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ollie1sweetman: Iowa Online Teaching Standards - 0 views

  • • Has experienced online learning from the perspective of a student (SREB F.1, Varvel II.E)
    • Deb Henkes
      I think it is really important to have a variety of experiences with various online courses as a student before becoming an online teacher. That way you get a chance to see what works and also what doesn't. (I've taken some online courses that I've learned what NOT to do!) That way as online teachers we can really make the course an efficient learning experience for the student.
    • Denise Krefting
      In all of the teachers who I have worked with becoming online teachers- this is on that I absolutely require! I still take classes from a variety of teachers to see what works and glean other ideas as Deb mentioned.
    • Kelly Josephson
      Don't you think that gains such experiences will also allow online teachers to offer their students a variety of options and incorporate differentiation?
    • Andrea Accola-Sabin
      I have learned so much so far in this online class, that I will have a feeling of what my students are going through. With this being my first online class, I can experience the stress that students will experience with more schools going 1:1
    • Joe Doerges
      I have made it a requirement that a staff member needs to take a course like this before I will set them up as teacher on our Moodle server. That has not been well received, but I'm sticking to it! BTW, that is why I'm taking this class.
    • Rebecca Clausen
      This is only my second online class and it is very different from one I just finished. I am just now appreciating all the work and technologies that went into that class. We used the Angel system, Camtasia Studio, tests, reading assignments to download, and a live video meeting each week. However, there were no real community building forums or ways to contact other students. I am really appreciating the help I am getting through the Moodle forums as well has reading about how Moodle technology is already being used in school classrooms.
  • • Communicates with students effectively and consistently
    • Deb Henkes
      Communication with the students on a consistent basis is critical in an online course. It allows the class momentum to flow smoothly and often keeps problems or issues to a minimum by addressing them quickly before students become too frustrated.
    • gfrolekclark
      Agreed! If students become frustrated or can't have questions answered, you can lose them pretty quickly.
    • Andrea Accola-Sabin
      With the blended class that I had last year, I learned that most students did not get on to the computer to do homework until 10 pm or later. Being that I have a 45 minute drive in the morning to get to school I wanted to be in bed by 11 pm. Knowing that my students might need my assistance was troublesome to me, since most did not login until midnight. I told my students that I would probably not respond to work that was completed after 10:30 pm until the next day. Once the students knew this, the class ran smooth. We need to let the students know what are times are going to be to respond to questions!
    • Linda Root
      Communication between teacher and student is absolutely necessary for success in any classroom whether it be traditional classroom or an online course. But because feedback is not instantaneous in an online course, communication is even more crucial for longevity and success. The online instructor needs to be very specific about communication times, when they will be dealing with daily student questions, feedback and grading. As a new student to online learning, the one issue I struggle with is my preference to verbal dialogue rather than written communication. I need the immediate feedback that face to face or Skype provides.
  • Understands and uses course content that complies with intellectual property rights and fair use, and assists students in complying as well
    • Denise Krefting
      This is something that we do not model enough with our adult learners and students
    • Erin Siefken
      This has always been an area of concern for me, it goes back to when I worked in university extension education. I am often concerned about copyrights and how much of someone else's work we can legally use.
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  • Understands and uses data from assessments to guide instruction
    • Denise Krefting
      It is important that we use data to make decisions, but because of time, I find that we do not do this as much as we should. How can we make this easier?
    • Melinda Connon
      This is a very big challenge. Starting with lack of time, but also lack of statistical skills...starting with NCLB and the impossibility that we can have 100% of our students above the 40%-tile rank. There are requirements for using & interpreting statistics, like simple random sampling and comparing similar populations. In a small school, each grade is not the same population -- and I even saw that when I subbed in larger district as a new teacher.
  • • Knows the content of the subject to be taught and understands how to teach the content to students (SREB A.3, Varvel II.A, ITS 2.a)
    • Melinda Connon
      I was helping a colleague with an online statistics course this semester. The instructor did not know how to explain or help students other than telling them to reread the text or what she had already written. I did not see if they were using moodle or blackboard,
    • Ginny Kraus
      I agree that both (content and technology) knowledges need to be pretty sharp. Students are at all different parts of the spectrum on their own knowledge of the subject and need to have the resources from the instructor to help them succeed.
