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Heather Whitman

Top Five Ways to Use Screencasting in the Classroom - 4 views

  • 5.  Screencasting & Grading
    • Heather Whitman
      I love the idea of using a screencasting software for grading. These comments would be more authentic and likely much more likely to be listened to than read. The teacher could continue the feedback and discuss, question, and still ask for further reflection. This would be a great way to extend learning.
    • Heather Whitman
      I love the idea of using a screencasting software for grading. These comments would be more authentic and likely much more likely to be listened to than read. The teacher could continue the feedback and discuss, question, and still ask for further reflection. This would be a great way to extend learning.
  • Screencasting in this fashion can be easily transferred to both hybrid (mixed setting with a combination of traditional classroom experience and online experience) and blended learning situations (traditional classes that meet daily but still require online aspects of content delivery and assignment submission).
    • Heather Whitman
      This point reinforces all we have learned about blended learning. This tool allows for brick and mortar schools to grow in their development of online learning.
    • Heather Whitman
      This point reinforces all we have learned about blended learning. This tool allows for brick and mortar schools to grow in their development of online learning.
  • 5.  Screencasting & Grading
Deanna Etherington

Screenr | Instant screencasts: Just click record - 0 views

    Here is another screencasting tool that I came across while doing some research on Jing.

iowaonlinelearning - Teaching Standards - 94 views

  • Has experienced online learning from the perspective of a student (SREB F.1, Varvel II.E)
    • crjessen44
      I feel this is critical. As a teacher, I believe all teachers need to live this experience first hand, in the role of a student. Being a student in an on-line evironment will help me to be a better on-line faciliator. I will be more sympathetic to the stuggles of being on-line learner and hopefully I will be more effective, learning from my experience as a student.
    • Aryn Kruse
      This is so important---as a special educator I also feel it is important to also consider the impacts of a child's disability in light of their online experiences as well.
    • Kristina Greenfield
      I agree that being an online student will help me create a better online course. I think that is true with most anything we ask students to do. I try to complete my own work (usually essays) for some of my assignments that I give and by doing so, I can revise the assignment much more meaningfully.
    • Stan Newon II
      I completed my master's program entirely online 2 years ago and certainly "lived" in online learning. I believe that online learning has evolved significantly since then with many more tools available to make online learning more effective. There was some differences between how the various instructors delivered their coursework online. Being an online student certainly gives one an idea of what does and does not work and what one likes/dislikes. However I think we need to keep in mind the generational differences in learning; what I may not like about online learning as an older learner may be a very valuable online learning tool for a young student that has grown up with technology as being a natural part of their learning.
    • anonymous
      Not only is it important for an online teacher to experience online learning from the perspective of a student, but I think it is important for them to return to the role of a student from time to time. Each time I take an online course, I am reminded of the feeling of being overwhelmed by a long list of lessons/assignments and very little time to actually complete everything. It a great reminder for me as a teacher to be careful not to overload my students. Adding enrichment items might be a great way to achieve balance.
    • Christine Quisley
      Think about a traditional face to face enviroment that we all have experienced as children or as adults, with these experiences we have gained learning. As teachers we now know how we will or will not proceed because of our experiences. Online learning should be no different. You need to walk in others shoes to experience their success and/or difficulties
    • marcia knupp
      The perspective we get from our experiences colors the way we look at everything. Kind of like "your perception is your reality" Meeting the different needs of students (such as learning styles) seems unlikely with on-line learning.
    • Sherry Huffman
      My struggles in catching up and staying on track with this online class will definately have an impact on how I set up my own classes.
    • Toy Waterman
      I feel taking an online course is the very beginning of an online instructor's process for becoming effective. Being on the learning end helps an instructor know where to enhance assignment directions, proper amount of assignments for an online course, and types of assignments that are better understood from a distance learning perspective.
    • Lylia Chaffin
      I have experienced online learning and in most cases the experience was good. From the student side, it seemed pretty easy. From the teachers side it is quite complicated to create an easy to follow and interact with a good class.
    • Steve Butler
      I believe looking at things from a learner's perspective is also very important. I have sat through too many inservices and other learning opportunities thinking "there is no way I could ever teach like this and expect kids to learn" and other similar things. Observing other teachers helps a great deal too. Before I try some activities now I try to run them by my wife or other faculty members to get feedback and doing the same thing with an online course should really help.
    • Carol Price
      It is important for teachers to have had experience as an online learner before teaching an online class. Taking this online class is a new (and frightening) experience for me, but I believe that I am benefiting from this experience.
    • MaryAnn Strawhacker
      I could not agree more Carol! I tried to develop a Moodle and kept running into roadblocks. Now I am learning the problem was not with my content but rather with my lack of understanding as to how to fully use the learning platform.
    • Sarah Sieck
      I think this standard is just part a good teaching, be it online or in a regular classroom. As teachers, we need to also think about how the students will be engaged during our lessons (online or face-to-face). Being a student in an online course helps the teacher develop strategies to make their online course as engaging as possible. Learning and working with a variety of online tools (Moodle, screencasting, Diigo, blogs, etc) helps the teacher build a course that will hopefully meet their needs and the students learning needs.
  • Tailors instruction to meet the different needs of students, including different learning styles, different interests and backgrounds, and students with special needs or whom are language learners (SREB C.7, Varvel V.H, ITS 4.c)
    • crjessen44
      This one grabbed my attention. I'm currently helping two students with special learning needs take an on-line math class for credit recovery. It has been a very frustrating experience for them in multiple capacities. They not only struggle with content, but with technology issues - the two combined are sometimes more than the students can handle. On a positive note, I've seen some really cool things you can do within an on-line class to tailor the instruction to better meet their needs. I think in some respects you could perhaps more easily tailor on-line learning to meet the needs of a more diverse set of learners?
    • Clint Luscombe
      i AGREE THAT THERE IS A LEARNING CURVE FOR TEACHER AND STUDENTS. Having the teacher monitor the student's initial work might help get them started.
    • Lora Lehmkuhl
      Learning is different for each individual. I watched my daughters take gymnastic lessons and compared their learning to the students in my classroom. Two of my daughters were flexible and learned well from their coaches. One of my daughters struggled, but kept trying to keep up. In the classroom, it really seems unfair to expect the students to all learn at the same pace. Online learning allows students to work at their own pace.
    • Pam Elwood
      Differentiation is a tricky topic. Look up research on learning styles and you will find mixed messages and limited empirical evidence. I do appreciate that I respond to visual supports, so that might increase my focus or my engagment, but after 12 months of considering learning styles in my grad work, it is hard to say that is the end all be all for tailoring instruction. Sound research and or evidence based practices...which are limited...can be generalized usually to increase student outcomes. Considering how to embedd interests and preferences is instructionally sound and can be a goal, but that may or may not include tailoring instruction. Take a look at this piece if you want to rethink learning styles as a strategy
    • Lisa Wymore
      I think this is a two-pronged issue - there is tailoring content to meet the entry points and learning styles of students, but there is also the technology piece of this with online learning. As an instructor, it will be important to provide support for using the technology & tools so that they don't become a barrier to accessing the content.
    • marcia knupp
      An on-line lesson that would give the content in multiple ways, assess the learning in multiple ways may still be too much for the students who struggle with technology issues.
    • Steve Butler
      I agree that tech can really help us with DI. My district has done some stuff with DI and I am trying to incorporate some of that in my classroom. With the knowledge from this course I hope to do more in the future.
    • Perry Bekkerus
      I love that Moodled DI (did I just make up a verb?) allows for both helping the strugglers, but also for challenging the brightest so that they are not slowed down by the mundane.
    • misti linn
      students who need reteaching or more direct instruction would benefit from online learning. i see this as a tool for me to help my AELP students with expanding their knowledge of my content area. i also enjoy using technoloyg and know that the kids in the middle, who we often forget about :( would like to use technology too.
    • Kristin Shelton
      All students deserve to have differentiated instruction. This really grabbed my attention because I feel strongly that all students can learn and deserve to have instruction to meet their needs
    • Pam Childers
      This standard seems especially important to me, given that my class will be about accessibility and engagement for all students. I will need to model what I preach!
  • Selects and uses technologies appropriate to the content that enhance learning (SREB M.3, Varvel IV.D, ITS 3.e, ITS 4.f)
    • linda welander
      This seems to be exactly what we are trying to do. The collaboration component of the class should provide all of us with a lot of different ideas, websites, and critiques that will save us time and effort. This is a tremendous asset.
    • Aryn Kruse
      I appreciate the use of the term "appropriate", often times technology is selected because it's the new thing, not because it's what is most appropriate for your outcome....
    • Deanna Tegeler
