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Claude Almansi

TED Open Translation Project - 2 views

    "...Subtitles and transcripts Every talk on will now have English subtitles, which can be toggled on or off by the user. The number of additional languages varies from talk to talk, based on the number of volunteers who elected to translate it. Along with subtitles, every talk on now features a time-coded, interactive transcript, which allows users to select any phrase and have the video play from that point. The transcripts are fully indexable by search engines, exposing previously inaccessible content within the talks themselves. For example, searching on Google for "green roof" will ultimately help you find the moment in architect William McDonough's talk when he discusses Ford's River Rouge plant, and also the moment in Majora Carter's talk when she speaks of her green roof project in the South Bronx. Transcripts will index in all available languages. The interplay between the video, subtitles and transcript create what we call a Rosetta Stone effect. You can watch, for example, an English talk, with Korean subtitles and an Urdu transcript. Click on an Urdu phrase in the transcript, and the speaker will say it to you in English, with Korean subtitles running right-to-left below. It's captivating. ...."
    Descrizione del progetto di traduzione aperta - e collaborativa - dei sottotitoli dei video TED, con tante sotto-pagine linkate, in particolare a indicazioni per i tradutttori volontari.
Claude Almansi

NOTES 693B (EFS Stanford, Adv. listening and voc. dev. - curated TED talks) - 4 views

  • no transcript available
    • Claude Almansi
      [about ] Actually, this TED page has an English subtitle-generated transcript (as well as translated transcripts in the 47 other languages the video is subtitled in). And the transcript in page where the English subtitles were made shows an average 90 wpm in the passages where Collins actually speaks. This remains rather slow indeed, however non natives may find it difficult to grasp the written texts that appear very briefly on-screen, and hence Collins' allusions to these texts. (CA)
  • no transcript available
    • Claude Almansi
      [About] Actually there IS a transcript generated by the subtitles captions: - below the player in - downloadable from (Download > TXT) 362 words in 3:20 = 108.6 WPM
  • no captions for the first 34 seconds
    • Claude Almansi
      [About] Actually captions now start at 0:03
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • no transcript
    • Claude Almansi
      Actually, there is a transcript for this video - on the YT original page from which it's embedded in the page. See my 2nd note to
    "EFS 693B - STANFORD UNIVERSITY Advanced Listening and Vocabulary Development (...) TED Talks Introduction Below are groups of TED Talks, curated from and organized roughly by level and topic. You should do a full group (divided across several sessions if desired) and see if the integration makes them easier to understand (especially the later ones). Be sure to interact with them--don't just watch all of them straight through. However, you can do all or parts of some more intensively than others. Use your best judgment, and return to previous class notes as needed. Note that you are provided with the following information about the talk: 1. length 2. the overall speed in words-per-minute (WPM) 3. the vocabulary profile by percent of words at set frequency levels of the British National Corpus (3K, 5K, 10K, and more than 20K (off-list=OL)) 4. Accent (US, British, etc.) 5. Comments 6. Brief description of the content (from the TED website) (...) Last modified November 12, 2013, by Phil Hubbard"
  • ...1 more comment...
    Da questo webquest di Phil Hubbard sono tratti i segnalibri taggati EFS_Stanford, cioè radunati (assieme a questo) sotto .
    Molto interessante e sopratutto utile grazie!
    Grazie, Fabrizio, Ho taggato con "EFS_Stanford" - tra altri tag - questo webquest e i video ivi elencati dopo un webinar con Phil Hubbard organizzato via hangout da Vance Stevens domenica scorsa (8 ottobre). Nel webinar Hubbard ha insistito sul fatto che la forma di webquest direttivo era meglio delle forme di collaborazione sociali come tagging e condivisione, perché gli consentiva, da esperto, di dare informazioni coerenti. Allora taggare queste sue risorse TED su Diigo è anche un modo di esprimere il mio dissenso ;-) In effetti a proposito di , elencato in questo webquest, dice di non poter indicare le parole per minuto "perché non c'è trascrizione". Invece c'è, se si va alla pagina YT originale del video embeddato. Ora se invece di un webquest statico avesse condiviso questa risorsa con i suoi studenti in un gruppo come questo, c'è da scommettere che almeno uno di loro avrebbe rimediato all'errore in un commento - come d'altronde ho fatto in ...
Claude Almansi

Learning2gether with Phil Hubbard, Curation in CALL and TED Talk videos with English su... - 2 views

  • Showing Revision 45 created Today by Claude Almansi.
    • Claude Almansi
      Vanno ancora controllati i passi segnati "check"
  • it doesn't have a transcrip
    • Claude Almansi
      Yes it does! The transcript is at the original YouTube location,
    "Title: Learning2gether with Phil Hubbard, Curation in CALL and TED Talk videos Description: See ."
    Questa è la pagina dei sottotitoli inglesi. Dalla pagina principale si può vedere il video in un player più grandi, e iniziare a tradurli in altre lingue.
Claude Almansi