    • Jenny Rohrbeck
      I strongly agree that the instructor needs to know the content of the subject and also needs to know how to teach it as well as have adequate resources to do so. I believe the success of the students depends on the confidence and knowledge of the instructor. I took several online courses in college and without the resources from the instructor or without the instructor knowing how to navigate through the course I would have felt lost! I know several other students in the class that struggled but with a knowledgable instructor they were able to get back on track. I think this is something that can be hard even in face-to-face instruction!...I've had several teachers that weren't sure HOW to teach, while I've had others that were creative and found many ways! This is a vital part of the standards!
    • Andrea Accola-Sabin
      With students in our school going 1:1 next fall will help some of them. They will have more access to resources from the internet and the ability to access those resources. I also feel that the teacher needs to be available for the students to ask questions, when they still do not understand for the internet resources.
    • Aryn Kruse
      I taught a course using ISU's WebCT system and found that I was so busy troubleshooting the program with learners some days that the content was lost---I think this standard re-emphasizes that the point of using technology is to enhance content it's important to not let the technology usability get in the way of the content....
  • using appropriate visual web design techniques
    • Melinda Connon
      I noticed in Moodle yesterday that it does not lock proportions when you insert pictures. Coming from a family printing business and math teaching career, it's something I notice in amateur publications - people get skinnier without dieting or shorter without osteoporosis. It's a 21st century application of proportions -- cross curricular with graphics/math -- I had to apply it with my Earlham cardinal head.
    • Deb Henkes
      I hear you Melinda! Just because you can create a publication doesn't mean you 'should' create a publication!
    • Jenny Rohrbeck
      Melinda - I noticed this as well! I was quite surprised that it didn't lock the proportions! I am not great with technology, but this is something that I did notice!
  • Utilizes a course evaluation and student feedback data to improve the course
  • knowledgeable and has the ability to use computer programs required in online education to improve learning and teaching, including course management software (CMS) and synchronous/asynchronous communication tools (chat, email, web 2.0, videoconferencing, webinar, whiteboard
    • Kelly Josephson
      This is a big concern to me. I feel that I am somewhat competent where technology is concerned, but I still have a lot to learn. If an online course flops, will it be because of a lack of technology skill/knowledge? Almost every teacher feels confident in the content they teach face to face, but they don't always have the confidence in the technological aspect. This is what makes them resistant to change. I think we have to be comfortable with the technological features of management software and explore the endless options that technology has to offer. This give new meaning to life-long learning!
    • Andrea Accola-Sabin
      I hope that this moodle course will help me imporve on this standard and benchmark
    • Deb Henkes
      Really good comment Kellie about a course flopping due to tech skills or knowledge. I really like the convience that online courses provide but as an online teacher if a runs into a road block you can see their faces to know that they need problems. Continual communication is the key to overcoming some of the those issues. I think that being an online teacher is more demanding than a face-to-face class!
    • gfrolekclark
      I think it is important to learn new tools--but experiencing them as a "student" in a course such as this, adds a different experience that I think is important to teachers. Since I am NOT experienced in many of these areas--I am finding myself not only trying to manage content, but also the technology. For some students that won't be a problem--for others, it could be an issue.
    • Kim Cline
      I think it is so important that teachers know HOW to use the sites effectively, and which ones are appropriate to use for the correct assignments. Too many times I think online activities are used to simply fill time, and not to get the students thinking critically. Therefore, I completely agree with the statement that says "to improve learning and teaching".
  • Demonstrates effective instructional strategies and techniques, appropriate for online education, that align with course objectives and assessment
    • Kelly Josephson
      To me this means using appropriate technology for the content standards and not just using technology for the sake of using technology in a classroom setting.
