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Limited Competition: NIGMS Mature Synchrotron Resources for Structural Biology (P30 - C... - 0 views

    This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) encourages applications for support of mature structural biology resources at synchrotron facilities. Mature refers to the techniques made available at the resource beamlines: they must be well-established, requiring no significant novel technology development in order to provide utility to the communities they serve or to maintain them as state-of-the-art beamlines. This funding opportunity is limited to resources whose operations recently have been or currently are being supported by NIGMS funding. The intent is to provide access to X-ray beamlines for structural biology research. It is expected that the facility will be maintained or upgraded to current best practices, make its capability and availability known to the biomedical research community through outreach activities, and provide user training and support

Increasing Public Awareness and Provider Education About Primary Immunodeficiency Disease - 0 views

    CDC announces supplemental funding for organizations that previously were awarded funding under the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) CDC-RFA-OE-17-1701. The purpose of his supplemental NOFO is to further strengthen the nation's capacity to carry out public health activities in the area of primary immunodeficiency diseases (PID) to widen the scope of the current grant, increase and improve physician education and public health awareness for/of PID. The intent is to increase the scope of the campaign to disseminate educational information on a national level to health care providers, educators, third-party payers, impacted families, and others who may help expedite clinical recognition and improve health outcomes for Americans with primary immunodeficiency diseases. The intended outcomes of this supplemental grant include increase in scope, in direct scale to conduct the following activities: - Development of materials and implementation of displays - Providers engage in education opportunities - Skills and knowledge of health care providers about primary immunodeficiency diseases increases - Improve integration of primary immunodeficiency diseases prevention into clinical care - Expedited clinical recognition of primary immunodeficiency diseases - Increase community and provider knowledge of primary immunodeficiency diseases - Increase the number of people appropriately diagnosed with primary immunodeficiency diseases - Increase access to care for people with primary immunodeficiency diseases. This announcement is only for non-research activities supported by CDC.

RFA-DA-19-038: Single Cell Opioid Responses in the Context of HIV (SCORCH) Program: Dat... - 0 views

    The purpose of this FOA is to establish a center to coordinate and analyze single cell and other molecular data sets generated by SCORCH and other NIDA-funded HIV and substance use disorder projects and to make the data findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable (FAIR) to enable secondary analyses by the scientific community. The SCORCH Data Center will coordinate, curate, analyze, and provide public access to single cell SCORCH datasets and other NIDA-generated molecular HIV/SUD data. The SCORCH Data Center will also be responsible for integrating the efforts of all funded components of the NIDA SCORCH program and serve as a community-wide nexus for single cell protocols, data, assay and data standards, and other resources generated by the program. The SCORCH Data Center and NIH staff will need to work closely together to accomplish these goals. Applications that are not responsive to this FOA will not be reviewed.  To be responsive to this FOA, projects should be framed to answer one or more vexing questions about persistent HIV infection in the brain.  In addition, the major thrust of the proposed project MUST: propose to coordinate and analyze single cell and other molecular data sets generated by SCORCH and other NIDA-funded HIV and substance use disorder projects. propose to make this data findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable (FAIR) to enable secondary analyses by the scientific community.

AACR NextGen Cancer Research Grants | RFPs | PND - 0 views

    The American Association for Cancer Research is accepting applications for its AACR NextGen Grants for Transformative Cancer Research program. The annual program is designed to stimulate highly innovative research from young investigators. Three-year grants of up to $450,000 will be awarded in support of creative, paradigm-shifting cancer research that might not be funded through conventional channels. The funds are intended to support expenses related to the research project, which may include salary and benefits of the grant recipient, postdoctoral or clinical research fellows, graduate students (including tuition costs), and research assistants; research/laboratory supplies and equipment; travel applicable to the research project; publication charges for manuscripts that pertain directly to the funded project; and other research expenses and indirect costs. Research projects must represent a highly innovative approach to a major contemporary challenge in cancer research. The research, which can be in any area of basic, translational or clinical science, must have the potential to lead to groundbreaking discoveries in the field and transform our understanding of the tumorigenesis process and/or ability to treat, detect, or prevent cancer. To be eligible, applicants must have a doctoral degree in a related field and not currently be a candidate for a further doctoral degree. In addition, at the start of the grant term on July 1, 2018, applicants must hold a tenure-eligible appointment at the level of assistant professor; have held this appointment for no more than three years; and work at an academic, medical, or research institution anywhere in the world. AACR membership is required.

