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Tania Sheko

New: "Key Issues for e-Resource Collection Development: A Guide for Libraries... - 2 views

    Electronic resources represent an increasingly important component of the collection- building activities of libraries. "Electronic resources" refer to those materials that require computer access, whether through a personal computer, mainframe, or handheld mobile device. They may either be accessed remotely via the Internet or locally. Some of the most frequently encountered types are: E-journals E-books Full-text (aggregated) databases Indexing and abstracting databases Reference databases (biographies, dictionaries, directories, encyclopaedias, etc.) Numeric and statistical databases E-images E-audio/visual resources
Rhondda Powling

Oops. - 3 views

    The 'Art Project' is a "unique collaboration with some of the world's most acclaimed art museums to enable people to discover and view more than a thousand artworks online in extraordinary detail. * Explore museums with Street View technology: virtually move around the museum's galleries, selecting works of art that interest you, navigate though interactive floor plans and learn more about the museum and you explore. * Artwork View: discover featured artworks at high resolution and use the custom viewer to zoom into paintings. Expanding the info panel allows you to read more about an artwork, find more works by that artist and watch related YouTube videos. * Create your own collection: the 'Create an Artwork Collection' feature allows you to save specific views of any of the 1000+ artworks and build your own personalised collection. Comments can be added to each painting and the whole collection can then be shared with friends and family.
    This latest Google development provides the opportunity to explore museums from around the world, discover and view hundreds of artworks at incredible zoom levels, and even create and share your own collection of masterpieces.
Tony Searl

THE DIGITAL EDUCATION REVOLUTION: A Dramatic and Wide-reaching Change or The Same Old R... - 11 views

  • Ray & Coulter (2010) supports this stating that currently, teachers as a collective, do not see the potential for technologies to aid in the development of new knowledge, active engagement and linkage of knowledge to a real-world setting
  • There is no doubt that the Digital Education Revolution once completely rolled out will improve the digital resources available for each school and student nationwide, and that the intent of ensuring that all education professionals in Australia are skilled up to support this roll out is well-meaning.
  • but no where is it stated that teachers are required to be trained in the use of information communication technologies and being proficient in doing so.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • our students are already miles ahead of the politics and the policies which are just coming into play.
  • We just don’t have the luxury of time for the groundswell of teachers to find their own way.
  • it promoted an infrastructure agenda instead of a learning agenda – which then filters down to the classroom interface resulting in old things in new ways.
  • think what the agenda has lacked (with the DER and more broadly with the ICT agenda) is a clear, research-driven compelling case for change
    Ray & Coulter (2010) supports this stating that currently, teachers as a collective, do not see the potential for technologies to aid in the development of new knowledge, active engagement and linkage of knowledge to a real-world setting.
Rhondda Powling

Creating Safe, Strength-Based Classrooms | Edutopia - 0 views

    "Schools are a network of human beings who feel, think, behave, and function within a human system that is alive and never static. Inside living systems, we need to feel safe and felt. This system is wired to thrive, even through difficult times. We're here for deep learning, which is profoundly relational, and connection to one another is a prerequisite for our collective emotional, social, spiritual, and cognitive growth and development. In creating an environment that feels safe and relational, behavior management develops into behavior engagement"
Roland Gesthuizen

Putting heads together - 1 views

  • Groups whose members had higher levels of “social sensitivity” — the willingness of the group to let all its members take turns and apply their skills to a given challenge — were more collectively intelligent. “Social sensitivity has to do with how well group members perceive each other’s emotions,”
  • What our results indicate is that people with social skills are good for a group — whether they are male or female.
  • We also think it’s possible to improve the intelligence of a group, by either changing the members of a group, or teaching them better ways of interacting
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • the key point is great, that features of the group can be more important than features of the individuals that make up the group, for determining outcomes
  • clarifying the conditions under which the proportion of women makes a difference would be interesting
    "A new study co-authored by MIT researchers documents the existence of collective intelligence among groups of people who cooperate well, showing that such intelligence extends beyond the cognitive abilities of the groups' individual members, and that the tendency to cooperate effectively is linked to the number of women in a group."
    Some interesting implications here for teams at schools including their composition and providing training to develop social skills.
Rhondda Powling

The 25 Best Pinterest Boards in EdTech - Online Universities - 1 views

    "Blogs and Twitter aren't the only social tools out there that can help you keep up with the latest and greatest developments in educational technology. Pinterest is rapidly becoming a favorite tool of educators all over the nation, and many have amassed some pretty great collections of edtech-related pins that teachers and students alike can use to explore new ways to learn, share, teach, and grow. While it would be nearly impossible to highlight every edtech pinboard out there, we've shared some of the boards we think stand out among the crowd here. Many are maintained by major educational websites, key figures in edtech, and well-known bloggers, but others were created by teachers just like you who simply want to share resources and tips with others in education."
Rhondda Powling