Charlie Todd: The shared experience of absurdity | Video on - 0 views

    Filmed May 2011 * Posted Nov 2011 * TEDxBloomington "Charlie Todd causes bizarre, hilarious, and unexpected public scenes: Seventy synchronized dancers in storefront windows, "ghostbusters" running through the New York Public Library, and the annual no-pants subway ride. In his talk, he shows how his group, Improv Everywhere, uses these scenes to bring people together. (Filmed at TEDxBloomington.) Charlie Todd is the creator of Improv Everywhere, a group that creates absurd and joyful public scenes"
    " From : "1. length: 12:04 2. overall speed (WPM): 172 3. vocabulary profile: 3K-94.7%; 5K-97.1%; 10K-98.4%; OL-1% 4. accent: US standard 5. comments: this is connected to the previous two talks; speech is fast at times 6. Charlie Todd causes bizarre, hilarious, and unexpected public scenes: Seventy synchronized dancers in storefront windows, "ghostbusters" running through the New York Public Library, and the annual no-pants subway ride. In his talk, he shows how his group, Improv Everywhere, uses these scenes to bring people together.
Claude Almansi

Jim Toomey: Learning from Sherman the shark | Video on - 0 views

    Filmed Apr 2010 * Posted Aug 2010 * Mission Blue Voyage "Cartoonist Jim Toomey created the comic strip Sherman's Lagoon, a wry look at underwater life starring Sherman the talking shark. As he sketches some of his favorite sea creatures live onstage, Toomey shares his love of the ocean and the stories it can tell. For the past 13 years, Jim Toomey has been writing and drawing the daily comic strip Sherman's Lagoon, about a daffy family of ocean dwellers"
    From : "1.length: 14:15 2. overall speed (WPM): 167 3. vocabulary profile: 3K-90.8%; 5K-94.5%; 10K-97.4%; OL-2% 4. accent: US standard 5. comments: names of fish and other ocean creatures are mentioned--try looking these up on Google images. He draws cartoons to support what he is talking about; see also 6. Cartoonist Jim Toomey created the comic strip Sherman's Lagoon, a wry look at underwater life starring Sherman the talking shark. As he sketches some of his favorite sea creatures live onstage, Toomey shares his love of the ocean and the stories it can tell."
Claude Almansi

Liza Donnelly: Drawing on humor for change | Video on - 0 views

    Filmed Dec 2010 * Posted Jan 2011 * TEDWomen 2010 "New Yorker cartoonist Liza Donnelly shares a portfolio of her wise and funny cartoons about modern life -- and talks about how humor can empower women to change the rules. New Yorker cartoonist Liza Donnelly tackles global issues with humor, intelligence and sarcasm. Her latest project supports the United Nations initiative Cartooning For Peace."
    From : "1. length: 6:43 2. overall speed (WPM): 152 3. vocabulary profile: 3K-94.9%; 5K-98.4%; 10K-99.5%; OL-.5% 4. accent: US standard 5. comments: her cartoons illustrate the points she makes; references to growing up in the 1950s and 60s; glass ceiling 6. New Yorker cartoonist Liza Donnelly shares a portfolio of her wise and funny cartoons about modern life -- and talks about how humor can empower women to change the rules."
Claude Almansi

ginger's thoughts | Silvia [Pfeiffer]'s blog - 1 views

    Silvia Pfeiffer fa ricerca su come sfruttare le potenzialità di HTML5 per rendere audio e video accessibili. Inoltre è bravissima nello spiegare questi temi tecnici in modo semplice.
fabrizio bartoli

TED Talks as of 5.23.2014 - Fogli Google - 0 views

    " a handy online spreadsheet that lists 875 TED Talks, with handy links to each video"
Claude Almansi

What's right and what's wrong about Coursera-style MOOCs - Tony Bates 2012_08_05 - 0 views

    "August 5, 2012 by Tony Bates TED Talks: Daphne Koller: What we're learning from online education Daphne Koller, one of the two founders of Coursera, describes some of the key features of the Coursera MOOCs, and the lessons she has learned to date about teaching and learning from these courses. The video is well worth watching, just for this. However I'm probably going to suffer the same kind of fate of the Russian female punk band, Pussy Riot, by spitting on the altar of MOOCs, but this TED talk captures for me all that is both right and wrong about the MOOCs being promoted by the elite US universities. Let me start by saying that I actually applaud Daphne Koller and her colleagues for developing massive open online MOOCs. Any attempt to make the knowledge of some of the world's leading experts available to anyone free of charge is an excellent endeavour. If only it stopped there. What I object to is the hubris and misleading claims that are evident in this TED video. As someone once said about one of Sigmund Freud's lectures, what is new is not true, and what is true is not new."
    Importante analisi fatta da uno specialista dell'insegnamento a distanza, tutto all'inizio di Coursera
Claude Almansi

