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Contents contributed and discussions participated by shirley


Highlights From: "The Survey of Library Database Licensing Practices, 2014-15 Edition" - 0 views

    Filed by on Recently published by The Primary Research Group. The Survey of Library Database Licensing Practices, 2014-15 Edition: The report looks closely at how libraries organize their database procurement and processing bureaucracy, pinpointing the number of positions devoted to digital information, and staff time spent on tasks such as procurement and invoice processing.

Publishing: The Economist Publishes an Online Essay About the Future of the Book - 3 views

    You are here: Home / Uncat / Publishing: The Economist Publishes an Online Essay About the Future of the Book Filed by on The five-chapter essay (5000+ words) is titled, "From Papyrus to Pixels: The Digital Transformation Has Only Just Begun" and is available in web or book-like formats.

THE BEACONS FAQ: Everything You Need To Know About Beacons And Apple's iBeacon System - 3 views

    Beacons are a new type of device that could change the way people shop in stores and revolutionize how retailers collect consumer data and interact with shoppers. Retailers can use beacons to trigger location-based features on customers' smartphone apps, including targeted coupons, store maps, and hands-free payments.

The 3 Things That Should Be in Your Data Security Incident Response Plan - 0 views

    the author talks about securing your data. He stresses that despite all the efforts put fort in securing data still "a breach is inevitable," eventually an attacker will finds its way to get through your data

Power Up! / Who Owns That Course? - 0 views

    The author stresses that MOOC's materials for learning may be used for commercial purposes when originally it was available free of charge. She offers some alternatives measures to control ownership of the course

Publishing in the Era of Big Data - 1 views

Module9 publishing
started by shirley on 01 Dec 14 no follow-up yet
shirley - 1 views

module9 publishing
started by shirley on 01 Dec 14 no follow-up yet
  • shirley
    The report provides statistics for 42 countries and includes:

    Domestic market value
    Publishers' net revenues
    Number of titles being produced
    Strength of exports
    The report includes data on title production in 19 Latin American countries, illustrating how the ecosystems of domestic and imported book production are developing.

Toronto at night - 0 views

    Photo courtesy of Intercontinental Toronto Yorkville. There is not much restriction in this photo. You can copy or save the photo as you wish. I love to take pictures and during my recent trip to Canada, Toronto particularly, I was actually hoping that I could snap the beauty of this city at night looking at the Toronto Island Park, just the way it's supposed to be at this picture. But the chance was just elusive. It suddenly rained when I was at the park until I get back to the Harbor square. I am documenting all my travels abroad and planning blogging them. I might use this photo should I blog all my travels abroad.

COPY-ME Web Series - 0 views

    "Copy-me is an animated web series about the sharing of knowledge and open culture. About laws, myths and misconceptions, about the Internet and all the benefits of sharing." The idea was artistically and satirically presented using animation series for better understanding and appreciation of the audience.

The 4 Flavors of Makerspaces | - 2 views

    Ellyssa Kroski identified four distinct types of makerspaces

Apps for Librarians: digital literacy with mobile apps - 0 views

    It is said that "the move to mobile is empowering for all types of users, from toddlers to the elderly. It's also great for people with various types of disabilities - which could be anyone at different times in their lives."

German National Library of Economics - 3 views

    ZBW Website German National Library of Economics - Leibniz Information Centre for Economics ZBW is the largest library for literature in economics world-wide. This is one great example of "open access" whereby access for data is openly made available to users nationally and internationally. ZBW was is recently honoured by the German Library Association as the 2014 Library of the Year for its "a radically modern library whose customer- and innovation-oriented approach is exemplary for other libraries". Through its Econbiz Open project, ZBW was able to partner and create participatory culture among its partner countries.

Privacy Tool Kit - 1 views

#Module2 #Privacy #Confidentiality
started by shirley on 29 Oct 14 no follow-up yet
koobredaer liked it
  • shirley

    "Privacy is essential to the exercise of free speech, free thought, and free association. Lack of privacy and confidentiality chills users' choices, thereby suppressing access to ideas. The possibility of surveillance, whether direct or through access to records of speech, research and exploration, undermines a democratic society.-Privacy: An Interpretation of the Library Bill of Rights"

Embracing the New Style of IT - 1 views

started by shirley on 29 Oct 14 no follow-up yet
  • shirley

    "A New Style of IT is emerging because of the convergence of four mega trends of Cloud, Mobility, Big Data and Security. For organisations that embrace it, the rewards will be substantial: more simplicity, greater agility, improved speed, lower costs. Above all, it's an opportunity to transform the way they do business. In this series of articles we will explore this New Style of IT and how it can help organisations achieve better business outcomes. In this first article in the series, we ask: How should business leaders and IT decision-makers work together on creating a new style of business, powered by IT?"
1 - 14 of 14
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