      I agree with you about the appropriate use of technology. It must be used with a specific purpose. When technology is overused / inappropriately used students get burned out on it just like any other teaching strategy.
    • Stan Newon II
      I agree with you as's not necessarily a good idea to use technology simply for the sake of using technology and a teacher can go overboard and use it too much. For example in a HS setting it could get annoying if every teacher was having students participate in a blog.
    • Ashlea Ahrenholtz
      In the class I am currently taking, there have been several discussions that discuss not only "what" we teach but "why" we are teaching it. I really enjoy learning about technology myself and enjoy integrating it into my curriculum; however, I think that we need to remember that many of these resources are tools for our toolkit. They are not meant to the be the staple of the classroom. Stan, you gave a great example with blogs. Teachers need to remember that is it just as hard for students to remember different logins and passwords, especially if they have different ones for different classes. I myself do not like it when my usual username/password combination has to be altered; it is inevitable that I will forget it or lose where I wrote it down. It will be interesting to see how the next couple of years change with professional development and how they work to buffer the gap among teachers with their comfort level in technology.
    • Clint Luscombe
      I too am curious as to what type of technology the students would like to use in their "moodle" assignments.
    • Annalisa Miner
      As being 'newer' to all the on-line tools, I think this is where we have to pull in our 'experts' and be able to tell them what we need the tool to do and then get their feedback/have a discussion about what tool will best help meet our needs.
    • Pam Elwood
      I like this one...the right tech for the right learning outcome. We have been working at Kent State to define purposes and rationales for Web 2.0 tools. So when is a wiki the best choice vs. a blog. Is mandatory number of postings in a threaded discussion more likely to lead to higher order critical thinking and or engagement and dialogue in on online environment. Is there really a Web 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 and beyond and what difference does it make? Does online interaction lead to different outcomes than face to face? It is nice to get past the novelty and consider the function and intentionally select the right tool for the right experience.
    • Lisa Wymore
      I think this is very important, but yet also poses a challenge to online instructors. We do need to be able to choose the appropriate tools. The challenge (but a good one) comes in keeping up with the new and improved options that become available in this rapidly changing environment.
    • Toy Waterman
      Appropriate tools will help with clarity and assignment directions. However, one of the better tools for distance learning is the ability to do screencasting so screens can be shared when more technical help is needed. Trying to explain how to do something can be very frustrating to a learner, when showing him/her would be a much better approach - screencasts.
    • Joan Fredrickson
      I agree Toy, screencasts are very helpful for clarifying how to do something online. I am looking forward to learning how to use a screencast tool myself and believe it will make more efficient and effective use of my time. Currently I type up directions step-by-step..which takes way too much time and increases the chances of error. Screencasts make sense!
    • d YM
      The number of potential tools for incorporating in online instruction seem limitless. I'm amazed at what is available, yet also deterred by the time it takes to locate quality resources that i envision helping me engage learners in more rigorous inquiry and achievement.
  • ...63 more annotations...
  • • Provides substantive, timely, and constructive feedback to students (SREB D.8, Varvel VI.F, ITS 5.e)
    • linda welander
      I think this is one of the best features that online learning provides. With many of the programs I use students get immediate feedback, not only the correct answer but the reason that answer is correct, as the student completes the lesson. This is essential to today's students because too often once they receive a final score, they fail to read any notes or explanation from the teacher or to question why their answer was not correct.
    • Rebecca Clausen
      I would agree that the immediate feedback that online learning can provide is a real asset. Students will know results right away so they don't end up practicing or learning the wrong way.
  • Is knowledgeable and has the ability to use computer programs required in online education to improve learning and teaching, including course management software (CMS) and synchronous/asynchronous communication tools (chat, email, web 2.0, videoconferencing, webinar, whiteboard, etc.) (SREB B.3, Varvel III.B)
    • Rebecca Clausen
      Learning the technology necessary to have a quality online class will be an ongoing process with the rate that new technologies are being developed.
    • Cathy DeValk
      So true--not only do you need to be up-to-date and knowledgeable on the course materials, but also the methods of delivering the information.
  • Understands student motivation and uses techniques to engage students (Varvel V.D, ITS 4.d)
    • Rebecca Clausen
      Understanding individual student motivations may be difficult via online instruction. I think this would be a challenge.
    • Ashlea Ahrenholtz
      I agree with you, Rebecca; however, it can be just as powerful for other students. There is a fine line that I think is going to be ongoing learning process for teahcers.
    • Clint Luscombe
      I believe that there too must a learning curve for the students! They will need to feel comfortable with on line learning and the teacher needs to find out what motivates them in this platform.
    • Sarah Nemmers
      I think that students like this technology and will use it to enhance their learning.
  • Applies research, knowledge, and skills from professional growth to improve practice (SREB C.8, ITS 7.c)
    • Rebecca Clausen
      Staying current with research and new developments in content areas will be easier through new technologies.
  • Networks with others involved in online education for the purpose of professional growth
    • Ashlea Ahrenholtz
      Networking is vital! The one thing teachers never have enough of is TIME; I think having time to network would be another constraint for some teachers. When you are taught something new or given something to play with at a class it seems great at the time, but often seems like you need to debrief after wards. Getting involved are the two key words in this standard for me. We have been always told that practice will only make things better; in order for educators to grow professionally, we need to be just as involved as we want our students to be.
    • anonymous
      Ashlea, agree! I need to practice new learning. I need to talk to other learners. Kids are the same. It does all take time.
    • Angie Hance
      Have learned a lot from others already! Both through this class' forum but also through others, such as the GHAEA 21st century learners conference! One presenter shared what she does with jing to "edit" and record narration when she provides feedback to students on their writing assignments.
  • Understands and uses data from assessments to guide instruction
    • Chad Otdoerfer
      I believe this is one huge advantage of online courses. Online test give students immediate feedback, but maybe more importantly online data allows educators to analyze it and then use it to guide their instruction. If most students missed certain questions on a test and the teacher knows that immediately then the following day he/she can re-teach some of those concepts or ideas.
    • Ginny Kraus
      I agree - in this generation of instant response or gratification a teacher can incorporate that into the online lesson by giving that quiz that has an instant reply. Then while it's all in one place the teacher can utilize it reteach immediately.
    • Sarah Sieck
      This is another standard the is not only important in online teaching, but teaching altogether. Through an online course you need to learn different tools to assesst students' understanding of content. This can been done in simple and easy ways using polling and quizzes or responses to questions through a discussion forum.
  • Maintains an online social presence that is available, approachable, positive, interactive, and sincere
    • Chad Otdoerfer
      I think this is important in an online course because it is more difficult to build strong relationships and communicate effectively when people do not see each other face to face daily.
    • C Richardson
      As we never talk face to face, making connections with the instructor, the online social presence is critical. This piece of 'online classroom management' will be interesting to experience through this course and to determine how to create it in our own course(s).
    • Jackie Fober
      As we continue to expand PBIS in Iowa and AEA 267 as part of statewide RTI and the Department of Education's goal to have 100% of schools implementing PBIS, it will be much more difficult to provide face-to-face opportunities for schools to learn and network, particularly after they have completed the 3 years of core PBIS instruction. Social media opportunities will really assist in providing ongoing positive opportunities for PBIS schools to interact, share resources/tips, and trouble shoot challenges with PBIS implementation and sustainability.
    • Robin Olberding
      I feel that you could be on 24/7. When I am taking a class or teaching one, I find myself checking in many times. That can be both good and bad.
  • Utilizes a course evaluation and student feedback data to improve the course
    • Chad Otdoerfer
      If any educator wants to improve they need to consider students feedback and data and improve upon their classroom practices. I think educators who do this become more effective then those who don't.
    • Robin Olberding
      I agree that we need to consider student feedback, but you need to look at all of the feedback and not zero in on 1 negative one. It is always helpful to re-evaluate our teaching periodically.
  • Knows and aligns instruction to the achievement goals of the local agency and the state, such as with the Iowa Core
    • misti linn
      It is essential that we know what our districts goals are. technology should be infused whenever possible into classrooms. students are familiar with it and like to use it
    • Janet Boyd
      Alignment with the Iowa Core is imperative especially since the advent of the Common Core. It will ensure the rigor needed to ensure all students receive a quality education.
  • Creates a learning community that encourages collaboration and interaction, including student-teacher, student-student, and student-content (SREB D.2, Varvel VII.B, ITS 6.a)
    • Bret Larson
      It is great to have a learning environment where the students and teachers are on the same page. Students need to work together amongst themselves, to learn collaborative techniques. It is also important to work with the teacher, so both teacher and student are getting the most out of the class. If the student works with the content this will ensure they are covering everything they need to.