    • Ginny Kraus
      That is my delema with being a support teacher without a whole "classroom". While students are using technology for their projects (science or social studies, etc.) I don't use it with my students because my curriculum is direct instruction so I won't use it just to meet a "use of technology standard".
  • Tailors instruction to meet the different needs of students, including different learning styles, different interests and backgrounds, and students with special needs or whom are language learners
    • Andrea Accola-Sabin
      Moodle should make this easier to use different learning styles
    • Deb Henkes
      Absolutely! What are tech strategies to maximize differentation to make learning more engaging for the student?
    • Jenny Rohrbeck
      I think this area could be boosted a bit. From a special education teaching perspective there need to be a few changes before students with special needs are able to navigate the system easier. I have taught students with visual and hearing impairments, therefore, I am thinking of the print needing to be larger, possible sign language interpretation video links, etc. I hope these are things that are being worked on or that are already in the works that I haven't seen.
  • Selects and uses technologies appropriate to the content that enhance learning
    • Joe Doerges
      It is important that teachers be exposed to different technologies so they cannot only find ones that will or will not work for them, but also know what is available. The problem is finding time to investigate/explore and then implementing them into the classroom.
    • Rebecca Clausen
      Before starting this class, I had no idea of the tools that are available. It seems that when I go to investigate one, it leads to looking at another and another. This is a time intensive search process. I would love to see videos of how many of our classmates are already using these technologies.
    • gfrolekclark
      Agreed. Finding time to keep up on what is out there is important--that's what I like about communities of learning where people can share what works/doesn't work, etc. It helps when people share what they use/like.
  • Provides substantive, timely, and constructive feedback to students
    • Joe Doerges
      This might be something that teachers might find overwhelming. You have 4 section of American History. Each with 30 students and now they are all sending you questions, posting to forums and other activities that you need to check. How much time is this going to take? When will your teaching day end? When you post to a forum, it does not post until after 30 minutes.
  • Maintains an online social presence that is available, approachable, positive, interactive, and sincere (SREB C.3, Varvel VII.A)
    • Jenny Rohrbeck
      This stuck out to me because again it is something that is important in both face-to-face and virutal classrooms! If any of these are missing students will feel disconnected to the course and probably will not do as well. If you are positive, interactive, etc your students will also take action to do these things!
  • Demonstrates growth in technology knowledge and skills in order to stay current with emerging technologies
    • Jenny Rohrbeck
      I would like to see more professional development in these areas. In our school we were offered the chance to take this class by an email being sent out by our superintendent, which was great, but unfortunately not many of our staff members took this opportunity. I believe if there were more of a "push" to take these courses or to enhance our learning in technology there would be more advancement in this. I am not much of a "techy" (if that's the way it's spelled) and I've found myself fretting over how to complete many of the activities or if it's done right. If I were expected to teach a course online my lack of confidence would lead to my students lacking confidence as well.
    • gfrolekclark
      You are so right! What do you think would have motivated your colleagues to take an course?
    • Kim Cline
      This is so important, since we all know how quickly technology changes! Staying current is a must!
  • Assists students with technology used in the course (Varvel III.C)
    • Rebecca Clausen
      I have really been struggling with the technology of this Moodle class. Our instructor has been very prompt with her helps and that has kept me going. I am concerned that many of our adult learners (teachers) may be intimidated like me by the technology of this type of learning and therefore not use it. It will be very important to have adequate staff development available in order to make all of the wonderful class content that will soon be available accessible to everyone.
  • Establishes standards for student behavior that are designed to ensure academic integrity and appropriate use of the internet and written communication
    • gfrolekclark
      Teaching student's about appropriate/acceptable behavior is important. For those of you whose schools are 1:1 schools, how often have you needed to do this? Any problems that came up?
  • Creates a learning community that encourages collaboration and interaction, including student-teacher, student-student, and student-content
    • Karen Thilges
      Every class must have collaboration and interaction among all people involved teachers and students. Some students are going have no problems communication via a computer class. Other students not going to be as comfortable communicating via a computer class. Some students will not follow proper etiquette communicating. This concerns me.
