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Unrestricted Warfare | Adbusters Culturejammer Headquarters - 0 views

  • The most interesting thesis is the idea that China could use international law as a weapon, or “lawfare” for short. The authors argue that citizens of democracies increasingly demand that their countries uphold international rules, particularly ones that govern human rights and the conduct of war. Governments are, therefore, constrained by regional or worldwide organizations, such as the European Union, ASEAN, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the WTO and the United Nations. The authors argue that China should copy the European model of using international law to pin down the USA: “there are far-sighted big powers which have clearly already begun to borrow the power of supra-national, multinational, and non-state players to redouble and expand their own influence.” They think that China could turn the United Nations and regional organizations into an amplifier of the Chinese worldview – discouraging the USA from using its might in campaigns like the Iraq War.
  • Beijing has been willing to allow the Organization of Islamic States to take the lead in weakening the new Human Rights Council. This subtle diplomacy has been devastatingly effective – contributing to a massive fall in US influence: in 1995 the USA won 50.6 percent of the votes in the United Nations general assembly; by 2006, the figure had fallen to just 23.6 percent. On human rights, the results are even more dramatic: China’s win-rate has rocketed from 43 percent to 82 percent, while the USA’s has tumbled from 57 per cent to 22 percent. The New York Times’ UN correspondent James Traub has detected a paradigm shift in the United Nations’ operations: “it’s a truism that the Security Council can function only insofar as the United States lets it. The adage may soon be applied to China as well.” Traub may be right. China’s capacity to influence the United Nations is increasing, and soon we may be complaining about Chinese behavior on big policy issues
isaac Mao

中国人肉搜索引擎助奥运冠军寻父 - 0 views

  • 中国的互联网社群有一个专用名词叫作"人肉搜索引擎",意即动员人力帮助寻找人或物。
  • 虽然郭文珺在射击项目上的成绩不断进步,但她一直没有摆脱失去父亲的阴影,曾经数次萌生放弃射击运动的念头,甚至一度离开体校,做了一名售货员。
isaac Mao

艾未来:我的信箱收到刺客唐永明的遗书 博讯新闻,简体中文新闻 - 0 views

  • 为了避免不必要的误解和以讹传讹,我留下这份《最后的话》给世界。          我之所以采取这样的极端行动,并不是因为残忍和疯狂,而是希望用这种极端方式,来提醒世界舆论,关注中国共产党统治下的人民痛苦。          请大家原谅我的方式,因为北京当局举办的奥运,其造成的痛苦程度,远远超过明天即将发生的悲剧。北京奥运会,毁灭了许多人的全部生命!贪官污吏的罪恶,有目共睹!          我们对世界没有恶意,我们热爱世界人民。我们的行动,是一种表达痛苦生活程度的“行为艺术”。尽管这个行为艺术,是用鲜血谱写的!          亲爱的人们,我爱你们!          杭州唐永明     2008年8月8日于北京
arden dzx

[转帖] Paulson 成功绑架中国后,正在谋图绑架全世界! - 0 views

  • 可有意思的是,9月22日, 中新社发了一条十分简短的消息称:“中国国家主席胡锦涛 二十二日上午应约同美国总统布什通电话,双方就中美关系及美国经济金融形势等问题 交换了意见。” 几乎也就是在前后不久,中国国务院总理温家宝同学也在国内三鹿风 暴席卷神州的时候, 坐着专机到了美国, 住在了New York。 名义上说是来参加那个 半死不活的什么联合国大会,要来发个言,但十几分钟的讲话结束后, 平时日理万机 的总理却没有马上回国, 而是在Wall Street 的老家 New York, 一波一波的摆明着 会见美国商业领袖和经济专家。 和他们交流着解决华尔街危机的奇方妙策和中国在这一 危机中所能发挥的作用。这一呆, 也就是一个多星期。
isaac Mao

不要上北京市政府的当 - 0 views

  • 这是前俩月的消息,当时挺轰动,那个天文数字足以让所有不开眼的人晕菜。新闻用政府的仁至义尽与刁民的贪得无厌作鲜明对比,歌颂了人民政府的忍辱负重,抨击了钉子户的不识好歹。于是不明真相的群众看后都很心疼政府,心说这也就是在解放区,要搁在敌占区国军早他妈不客气了。更多的是愤怒:1600万毛大头,相当于一口气中4张一等奖的税后所得,而且需要奖池配合。老子们几辈子都挣不来那么些钱,这家刁民太敢开牙了。网上评论几小时就达到数万条,一边倒的谩骂。
isaac Mao

'One thing is clear: you cannot protest legally in China' -- - 0 views

  • Manuela Parrino is a 40-year-old Italian who has lived in Beijing for the last 41/2 years with her husband, an Italian television correspondent, and their son, Jacopo. "I was kind of fed up with all the visiting journalists talking negatively about China. I was at the press conference where they announced the new protest areas, and I thought, 'OK, let's give this a try.' "
isaac Mao

Science News / Undecided Voters Not So Undecided - 0 views

  • These days, you can’t even trust undecided people. Individuals who honestly believe that they can’t choose between two available options may in fact already know what to do, thanks to attitudes that lurk outside their awareness, a new study indicates.

