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Resources for writers: 5 places to find a writing buddy - National Writing careers | Ex... - 0 views

  • A writing buddy relationship can offer a number of benefits to those involved. In addition to commiserating on the daily struggles of their writing careers, writing buddies can brainstorm together, bounce ideas off one another, share job leads and writing tips and help one another with reading and/or editing work. Every writing buddy relationship is different, just like every writer is different. That's why it's important to find a buddy with whom you're compatible. Some writing buddies check in several times each day, discussing their daily agendas and touching base on an hourly basis. In these cases, the partnership may also include a personal friendship. Other writing buddy relationships are strictly business. They may check in daily or weekly, or less often in some cases.
  • The WM Writing Buddy Program The WM Freelance Writers Connection rolled out a new writing buddy matching service earlier this year. The service is free, and applicants are asked to fill out a brief questionnaire. Once the questionnaire is submitted and reviewed, you'll receive an email when they've found a match for you. Learn more and apply for the free program at The WM Freelance Connection.
  • The Writer's Digest Forum At the Writer's Digest forum, writers can create buddy-seeking posts (like this one) in the designated Goal Posts forum, designed to connect writers who are seeking encouragement and accountability. The site even has a specific forum for people looking for other writers or editors to critique their work.
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  • Experience Project The Experience Project is a site that focuses on the common human experiences. The site features a wide variety of Experience Groups, including one for people seeking writing buddies. It's simple and free to join the site and group. Members can create or respond to posts seeking writing buddies.
  • If you're looking for someone with whom you can collaborate on a project, is the place for you. While this site is brand new, the concept is great. The site is free to join, and you can find collaboration partners, sources for stories and more.
  • Writing Groups If you prefer face-to-face interaction, you might consider joining a local writing group. You can check your local paper or Craigslist for a group in your area, or you could check out the local writers' Meetup groups. This will allow you to meet several writers in your area, and can increase your chances of meeting a buddy who's right for you
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Advice to writers by Vonnegut: How to Write With Style - 0 views

  • In Sum: 1. Find a subject you care about 2. Do not ramble, though 3. Keep it simple 4. Have guts to cut 5. Sound like yourself 6. Say what you mean 7. Pity the readers
    Newspaper reporters and technical writers are trained to reveal almost nothing about themselves in their writings. This makes them freaks in the world of writers, since almost all of the other ink-stained wretches in that world reveal a lot about themselves to readers. We call these revelations, accidental and intentional, elements of style. These revelations tell us as readers what sort of person it is with whom we are spending time. Does the writer sound ignorant or informed, stupid or bright, crooked or honest, humorless or playful --- ? And on and on. Why should you examine your writing style with the idea of improving it? Do so as a mark of respect for your readers, whatever you're writing. If you scribble your thoughts any which way, your readers will surely feel that you care nothing about them. They will mark you down as an egomaniac or a chowderhead --- or, worse, they will stop reading you. The most damning revelation you can make about yourself is that you do not know what is interesting and what is not. Don't you yourself like or dislike writers mainly for what they choose to show you or make you think about? Did you ever admire an emptyheaded writer for his or her mastery of the language? No. So your own winning style must begin with ideas in your head.
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Kurt Vonnegut: 8 Basics of Creative Writing - 0 views