    • Kim Cline
      My students really enjoy learning when they are doing it collaboratively! All students are putting forth effort because they all want to be using the computers to learn. I need to work more on the student-content part of this standard.
  • Understands the differences between teaching online and teaching face-to-face
    • Karen Thilges
      Right now as I am creating my own moodle course I am having a difficult time deciding what materials would be best used online and which would be better used in a face-to-face class. Knowing which materials to use and how to present those materials is very important. On-going professional training in this area would be great. We need to remember that learning online is not going to best for all students.
    • Aryn Kruse
      I wonder how this is operationalized? What do you all think is "evidence" of this standard?
  • • Establishes standards for student behavior that are designed to ensure academic integrity and appropriate use of the internet and written communication
    • Kim Cline
      Keeping the integrity in the assignment is always important and respectful to the students. Keeping students' integrity and respect intact is also part of the teacher's responsibility.
  • Is knowledgeable and has the ability to use computer programs required in online education to improve learning and teaching, including course management software (CMS) and synchronous/asynchronous communication tools (chat, email, web 2.0, videoconferencing, webinar, whiteboard, etc.) (SREB B.3, Varvel III.B)
  • Is knowledgeable and has the ability to use computer programs required in online education to improve learning and teaching, including course management software (CMS) and synchronous/asynchronous communication tools (chat, email, web 2.0, videoconferencing, webinar, whiteboard, etc.) (SREB B.3, Varvel III.B)
  • Applies research, knowledge, and skills from professional growth to improve practice
    • Rebecca Clausen
      I have always been a heavy reader to keep up with research and knowledge in my professional growth but I have just learned through this course of resources like Diigo that will be such a help in connecting with other professionals and what they are also learning.
  • Understands student motivation and uses techniques to engage students (Varvel V.D, ITS 4.d)
    • Rebecca Clausen
      I think getting to understand individual student motivation through online classes will be difficult unless time is given to getting to know your students. Motivation can be such an individual thing.
  • Identifies and communicates learning outcomes and expectations through a course overview/orientation
    • Linda Root
      This is very important in both a traditional and online class. The instructor needs to be specific on the course outcomes and expectations. Students need to know what the course will cover and how the student will be asked to show learning.
  • • Creates a safe environment, managing conflict
    • Linda Root
      I find this very interesting. I realize not all web based technology provides a safe learning environment for my students buy of all the discussions I have had over the past year about students and technology, not once did I think I might need to deal with any type of behavior problems or managing conflict in my online course.
  • ability level, multiple intelligences
    • Erin Siefken
      I think online learning lends itself nicely to differentiation. We cab easily work to the different levels and learning styles without creating much extra work for ourselves.
  • Has knowledge of learning theory appropriate to online learning, which may include (but is not limited to) age and ability level, multiple intelligences, didactic conversation, student developmental influences, constructivism, behaviorism, cognitivism, connectivism, and group theory (Varvel V.A)
    • Ann Longfellow
      It's difficult to appropriately use on-line learning since there is such a wide range of learning abilities and levels of computer knowledge in a classroom. For a student who doesn't know English, for example, this can be even more challenging than a "regular" classroom experience.
    • Dean Whaley
      The ability of being able to acomplish this is difficult in this area due to the wide-range if the abilities of students just in computer knowledge. In one project I assigned last year that took additional two days because I had to teach the students how to make a power point presentation. Something they should of already known how to do. Those student that still don't have internent at home were at a disadvantage.
  • Creates a learning community that encourages collaboration and interaction, including student-teacher, student-student, and student-content (SREB D.2, Varvel VII.B, ITS 6.a)
    • Ann Longfellow
      I think technology allows students to really effectively interact with each other to create a project. I have my students make and edit videos in iMovie. I have never had such a collaborative and high quality product that we can view and evaluate as a class.
    • Dean Whaley
      The ability to create and edit a project on-line gives the students a chance to work togeather without having to be in the same room.