U.S. Fears Threat of Cyberspying at Olympics - - 0 views

  • The spy tactics include copying information contained in laptop computers at airport checkpoints or hotel rooms, wirelessly inserting spyware on BlackBerry devices, and a new technique dubbed "slurping" that uses Bluetooth technology to steal data from electronic devices. In addition to cybersecurity threats in other countries, "so many people are going to the Olympics and are going to get electronically undressed," said Joel Brenner, the government's top counterintelligence officer. He tells of one computer-security expert who powered up a new Treo hand-held computer when his plane landed in China. By the time he got to his hotel, a handful of software programs had been wirelessly inserted.
    Yeah, copying hard drives at the border, that would be America who does that and not China.
isaac Mao

中国和津巴布韦 - 阮一峰的网络日志 - 0 views

  • * 津巴布韦官方通货膨胀率已经接近100000%。 * 一卷厕纸的价格已经达到15万津元,最畅销的商品是点钞机,每台的价格在3.45亿至12亿津元之间。
  • 据了解,近年来,津巴布韦和中国的经贸关系日益密切,从中国进口了大量商品。在津巴布韦国内,上至总统府的装修,下至平民百姓的日常用品,“中国制造”无处不在。
  • 中国越来越被看作,是对全世界民主自由的一种威胁。
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • 中国政治家好像正在尝试,散播一种理论,那就是如何在保持专制统治的前提下,取得经济成功。这使得那些穷国的领导人相信,不需要推行民主,并且以仿效中国经济成功为借口,来加强他们的独裁统治。
  • 《圣经》里说:“惟愿公平如大水滚滚,使公义如江河滔滔。”(But let justice rolls down like waters, and righteousness like a mighty stream! )中国这个国家,不仅自己国内没有公平和正义,还阻碍他国和世界上广大受压迫人民的公平和正义。我作为一个中国人,真的感到非常遗憾和无奈。
Kenyth Zeng

open...: A Sad Day for Copyright - 0 views

  • Google's top copyright man, he wrote his blog in a purely private capacity as one of the leading copyright scholars in the world.
  • copyright has become less and less responsive to the balance of incentives and exceptions
  • Copyright law has abandoned its reason for being: to encourage learning and the creation of new works
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • its principal functions now are to preserve existing failed business models, to suppress new business models and technologies, and to obtain, if possible, enormous windfall profits from activity that not only causes no harm, but which is beneficial to copyright owners
isaac Mao

U.N. agency eyes curbs on Internet anonymity | Politics and Law - CNET News - 0 views

  • A United Nations agency is quietly drafting technical standards, proposed by the Chinese government, to define methods of tracing the original source of Internet communications and potentially curbing the ability of users to remain anonymous.
  • The Chinese author of the document, Huirong Tian, did not respond to repeated interview requests. Neither did Jiayong Chen of China's state-owned ZTE Corporation, the vice chairman of the Q6/17's parent group who suggested in an April 2007 meeting that it address IP traceback.
  • Another technologist, Jacob Appelbaum, one of the developers of the Tor anonymity system, also was alarmed. "The technical nature of this 'feature' is such a beast that it cannot and will not see the light of day on the Internet," Appelbaum said. "If such a system was deployed, it would be heavily abused by precisely those people that it would supposedly trace. No blackhat would ever be caught by this."
isaac Mao


  • 另据报道,失事的直升机因为没有安装可以发射信号的黑匣子,技术设备探测不到,所以无法确定失事的具体位置。据了解,通常飞机失事后,最快的方式就是通过捕捉黑匣子发射的信号来确定飞机失事的位置。这架米-171型直升机是5月31日下午失事的,机上共19人。(全文点击此处)5月31日成都军区失事的米-171直升机上18具遇难者遗体全部找到,机上的黑匣子也已经找到。(全文点击此处)
arden dzx

BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Making sense of modern China - 0 views

  • Prof Spence does not ignore the risks, but sees more grounds for optimism. He points to the ballooning number of university graduates, the emergence of grassroots civil groups, and the vast improvement in the education levels of top leaders as evidence that change will have to come. "The whole idea of representation is being explored. Remember China had a hard time with representative government, which fell apart under the warlord era [in 1915]. "China is backtracking into the past, looking for ways of making changes. We could wish they changed much faster, but we should be glad they are changing at the speed they are," he says. Hear Professor Jonathan Spence deliver the 2008 Reith lectures: BBC Radio 4, Tuesdays from 3 June, 0900BST
Kenyth Zeng

Dujiangyan's residents turn anger against Chinese officials | World news | - 0 views

  • They have money for prostitutes and second wives but they don't have money for our children. This is not a natural disaster - this is done by humans.
shi zhao

