning sense (26:00) - talks about chinese online writing community and how they comment, collaborate (34:00) - community (47:30) - communitites aren't formed when people are brought together in schools etc. - need to have a common problem or interest (48:30) - Plant's definition? - in education the problem is because assessment is done individually (49:00) - so forming groups and sharing ideas is not attractive for students - worried about not getti
Rhondda Powling

Personalized Learning Vs Traditional Learning ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Learning - 3 views

    "A nice infographic that helps to show some of the differences between personalized learning and traditional learning"
Tony Searl

Learning Reimagined: Participatory, Peer, Global, Online | DMLcentral - 4 views

  • I work from the first moments to persuade people that it's possible for all of us to learn together as a community in a more deeply satisfying and useful way than if students take responsibility only for their own learning
    • Tony Searl
      Howard R.
  • shared goal of learning about infotention, curation, personal learning networks, and cooperation theory is our goal of becoming a learning community
  • Roles include searchers, chat summarizers, session summarizers, mindmap leaders, session bloggers
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  • Knowing why we use forums, blogs, wikis, synchronous chat and video, social bookmarks, mindmaps is the foundation for the kind of active inquiry, culture of conversation, self-directed collaborative groups that bring a peer learning group to life.
  • The magic in this simple whiteboard exercise is that multiple actions can take place simultaneously and nobody knows who is doing what.
  • talk about the importance of exploring close enough to the edge to fall over it frequently. I model tolerance for error, learning from error, pushing the envelope of tech
    the chances of successful outcomes are multiplied when every person in the group makes a commitment to active participation in helping others learn.
John Pearce

Meridian: Getting A Grip On Project-Based Learning - 3 views

    "Project-based learning is centered on the learner and affords learners the opportunity for in-depth investigations of worthy topics. The learners are more autonomous as they construct personally-meaningful artifacts that are representations of their learning. This article examines the theoretical foundations of project-based learning, particularly constructivism and constructionism, and notes the similarities and differences among implementations, including project-based science (Blulmenfeld et al., 1991), disciplined inquiry (Levstik & Barton, 2001) and WebQuests (Dodge, 1995). In addition, an anatomy of a model case will be considered using a WebQuest example developed by the author, describing seven characteristics common among the various implementations of project-based learning. Finally, practical advice and recommendations for project-based learning are discussed, including beginning slowly with the implementation, teaching students to negotiate cooperative/collaborative groups and establishing multiple forms of performance assessments."
Tony Searl

Heutagogy and lifelong learning: A review of heutagogical practice and self-determined ... - 2 views

  • a more self-directed and self-determined approach is needed, one in which the learner reflects upon what is learned and how it is learned and in which educators teach learners how to teach themselves (Peters, 2001, 2004; Kamenetz, 2010).
  • Heutagogy applies a holistic approach to developing learner capabilities, with learning as an active and proactive process, and learners serving as “the major agent in their own learning, which occurs as a result of personal experiences” (Hase & Kenyon, 2007, p. 112).
  • Competency can be understood as proven ability in acquiring knowledge and skills, while capability is characterized by learner confidence in his or her competency and, as a result, the ability “to take appropriate and effective action to formulate and solve problems in both familiar and unfamiliar and changing settings”
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Research on the use of social media and its role in supporting heutagogy is limited, however, indicating that this is an area for further investigation.
  • important characteristic of heutagogy is that of reflective practice, “a critical learning skill associated with knowing how to learn” (Hase, 2009, p. 49). According to Schön (1983), reflective practice supports learners in becoming lifelong learners, as “when a practitioner becomes a researcher into his own practice, he engages in a continuing process of self-education” (p. 299).
  • primarily by placing value on learner self-direction of the learning process
    In a heutagogical approach to teaching and learning, learners are highly autonomous and self-determined and emphasis is placed on development of learner capacity and capability with the goal of producing learners who are well-prepared for the complexities of today's workplace. The approach has been proposed as a theory for applying to emerging technologies in distance education and for guiding distance education practice and the ways in which distance educators develop and deliver instruction using newer technologies such as social media.