    Eight rules for writing short fiction: 1. Use the time of a total stranger in such a way that he or she will not feel the time was wasted.2. Give the reader at least one character he or she can root for.3. Every character should want something, even if it is only a glass of water.4. Every sentence must do one of two things - reveal character or advance the action.5. Start as close to the end as possible.6. Be a sadist. Now matter how sweet and innocent your leading characters, make awful things happen to them - in order that the reader may see what they are made of.7. Write to please just one person. If you open a window and make love to the world, so to speak, your story will get pneumonia.8. Give your readers as much information as possible as soon as possible. To heck with suspense. Readers should have such complete understanding of what is going on, where and why, that they could finish the story themselves, should cockroaches eat the last few pages. The greatest American short story writer of my generation was Flannery O'Connor (1925-1964). She broke practically every one of my rules but the first. Great writers tend to do that. - Vonnegut, Kurt Vonnegut, Bagombo Snuff Box: Uncollected Short Fiction (New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons 1999), 9-10.
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Comma splice - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • There are several ways to correct a comma splice:
  • Change the comma to a semicolon, dash, or colon:
  • Write the two clauses as two separate sentences:
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  • Use a semicolon plus a conjunctive adverb:
  • Make one clause dependent on the other:
  • Insert a coordinating conjunction following the comma:
  • splices are sometimes acceptable when the clauses are short and alike in form, such as: The gate swung apart, the bridge fell, the portcullis was drawn up. The famous sentence I came, I saw, I conquered falls into the same category.
  • often considered acceptable in poetic writing. The editors of the Jerusalem Bible translate Isaiah 11:4 as: His word is a rock that strikes the ruthless, his sentences bring death to the wicked
  • The British author Lynne Truss[9] observes: "so many highly respected writers observe the splice comma that a rather unfair rule emerges on this one: only do it if you're famous." She cites Samuel Beckett, E. M. Forster, and Somerset Maugham. "Done knowingly by an established writer, the comma splice is effective, poetic, dashing. Done equally knowingly by people who are not published writers, it can look weak or presumptuous. Done ignorantly by ignorant people, it is awful."
  • Comma splices are considered acceptable by some in passages of spoken (or interior) dialogue, and are sometimes used deliberately to emulate spoken language more closely.
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15 Awesome Tips About Writing Your Teacher Wouldn't Tell You - 0 views

  • Writing is one of the great joys of life, but it can also be difficult, tedious, and full of frustration. Luckily, there are some specific things you can do to become a better writer. Read on for 15 habits that will make you a better writer, today.
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NaPoWriMo: National Poetry Writing Month - 0 views

    NaPoWriMo, or National Poetry Writing Month, is an annual project in which participating poets attempt to write a poem a day for the month of April. NaPoWriMo was founded in 2003, when poet Maureen Thorson decided to take up the challenge (modeled after NaNoWriMo, or National Novel Writing Month), and challenged other poets to join her. Since then, the number of participants has gotten larger every year, and many writers' organizations, local, national and even international, organize NaPoWriMo activities.
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RSA Animate - The Divided Brain - YouTube - 0 views

    Renowned psychiatrist and writer Iain McGilchrist explains how our 'divided brain' has profoundly altered human behaviour, culture and society. Taken from a lecture given by Iain McGilchrist as part of the RSA's free public events programme. To view the full lecture, go to
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Teaching That Sticks: 10 Places to Find and Share Lesson Plans Online - 0 views

    The following is a guest post from education writer Karen Schweitzer. Her previous guest post, 15 Free Resources for Young Readers, was a big hit, so I'm pleased to have her with us again. Finding and sharing lesson plans online can help teachers save time and engage students in new ways. There are several sites that have been set up specifically for this purpose. Here are ten quality lesson plans sites for teachers to try throughout the school year.
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Editorial Ass: some very quick thoughts on the present tense - 0 views

     successful present tense novel writing is much, much more difficult to execute than past tense novel writing. Most writers, no matter how good they are, are not quite up to the task.  I'm not just being conservative here. It's true that historically, most novels have been written in the past tense. This is not purely convention--there are practical reasons for narrating in the past tense
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Five Habits to Avoid in Fiction Writing | - 0 views