  • Demonstrates effective instructional strategies and techniques, appropriate for online education, that align with course objectives and assessment
    • Bret Larson
      It is important that the teacher designs their course online correctly so the students can get the most out of the course. We should not just plan an online class to say we have done it, but rather make it appropriate to the level of the students, and the objectives you want them to complete.
  • Designs the structure of the course and the presentation of the content to best enhance student learning, including using unit/lesson overviews and reviews, using patterns in lesson sequencing, and using appropriate visual web design techniques
    • Deanna Tegeler
      This is why I am taking this course. I want to enhance my students learning and I feel that greater incorperation of technology will allow me to do that. I
    • Sarah Nemmers
      I agree I want to have students have a resource outside of the classroom to use to enhance their learning. Technology helps me do that and keeps their interest
  • Understands the differences between teaching online and teaching face-to-face
    • Ashlea Ahrenholtz
      The more that I discuss online learning, the more I think about the face-to-face teaching. I feel that this tows a fine line as we all have a variety of learners in our classroom. Balancing the face-to-face and online instruction is an element of teaching that also depends on the age level you are teaching. I think that the older the learners are, the more content they be exposed to online.
    • Jackie Fober
      I have appreciated the recent opportunities I have had to participate in face-to-face instruction that utilize on-line tools, like moodle. It has been a good way for me to transition to using on-line learning opportunities. I find that I continue to be a little more slow and cautious as I am taking and applying my new learning. I am motivated to push my learning by the fact that I see my MS and HS daughters jump into using web 2.0 tools with ease, and know that I must keep up with the times if I am going to cpntinue to be effective in engaging with student and adult learners in a much more technology-based world.
    • Robin Olberding
      In my on-line teaching, I still have one session that is face to face. I need that time to show equipment that I do not feel can be adequaately done on-line. That is the way that I still feel like I'm dabbling my feet in the water.
    • Cathy DeValk
      I've been looking at different stuctures, like the Khan Academy, which makes "face to face" more like "sitting next to" and doing work alongside--just a different viewpoint.
  • Sets and models clear expectations for appropriate behavior and proper interaction
    • Ashlea Ahrenholtz
      This benchmark is essential! Without setting and modeling clear expectation, the classroom atmosphere and learning experience will be choatic. Content and engagement are two addends to create learning. The sooner these elements are introduced to the students, the better the interaction will be for the students and the teacher.
    • misti linn
      the learning environment needs to be purposeful. i think many of use have tried to incorporate on line learning and it does become chaotic and like a game, when we want it to be purposeful and meaningful to students. setting clear expectations will help students understand that they are learning, just in a different way.
  • Understands and uses course content that complies with intellectual property rights and fair use, and assists students in complying as well (SREB E.5, Varvel I.B
    • Jeanine Kliefoth
      Understanding material on the internet is easy to access but is not necessarily "free" to use any way we want is important to understand. Teachers need to model this and teach the students copyright law and fair use.
    • Peggy Keegan
      I believe that we need to have a good understanding of fair use and intellectual property rights. Our students have to be taught how to be good digital citizens and follow the guidelines so that they can apply their digital literacy skills in all that they do. If we model these skills, then it shows our students how important it is to comply with the guidelines.
    • Clint Luscombe
      I very much want to comply with the "Law." But I found it difficult to know if some of the "images" I wanted to use were copyrighted.
  • Communicates with students effectively and consistently (SREB D.1, ITS 1.g)
    • Clint Luscombe
      I am very curious to know how much the students will like to communicate with the teacher and themselves using on line learning.
    • Janet Boyd
      I too would like to know about this. I think learning needs to be collaborative. Collaboration would have to be very different. I find it overwhelming trying to collaborate here. It is like everyone is talking at once.
    • Kathy Hay
      I like the word "creates" used twice in this standard.  Teaching is more than a degree.  It is an art that combines compassion, passion for learning, and acceptance with the belief that everyone learns everyday!
  • Provides and communicates evidence of learning and course data to students and colleagues (SREB J.6, ITS 1.a)
    • Clint Luscombe
      I hope the students would appreciate the on line communication that takes place regarding each graded assignment! Teacher feedback SHOULD MOTIVATE THEM.
    • Lori Beltran
      Feedback is key, at all stages of learning, for all types of learners. Hopefully when students work online, they will access the feedback and refer to it during their learning process.
  • including rubrics for student performances and participation
    • Clint Luscombe
      However, most rubrics I see seem to be rather subjective. They use words like several, many, one page....without defining them with perhaps numbers!
    • marcia knupp
      Good rubrics are difficult to make and more so to keep relevant to what you want your participants to accomplish.
    • misti linn
      Rubrics make sense as a classroom teacher, so that students can see the highest expectations and the lowest grade they can earn. Rubrics for online learning are just as important.
    • Kristin Shelton
      Detailed rubrics outline or should outline what is expected so a student knows the expectations. The rubrics should be user friendly and easy to understand by the student and pass a stranger test (if another teacher read it, they would understand and be able to use it).
    • Peggy Keegan
      I feel that generating a good rubric is very difficult. It is important that we are tweak and change our rubrics so that our expectations are very clear for our students.
  • Knows the content of the subject to be taught
    • anonymous
      How many times have you been asked to teach something and had to 'come up to speed' before you could do it?
    • Robin Olberding
      On the flip side, I work with teachers in the area of PE/special needs, who have no background and are unwilling to ask or accept assistance. It is not a reflection of them personally but in the student's best interest.
  • Assists students with technology used in the course
    • anonymous
      I think many times staff are overloaded with 'initiatives', asked to implement technology and lack the staff development they need, including practice time, to implement it, yet are expected to be able to assist the students with that technology. Many educators successfully implement new technologies, but have spent many, many hours of their own time making this happen.
    • marcia knupp
      I don't have a problem with my content or teaching it. I can definitely say problem solving the technology will be the most difficult part of teaching an on-line class.
    • Robin Olberding
      I agree with Marcia. I have a handle on the content that I am teaching but do not have the basic understanding myself to problem solve. Where is that warm body who understands when you need them?
  • how to teach the content
    • Annalisa Miner
      I think this standards gets to both sides of effecticve teaching. As Clair stated at the beginning of this standard, people are asked to teach content they have to 'get up to speed with' and then we have the other realm which I face frequently in my work with teachers...they know the content, but don't know how to make it comprehensible for student learning or how to deliver the content effectively.
    • Joan Fredrickson
      I agree. I think this is a process that will take some time and purposeful learning by the the teachers. Our school is implementing AIW, which seems to be on track with this.
  • Continuously uses data to evaluate the accuracy and effectiveness of instructional strategies
    • Annalisa Miner
      Using data is so crucial in knowing what our students need. I can see where being knew to teaching on-line I will have a lot to learn about effectively using data to evauluate my on-line courses!
    • misti linn
      It makes sense that we continually use data to assess our effectiveness. This is the criteria we hold ourselves to in the face-to-face classroom, so it makes sense that data is used to show results in the online environment. Just because we like using technology, doesn't mean students are learning.
  • Demonstrates techniques for dealing with issues arising from inappropriate student technological use
    • anonymous
      This was not something we prepared for in my Math Methods class, circa 1986. The PC had been invented, but barely.
    • Carol Price
      #8: Rather than dealing with "issues arising from inappropriate student technological use," this standard should encourage a proactive approach with prevention as the focus. Clearly defined expectations of how students will handle the equipment to using online resources should be established as part of the instructional protocol.
    • Katie Gavin
      Website specific to Iowa Online Teaching Standards, important for accountability and consistent communication about what quality teaching looks like no matter what the platform!
  • Demonstrates growth in technology kno
    • Lori Beltran
      As educators, we need to stay ahead of the game, we must stay current with emerging technologies, but I don't think all schools are requiring teachers to stay current in technology and use technology with their students and their learning.
    • Lylia Chaffin
      Staying current in online technology and face to face methods plus the curriculum is a daunting task, but most teachers are meeting the challenges.
    • Staci Mangrich
      I agree that teachers need to be required to stay up to date with the ever changing technology. It is the method that our students love and are engaged in.
    • Peggy Keegan
      As educators, we do need to stay current with emerging technologies because our students are using every new thing they can get their hands on. We need to be comfortable and familliar with these technologies so we can help students learn in the way they know best.
  • emonstrates ethical conduct as defined by state law and local policies or procedures (ITS 8.a, ITS 8.b)
    • Katie Gavin
      Standard 8 a is critical, I find that too often many don't think about the consequences of their on-line behavior and we are not always doing a great job of teaching ethics with students.  
  • Promotes learning through online collaboration group work that is goal-oriented and focused (SREB C.5, Varvel V.I)
    • Jackie Fober
      Promoting opportunities to collaborate and support each other is so important in PBIS implementation. Learning and incorporating my new skills in Ollie will be critical in order to align with Iowa Teaching Standards and utilize web 2.0 tools to enhance adult learning.
  • goal-oriented and focu
