sjasenak002 on 27 Sep 15Great website to use in a music theory class I enjoy the lessons, exercises, and tools, plus the information on their mobile apps.
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olenoue on 27 May 17This website is really great for students who need to get practice mastering their notes names and familiarizing themselves with the music staff. There is a variety of different levels and concepts to help differentiate learning.
jasno79 on 28 May 17Various exercises in aural and written theory. Help train students to perfect harmonic and melodic theory and ear training.
marthastoulig on 28 May 17Great free additional resource when working on note value, rhythm and meter, scales, key signatures, intervals, chords, ear training, and more.
philperez64 on 28 May 17This website is an incredible resource for all things music theory. With a wide range of lessons, exercises, and tools, this website is a must for any music teacher. The resources available on this website are perfect for music lessons in and outside of the classroom.
crmtbear on 07 Feb is a free online music theory resource. There are lessons on: The basics, rhythm and meter, scales and key signatures, intervals, chords and chord progressions. These same lessons, as well as fretboard and ear training exercises, can be translated into exercises and also assignments that can be turned in and verified by a code checker. Beyond that there is also a set of tools that includes note, interval, scale and chord analysis calculators as well as a staff paper template and tempo tapper. More extensive options can be purchased.
saxlylong on 07 Feb is one of the best site for music theory lessons and exercises. This is very helpful for not only students of all ages, but also for the teacher to brush up on their theory.
mbakerbrown on 08 Feb 19This resource is a useful tool for teaching music theory. Interactive lessons on Music Basics, Rhythm and Meter, Scales and Key Signatures, Intervals, Chords, and More. Interactive Exercises to help with Staff Identification, Staff Construction, Keyboard Identification, Fretboard Identification, Ear Training. Website is free, apps cost money.
cahulsey on 09 Feb offers students opportunities to practice and hone music theory skills from anywhere. Includes basic and advanced concepts.
lalario on 09 Feb 19This website provides theory lessons ranging from beginner to advance. The lessons cover a wide range of material including: note names, note/rest values, accidentals, intervals, scale patterns and other music terminology. There are also exercises that can be completed by students. The exercises consist of various note name and ear training problems. Every exercise can be customized by the user to be at the beginner level or more advanced level. The website also keeps record of the user's score within as each exercise is completed.
dluddy on 09 Feb is a great resource, not just specifically for music theory students, but for all students of music. The "lessons" section is great for introducing new concepts of theory, and the "exercises" section is a fun way to quiz and practice these concepts. The site contains lessons and exercises regarding notes, intervals, triads and 7th chords, scales, key signatures, guitar tablature, and other subjects. I have found it to be very useful for extra practice for my AP Music Theory students.
joshua304 on 09 Feb 19This website can be a great resource for teaching and studying music theory. There are lessons on rhythm, meter, chords, and notes, among others. There are also exercises and tools to apply what you have learned through the lessons. The lessons, exercises, and tools from the website are free, and there are also a couple of premium apps, which can be used offline.
cbaker91 on 09 Feb 19Like many similar resources, this site offers both free and paid-for options. It functions in the could, so there is no need to download anything to a computer, though these is an mobile app available too. The site offers both lessons and exercises. The lessons take students through basic music theory concepts while the exercises practice these concepts. The exercises are completely customizable as can be sent to students as customized.
nwotton on 10 Feb 19This website is a fantastic tool for teaching basic or advanced music theory - it offers interactive and visually-engaging lessons that are simple for students of many levels to understand. There are also a number of exercises and tools that can be used to develop students understanding as well as assess students in a simple way. It can be used to help teach concepts and provide examples that solidify the concepts taught.
emilymhill on 10 Feb 19This free resource has a variety of self-paced music theory lessons with coordinating graphics, exercises that are customizable, and tools including a keyboard and matrix calculator. The site also has paid apps that can be used on any iOS device.
ajasinski on 10 Feb 19This website is full of helpful music theory exercises to help students identify chords, scales, intervals, and more. There is also an aural section. This is a great tool to use with theory students or student working on ear training.
dthomas0705 on 10 Feb 19I plan on using this resource with my middle school concert band students.
wildpan on 10 Feb 19A fantastic website that offers basic and advanced music theory lessons. This site is a great resource for both secondary and college students.
meghankelly492 on 10 Feb is a great resource to use if you have a student who is taking private instrumental lessons with you. I use it with my students who are beginning piano to practice reading notes on the staff. I can set the range of the staff on their iPad or computer in advance and ask them to practice reading notes on the treble or bass clef. This resource is great for creating independent musicians.
mandylamberth on 10 Feb 19The purpose of this website is to deliver direct instruction regarding music theory and ear training concepts. Music theory concepts range from basic (staff, note values) to advanced (undergraduate level analysis).
anonymous on 10 Feb 19This site contains a bunch of music theory lessons, tools, and exercises all for free!
cindyjjenn_google on 11 Feb is an excellent free resource available for music teachers to use in their classes. Students can practice simple to advanced theory on the site. There are lessons that teach the basics of music theory with exercises students can complete for practice. It features many tools that teachers and students can use for extra help as well.
ulmjacob on 11 Feb 19This website provides music theory training for students and teachers. The website has lessons, Exercises, and tools to build music theory skills
cindyjjenn on 11 Feb 19The site has several basic music theory lessons available and exercises for extra practice. There are several tools available that can be used in class. There are two apps that associate with the website available for download on a mobile device.
vaughnuf on 11 Feb is an amazing tool to use for various Music Theory related concepts. Students can practice everything from scales, key signatures, and more. Educators can also create custom quizzes for their students to practice. It is an excellent free activity and study tool for your students!
johntc11 on 11 Feb 19This is a famous popular website and also app, that i use to teach my private students. This is a great way to practice reading music, ear training and knowing knowledge of different type of topics in music theory. This website and app has definitely made me a stronger musician through my undergraduate years. The purpose of this website is to provide practice of musical content, to help strength the mindset in many areas.
tonyamashburn on 28 Feb 19This is a website that offers free lessons, exercises and tools for the development of music theory knowledge and skill.