Gooru - 2 views

    You can use Gooru to search for rich collections of multimedia resources, digital textbooks, videos ,games and quizzes created by educators in the Gooru community is free (of cost and ads) and developed by a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization whose mission is to honor the human right to education.
Rhondda Powling - Free Pictures - - 0 views

    This is a collection of images developed by Ian Britton. FreeFoto offers a mix images that are available for free and for a licensing fee. Students can use the images on FreeFoto for free provided that they adhere to the student use guidelines. Visitors to FreeFoto can search for images by keyword or they can browse the galleries. The galleries are arranged by the locations of where the images were captured, by natural subject (sunsets, seasons), and many other subjects.
Tony Searl

Computer Science for Fun - cs4fn: What is Computational Thinking? - 2 views

    So what is Computational Thinking? Well it is a collection of diverse skills to do with problem solving that result from studying the nature of computation. It includes some obviously important skills that most subjects help develop, like creativity, ability to explain and team work. It also consists of some very specific problem solving skills such as the ability to think logically, algorithmically and recursively. Computer Science is unique in the way it brings all these diverse skills together.
John Pearce

21st Century Literacies - 0 views

    In February 2008, the National Council of Teachers of English began to develop a statement on 21st literacies. This is the product of these ongoing deliberations. As the discussion says, "Literacy has always been a collection of cultural and communicative practices shared among members of particular groups. As society and technology change, so does literacy. Because technology has increased the intensity and complexity of literate environments, the twenty-first century demands that a literate person possess a wide range of abilities and competencies, many literacies. These literacies-from reading online newspapers to participating in virtual classrooms-are multiple, dynamic, and malleable. As in the past, they are inextricably linked with particular histories, life possibilities and social trajectories of individuals and groups."

cellphonesinlearning » home - 0 views

    using cell phones as data collection tools: audio recorders, digital cameras, and digital camcorders. Additionally, we consider how classroom projects can be developed for cell phones: creating ring tones, text messaging, mobile WebPages, and mobile surveys. Finally, we contemplate the future features of cell phones and how those features play a role in learning.
John Pearce

Orisinal : Morning Sunshine Games - 0 views

    Nothing to do with Web 2.0, (they were developed way back in 2001), not a lot to do with traditional education but huge fun nonetheless this collection of flashed based games from Ferry Halim is the perfect way to while away time that should otherwise be devoted to work. See if you can figure out what each of the icons indicates before you play the games.
Roland Gesthuizen

ACARA - Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority - 0 views

    "ACARA is the independent authority responsible for the development of a national curriculum, a national assessment program and a national data collection and reporting program that supports 21st century learning for all Australian students.
    Australian group responsible for national curriculum and assessment program.
Nigel Coutts

Celebrating the significance of creativity for educations future success - The Learner'... - 0 views

    Our collective ability to learn and by doing so, adapt to changing circumstances through the acquisition of new skills and dispositions is what Edward de Bono refers to as EBNE; Essential But Not Enough. - What then might education need as it develops a response to times of rapid change?
Nigel Coutts

Telling a new story of learning and school - The Learner's Way - 0 views

    One of the key ways by which we make sense of our world is by analysing the stories that we and others use to describe it. These stories are a construct of our experiences, our beliefs, our cultural perspectives and the interactions between these things. Even when the context in which the story is set is the same, the details and nature of the story that particular individuals or collective share can differ vastly. Only by listening to each story with empathy and genuine desire to understand each individual's telling of this story do we develop true insights. Making sense of the stories of education should be a key process for all educators.
Tony Searl

Relationships and Uncertainty Matter Most: David Brooks in the New Yorker on Educationa... - 7 views

  • Brooks is arguing for a teaching that prioritizes inquiry, analysis, and process rather than mastering basic skills and learning the classics
  • inquiry based approach where students discuss and debate ideas, understand the importance of critically examining accepted wisdom, seek out new information and new sources and put them into the mix, construct their own answers and put them into play against other perspectives, deepening their understanding as they build their cases and accumulate more evidence for their point of view, yet still respectfully recognizing the possible validity of other points of view.
  • any environment where students and teachers are on the same inquiring side, exploring ideas and making meaning together.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • school effectiveness is measured solely by test scores on multiple choice tests, and not on whether students are deeply connecting with teachers or whether they are developing deeper understanding, a sense of nuance, a respect for multiple perspectives, a creativity that finds and then assesses many possible right answers.
  • how can we reconcile this January 2010 New Yorker Brooks with that December 2008 New York Time Brooks?
    She stressed the importance of collecting conflicting information before making up one's mind, of calibrating one's certainty level to the strength of the evidence, of enduring uncertainty for long stretches as an answer became clear, of correcting for one's biases.

Garbage Bags: What is the Use for Garbage Bags? - 0 views

Garbage bags, also known as bin liners or plastic waste bags, have become an essential tool in managing waste in households, commercial spaces, and industrial sectors. These bags serv...


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