  • Selects and understands how to evaluate learning materials and resources that align with the context and enhance learning
    • Kim Cline
      Knowing how to evaluate materials and make sure that they are enhancing learning and not just providing "busy work" makes the lesson respectable and meaningful to our students.
  • Communicates assessment criteria and standards to students, including rubrics for student performances and participation (Varvel VI.D, ITS 5.b)
    I think student feedback data is essential to any course. In college, a stat course had been revised due to student feedback (frustration with the complexity of the stat tools). The new tool was much easier to learn and students could learn the material.
david moeller

Articles: Delivery - 2 views

  • It is better to have the audience wanting more (of you) than to feel that they have had more than enough.
    • mnollsch
      This is very true and I have experienced the value of finishing early both as a presenter and as a participamt
    • tjbudd
      True, but in a class setting we shouldn't end class early to accomplish this. Planning other activities to enhance an early end is a good idea.
    • we4nails
      I think we have been taught that keeping students busy bell to bell is important and that often we try to do that by being in front directly instructing the whole time. Finishing a little early with an enrichment opportunity - or time for them to dig into the other 20% would be a GREAT idea for in the classroom!
  • press the “B” key while your PowerPoint or Keynote
    • mnollsch
      I can't believe I didn't know this!!
    • Evan Abbey
      This article is a bit dated, so you will need to double check it is true in the current version. I've got a button on my remote that does the same thing, so I'm not much help in this.
    • tjbudd
      I use a remote too. Didn't know that worked, will have to check it out.
    • Kristina Dvorak
      Great tip.  I will be checking this out.  
    • we4nails
      I usually just mute the screen, same effect and works from the remote.
    • pattyharris123
      I had no idea....
    • mnollsch
      I don't seem to have many problems with logical resistance when teaching. However, emotional resistance often comes up with college students when I present information that challenges a belief they have about parenting, guidance or something they experienced growing up.
    • pattyharris123
      I have occasionally run into resistance with my staff members. Unfortunately, it was a divided staff anyway, and I think some of the resistance came from just being bull-headed toward others. I have felt my presentation was adequate, but would actually see some staff members look around before making any comments. It was a tough group of staff members to work with!
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  • Acknowledge any sacrifices they’re making,
    • mnollsch
      Students are often overwhelmed by the work load when they get to college.  It's important for me to remember to acknowledge that they are overwhelmed and give them survival tips!
    • Evan Abbey
      Good point! Acknowledgement goes a long way towards your end goal of persuasion.
  • break it into 10-minute chunks. "At every 10 minutes or so, try to reengage the audience with something different—don't just keep showing slides,"
    • mnollsch
      This is a very helpful strategy. Or I build in a pair and share, small group activity, an opportunity to use materials, etc
    • Evan Abbey
      The pair/share is my staple... when planning, if I can't think of something more profound to put in there, I will put in a rhetorical question and do a pair/share. It does do wonders for keeping the audience engaged.
  • Practice 10 hours for every one hour
    • mnollsch
      Well, maybe for a presentation at a conference.  This isn't even practical for daily work in the classroom with the teaching load and preps I have!  
    • Kristina Dvorak
      Agree, that might be great if you only give a few different presentations, but I have daily hour long lectures to present just to get all the content in before the AP exam.  I would never sleep!!
    • jessicawoods8
      This seems like a lot! 
    • pattyharris123
      I had to give so many presentations as a principal. It would have been impossible to spend 10 hours for each hour! I know I did early on when I first started my presentation career, but certainly not as it go going!
  • However, he says most presenters will spend 99 percent of their time preparing the content and
  • Start strong
    • kbelland21
      This is very true! The presenter will keep the audiences attention if they start the first 2-3 minutes strong.
  • come up with arguments against your perspective
    • kbelland21
      Great idea! This will help you be better prepared when they come up.
    • pattyharris123
      I agree it helps to be prepared. With my divided staff, I always tried to play devil's advocate with myself to prepare myself for the inevitable. Sometimes, I won my "argument". Sometimes not, but I always tried to be prepared with facts.