Rivkin Center Pilot Studies in Ovarian Cancer Research | RFPs | PND - 0 views

    Founded in 1996, the Marsha Rivkin Center for Ovarian Cancer Research supports public early detection screening for ovarian cancer, produces nationally and internationally attended research symposia, and provides funding for innovative ovarian cancer research and scholar grants to up-and-coming investigators. The center is accepting applications for pilot study projects in ovarian cancer research. Through the center's Pilot Study Program, approximately ten one-year grants of $75,000 will be awarded to support investigator-initiated projects in all areas of ovarian cancer research. Projects designed to analyze data from already funded clinical trials also will be considered. Priority will be given to proposals that are innovative, multi-disciplinary, and likely to lead to the submission of grant applications for independently funded investigations. Investigators at all levels are encouraged to apply.

RFA-DA-18-011: Limited Competition Cohort Studies of HIV/AIDS and Substance Abuse (U01) - 0 views

     The National Institute on Drug Abuse supported a number of HIV/AIDS cohorts among substance abusing populations. These cohorts address emerging and high priority research on HIV/AIDS. These longitudinal cohorts serve as a strong resource platform for current and future collaborative efforts with other investigators to address emerging questions related to HIV infection, prevention, and treatment in the context of substance abuse, as well as to foster the creativity and efficiency of investigator-initiated research. Accomplishments by the NIDA-funded cohorts have been highly significant. Four of these cohorts (see below) will be terminated within a year if continued support is not provided. Therefore, the purpose of this Limited Competition Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to support the maintenance and expansion of these NIDA-funded cohorts to continue to address new emerging and/or high priority research on multidisciplinary aspects of HIV/AIDS and substance abuse.

The Rivkin Center Scientific Scholar Awards - 0 views

    Founded in 1996, the Marsha Rivkin Center for Ovarian Cancer Research provides funding for multiple efforts, including funding for innovative research pilot studies, scholar grants to up-and-coming investigators to encourage their careers in ovarian cancer research, public early detection screening for ovarian cancer, and nationally and internationally attended research symposia focused on ovarian cancer. To advance this mission, the center has issued a Call for Applications for its 2018 Scientific Scholar Awards. Through the program, the center will award grants of up $120,000 over two years to promising laboratory and clinical scientists interested in pursuing a career as an independent investigator in ovarian cancer research. Funds are for direct costs only; institutional overhead and indirect costs are not covered by the award. Eligible applicants must have an MD, PhD, or equivalent degree with career goals focused on ovarian cancer, and clinicians must have completed their residency. All applicants should be at the postdoc/fellow, instructor, research assistant, or assistant professor level, with no more than three to four years in any of these positions. Established outstanding scientists without prior focus in ovarian cancer but looking to focus in this area are also encouraged to apply.

Understanding and Addressing Vaccine Confidence and Hesitancy to Foster Informed - 0 views

    The National Vaccine Program Office would like to announce the anticipated availability of funds for Fiscal Year (FY) 2018 cooperative agreement awards] under the authority of section 1702(a) of the Public Health Service Act. The FOA will solicit applications for projects conducting research through implementing and evaluating interventions related to fostering informed vaccine decision making by assessing or addressing vaccine confidence or hesitancy, particularly via vaccine education and communication. The work funded by NVPO cannot also be funded by other awards. The 2010 National Vaccine Plan (NVP) recognizes the importance of communication activities that are strategic, science-based, transparent, and culturally appropriate when it comes to utilizing communication to enhance informed vaccine decision making and vaccination acceptance. The National Vaccine Program Office (NVPO) collaborates with federal partners to provide strategic direction for the coordination of the vaccine and immunization enterprise for the National Vaccine Plan (NVP) implementation _plan/2010%20Plan/nationalvaccineplan.pdf. NVPO will partner with 2-3 organizations to collaborate on projects that will fall specifically under goal 3 of the NVP (i.e., support communications to enhance informed vaccine decision-making) as well as within the recommendations of the National Vaccine Advisory Committee June 2015 Report: Assessing the State of Vaccine Confidence in the United States: Recommendations from the National Vaccine Advisory Committee. That report emphasized the importance of developing measurement tools, as well as interventions for supporting healthcare providers, communities, and policies which foster confidence in vaccines.

View Opportunity | GRANTS.GOV - 0 views

    This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) will support students at institutions with NIH-funded institutional predoctoral dual-degree training programs. The purpose of the Kirschstein-NRSA, dual-doctoral degree, predoctoral fellowship (F30) is to enhance the integrated research and clinical training of promising predoctoral students, who are matriculated in a combined MD/PhD or other dual-doctoral degree training program (e.g., DO/PhD, DDS/PhD, AuD/PhD, DVM/PhD), and who intend careers as physician/clinician-scientists. Applicants must propose an integrated research and clinical training plan and a dissertation research project in scientific health-related fields relevant to the missions of the participating NIH Institutes and Centers. The fellowship experience is expected to clearly enhance the individual's potential to develop into a productive, independent physician/clinician-scientist. This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) does not allow applicants to propose to lead an independent clinical trial, clinical trial feasibility study, or an ancillary clinical trial but does allow applicants to propose research experience in a clinical trial led by a sponsor or co-sponsor.