Buy Old Instagram Accounts - SmmTopMarket - 0 views

    Buy Old Instagram Accounts Introduction Buying an Instagram account is a good way to grow your business. You can build a following, increase engagement and start making money from advertising. However, it can be difficult to find a good Instagram account at an affordable price. This is where we come in! We offer top quality aged social media accounts that are ready for use by our clients who need them for their businesses or personal profiles. Buy Aged Instagram Accounts When you buy an Instagram account, it's important to remember that the account has been around for a long time. The account's followers may be older than yours and might not engage with your content as much as they would if they were younger or newer. If this is the case, then buying aged or old Instagram accounts can be a good option for you. Buying aged and/or old Instagram accounts can also help boost your reach on the platform by offering access to older audiences who are likely less likely to follow new accounts (especially since advertisers tend not spend money on these types of platforms). buy Instagram account Buy Instagram Accounts You can buy Instagram accounts that have a large following and are popular with many people. These accounts are usually used by businesses to promote their own brand or services, but they can also be used as an incentive for new users who want to join the platform. If you're looking for a way to boost your own account's visibility on the site, buying an Instagram account is the perfect solution! buying an Instagram account Buying an Instagram account is a great way to get started on the platform. You can use it as your personal brand, and if you have a good following already, it will be easier for you to grow that number. You might also want to consider buying Instagram accounts with fake likes and followers so that they look more authentic when viewed by other users. This increases the likelihood of attracting new fans or followers who may be inte
  • ...1 more comment...
    Buy Old Instagram Accounts Introduction Buying an Instagram account is a good way to grow your business. You can build a following, increase engagement and start making money from advertising. However, it can be difficult to find a good Instagram account at an affordable price. This is where we come in! We offer top quality aged social media accounts that are ready for use by our clients who need them for their businesses or personal profiles. Buy Aged Instagram Accounts When you buy an Instagram account, it's important to remember that the account has been around for a long time. The account's followers may be older than yours and might not engage with your content as much as they would if they were younger or newer. If this is the case, then buying aged or old Instagram accounts can be a good option for you. Buying aged and/or old Instagram accounts can also help boost your reach on the platform by offering access to older audiences who are likely less likely to follow new accounts (especially since advertisers tend not spend money on these types of platforms). buy Instagram account Buy Instagram Accounts You can buy Instagram accounts that have a large following and are popular with many people. These accounts are usually used by businesses to promote their own brand or services, but they can also be used as an incentive for new users who want to join the platform. If you're looking for a way to boost your own account's visibility on the site, buying an Instagram account is the perfect solution! buying an Instagram account Buying an Instagram account is a great way to get started on the platform. You can use it as your personal brand, and if you have a good following already, it will be easier for you to grow that number. You might also want to consider buying Instagram accounts with fake likes and followers so that they look more authentic when viewed by other users. This increases the likelihood of attracting new fans or followers who may be inte
    Buy Old Instagram Accounts Introduction Buying an Instagram account is a good way to grow your business. You can build a following, increase engagement and start making money from advertising. However, it can be difficult to find a good Instagram account at an affordable price. This is where we come in! We offer top quality aged social media accounts that are ready for use by our clients who need them for their businesses or personal profiles. Buy Aged Instagram Accounts When you buy an Instagram account, it's important to remember that the account has been around for a long time. The account's followers may be older than yours and might not engage with your content as much as they would if they were younger or newer. If this is the case, then buying aged or old Instagram accounts can be a good option for you. Buying aged and/or old Instagram accounts can also help boost your reach on the platform by offering access to older audiences who are likely less likely to follow new accounts (especially since advertisers tend not spend money on these types of platforms). buy Instagram account Buy Instagram Accounts You can buy Instagram accounts that have a large following and are popular with many people. These accounts are usually used by businesses to promote their own brand or services, but they can also be used as an incentive for new users who want to join the platform. If you're looking for a way to boost your own account's visibility on the site, buying an Instagram account is the perfect solution! buying an Instagram account Buying an Instagram account is a great way to get started on the platform. You can use it as your personal brand, and if you have a good following already, it will be easier for you to grow that number. You might also want to consider buying Instagram accounts with fake likes and followers so that they look more authentic when viewed by other users. This increases the likelihood of attracting new fans or followers who may be inte
    Buy Old Instagram Accounts Introduction Buying an Instagram account is a good way to grow your business. You can build a following, increase engagement and start making money from advertising. However, it can be difficult to find a good Instagram account at an affordable price. This is where we come in! We offer top quality aged social media accounts that are ready for use by our clients who need them for their businesses or personal profiles. Buy Aged Instagram Accounts When you buy an Instagram account, it's important to remember that the account has been around for a long time. The account's followers may be older than yours and might not engage with your content as much as they would if they were younger or newer. If this is the case, then buying aged or old Instagram accounts can be a good option for you. Buying aged and/or old Instagram accounts can also help boost your reach on the platform by offering access to older audiences who are likely less likely to follow new accounts (especially since advertisers tend not spend money on these types of platforms). buy Instagram account Buy Instagram Accounts You can buy Instagram accounts that have a large following and are popular with many people. These accounts are usually used by businesses to promote their own brand or services, but they can also be used as an incentive for new users who want to join the platform. If you're looking for a way to boost your own account's visibility on the site, buying an Instagram account is the perfect solution! buying an Instagram account Buying an Instagram account is a great way to get started on the platform. You can use it as your personal brand, and if you have a good following already, it will be easier for you to grow that number. You might also want to consider buying Instagram accounts with fake likes and followers so that they look more authentic when viewed by other users. This increases the likelihood of attracting new fans or followers who may be inte
Tony Searl