  • goal-oriented and focused
  • goal-oriented and focused
  • student self-assessment and pre-assessment within courses
    • Lisa Wymore
      Providing oportunities and tools to support metacognition are key to motivation and learning.
    • Christine Quisley
      There can not just be one type of online strategy used. We must use the tools appropratly and efficently. When I plan professional development I try very hard to meet the needs of my learners no matter what my comfort level may be, of course the more I try new facilation techniques the better I get at using them. I think technology strategies and techniques should not be any different.
    • marcia knupp
      I couldn't agree more that we need to meet the students where they are and take them to where they need to be. I would say that the participants that are more advanced in technology will be the ones who keep me awake at night trying to meet their needs.
    • Christine Quisley
      Exactly! We must make clear what we will and will not except as appropriate pieces of social interaction. Posting "I agree" is sometimes appropriate and sometimes not.
  • Creates or selects multiple assessment instruments that are appropriate for online learning
    • Sherry Huffman
      This standard is of particular interest to me considering the content we are focusing on for this class-- it is a CONVERSATIONAL model. So, I am still thinking through the best way to assess my participant's progress with the model using technology.
  • learning outcomes and expectations
    • Sherry Huffman
      I need to continuously refer back to this one. What is the PURPOSE? What is the INTENDED LEARNING? Not, what cool stuff can I put online for my class...
    • Chris Mangrich
      This is a reminder for me as well! I get excited about new tools and resources and sometimes forge ahead with using them BEFORE I consider what I want students to learn. I need to put that in "reverse"!
    • Cathy DeValk
      So important that students and educators are on the same page--meeting expectations on both ends.
    • Janet Boyd
      Expected learning goals need to be the driving force when we design a course.
  • the professional teaching standards established by a state-licensing agency, or has the academic credentials in the field in which he or she is teaching (SREB A.1, Varvel II.A)
    • misti linn
      it makes sense that someone should have teaching credentials, I know this may sounds silly, but everything on the web cannot be trusted as true or credible, so should the person teaching the content have to prove or display their credentials somewhere?
  • Creates a safe environment, managing conflict
    • misti linn
      I would hope that conflict could be kept to a minimum, but I suppose with some content or student groups, conflict could crop up. I could see this potentially happening with high school or college students, even though I don't think that other groups could be immune to it.
  • Establishes standards for student behavior that are designed to ensure academic integrity and appropriate use of the internet and written communication
    • misti linn
      this is a must for 8th grade students who need to know how to use the Internet appropriately. i would hate to see students bully eachother in an on line environment that is supposed to be purely academic, not like facebook which is social
    • Staci Mangrich
      All students need to know the expectations and be taught appropriate netiquette.
    • jendittmer
      I believe that this should be explicitly taught to all students.  I think that often times teachers think that students know what is appropriate and what is not, but I am not so sure that is the case.   
    • Carol Price
      #7: This is a very appropriate standard because teachers who teach online will have first been students themselves.
  • Has experienced online learning from the perspective of a student (SREB F.1, Varvel II.E)
  • Has knowledge of and informs student of their rights to privacy and the conditions under which their work may be shared with others (SRE
    • Carol Price
      #8: I wonder why no one selected this standard. One cannot enter a doctor's office today without being informed of one's privacy rights. It seems appropriate that an online teacher includes privacy rights and regulations in instructional content.
  • 5. Creates and implements a variety of assessments that meet course learning goals and provide data to improve student progress and course instruction (ITS 5)
    • Janell Wright
      These seem to be a good hallmark for all instruction whether online or face-to-face
  • inappropriate student technological use
    • Janell Wright
      With the rise of cyberbullying, I think that this becomes especially important. Instructors must find a way to ensure this is not happening with their students.
  • students with special needs or whom are language learners
    • Janell Wright
      I think in some instances this could pose a real challenge. Not seeing students face-to-face could add to the challenges for these online learners with special needs.
  • Communicates assessment criteria and standards to students
    • Peggy Keegan
      Communication is key when letting stduents know what your expectations are of them.
    • Janet Boyd
      Essential to student learning and monitoring student progress. Vital for formative assessment.
  • in order to stay current with emerging technologies
    • Mary Blaisdell
      This is a tricky one. Who can keep up with the seemingly endless new technology tools? It's an important thing, though, to keep trying because new and better tools keep rolling in for us to possibly do our jobs even better with students.
  • Tailors instruction to meet the different needs of students, including different learning styles, different interests and backgrounds,
    • Mary Blaisdell
      I am beginning to get the picture that online instruction is one way we can do just the various needs of students. We are better able to differentiate because of the multitude of resources at our fingertips.
    • Janet Boyd
      It is important to select online sources that align and enhance the Iowa Core.
  • Selects and understands how to evaluate learning materials and resources that align with the context and enhance learning
  • Aligns assessment with course objectives
    • Janet Boyd
      Assessment is a big concern for me. It is so key to the learning. I just watched a TED video on online education by Daphne Koller called: What we're learning from online education. The have these huge online courses where they use peer assessments. Interesting if you have time to watch.
  • Has knowledge of learning theory appropriate to online learning, which may include (but is not limited to) age and ability level, multiple intelligences, didactic conversation, student developmental influences, constructivism, behaviorism, cognitivism, connectivism, and group theory (Varvel V.A)
  • 4Understands the differences between teaching online and teaching face-to-face (SREB C.1, Varvel V)
  • 4Understands the differences between teaching online and teaching face-to-face (SREB C.1, Varvel V) • 1Has knowledge of learning theory appropriate to online learning, which may include (but is not limited to) age and ability level, multiple intelligences, didactic conversation, student developmental influences, constructivism, behaviorism, cognitivism, connectivism, and group theory (Varvel V.A) • 1Tailors instruction to meet the different needs of students, including different learning styles, different interests and backgrounds, and 1
  • Understands the differences between teaching online and teaching face-to-face (SREB C.1, Varvel V) • 1 Has knowledge of learning theory appropriate to online learning, which may include (but is not limited to) age and ability level, multiple intelligences, didactic conversation, student developmental influences, constructivism, behaviorism, cognitivism, connectivism, and group theory (Varvel V.A)
    • barb jens
      After having been on online student and now an instructor, you really have to learn how to teach differently. It seems that while you are planning a class you have to predict all of the possible instructions that a variety of learners may not understand. Since you do not have immediate feedback as you would with face-to-face instruction, you really have to be more deliberate. You also have to be checking your class to see how you need to differentiate to meet their needs.
  • Understands the differences between teaching online and teaching face-to-face (SREB C.1, Varvel V)
  • 1 Has knowledge of learning theory appropriate to online learning, which may include (but is not limited to) age and ability level, multiple intelligences, didactic conversation, student developmental influences, constructivism, behaviorism, cognitivism, connectivism, and group theory (Varvel V.A)
  • Understands the differences between teaching online and teaching face-to-face
    • denise carlson
      Certainly and important bullet point! However, from personal experience, I would say this happens over time. The more online learning/teaching experiences you have provide you with clarity regarding the differences in these two teaching venues. I think I learned as much about great and not-so-great online teaching from my experience as an online learner as I did from my few experiences as an online instructor. 
  • Continuously uses data to evaluate the accuracy and effectiveness of instructional strategies (SREB J.7, ITS 1.c)
    • russelljohanna
      I think it is an important point that quality teaching, even online, requires the teacher to respond to data. A course cannot just be packaged. Quality teaching using data and FAs is the expectation. 
  • corporates social aspects into the teaching and learning process, creating a community of learners (ITS 6)
    • russelljohanna
      Another important point, for me, is how important it is to create a community of learners. Students need to know each other, even if it is online. Quality learning doesn't happen in isolation because feedback challenges our assumptions.
    This seems to be exactly what we are trying to do.
  • ...7 more comments...
    Online Iowa Teaching Standards
    I feel this is especially important as many or my students have much more experience with learning on-line than I do. They may not have taken a course of study this way yet, but they are more familiar with gathering information with this medium than I have.
    I am very glad that I am taking a moodle course online before I am having my students do this because it allows me to see the stumbling blocks as well as the potential for expanded learning.
    I am learning so much about what I thought I knew about online learning and how it's actually occurring. I appreciate the fact that I can access prior assignments, information and tutorials to refresh and clarify my learning.
    online teaching standards
    There is a delicate balance of what tools to use and how to utilize them so all students can achieve. It is important to use tools that help students further investigate and gain a deeper knowledge of the subject.
    I can so relate to this standard whenever i am navigating the waters of change. It is always exciting to entertain new ideas and to learn about different approaches, but such is not without a bit of stress. Recognizing that transitions aren't always clean or easy helps me move forward.
    online teaching standards
    Learning needs to be continuous and with variety. A teacher needs to experience what it is like to be a student periodically to continue developing and renewing the skill of empathy.
Heather Whitman