Research Grants for the Primary or Secondary Prevention of Opioid Overdose (R01) - 0 views

    The awards pursuant to this Notice of Funding Opportunity are contingent upon the availability of funds. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (NCIPC) is soliciting investigator-initiated research that will help expand and advance our understanding about what works to prevent overdose from prescription and illicit opioids by developing and piloting, or rigorously evaluating novel primary or secondary prevention interventions. The intent of this Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) is to: (1) build the scientific base for the primary or secondary prevention of opioid overdose, and (2) encourage collaboration of scientists from a spectrum of disciplines including public health, epidemiology, law enforcement, social work, economics, and criminal justice to perform research that can identify ways to prevent opioid overdose more effectively. Interventions can be strategies, programs, or policies. Ultimately, this research is intended to improve state and local health departments’ ability to implement and improve interventions focused on preventing opioid-related deaths. Researchers are expected to develop and pilot, or rigorously evaluate novel primary or secondary prevention interventions that address prescription or illicit opioid overdose. Primary prevention approaches are expected to aim to prevent opioid misuse, abuse, and overdose before it occurs. Secondary prevention approaches are expected to focus on the more immediate responses to opioid overdose, such as emergency department services and linkage to treatment immediately following a nonfatal overdose.

High-Resolution Exploration of the Human Islet Tissue Environment [HIRN Human Pancreas ... - 0 views

    This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) invites cooperative agreement applications that will contribute to a higher resolution understanding of the physical and functional organization of the human islet tissue environment by describing the composition (cellular and molecular) and function of important components of the pancreatic islet and peri-islet tissue architecture, the cell-cell relationships and means of communications used by cell types and cell subtypes within the pancreatic tissue ecosystem, and/or the contribution of adjacent (including acinar, ductal, lymphatic) and neighboring (intestinal, mesenteric and adipose) tissues to islet cell function and dysfunction. Successful projects will integrate the Human Pancreas Analysis Consortium (HPAC), that will consist of the research teams funded in response to this FOA with the Human Pancreas Analysis Program (HPAP), a resource-generation program that was funded in 2016 in response to RFA-DK-15-027. HPAC will become the fifth consortium of the Human Islet Research Network (HIRN, ). HIRN's overall mission is to support innovative and collaborative translational research to understand how human beta cells are lost in T1D, and to find innovative strategies to protect and replace functional beta cell mass in humans. This FOA will only support studies with a primary focus on increasing our understanding of human tissue structure and function, and human disease biology (as opposed to rodent or other animal models). This FOA is not intended to support the conduct of a clinical trial.

High-Resolution Exploration of the Human Islet Tissue Environment [HIRN Human Pancreas ... - 0 views

    This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) invites cooperative agreement applications that will contribute to a higher resolution understanding of the physical and functional organization of the human islet tissue environment by describing the composition (cellular and molecular) and function of important components of the pancreatic islet and peri-islet tissue architecture, the cell-cell relationships and means of communications used by cell types and cell subtypes within the pancreatic tissue ecosystem, and/or the contribution of adjacent (including acinar, ductal, lymphatic) and neighboring (intestinal, mesenteric and adipose) tissues to islet cell function and dysfunction. Successful projects will integrate the Human Pancreas Analysis Consortium (HPAC), that will consist of the research teams funded in response to this FOA with the Human Pancreas Analysis Program (HPAP), a resource-generation program that was funded in 2016 in response to RFA-DK-15-027. HPAC will become the fifth consortium of the Human Islet Research Network (HIRN, ). HIRN's overall mission is to support innovative and collaborative translational research to understand how human beta cells are lost in T1D, and to find innovative strategies to protect and replace functional beta cell mass in humans. This FOA will only support studies with a primary focus on increasing our understanding of human tissue structure and function, and human disease biology (as opposed to rodent or other animal models). This FOA will not accept applications proposing a clinical trial.

Coordinating Center to Support NIDA Rural Opioid HIV and Comorbidity Initiative (U24 - ... - 0 views

    The purpose of this FOA is to fund a single interdisciplinary Coordinating Center to formalize and centralize support of the rural opioid initiative administered by NIDA and co-funded by CDC, SAMHSA, and ARC. This initiative was funded under RFA-DA-17-014 and RFA-DA-17-023 The Coordinating Center will provide scientific, technical, regulatory, ethical, and logistical support of data comparability, new data collection, and data integration; developing integrated rural opioid initiative datasets; assisting grantees with acquisition and analysis of local administrative and/or research datasets that enable evaluation of their implementation activities or augment their community assessments; conducting requested analyses that relate to the integrated rural opioid initiative datasets; developing and executing a rural opioid initiative publication and dissemination plan; and providing logistical support for in-person meetings, conference calls, and webinars that include the rural opioid initiative grantees and funders. The Coordinating Center will be represented on the rural opioid initiative executive steering committee, along with the funders and rural opioid initiative grantees.