elearnspace › Well Played, Blackboard - 0 views

  • To counter this view, the edupunk/DIY approach to learning has produced an emphasis on personal learning environments and networks. To date, this movement has generated a following from a small passionate group of educators, but has not really made much of an impact on traditional education. I don’t suspect it will until, sadly, it can be commoditized and scaled to fit into existing systemic models of education.
  • Adobe Connect has somewhat of an academic presence, but it has seen far more success in corporate settings, similar to WebEx and GoToMeeting.
  • Integration, not the platform itself, is now the critical focus
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  • Which means that decisions makers are motivated (partly out of fear of appearing ill-informed, partly out of not wanting to take risks) to adopt approaches that integrate fairly seamlessly across the education spectrum. Why buy an LMS when you can buy the educational process?
  • shift from LMS-as-platform to LMS-as-integration
  • Blackboard did not buy into the synchronous education market with the Elluminate and Wimba purchase – they bought the market
  • In the mean time, well played, Blackboard! Your acquisition will have a far greater long term impact in educational technology than most people realize…
  • trust in Blackboard is low – partly due to their lawsuit and partly due to chaotic integrations with their previous purchases.
    Some universities are beginning to focus on a big-picture view of technology: making learning resources available in multimedia, integrating technology from design to delivery, using mobile technologies, and increased focus on network pedagogy. Blackboard (and LMS' in general) have been able to present the message that "you need an LMS to do blended and online learning". To counter this view, the edupunk/DIY approach to learning has produced an emphasis on personal learning environments and networks.

Learning Styles - including a free inventory - 0 views

    Learning styles are a way to help improve your quality of learning. By understanding your own personal styles, you can adapt the learning process and techniques you use. This site is dedicated to helping you better understand learning styles, as well as providing an easy way to discover your own styles.
Rhondda Powling

Innovations in Education - Student Curators: Powerful Learning - 2 views

    A reflection on some powerful learning in the classroom. Some of the highlights, with examples of student work, and some amazing student feedback are described. It was a great way to develop learning skills and address research standards. It also exemplified personalized learning by some high motivated students.
Ruth Howard

Research Profile: Dr. Kinshuk | Technology Enhanced Knowledge Research Insitute - 1 views