Screencasting - Kathy Schrock's Guide to Everything - 1 views

    This is an excellent source on ways to integrate screencasting and how to assess it as well.

Five Steps to Creating Effective Screencasts - 0 views

    Resource for producing screencasts.
keri bass

Screencasting : Teaching Resources : Center for Teaching and Learning : University of V... - 1 views

    This is a nice resource for comparing screencasting tools and ideas on using screencasts in education.

Screencasting to Engage Learning (EDUCAUSE Review) | - 0 views

    Read this article to see why screencasting can be beneficial to students.

Education World: Tech in the Classroom: Screencast-O-Matic - 2 views

    A review of Screencast-O-Matic for use in the classroom
keri bass Blog - 2 views

shared by keri bass on 19 Jan 11 - Cached
    This is a great site for getting screencasting tips
Deborah Cleveland

Screen Recorder | Screencast-O-Matic - Free online screen recorder for instant screen c... - 0 views

    Allows up to 15 minutes of recorded video and allows you to embed a webcam image in your screencast.

Help Tutorials - 0 views

    Tutorials for using Screencast-o-matic.

Implementation in a Secondary Classroom (Articles) - 2 views

  • At the end of the project they can choose how they will present their findings.
    • Kristina Dvorak
      In my classroom, this might be allowing students to choose themes or subjects for their final projects while using the techniques we are studying.  
    • alissahansen
      I find that the possibilities are endless in the English classroom as well. I use RAFTs often where students choose the role of themselves as the writer, their audience, the format of the writing, and the topic, and they excel with this. With English, work is not just organized around a work of literature, it's really much more about what is gained through that exposure to said literature. This really helps makes giving choices possible in this type of environment. It is hard to give much choice when students need to be able to write a research paper in MLA format, however. They do have the opportunity to choose a topic, resources (I give them some, but do not force them to use the ones I provide because they are pretty knowledgeable when it comes to tech resources). The research paper is probably the most difficult unit for students and I think it is because it is so rigid of an assignment. I would love to offer more choice with this, but I am not sure if that would be possible. Choice in my classroom relates to learner interest as well. I always make sure to offer options that appeal to all, whether it is acting out a scene, writing an alternative ending, creating a Facebook account for a character, a podcast, writing a blog, or creating a comic book storyboard. 
  • It is a messier way to teach, though it takes more organization on the teacher’s part, not less. You really have to be on top of things to allow the students choice since now there is more than one “right” way of doing something in the classroom. And Julie Ison (the team’s mathematics teacher) adds, “You have to have a principal who understands that when he walks into a roo
    • Kristina Dvorak
      This is very true.  As I attempt to make sense of this for my classroom, I am realizing the amount of prep work that is involved.  I realized I can continue to develop the resources that I make available to students, but I want it to be meaty to begin with.  
    • edamisch
      I am often overwhelmed by the amount of resources there are for Spanish since there are 20+ Spanish speaking countries.  It is often difficult to know where to start since I write my own curriculum. 
    • bleza66
      This is also true in the special education environment. Each student is working individually on the subject they need assistance with or on an IEP goal area. It is often difficult for people who are not familiar with what we do to see what we are working towards. 
  • The classroom is more disorganized, with one student working one way, another a different way—you get the picture.
    • Kristina Dvorak
      This quote really spoke to me.  This is often what an art room looks like.  To a degree it is already personalized, but it can be more personal for the students.  That is my goal. It is funny because so many times administrators assume I can do more because I 'just' give my students a project and they work on it all week, so of course I must have all kinds of time.  But really the classroom is constantly in motion, I just don't stand at the front and direct all the motion.  It really does take an understanding administrator for this to work well.  
    • Lisa Hackman
      This spoke to me as well. Working in an alternative education environment, I may have 10 students working on 10 different classes at any one time. Some may be working on-line while others are working out of a text book. Others may be in the hallway doing some fitness activities and still others curled up in a comfy chair reading a book. I, in the meantime, am usually traveling from student to student providing assistance. There is never a dull moment, that is for sure! And yes, an understanding and supportive administration is KEY!!
    • ksteffener
      What is normal to the spider is chaos to the fly. That is how I view my job! I love when administration walks in shakes their head and leave!
  • ...51 more annotations...
  • They’ll have to post a couple of responses—and post a couple of responses to responses— as part of the class. That’s going to get them trading ideas about the literature we read in class
    • Kristina Dvorak
      This whole quote reminds me of the importance of critique. Implementing this method of teaching really makes critique even more important.  It also allows students to learn from each other and explore ideas and techniques even deeper.   
    • bleza66
      I really like this idea because it allows deeper thought and more meaningful conversations to happen. I can see where this would lead to larger conversations with students and the class as a whole. 
  • Coach Debbie Camp remembers with a chuckle what most of the kids said—they loved doing it because it was a break from math!
    • lisalillian311
      Amazing comment from the students!  They didn't even know they were learning!
  • choices that promote feelings of control, purpose, and competence are likely to be more motivating than choices that do not.
    • lisalillian311
      What if a student doubts his choice to the point of frustration?  How can the student be redirected to make a confident choice that will turn into a learning experience? As the teacher, I would be afraid to over-assist a student with choices, if that student is not confident in their learning.
    • alissahansen
      I agree! I think students need to learn how they work best and to make choices based on that. I think this is hard for some of the students that I work with. It can be difficult when students just are not used to being given choice, then all of a sudden they are asked to choose what is best for them... I think there are some that will struggle(successfully and  otherwise) and some will be even resistant to the choices offered, but students will learn how to make choices that best suit them. It just takes time. We cannot just expect them to make the best choices right away. (Alissa Hansen)
  • “without deep and flexible understanding of content, teachers are handicapped in the critical task of helping diverse students find points of access to the school curriculum”
    • lisalillian311
      As teachers need more depth of knowledge in their respective subjects, I would think that universities would begin requiring more courses to "cover" everything in a given subject.
  • A sense of competence
  • sense
    • lisalillian311
      I especially like "competence" as a part of this formula.  Students need to feel like they know how to learn and learn how to know.
    • spfantz
      Teaching meta-cognition is a life-long skill they will use forever.
  • Not anymore. Now she says, “One of you needs to move. You decide.” It is less stressful to her and focuses the students on what they need to do to regain control.
    • Lisa Hackman
      I love using this technique when students aren't being productive when sitting together. I'm all about giving students choices and then they learn they have to deal with the consequences of their choices. I've had students ask me if they can leave early. I always tell them, "It's your choice, but be prepared to live with the consequences of not meeting attendance and progress goals."
    • marydermit
      I have use the you decide but I really like your answer to students about leaving early.  I am going to try it out this year.
    • bleza66
      I also use the "it's your choice" technique. It is important for student to take responsibility for their own actions and learn that sometimes the consequences of making that choice is not worth it. Real life learning at its best. 
    • ascallon
      I use this quite often also.  It puts students in control of consequences.  It's interesting to hear their reflections when graduation requirements aren't met.  Most take responsibility for not attending and getting work done.
    • ksteffener
      This sounds a lot like Love and Logic to me.
  • “One of the things I had to learn recently was to let go and allow the kids to experience the consequences of their choices.
    • Lisa Hackman