  • By avoiding these habits, your fiction writing will be greatly improved.
  • 1. Generic verbs and nouns
  • People, places, and things (i.e., nouns) have names, and it's your job to know what they are. Precise nouns work wonders in fiction writing because nouns have connotations or meanings that go beyond their dictionary definitions.
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  • This information could hint at what time of year it is (tulips are pretty scarce in September) and could also tell us something about the character who gives the flowers.
  • There are at least 12 synonyms for the verb to laugh, and each one evokes a specific image. A character could express amusement by cackling, chortling, chuckling, giggling, guffawing, snickering, sniggering, tittering, crowing, whooping, simpering, or smirking
  • Precise verbs contribute greatly to characterization.
  • 2. The exception: He said, she said
  • Reading good dialogue makes readers feel like they're actually listening in on a real conversation. Because of this, it can be very disruptive if the author keeps butting in to tell readers that the speaker intoned or declared or asserted or retorted.
  • It may  seem like using "said" repeatedly in dialogue tags is repetitive, but in fact the little word is so inconspicuous, it just fades into the background—which is exactly what we want when we're trying to listen in on a good conversation. The rare deviation is fine (asked, in particular, seems to be okay once in a while), but if you find yourself using a colorful synonym for every dialogue tag in your manuscript or screenplay, you may be doing more harm than good.
  • Third-person narration can be either limited (an objective narrator tells the story by focusing on a particular character's thoughts and interactions) or omniscient (the narrator sees and hears all)
  • many writers, in a misguided attempt to make their fiction writing descriptive, overuse these words.
  • Carrying a steaming and fragrant mug, she walked angrily and loudly into his office. Why write that, when you could have simply said: Carrying her peppermint tea, she stormed into his office. The second sentence actually gives us more information using fewer words.
  • 3. Adjective/Adverb-a-rhea
  • ...and adverbs that introduce redundancy...
  • ...or contradict the meaning of the verb or adjective they modify.
  • 4. Inconsistent point of view
  • In first-person narration, one character tells the story in his or her own voice (using "I")
  • be especially wary of adjectives that don’t actually convey much
  • No single point of view is better than another, but once you have made a choice, be consistent.
  • there are some great examples of novels that experiment with point of view by switching between narrators. But even in these stories, some kind of predictable pattern is imposed for clarity, such as a change in narrator from one chapter to the next, but not within a chapter.
  • 5. Unnaturally expositional, stilted, or irrelevant dialogue
  • Read your dialogue out loud. Does it sound like the way people actually talk
  • Are they talking about the weather? Because if they're talking about the weather, you'd better have a good reason for it.
  • the worst habit a fiction writer can develop is the habit of giving up too easily. Keep writing every day.
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Easy Street Prompts - 1 views

    feeling creatively stuck? Well, this is the unsticking place. You'll find a new visual or random-words inspiration every single day just for artists, writers, and the terminally creative. Once you've scared away The Block, post your work in the comments or leave a link for us to visit. Let's start a creative pandemic
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5 Tips on Spoken Word | Power Poetry - 0 views

  • Choose a subject and have attitude. No attitude, no poem! Feelings and opinions give poetry its “richness.” Each poet has a unique perspective and view of the world that no one else has. It is important that a spoken word poem embodies the courage necessary to share one’s self with the rest of the world. The key here is to build confidence. We must acknowledge ourselves as writers and understand what we have to say is important. Practice. Practice. Practice.  
  • Pick your poetic devices. Poems that get attention are ones that incorporate simple, but powerful poetic elements. Repetition is a device that can help a writer generate exciting poems with just repeating a key phrase or image. Rhyming can enrich your diction and performance. (Check out other poetic devices while you’re at it.)
  • Performance. Spoken word poems are written to be performed. After your poem is written, practice performing the poem with the elements of good stage presence in mind.  It is important to maintain Eye Contact – Don’t stare at the floor, or hide behind a piece of paper/phone. From time to time, look into the eyes of people in the audience to capture their attention. Projection  is also crucial, so remember to speak loudly and clearly so that your voice can be heard from a distance. Enunciation helps the listeners to hear exactly what you say. Don’t mumble. Speak clearly and distinctly so that the audience can understand what you are saying. Facial Expressions  help animate your poem. You’re not a statue: smile if you’re reading something happy. Look angry if your poem is about anger. This might sound silly, but using the appropriate facial expressions help express various emotions in your performance. Gestures such as hand motions and body movements emphasize different elements of your performance. Choose the right gestures for your poem.
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  • Memorization. Once you’ve memorized your spoken word piece, you can devote more time to your performance. Memorization allows you to be truly in touch with the meaning and the emotional content of your poem, even if you forget a word or a line you can improvise (freestyle), which is one of the most important elements of spoken word.
  • Power Poetry. Spoken word must be, well, spoken. To create an online performance (so that you can share it on Power Poetry, of course) check out our multimedia tip guide to bring your work to life.
    "Spoken Word is writing that is meant to be read out loud. Some examples of spoken word you might be familiar with are stories, poems, monologues, slam poetry, rap and even stand-up comedy. Spoken word is written on a page but performed for an audience and since it is performed, this poetry demonstrates a heavy use of rhythm, improvisation, rhymes, word play, and slang. It is more animated than more traditional forms of poetry. When writing a spoken word piece use words and phrases that project onto the minds of the listeners like vivid images, sounds, actions and other sensations. If your poem is rich with imagery, your listeners will see, smell, feel and maybe even taste what you're telling them. Here are some spoken word poems from our Power Poets."
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Chimamanda Adichie: The danger of a single story | Video on - 0 views