  •   Athabasca University’s Dr. Kinshuk believes there is a way to give students a better learning experience: by developing systems that tailor learning experience to each individual student’s needs and circumstance.
  •   He’s developing systems that can learn about each student and adapt to meet to their unique needs — responding to their learning style; relating what they’re learning to previous knowledge and experiences; discovering if they are learning on their own or with others; factoring in where they live and work and whether they work on a laptop, desktop or mobile device — to create a highly personal, highly relevant learning experience.
  •   Creating just-in-time, on-demand learning systems that know who you are, what you need and adapt to suit your personal style. I
Tony Searl

e-learning: The Future of Education?? - 3 views

  • contestable assumptions that are worth discussing.  The first is that of a standard courseware development template based on one or a limited number of pedagogical approaches.  The second is that knowledge provision equates to learning. The final issue relates to the first two (indeed all three are inter-related) and is his apparent oversight of the current Personal Learning Environment (PLE) discussions and literature.
  • When a learner learns to construct their own PLE, they themselves construct the learning modules to suit their own requirements.
  • His ideas on "Learning Camps" and 24 hour access to school learning centres are excellent as is  what he calls 'Confidence-Based Learning" where testing is an integral part of student learning diagnostics and formative feedback.
    traditional notions of education are not coping with the content explosion generated by the rise of the knowledge economy
 Lisa Durff

Promises | Horizontal Change Management - 0 views

    "Integrity1 My daughters class flip chart list to describe Integrity. Can you name a few people around you, or in the public spotlight, that seemed to have missed that day in first grade? Promises Mrs. Dillon's first graders are well aware of the power of keeping promises. They know that promises are a contract between two people. One person expects things when that promise is made. Multiple kept promises, those smart kids know, helps build trust. They feel comfortable making friends with those they trust. In class they know it is much easier to finish things together if the other kids keep their promises. The really bright ones know that promises and promises kept are the deposits and withdrawals into and out of the account of collaboration, effort and success. Things get better when you manage that account- you know, positive change. Truthtelling Those little ones know early on what it means to not lie, to lie and to be dishonest. What Giordan's class has figured out is that being aware of the truth and revealing it, even if you know the result might be hard to deal with, is a good thing. The one who added this to the list might have done something wrong, separate from a lie, felt bad and fessed up. Smart he/she was to know that those consequences were much less severe than the ones that follow silence. Mistakes These kids are 7. I will let you figure out who, in the public limelight in those years, might have made mistakes and never admitted them- despite resounding evidence to the contrary. They have some negative role models. On their own level they know there is lots to be learned from having to explain a mistake, from gathering the courage to do so and from the connection that gives you to better future decision making. altruism First grader, kids in general, have a knack for the real kind of black and white. The kind where you know if someone might get hurt, you know if you might get hurt and you just feel what is right or wrong. They al
Roland Gesthuizen - 0 views

    "Policy makers and researchers have long focused on trying to combat 'disengaged' behaviours, rather than on understanding and promoting engagement among students. This focus only captures part of the issue - engagement is a complex cognitive process, including a student's psychological investment in their own learning and personal learning strategies.1 The internal nature of much engagement means that it is difficult to define and measure. As such, it has been hard for researchers and policy makers to determine which solutions can aid engagement and the impact student engagement can have on learning outcomes."
Rhondda Powling

10 reasons the shift may happen faster than you think | Getting Smart - 7 views

    While it's no secret that there seems to be more use and reliance on digital and blended learning with each passing semester, a transition may be happening faster than you think writes Tom Vander Ark. At a conference he talked about a dozen of the factors accelerating the shift to digital learning:
Nigel Coutts

Becoming Learners: Making time for OUR Learning - The Learner's Way - 0 views

    At the heart of all that we do as teachers lies the act of learning. Our hope is that our actions inspire our students to engage in a process that results in their acquisition of new knowledge, mastery of new skills and the development of capacities and dispositions which will prepare them for life beyond our classrooms. Increasingly our focus is on developing the skills and dispositions our students require to become life-long learners. We recognise that in a rapidly changing world, the capacity to take charge of your personal learning journey, to become self-navigating learners is essential. 
Nigel Coutts

Educational Disadvantage - Socio-economic Status and Education Pt 3 - The Learner's Way - 0 views

    Pedagogy and curriculum that engages students from low-socioeconomic backgrounds and is deemed personally relevant to the lives they live, are seen as important factors towards equality of outcome by Wrench, Hammond, McCallum and Price (2012). Their research involved designing a curriculum and pedagogy that would be highly engaging to students of low-socioeconomic status. 'The interventions involved curriculum redesigns that set meaningful, challenging learning task(s) (culminating in high quality learning products); strong connection to student life-worlds; and a performative expectation for student learning.' (Wrench et al 2012 p934)
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