  • "Try to find some way to break up the presentation into manageable chunks of time,"
    • kbelland21
      Engage your audience in a hands on activity if possible during your presentation. Keep them active and engaged.
    • Kristina Dvorak
      Good suggestions for breaking up the time.  My presentations are always long, I need various activities for keeping the students active.  
  • give the audience's eyes a rest every so often
    • kbelland21
      Interesting thought. Images that are very busy can take time for the audience to digest, give time for them to comprehend the images and the presentation.
    • pattyharris123
      I like the thought of just blacking out the slide show every once in a while using the B. It gives the audience a short time to digest and yet continue with the presentation.
  • deliver your presentation and watch yourself
    • kbelland21
      Great tip! You will learn a lot from watching yourself present.
    • Kristina Dvorak
      I did this last year when working on my National Board Certification.  It was very eye opening, I noticed everything odd that I did (speech, questions, movements).  
    • jessicawoods8
      I found this to be the most helpful strategy during my student teaching as well! 
    • we4nails
      This is something I do a lot as a conductor, but haven't used it in presentations as much as conducting - what a good tip!
    • pattyharris123
      I love doing this! I always videoed my student teachers and when I started giving staff presenations, I always had someone tape it for my own review. It's amazing what you notice that you didn't realize took place!
  • passionate about your topic and let that enthusiasm come out
    • tjbudd
      I've been telling my business students this for several years. If you can find something you are interested in, your enthusiasm toward that product or service is evident. I guess it makes sense that it would translate into the things we speak about.
    • Patty Harrell
      yes, do what you love and love what you do. It matters.
  • individuals rather than scanning the group
    • tjbudd
      I like this technique. I think it helps create a bond with the group if you make eye contact and hold it for a few seconds before moving on. Scanning without holding eye contact seems awkward to me and insincere.
    • pattyharris123
      Scanning the group seems so unnatural to me. I DO make eye contact with different audience members. Granted, I scan to find that individual but it is not a robotic look around and I do settle on someone.
  • Make sure your text and graphics are large enough to be seen on the small the screen
    • tjbudd
      We use dual 42 inch displays in our training rooms. They work very well for freedom of content. Blacks and whites are all reproduced well but text size is critical. The monitors almost force better slide design by becoming illegible when too much text is placed on the slide.
  • standard template in PowerPoint? Title and bullets
    • tjbudd
      I think they're the norm just because they speed up the preparation side; not because they increase engagement or comprehension.
    • we4nails
      Some business places require this, I know that my sister who has shadowed me in this venture is forced to follow that outline and she hates it. It is also the format that original note taking strategies were taught decades ago, and we just can't seem to move past it despite all of the evidence that it doesn't work.
  • Unfortunately, people read from their PowerPoint slides much more than they think they do, Gallo notes. "When you read from your notes or from slides," he says, "that completely breaks the connection you have with audience
    • tjbudd
      I think this is an easy trap to fall into. If we've got a screen full of bullets and text, when we get a bit nervous, we resort to reading.
    • pattyharris123
      No doubt everyone in the room can read the slides themselves! This is one of my biggest pet peeves when being an audience member so I am very conscious of it.
  • everything to do with body language and verbal ability—how you talk, sound, look and what you're wearing
    • tjbudd
      So true, I've seen the atmosphere in the classroom change on a day I wear something more casual. On the same note, I think students seem to respect our opinions more when we are more formal. I tend to start a new semester with more formal clothing, then back off to make them feel more comfortable in sharing their opinions once I've earned their respect.
  • The first 2-3 minutes of the presentation are the most important.
    • Patty Harrell
      I find this true in my classroom on a daily basis. The opener for the lesson is most important for getting the students attention.
    • jessicawoods8
      I was going to say the same thing! This reminds me of the anticipatory set of a lesson plan. 
  • thank them for their input.
    • Patty Harrell
      Thank yous validate the speaker. They also give you time to ask them to clarify if your not sure of their point. 
  • remember that the people in your audience get to determine whether your idea spreads or dies.