    Our lives, our cultures, are composed of many overlapping stories. Novelist Chimamanda Adichie tells the story of how she found her authentic cultural voice -- and warns that if we hear only a single story about another person or country, we risk a critical misunderstanding. Inspired by Nigerian history and tragedies all but forgotten by recent generations of westerners, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie's novels and stories are jewels in the crown of diasporan literature.
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What is Waka? - 0 views

  • For western poets, waka can be a style easily learned but hardly ever mastered. New anthologies of Japanese poetry can prove inspiring.
  • Waka can also be a fun poetic form to teach children, who may enjoy the cooperative effort produced if two writers take on a question and answer format. It is certainly a productive and enjoyable way to teach introduction to Japanese poetry or simply to poetry, which at the same time emphasizes teamwork and cooperation in creative endeavors.
    While it is true haiku was the predominant form of Japanese culture, and certainly most recognized by non-Japanese, waka inspired it. It was an art form, first begun in the 8th century CE, which continued in popularity through the modern era.
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Is That Supposed to Be Funny? Using Humor in the Classroom and Avoiding the Pitfalls - 1 views

  • generational differences are really cultural differences in societies that undergo rapid change
  • humor is so dependent on culture, on a shared context, and why jokes that have to be explained are probably not going to be funny.
  • Culturally and context specific
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  • There is the old apology, “You had to be there” when a “funny” story falls flat. Most of the humor of stand-up comedians is on very specific cultural phenomenon.
  • In one of my reading classes, the text had a reading about the lifework of movie actor/writer/director Woody Allen, who, not surprisingly, the students were not familiar with. So to give a sense of Allen and his work, I explained the synopsis of one of his short films, “Oedipus Wrecks,”
  • The students were able to see the humor in this as overprotective mothers are a cultural universal
  • If the teacher can lighten the mood with humor, some of the tension dissipates, leaving students more ready to learn.
  • When you laugh with someone, even a stranger, you bond with that person, if only momentarily
  • A class that laughs together develops a feeling of goodwill toward each other and can work more productively together.
  • When you learn a society’s humor, how it conveys humor and what it finds funny, you’ve learned quite a lot about its culture
  • the sources of humor are also sources of anxiety; the laughter is to dispel anxiety
  • Sometimes culture and language itself can be sources of humor
  • a favorite short play I like to teach students is Kaufman and Hart’s “The Still Alarm.
  • hilarious in its use of overly polite, inappropriate language, as in the hotel manager knocking and announcing something like, “Pardon me for intruding, but the building is on fire.”
  • Methods for Including Humor in the ESL Classroom
  • Include humor from the beginning
  • Lighten the mood
  • Call attention to humor
  • Share a joke from their cultures
  • Humor is a tool
  • humor, especially sarcasm, should never be directed at students. Sarcasm can be hard to understand, even from someone within one’s own culture, and “mean” humor becomes a barrier to, not a tool for, learning. Direct humor at inanimate objects or situations, not people.
    ESL students don't share the same cultural context as their instructor in most cases, making humor in the ESL class dicey.
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Folk high school - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • institutions for adult education that generally do not grant academic degrees, though certain courses might exist leading to that goal
  • The concept originally came from the Danish writer, poet, philosopher and pastor N. F. S. Grundtvig
  • Folk high schools in Germany and Sweden are in fact much closer to the institutions known as folkeuniversitet or folkuniversitet in Norway and Denmark which provide adult education. However, unlike the folkuniversitet, folk high schools in Sweden are not connected to a regular university.
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  • Grundtvig, regarded as the founder of the folk high school, received inspiration for the concept from the English boarding schools, but Grundtvig's focus was not on formal education but on popular education and enlightenment.
  • give the peasantry and other people from the lower echelons of society a higher educational level through personal development; what Grundtvig called "the living word"
  • The folk high school movement was an act against a conservative ideal of both education and culture. An act against an ideal of literacy and book-learning, a use of language unknown to common people and a learning ideal where the primary relation was between the individual and the book alone.
  • Grundtvig fought for a public education as an alternative to the university elite
  • The folk high schools should be for those wanting to learn in general and to help people form part of human relations and society
  • One of the main concepts still to be found at the folk high schools today is "lifelong learning". The schools should educate for life. They should shed light on basic questions surrounding life of people both as individuals and as members of society.
  • To Grundtvig the ideal was to give the students a sense of a common best and focusing on life as it really is
  • Grundtvig never set down guidelines for the future schools or a detailed description of how they should be run. He declared that the folk high schools should be arranged and developed according to life as it is and the schools should not hold exams because the education and enlightenment was a sufficient reward.
  • The first folk high school was founded in Rødding, Denmark, in 1844. It began on the initiative of Christen Kold, who was a follower of Grundtvig
  • The school was inspired by the need to educate those not fortunate enough to have an education and the poor, or peasantry, who could not spare the time or the money to attend a university
  • The first folk high schools in Sweden were established in 1868. As of 2008, there are about 150 folk high schools throughout the country, most of which are situated in the countryside, often in remote areas
  • Tuition is free, and the students are eligible for normal financial aid for expenses such as accommodation and other school costs. After graduating, the students are eligible to study at a university.
    • izz aty
      sweden's folk schools can act as a pre-uni course
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Body Language Cheat Sheet for Writers - 0 views