《五一去不去家乐福?》被删后的一些想法 - 0 views

  • 我祝贺主张以抵制乃至破坏家乐福的方式爱国的人们的胜利,如果所有反对者的文字都被删除,则这胜利可以说是彻底的胜利,就像当年许多领袖以100%的造成票当选一样。我一直不不明白, “一致通过”的情形怎么可能不断地出现,现在我明白了,若有不一致的,删掉就可以了。或是删去那文字,或是……删去那性命。
  • 自由的前提是不妨碍他人的自由。
  • 如果将来有那么一天,我们对那时的年青人讲多少多少年前,我们生活的地方可以很随意地删除一个说了自己也不知道有什么当的话人的文章,他们能很吃惊地问道:“真的么?不可能吧?”那将是一个更幸福的时代。
isaac Mao

沙叶新:转发卢跃刚的《幽默的四川人》 - 0 views

  • 手机开始流行:“成都麻将的最新规定:不准打512,不准打血战到底,不准打刮风下雨,不准打推倒胡。”“512”、“血战到底”、“刮风下雨”、“推倒胡”,都是成都等地麻将打法。都跟地震有关。晦气,所以不准。
isaac Mao

我党大寿,贵州上海献礼 at 潜云思绪 - 0 views

  • 今年我国不太平,好不容易因为地震让人们稍稍放下争论团结了下。马上被余秋雨、王兆山一类人给搞得恶心。
  • 好了,今天是党的生日,是一个喜庆的日子,我们不谈这些让人不开心的事。首先让我们看看贵州方面送上的贺礼:
isaac Mao

为中国特色的民主而奋斗! - 杨恒均 - 网易博客 - 0 views

  • 听上去很熟悉吧,熟悉得让人反感。有人问了,老杨,你怎么也玩起了“中国特色”?而且,你这话几乎就是从政府报告中挑出来的——   且慢,这话听上去熟悉,可绝对不是你知道的那句话,你知道的是中国特色的社会主义、社会主义特色的民主,或者中国特色的社会主义民主,和我的这句只有“中国特色”加上“民主”是完全两码事。
  • 这里出一道智力题:请问亚洲平均人口身高最高的国家是哪一个?平均人口身高最矮的又是哪一个?答案分别是:南韩和北朝鲜。你看,民主虽然不是面包,但独裁国家显然很缺少面包。
  • 大家不妨想两件事,第一件事是我爷爷告诉我的,清朝被民国推翻后,民国宣布要共和了,消息传到我们家乡,我们家乡到处一片哭声,他们不是怕共和,而是不想剪辫子。我可怜的父老乡情,他们从记事起,头上就有一条辫子,现在竟然有人要共和,要剪辫子,这还得了?当时那些发布要给人剪辫子的乡情都被父老兄弟们吐了口水。当然,现在我们家乡都不留辫子了,你们那里还留吗?
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • 就拿印度来说,如果它现在不实行民主,人民的生活水准可能更低。有人问,你怎么知道?我说,很容易,印度民众不是傻瓜,如果他们认为有一个皇帝会比民主制度带给他们更多的面包,他们完全可以选举出一个“皇帝”,然后跪在他面前三呼万岁。这就是民主制度的好处,你甚至可以在人民当家作主的时候,集体宣布不要民主,而回归到较低级的社会阶段。可惜,历史上还没有发生过这样的事。
  • 你们不是争权夺利吗?你们不是用枪杆子你死我活吗?你们不是搞宫廷政变、搞路线斗争吗?现在统统靠边站,你们如果想夺取政权,如果夺取政权后想保住权力,去争取选民吧,去“夺取”公民手里的选票和他们的信任吧。
  • 当然还有,例如台湾陈水扁上台后,出现了很多游行示威,其中很多我都去观察过,虽然很有纪律和秩序,但在大陆朋友的新闻中看来,怎一个“乱”字了得?
  • 可是,中国特色 民主一定不会是社会主义特色的民主,也绝对不是中国特色的社会主义民主!对于有些人,加上一个“中国特色”是用来糊弄人的,可有时就不足以糊弄人了,为啥?我们都是中国人,你说的中国特色,我们怎么感到那么陌生呀?于是他们又搞了一个“社会主义”或者“社会主义特色”,这些就可以彻底把你弄糊涂了。社会主义没有问题,但社会主义特色的民主就有问题了,因为迄今为止所有实行社会主义制度的国家都毫无例外地向世界反反复复地证明了一条真理:社会主义搞不出民主!
isaac Mao

沙叶新:我再次为中华祈祷! - 0 views

  • 最后解释一下我在《为中华祈祷》一文中所用的“天谴”一词什么意思。所谓“天谴”就是“天怒”。《北史》有句话:“允叶(音xie,即‘协’的古体字)人心,用消天谴。”大意是说:“协调人心,用以消除天怒”。古代把“天”视为有意志的一种超自然的力量,是“万事万物的主宰”,是“天神”、是“天帝”。说“天谴”就是因为人类作了恶、得罪了“天”,所以致使“天帝”愤怒,惩罚人类,让人类得到相应的“报应”。
  • 我最担心就是好了伤疤忘了痛,最担心的总是把丧事当作喜事。今年年初的大雪灾,我们总结过什么教训吗?我们向哪个官员、哪个衙门问过责吗?3月份的两会的政府工作报告中有过认真的反省吗?
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