    • Patty Harrell
      This is so true. It is the presenters challenge to get the audience to accept and support your idea.
    • Kristina Dvorak
      For me, this means "selling" my class.  I need the students to be engaged and excited about the material so they convince others to take my classes.  
  • you want to read from them,
    • Patty Harrell
      It's like seeing the headlights of an oncoming car,if you look at it too long you will drive right into it. 
  • "Only about 7 percent of the actual words or content is important.
    • Patty Harrell
      If the presentation is good enough mush of the body language etc is not noticed. I think of listening to Temple Grandin. I was a bit distracted at times, but I was also applauding a lot. 
  • If you’ve made a sincere effort to look at the world through their eyes, it will show when you speak
    • Patty Harrell
      So really-make the effort to look at what you are asking them to do. Teachers are sometimes guilty of asking students to do something the wouldn't or couldn't do. 
    • we4nails
      I couldn't agree more! I feel like this is so important to remember, and that the more we DEMONSTRATE in a classroom, the more validity there is in what we ask them to do. They need to see us in action too.
  • Move away from the podium
    • Kristina Dvorak
      I will be doing more of this.  I have been too dependent on the speaker note function of PPT.  
  • Keep the lights on
    • Kristina Dvorak
      As technology in the classroom advances, this will be even easier to do.  Presentations done on a large screen TV versus a projector will make all the difference.  
  • esistance doesn’t have to be a bad thing.
    • Kristina Dvorak
      This is a good reminder.  
  • Try inserting a short video clip, introduce a quick demonstration, or have another speaker get up and briefly present
  • Try inserting a short video clip, introduce a quick demonstration, or have another speaker get up and briefly present
  • Try inserting a short video clip, introduce a quick demonstration, or have another speaker get up and briefly present
  • Try inserting a short video clip, introduce a quick demonstration, or have another speaker get up and briefly present
    • jessicawoods8
      This would be a good time for a hands-on activity or an activity that involved the audience to move around. 
    • fshellabarger
      I have noticed that the most resilient of students are engaged during video clips. If used appropriately and strongly, they can be powerful motivators to vest students in the information being given to them.
  • In reality, though, you’re not the star of the show. The audience is. It’s in their power to embrace — or reject — your ideas.
    • jessicawoods8
      Interesting viewpoint! 
  • Most people listening to presentations tend to tune out after about 10 minutes,
    • jessicawoods8
      I have heard teachers are the worst listeners so I can only imagine what the timeframe would be for professional development! 
  • They glance at a slide just for a second to prompt them for the next piece of information," Gallo says. "And then they turn and deliver to audience. They know what's on the slide because they have practiced."
    • jessicawoods8
      A presentation where the presenter really knows their material are the most engaging.
  • Humans have short attention spans when it comes to passively sitting and listening to a speaker.
    • joyisuful
      This is true.  It makes me think of sermons in church- my attention span is often short and my mind wanders easily when the minister says something that makes me think of something else.  I find that when the presenter (or minister) holds my attention best when they keep it short and don't repeat themselves.  I also find humor to bring my attention back if I do get distracted.
  • Get closer to your audience by moving away from or in front of the podium.
    • joyisuful
      Getting close to the audience really helps make it feel like a conversation.  
  • But it is all for naught if you do not have a deep, heartfelt belief in your topic.
    • joyisuful
      I think this is very true but sometimes we have to make presentations where we don't really have a passion.  For instance, if I were a principal, I might have to present something on safety or some sort of new law or requirement.  I may not have a passion for this but can probably still make it more interesting than it really is if I work at it.
  • Today’s projectors are bright enough to allow you to keep many of the lights on.
    • joyisuful
      The kids in my class always ask me to turn the lights off when we do anything with a projector.  I think it might be because I have a gigantic window in my classroom that lets in a lot of light.  I usually don't give in and will remember this now and keep the lights on.
    • fshellabarger
      I have the same problem. It is almost always a problem to see if we leave the lights on. I like the idea of creating ambiance though. I have invested in some floor lamps to use this year. I guess we will see how well that works? I am second guessing them now with this information.