      I see this as my biggest struggle in the day-to-day happenings in my classroom. Many of my students have already failed based on the choices they have made in the past. They attend the alternative program as what some may consider a last chance. I feel like I'm not doing my job if I "let go and allow failure." I guess in my eyes, if they fail, I fail. My principal has told me numerous times over the years that there will come a time where you just have to let go.
    • katie50009
      Lisa--This is a struggle for me as well. The feeling of "if they fail, I fail" is something very real for educators because we care so deeply about our students. 
    • Lisa Hackman
      I oftentimes feel like we, as educators, care more about our students' education than the student does. It's an uphill battle I face every year...not with all of them, but there are always a few.
    • spfantz
      I understand allowing a student to fail, but it seems silly to allow a student to fail a core class because they were unable to problem solve or troubleshoot a technology issue. I think we need to evaluate what it is that we want students to come away with. Also, project based curriculum can often times be lengthy, so I would fear students we allow to fail could loose weeks of learning.
    • ksteffener
      I have heard the same thing and I really believe that because we take our job so personally- failure is not ok. I always try and focus on the success not the failure. You may have failed the class but you did this this and this right.
  • Choices like this honor divergent ways of thinking and, in doing so, help promote strong feelings of competence in students.
    • Lisa Hackman
      I enjoy seeing students come up with different ways to solve the same problem. For those that struggle, I try to model a few different techniques and then have them pick the technique that makes the most sense to them. Sometimes they come up with something totally different and I'm OK with that.
    • alissahansen
      I like the idea of having students pick a technique that makes most sense for them and that was modeled because if I see students struggle, it is usually because they just don't know where to start. Not every student will have that innate ability of taking the initiative. I know teaching freshmen that this is an area students really struggle with because they just don't trust themselves and moving forward can be paralytic because of it. (Alissa Hansen)
  • Photo Story
    • edamisch
      Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses - I usually let students choose how they want to present their information too.  Unless I'm trying to teach a specific skill such as how to create a strong power point presentation, where everyone would be required to create one. 
    • spfantz
      I would love to see the rubric aligned with standards and benchmarks to see how they reach goals through activities and through their culminating project.
  • give my students a choice:
    • edamisch
      For my 6th graders Spanish speaking country capital unit for example, I have four ways that they can choose from to study for the quiz - two technology based ( and a youtube video) and two more paper based - worksheets and flashcards.  This works well in case kids don't have internet at home. 
  • d the
  • The kids can choose any one of those methods as long as they follow a rubric that I created about what I am looking for.”
    • jenniferlb
      I love it when I have the opportunity to allow students to choose how they will demonstrate their learning. We use one common rubric to suit multiple ways they present their information. I have found, however, that sometimes when students have freedom to choose, some are resistant to it.  Some want a specific, step-by-step set of instructions or blanks to "fill in" and having freedom to choose how they present their learning makes some uncomfortable. I find that interesting!
    • moodyh
      It is great when students have an opportunity to present in their own ways, but I find my students struggle with it.  I give them the opportunity to present their final financial literacy project any way they want, but most of them just wrote me a paper that covered what the rubric asked for.  I think students will need as much training as teachers to get used to individualized learning
  • Giving choice is about empowering students. It makes them feel that they are part of the process, not powerless; that’s the kind of feeling that motivates everyone.”
    • alissahansen
      This quote really speaks to me because it holds so much truth! It's amazing how much psychology goes into teaching! That said, choice, motivation and empowerment all go hand-in-hand. Students do so much better when they can own something (well most of the time), and when they have the opportunity to choose how they will represent their understanding to you, it also shows that you as their teacher, trust them to make that decision and I think students respond well to this. Now, sometimes students will take what they perceive as the easier approach, but they learn the consequences pretty quick. And this extends not just to those choices relating to academics, but behavior as well. I work with freshmen, who are still trying to figure out what it means to not be an eighth grader anymore, and I have found that  when it comes to discipline, giving them a choice allows them to hold themselves accountable and establishes trust. I have used, "who is going to move to a more productive place in the classroom?" often, and I have not had a situation yet where one of the students didn't make that choice. The system works for toddlers too! (Alissa Hansen)
    • marydermit
      Giving students choice builds a trust relationship that is so important.
    • ascallon
      One of my favorites is the closer to graduating, usually the closer the student sits to my desk or me.  The 1:1 time helps them get done faster.  
    • ksteffener
      I think getting at risk students to trust me as a teacher is the toughest thing I do. I need them to believe that I will move every obstacle I can.
  • 2. Use the technology you have.
    • jenniferlb
      I find this "lesson" interesting as I would think that to have a successful PLE 1:1 technology would be necessary. This allows me to think that personalized learning could become a part of traditional classrooms sooner than later!
  • ound of Kahoot
    • alissahansen
      This is my favorite discovery by far and students LOVE IT! It is a great way to review content with a program that has gaming qualities and offers a sense of healthy competition. Students can use phones, desktop computers or laptops to gain access to the interactive program and I will say that once you do it once, students will ask for it daily. You can even quiz students using the program and it will compile the data for you so you can enter in scores if you wanted to. I highly recommend it to all educators. It is a valuable resource, and it is free! (Alissa Hansen).
    • moodyh
      I love Kahoot too as a whole class assessment.  Another great (and free) resource is quizizz.  It is similar to Kahoot except that students can go through and take the quiz at their own pace instead of it being a race to see who can answer each question first.  It still compiles the data for you, but gives the students a little more privacy.
  • in a typical story unit, they can choose between just reading, and reading along as they listen to a story. They can also decide whether to annotate online or on a printed copy. They can take notes on paper or record their thoughts verbally as they analyze the story.
    • edamisch
      These choices are awesome!  Underlining and writing notes in the margins online is way different than on paper!  
    • katie50009
      I like these ideas as well. So simple and yet it gives choice to students. I like real, specific ideas to begin the implementation of PL--actually, I feel like I was not as far behind on giving PL a try because I am using strategies such as these. Feels like a postiive boost!
  • Choose the best content delivery method.
    • alissahansen
      I love utilizing technology ( is a site I visit often), but I sometimes struggle because there is just so much out there. I do a lot of playing around with different programs and resources before introducing them to students, but I do feel overwhelmed by it all at times and I am sure students feel the same way. I think this is a very important statement because with the wealth of information/tools out there, students should have the opportunity and be able to decide what is going to work best for them and teachers need to make decisions about the best tech tools to get them there. This is easier said than done as every summer I have about 100 new tech ideas to incorporate and feel there is no time to do it about cognitive overload! (Alissa Hansen)
  • skip forward, pause or rewind as needed until they get the lesson.
    • edamisch
      Great features 
    • marydermit
       I want try short videos with pharmacy tech students as an  choice to reinforce some of the key concepts with math applications.  Those that need to review can and those who have it can move on.
  • Kahoot,
    • edamisch
      This is big in my building. (middle school) 
    • marydermit
      I used it this past year to review drug classifications with pharmacy tech students. They loved it.  I want to add more units this year.
  • AP students would each have produced their own 10-page research paper.
    • edamisch
      Personally, I'm glad I had to write two 10 page papers on the topic of my choice for AP College English my senior year of high school, since papers of that length were the norm as a Spanish/Art/Education major in college.  It was good preparation.  