    All body language must be considered in context, but if you've set your scene and established your characters, a little body language can help!  Anger Attractice Closed to conversation Openness & honesty Submissive signals Distress Lying Superiority, confidence, power, dominance
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Six Word Stories - Teaching Village - 0 views

  • The process is simple: Students choose a picture and tell a story in six words. I had so much fun doing the activity myself I decided to use it with both my young learners and my more mature learners. It worked beautifully! Six words doesn’t intimidate anyone, so even my weakest writers enjoyed thinking of their stories. Six words also creates an effective framework for activating some micro-grammar awareness—especially word order in sentences, and the need for pesky little words in English (like BE verbs and articles).
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Houston - 75 ESL Teaching Ideas (TESL/TEFL) - 0 views

  • Ask a student to demonstrate a dance, and assist the student in explaining the movements in English.
  • Ask students to name as many objects in the classroom as they can while you write them on the board.
  • Ask your students if there are any songs running through their heads today. If anyone says yes, encourage the student to sing or hum a little bit, and ask the others if they can identify it.
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  • Assign students to take a conversation from their coursebook that they are familiar with and reduce each line to only one word.
  • At the end of class, erase the board and challenge students to recall everything you wrote on the board during the class period. Write the expressions on the board once again as your students call them out.
  • Bring a cellular phone (real or toy) to class, and pretend to receive calls throughout the class. As the students can only hear one side of the conversation, they must guess who is calling you and why. Make the initial conversation very brief, and gradually add clues with each conversation. The student who guesses correctly wins a prize.
  • Bring in some snacks that you think your students haven't tried before, and invite the students to sample them and give their comments.
  • Collaborate with your students on a list of famous people, including movie stars, politicians, athletes, and artists. Have every student choose a famous person, and put them in pairs to interview each other.
  • Come to class dressed differently than usual and have students comment on what's different.
  • Copy a page from a comic book, white out the dialogue, make copies for your class, and have them supply utterances for the characters.
  • Copy pages from various ESL textbooks (at an appropriate level for your students), put them on the walls, and have students wander around the classroom and learn a new phrase. Then have them teach each other what they learned.
  • Copy some interesting pictures of people from magazine ads. Give a picture to each student, have the student fold up the bottom of the picture about half an inch, and write something the person might be thinking or saying. Put all the pictures up on the board, and let everyone come up and take a look.
  • Draw a pancake-shape on the board, and announce that the school will soon be moving to a desert island. Invite students one by one to go to the board and draw one thing they would like to have on the island.
  • Draw a party scene on the board, and invite students to come up and draw someone they would like to have at the party.
  • Fill the board with vocabulary your students have encountered in previous classes (make sure to include all parts of speech), and get them to make some sentences out of the words.
  • Find out what famous people your students admire, and work together with the class to write a letter to one of them.
  • First, instruct your students to write on a slip of paper the name of one book, CD, or movie that changed them in some way. Collect the papers, call out the titles, and ask the class if they can guess who wrote it. Finally, let the writer identify him or herself, explaining his or her choice.
  • Hand a student a ball of yellow yarn. Have him toss it to another student, while saying something positive about that student and holding onto the end of the yarn. Continue in this manner until there is a web between all the students.
    These are the ideas included in Hall Houston's Random ESL Idea Generator. If you have a JavaScript-enabled browser, you can use the generator to get a randomly-selected idea from this list. Perhaps you will find it useful to print out this list and refer to it from time to time.
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Writing Tips from Masters - 0 views

    Link to some useful writing tips.
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