  • Familiarize yourself with alternate lines of reasoning by digging up articles, blog posts, and reports that challenge your stance.
    • joyisuful
      I try to do this but sometimes people still come up with something I never expected.
  • You need them more than they need you. So be humble in your approach. Their desires and goals — and their frustrations and anxieties — should shape everything you present.
    • joyisuful
      This is so true but also hard to anticipate everything the audience will be thinking.
  • Above all, Gallo says, remember that the most engaging speakers have a simple secret weapon: "They practice much more than the average presenter."
    • joyisuful
      As with anything, the more practice the better!!!
  • let your passion for your topic come out for all to see.
    • fshellabarger
      I have noticed in teaching this very same thing. The difference between engaging students or distancing them from the content is how passionate the teacher is about the information and about teaching it. Passion is key for engagement with students.
  • In conclusion….
    • fshellabarger
      This is so true! This happens all the time at our church. I love my pastor dearly and wouldn't trade her for the world, but she has a bad habit of saying "in conclusion" about 5 times before actually closing. I do notice these are the times I am most alert during the sermon. Naturally, an audience can only hold focus for so long before drifting. I want to try to get my students to my "in conclusion" before they lose their main focus.
  • you’ll sharpen your presentation and stand a much better chance of winning your audience over.
    • fshellabarger
      This is so true! When we prepare for opposing viewpoints, we not only have a chance of winning over more of the audience but we also learn our content better. I know that I always seem to learn the most when I am forced to teach it to someone else!
  • Hitting raw nerves will set people off.
    • fshellabarger
      It is so important to remember to be mindful and cautious when we are talking about possibly offending anyone in our audience. If we are not careful, we could lose all credibility as a speaker from being careless with diverse beliefs in the audience.
  • wants to like you and they will give you a few minutes at the beginning to engage them — don’t miss the opportunity
    • we4nails
      I think this really applies to the FIRST DAY of class. As I prepare for upcoming lessons and new faces, I am reminded how important this really is in the first days of school. I hope to possibly have a new "get to know you" presentation idea from this class for those first few days!
  • and show that you’re shouldering some of the burden yourself.
    • we4nails
      I think that as teachers we are sometimes really bad at showing kids the amount of work we put in. There is a difference between complaining and being transparent. When my students realize that I spend two hours outside of their extra rehearsals working for them, they work harder for me. It is important to go about this by not acting burdened but by demonstrating that you believe in the work so you are willing to carry the weight - they are more likely to feel the same way too.
  • "When you prepare and rehearse the presentation—out loud, over many hours and many days—you'll come across as much more engaging as a speaker and effortless."
    • we4nails
      This is REALLY true and as a musician, is a great connection I can make for my students to the level of rehearsal we put in for a concert. If they can see that this type of rehearsal is important in the business world too, it may help them to find it more relevant to practice. The problem is, I don't know many people willing to put in this kind of time!
  • "Look at some of the great speeches over our history, John F. Kennedy's or Barack Obama's speeches, and they're able to galvanize the nation in speeches that last under 20 minutes," Gallo says. "So do you really need to two hours to get your point across?"
    • we4nails
      I love this quote!
  • o advance your slides and builds, use a small, handheld remote
    • david moeller
      I'm actually going to purchase one right now!
  • and it’ll help you develop a deeper understanding of the topic and a more nuanced point of view.
    • david moeller
      I generally appreciate when skeptical audience members challenge the topic I'm discussing for exactly this reason. It gives me a deeper understanding of what I'm trying to explain...
  • Fail to Rehearse
    • david moeller
      True. Just like in practice for sports, if we don't do a live run, the presentation most likely won't go the way we want. And in doing this we prepare ourselves for the unexpected. 
  • "They don't just wing it."
    • david moeller
      And if we want to sell what we are presenting we need to rehearse. I'm on my 4th round of my current presentation that I will share...
  • Grab your digital video recorder
    • david moeller
      We've purchased Camtasia, which allows for screen and video recording at the same time...
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