    • juliefulton
      I agree, we do not want to 'cheat' our students from learning and practicing valuable skills needed for success in college and/or their careers.
    • spfantz
      This would be a huge undertaking for some of my students. I wonder what types of supports and assistance is offered to students who need help.
  • use their fantasy football stats during class
    • edamisch
      cool idea! 
  • encourage you.
    • edamisch
      The above reminds me of the example "Day in the Life" assignment.  The depth of this cross curricular unit is great, but what about breadth?  Would everything be covered?  This is a concern of mine with time consuming projects.  
  • Imagine that you are a student at Tidewater High School, a fictitious comprehensive American high school that is organized into small learning communities.
    • alissahansen
      This a great resource for developing a personal plan and establishes a useful blueprint so one can see what a truly personalized learning environment would look like for: the student, teacher, administrator and even a parent! This is a resource I am going to use for my personalized plan. I especially like the breakdown from the student's experience, the purpose, what the structure of the class content would look like, assessment, and there is a useful checklist that once could use to assess yourself on implementation. (Alissa Hansen)
  • I feel that I am on this blended learning journey with them, and I truly believe it has made us all more engaged in our work and more focused learners.
    • jenniferlb
      These final sentences really sum up what I would love to be able to say about the work that I someday hope to do!
    • emilyzelenovich
      I agree completely. I want to know that students find value in meaning in the work we do in my class, and I want to know that I have helped prepare them for the world after high school. 
  • Students do not always need to work at their desks. For example, one teacher noticed students were getting restless during independent reading in class. They became more motivated and less fidgety when the teacher allowed them to find a comfortable place to read. Some students chose to remain at their desks, others crawled under the desks, and still others found comfortable places elsewhere. Even simple choices like this can give students a meaningful sense of control.
  • Students
    • jenniferlb
      Depending on the unit of study, the students in my 9th and 10th grade English classes are given regular reading days to enjoy the novels they are reading.  I love it when they ask to move around the room to get comfortable to read.  When they're given the choice of where to read, I agree that it does give them a "meaningful sense of control."
  • even in small ways, of their own education.
    • katie50009
      The phrase "even in small ways" really caught mu attention. Instead of focusing on what we can't do and can't change, I need to focus on baby steps of implementing change, one step and one student at a time. Over time it will become more natural for the teacher and student to change the traditional roles of schools and really become engaged in learning.
  • t is the purposeful design of instruction to combine face-to-face teaching, technology-assisted instruction and collaboration to leverage each student’s learning style and interests for deeper learning. When done right, it meets several of the ISTE Standards for Students and Teachers while leading to a more rigorous, challenging, engaging and thought-provoking curriculum.
    • katie50009
      I think some of the hesitation for teachers to work more fully in a PL modeled is the issue of rigor. Are students really challenging themselves? Am I giving them enough guidance and feedback to take their learning to the next level? How will I know for sure?
    • spfantz
      I agree, it would be difficult to gauge or measure how rigorous, challenging, and engaging each students' personalized path is for them.
  • When asked to explain the “why” behind my choices during professional learning sessions, I realized there was more to creating blended lessons than simply adding technology. Today I carefully construct my units with specific learning goals that drive the method of delivery and learning activities.
    • katie50009
      These statements really help me see how, as a coach, the conversations I have with teachers, and the reflections that follow, will be key to implementing PL successfully.
  • My students’ input and further pedagogical study helped me refine my lesson planning until I got it right.
    • juliefulton
      It is very important that we model for our students taking risks, asking for feedback, refine for improvement, and continually grow as individuals and professionals!
  • Now they have access to the full unit from the beginning, so they can gauge their own pacing and get practice in time management.
    • juliefulton
      Students are learning content and life skills but teacher organization of the course is important to maximize learning. If a student is confused by having access to all the course at once, they may be overwhelmed if the necessary componets are not clearly identified.
  • allowing students to pick one or two friends they would like to work with
  • Certainly, giving choice to students often means that teachers need to allow students to make their own decisions, and it can be difficult to give up this control.
    • juliefulton
      ...and teachers need to be open-minded to answers that are not right/wrong. Perhaps 'what-if' dialogues are right.
  • generally made every mistake you can imagine
  • “We have all these different methods of how kids can present the project,
    • ascallon
      My concern is how to get students to do quality projects.  Some of the things I receive are so low quality. What do I do to get the students to do more work?
  • ‘Okay. Here’s a list of choices. Choose one. As long as you follow the steps in my rubric, you’re fine.’”
    • ascallon
      This is how I set up projects, but get cut and paste type projects.  I would like ideas to get students to stretch their horizons.
  • technology failures
    • ascallon
      Technology failures get me frustrated.  The students help me so much, but I feel like a failure when I can't help them or when the technology doesn't work as planned.
    • ksteffener
      this is the single biggest roadblock I face. As a rural school we are without internet at least once a week
  • access on their own phones
    • ascallon
      Students use their own phones for research and project.  I haven't opened up to computers/tables yet.  Hopefully we will have 1:1 computers for the classroom this year.   I'm interested to see how this will change research and projects for students.  Hoping for higher level thinking skills!
  • Giving students a short list of topics with an option to create their own topic, with the teacher’s approval, often works well.
    • ascallon
      I do this with World History projects and end up copied text from a website or a PowerPoint with just the facts.  I would love some strategies to get students to think beyond the facts and cut and paste.
  • When activities require students to work in groups
    • ascallon
      A student frustration has been when the group members don't show for class.  We've tried to debate speeches and members don't show to prepare or present.  It's frustrating for the students.
    • spfantz
      I feel that if student interest drives the group dynamics, students won't feel socially pressured to group with their friends.
    • ksteffener
      This one is tough because we all have to work with different types of people and its a skill that students are lacking. I try and put groups together based on a lot of factors but knowing the students is the key to success
    • spfantz
      I have not heard of Photo Story or vodcasts, I'd like to learn more.
  • actionable feedback
    • spfantz
      I like these suggestions for quick feedback and redirection for the class.
  • t combats the dea
    • spfantz
      I'm not sure I'm following this statement. It seems profound but I'm not sure I understand the rationalization.
  • Okay, you’ve done this project. Show us what you’ve learned,’ and there we offer the kids choices. We might say to them, for instance, if you establish a future city on the moon, how would you prevent all these environmental problems on the moon that we have had on earth?
    • ksteffener
      I have found that sometimes students are overwhelmed by choices so this is where the personalization part comes into play. I want to give them choices based on what is best for them not me as the teacher.
  • he screencasts, which I create with Zaption, Screencast-o-matic and Video Ant, are better than PowerPoints because students can hear my voice instead of clicking through a silent slide deck. A
    • ksteffener
      This would be awesome for students with social anxiety who cannot stand in front of the room and give a presentation
  • “Your class is easy. I don’t mean simple — I mean it is easy for me to learn because I can pick assignments that let me do my best work.”
    • ksteffener
      this is a common misinterpretation. students feel like it is easy because they get it, not easy because its not rigourous
    • ksteffener
      This is the toughest part of working with at risk students. When a student isn't successful it takes a lot to motivate them and even if they are motivated they may not want to look like that to their peers.
    • ksteffener
      this is awesome. I would love to print this and hand it out!