Exploratory Grant Award to Promote Workforce Diversity in Basic Cancer Research (R21 Cl... - 0 views

    This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) represents the continuation of an NCI program to enhance the diversity of the pool of NCI-funded research workforce by recruiting and supporting eligible investigators from groups that have been shown to be nationally underrepresented in the biomedical, behavioral, clinical and social sciences. This funding opportunity will also provide a bridge to investigators who have completed their research training and may need extra time to develop a larger research project grant application.

Not-for Profit Acid Mine Drainage Watershed Cooperative Agreement Programs (WCAP) - 0 views

    Funding is available to assist local 501(c)(3) status organizations and groups that undertake local acid mine drainage (AMD) reclamation projects to improve the water quality of streams impacted by acid mine drainage.WCAP is designed to be partnered with other funding sources to assist groups such as small watershed organizations to complete local AMD) reclamation projects. The funding priorities and technical focus for this announcement are to restore streams affected by AMD to a level that will support a diverse biological community and provide recreational opportunities for the public.

Limited Competition: Building Infrastructure Leading to Diversity (BUILD) Initiative Ph... - 0 views

    This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) invites applications from the Program Directors/Principal Investigators of the current Building Infrastructure Leading to Diversity (BUILD) awards. BUILD is part of the Enhancing the Diversity of the NIH-Funded Workforce Program, also known as the Diversity Program Consortium (DPC), consists of three integrated initiatives: BUILD, the National Research Mentoring Network (NRMN) and the Coordination and Evaluation Center (CEC). The purpose of the funding is to allow BUILD sites to continue to implement and evaluate the multi-pronged student, faculty, and institutional interventions to enhance diversity in the NIH biomedical research workforce. In preparation for the second phase of the BUILD initiative, the applicants are expected to provide plans to transition into sustainable models for enhancing diversity in the biomedical research fields at their institutions. Applicants are also expected to develop an effective training, mentoring, or research capacity building intervention that will be disseminated to other institutions to increase the national impact of the initiative.

NHLBI TOPMed: Omics Phenotypes of Heart, Lung, and Blood Disorders (X01 - Clinical Tria... - 0 views

    This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) invites applications to use NIH-funded omics capacity to carry out studies of the genetic basis and/or omics signatures of common, complex heart, lung, and blood disorders. Successful applicants will provide biospecimens for whole genome sequencing or other omics assays. No funding will be provided under this FOA. The omics data and related phenotypic data will be deposited in a public database such as dbGaP.

International Research Experiences for Students - 0 views

    The International Research Experiences for Students (IRES) program supports international research and research-related activities for U.S. science and engineering students. The IRES program contributes to development of a diverse, globally-engaged workforce with world-class skills. IRES focuses on active research participation by undergraduate or graduate students in high quality international research, education and professional development experiences in NSF-funded research areas. The overarching, long-term goal of the IRES program is to enhance U.S. leadership in research and education and to strengthen economic competitiveness through training the next generation of research leaders. This solicitation features three mechanisms; proposers are required to select one of the following tracks to submit their proposal. Track I focuses on the development of world-class research skills in international cohort experiences. Track II is dedicated to targeted, intensive learning and training opportunities that leverage international knowledge at the frontiers of research. Track III supports U.S. institutional collaborations to develop, implement and evaluate innovative models for high-impact, large-scale international research and professional development experiences for U.S. graduate students. Student participants supported by IRES funds must be citizens, nationals, or permanent residents of the United States. Students do not apply directly to NSF to participate in IRES activities. Students apply to NSF-funded investigators who receive IRES awards. To identify appropriate IRES projects, students should consult the directory of active IRES awards. All PIs, co-PIs and Senior Personnel on IRES proposals must be from U.S. based institutions.

Administrative Supplements to NIGMS Predoctoral Training Grants for the Development of ... - 0 views

    The National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) announces the availability of funds for Administrative Supplements to NIGMS-funded predoctoral T32 training grants. These funds are designed to provide support for the development and implementation of activities aimed at broadening the training experience to better prepare individuals for careers in the biomedical research workforce.).

PA-18-757: Administrative Supplements to NIGMS Predoctoral Training Grants for the Deve... - 0 views

    The National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) announces the availability of funds for Administrative Supplements to NIGMS-funded predoctoral T32 training grants. These funds are designed to provide support for the development and implementation of activities aimed at broadening the training experience to better prepare individuals for careers in the biomedical research workforce.
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