Contents contributed and discussions participated by shirley - 1 views
The report provides statistics for 42 countries and includes:
Domestic market value
Publishers' net revenues
Number of titles being produced
Strength of exports
The report includes data on title production in 19 Latin American countries, illustrating how the ecosystems of domestic and imported book production are developing.
Privacy Tool Kit - 1 views
"Privacy is essential to the exercise of free speech, free thought, and free association. Lack of privacy and confidentiality chills users' choices, thereby suppressing access to ideas. The possibility of surveillance, whether direct or through access to records of speech, research and exploration, undermines a democratic society.-Privacy: An Interpretation of the Library Bill of Rights"
Embracing the New Style of IT - 1 views
"A New Style of IT is emerging because of the convergence of four mega trends of Cloud, Mobility, Big Data and Security. For organisations that embrace it, the rewards will be substantial: more simplicity, greater agility, improved speed, lower costs. Above all, it's an opportunity to transform the way they do business. In this series of articles we will explore this New Style of IT and how it can help organisations achieve better business outcomes. In this first article in the series, we ask: How should business leaders and IT decision-makers work together on creating a new style of business, powered by IT?"
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It is said that although this report targets the publishing community many of the ideas discussed in it should be of interest to librarians.