Implementation in a Secondary Classroom (Articles) - 0 views

  • “We have all these different methods of how kids can present the project, for example, through Photo Story, xtra normal (an animation site where kids create their own animations), PowerPoints, vodcasts, podcasts.
    • kelsi-johnson
      My biggest struggle with this is the lack of technology knowledge that my students possess. This type of learning would definitely have to begin and be supported at lower levels of education in order to find success at the secondary level. My students know how to use technology for social means but have very little experience with academic applications and websites. We struggle with giving them individual learning opportunities because of the excessive amount of time we have to spend explaining how to use these resources rather than actually applying/demonstrating their learning.
    • anonymous
      I agree with your comment completely. I would love to give individuals the opportunity to create their final project in multiple formats. Unfortunately, it requires both them and me to be well versed on each of the options. The individuals I teach are so afraid to hit the wrong button, time constraints and lack of experience play a huge role as to what I can offer for options within the classroom.
  • For example, when a teacher assigns a research project, some students will prefer to have a broad range of topics, others will prefer a small list of options, and yet others will prefer to be told what to do. Giving students a short list of topics with an option to create their own topic, with the teacher’s approval, often works well.
    • kelsi-johnson
      I definitely find this to be true in my own classroom. I have some students who can come up with great, original applications and products to demonstrate their learning. However, I have others who would simply choose to do nothing or throw a project together last minute if it is not clearly laid out for them. I want to strive to be better about fostering a sense of independence in my students' learning and not simply spoon-feed them all of the information that they need. Ultimately, this is going to allow them to be the most successful after leaving school. Now, I just need to figure out the best way to do that!
  • Some students chose to remain at their desks, others crawled under the desks, and still others found comfortable places elsewhere.
    • kelsi-johnson
      I give my students this choice at all times; I have tables, chairs, bean bags, a couch, and two cushioned chairs in my classroom. I don't care if students sit at these locations or even on the floor (though under a desk may not be the best choice!) as long as they are working productively. Most classes want to continue to have this privilege, so they are typically very respectful of our classroom-established norms for behavior.
  • ...12 more annotations...
  • Once teachers have planned their methods and strategies, they can fit their work into a timeline. Because the design is flexible and students are responsible for taking charge of their own learning, coverage of the content is ensured and depth of understanding is achieved
    • kelsi-johnson
      I would like to see an example of such a timeline for a secondary English classroom. I understand the concept but would love to see it in full application to gauge how I can make this work in my own classroom. It seems like a good idea to also have students keep some sort of reflective journal tracking their progress as well. This can be beneficial for the student and the teacher in guiding/creating future tasks.
  • The screencasts, which I create with Zaption, Screencast-o-matic and Video Ant,
    • kelsi-johnson
      It seems like this type of learning would require a lot of technology support for both teachers and students; technology courses and/or training would be really helpful for all involved in the personalized learning process.
  • “One of the things I had to learn recently was to let go and allow the kids to experience the consequences of their choices. And maybe there’s a failure.
    • Megan Schulte
      This is something I'm struggling with, particularly with my group of middle schoolers.  They're really good at "looking busy" but then I discover they really aren't.  I think this is something that easier to fix at the beginning of the year when they don't know any different than it would be at this point in the school year.  Will this ever be fixed 100%?  I would say frequent checkins or ways for them to demonstrate their progress/learning.  Just something I keep thinking about...
  • They’ll have to post a couple of responses—and post a couple of responses to responses— as part of the class. That’s going to get them trading ideas about the literature we read in class.”
    • Megan Schulte
      ELA info!!!  Yeah!  I was wondering if this would be an appropriate activity to use for the speaking and listening standards or do those have to be assessed in an actual vocal conversation?  They'd be responding and building upon others' ideas?  But I wasn't sure if this would be one way to do that?
  • But I was simply using technology in place of my normal face-to-face teaching. When asked to explain the “why” behind my choices during professional learning sessions, I realized there was more to creating blended lessons than simply adding technology.
    • Megan Schulte
      This is where I'm at with implementing PL (or more specifically, blended learning).  While this may help students learn at their own pace, it doesn't really help differentiate much else.  We have to start somewhere.
  • 5. Assess as you go.
    • Megan Schulte
      This is a huge part of our professional development this year, but the ELA teachers are having a hard time managing the formative assessments because it's not easy to assess ELA in multiple choice questions.  We're finding a few resources that help with question stems for DOK levels and Bloom's but it's not as easy for us as it may be for science or math.  We're getting there though...there's a light at the end of the tunnel at least.
  • Low motivation does not need to be a recurring problem in the classroom.
    • Megan Schulte
      I'm nervous about this aspect, but I feel the more blended or PL that they've experienced the better it will be.  Think back to when we first started using Google Docs and all the explicit instruction we had to do to create and share a simple document, and now the kids know more than I do.  I feel this is where PL will go.  The more this type of learning is the norm, the less they'll question or resist it.
  • Teachers must identify the big ideas in their content area, establish essential questions to guide the students toward these ideas, determine what students will need to know and be able to do to thoroughly understand the ideas, then create appropriate tools to assess whether the students are learning what they need to know. Classroom assessments for personalized teaching are always varied, ongoing, and carefully designed to give the teacher useful information from multiple perspectives. Collectively, the measures provide feedback on where students still have misconceptions, where they are learning and applying skills, and where they are recalling and using information effectively.
    • Megan Schulte
      This is right where we are as a department, so I feel it's natural to implement some PL (blended).  Start small where it makes sense and build as you can; that's the only way to do this successfully.
  • Units of study in each learning community are planned around the “big ideas” in each subject area and often have interdisciplinary ramifications.
  • Once they feel ready, they can submit their analysis by writing a traditional essay, creating a website, or writing a script for a video that they then record.
    • anonymous
      I like what this says about how writing does not always need to be in essay form. I also like how the writer points out that there are several ways students can express what they have learned. My main question is: when do students "feel they are ready?" Eventually, grades are due, how does one motivate those who are not just paced slowly.
  • The more meaningful an activity is to the person engaging in it, the more likely he or she will be motivated to continue doing it. A sense of purposefulness or meaningfulness is also heightened if the activity strengthens relationships with others.
    • anonymous
      I have always encouraged the kids to ask why they are to do some task. They now are sure to ask how their [writing] task will apply to them later. I tell them the practical application of analysis or persuasion. Sometimes it is just an extension to high school or college, other times it is a real life application. Either way, I think making the project relevant and purposeful gives them more of a buy in.
  • Almost all teachers find it emotionally fulfilling and personally energizing when students begin to succeed, especially where they have previously failed.
    • anonymous
      Personalized learning also helps the student take control of their learning. I think they also feel pride when they succeed in areas they have previously failed. 

(58) The Easiest Way to Record your iPhone and iPad Screen 2018 - YouTube - 1 views

    Quick video tutorial on using the screencasting tool for iOS 11+ ~K Roberts
Ami Leath

TechSmith | Jing, instant screenshots and screencasts, home - 4 views

    Create images and videos of what you see on your computer screen and share with others quickly.
    I've used Jing before for multiple projects and find it very user friendly. The only drawback is the length of time you have for a screencast. Five minutes goes pretty quickly!
rcordes1961 - 1 views

    By TechSmith
Deanna Etherington

Jing Learning Center - 0 views

    This site has several Jing tutorials. In addition to handouts, there's also video tutorials and "hands-on" walkthroughs.
    Looks like a helpful site if you wish to learn how to use Jing.

Using Jing for Educators - 0 views

  • Click on the following link to learn about Jing: up for Jing @http://www.jingproject.comView video tutorials @ Help Center
    • gfrolekclark
      This will get you started if you aren't familar with what Jing can do.
    • gfrolekclark
      This is only a few. It also works with Flickr, Prezi, Skype, etc.
  • What can teachers do with Jing?Create a tutorials for working with new technologies. Demonstrate how to access your class delicious bookmarks, log-in to your class wiki, ning or blog, and how to fill out a Google Docs form you’ve created.Create screencasts to publish student work. Copy to your class website.Create a lesson about Internet safety. Have students show examples of their own “safe” internet practices.…more for teachers.Demonstrate how to edit writing.Model a “think aloud” reading technique.Show parents how to use a class website, how to read a test report, or how to access student grades.Add voice to class photos to share classroom activities on your class website.

Screencasting Tools for Tech Support | Cool Tools | School Library Journal - 4 views

    Great tools and free!
  • ...1 more comment...
    I've used Screen-cast-o-matic and really liked it. I'm wondering...has anyone used the AirServer that allows you to mirror your mobile device to a screen? Good? Other Options? Thanks!
    Deborah, Although I do not have any experience with AirServer, I can suggest another option. I use Reflector for wireless mirroring and have no complaints. (
    Thanks Kathy! I actually had reflector on my old device, but when I upgraded it disappeared and I couldn't remember the name. You saved me:)

7 Classroom Screencasting Activities | Screencastify Screen Recorder for Chrome - 0 views

    • cararinehart
      Use for differentiation in the classroom
  • video dubbing
    • cararinehart
      Video dubbing as another way to differentiate.
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