Steve Hargadon: Interview with Gina Bianchini from Ning 2007-04-13 - 0 views

    "Gina Bianchini is the co-founder and CEO of Ning, the "do-it-yourself" social networking site. Gina is no ivory-tower entrepreneur--she is an active participant herself in several Ning networks, and she demonstrates her passion (and her hands-on style) in this fun interview. We talk about the original vision for Ning, some of the ways that Ning is being used by different groups, and what features are coming down the road. It's the future features Gina describes that will get current Ning users excited. The power and scope of Ning is truly amazing. Let's just say that I got off the call and immediately created a group for my kids drama troupe, and thought of several others."
    Intervista del 2007 - cioè quando Ning si spacciava per rete di reti con particolare impegno per l'educazione.
Claude Almansi

'A MOOC? What's a MOOC?' Now You Can Look It Up - The Chronicle of Higher Education - S... - 1 views

    ""A mook? What's a mook?" asks "Johnny Boy" Civello, the fast-talking gambling debtor in Martin Scorsese's 1973 film Mean Streets. For years, "mook" existed in English as an obscure slang term referring to "a foolish, insignificant, or contemptible person" (as Merriam-Webster's Online defines it). According to one Scorsese biographer, Vincent LoBrutto, the term first appeared in 1930 in the work of S.J. Perelman, the well-known writer and humorist. Since then it has occasionally resurfaced-in Mean Streets, for example; and again, around 2000, to classify an emerging class of poor, angry white kids who listen to rap metal. But that particular monosyllable was rarely at the tip of anyone's tongue. Until recently, that is, when college professors began broadcasting their courses to a worldwide audience. They called their courses "MOOCs," which stands for massive open online courses and is pronounced "mooks." Suddenly, that unfortunate syllable could be heard everywhere: in the news and the blogs, at tech conferences and faculty meetings, in legislative hearings and policy proposals. Now, it has been formally enshrined into the English language. Oxford University Press this week inducted "MOOC" into its Oxford Dictionaries Online. The definition: "A course of study made available over the Internet without charge to a very large number of people.""
    Vedi anche i commenti all'articolo.
fabrizio bartoli

TED-Ed | Let's use video to reinvent education - Salman Khan - 3 views

    Salman Khan talks about how and why he created the remarkable Khan Academy, a carefully structured series of educational videos offering complete curricula in math and, now, other subjects.
    Salman Khan parla molto in fretta, purtroppo, ma la sua storia è molto interessante. La Khan Academy funziona veramente. Circa 200 video sono stati tradotti anche in italiano e hanno aiutato mia figlia a superare più di un ostacolo in matematica. Li consiglio senz'altro! Un aspetto molto interessante di questo video consiste nella chiarissima spiegazione di cosa sia la "flipped classroom".
fabrizio bartoli

Freeseer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 5 views

    "Freeseer /ˈfriːsiːɑr/ is a cross-platform screencasting application suite released as free and open source software. Freeseer is a project of the Free and Open Source Software Learning Centre (FOSSLC), a not-for-profit organization. Its primary purpose is conference recording and has been used at conferences like OSGeo's FOSS4G, FSOSS, and more.[3] The software renders videos in an Ogg format. Its video source options are USB (e.g. internal/external webcam) or desktop. Freeseer consists of three different dependent programs: a recording tool (which is the main tool), a configuration tool, and a talk-list editor"
  • ...1 more comment...
    Fabrizio, è un'applicazione che "gira" sia su sistemi operativi Windows che su Mac?
    Al momento l'ho solo taggato e ho raccolto qualche tutorial per approfondire; non l'ho ancora provato. Sembra molto interessante anche perché funziona anche come aggregatore da feed. Da quel che ho potuto vedere dai tutorial (ma è anche vero che sono datati di un paio d'anni) è sviluppata sino ad ora solo per linux e windows anche se registra da qualunque fonte incluso mac. Tutorials approfondirò appena possibile, fino al 30 sono appresso a mappe e Gis.
    Nadia, nel giro velocissimo che ho fatto, ho letto ( ) che funziona anche su Mac.
Claude Almansi

Christopher deCharms: A look inside the brain in real time | Video on - 1 views

    Filmed Feb 2008 * Posted Mar 2008 * TED2008 "Neuroscientist and inventor Christopher deCharms demonstrates a new way to use fMRI to show brain activity -- thoughts, emotions, pain -- while it is happening. In other words, you can actually see how you feel. Christopher deCharms is working on a way to use fMRI scans to show brain activity -- in real time."
    From : "1. length: 4:00 2. overall speed (WPM): 182 3. vocabulary profile: 3K-94.3%; 5K-96.4%; 10K-97.9%; OL-3.2% 4. accent: US standard 5. comments: there is a reference at the beginning of shrinking a ship and injecting it into the bloodstream, see:; fMRI = functional magnetic resonance imaging--a way to view the brain in action. 6. Neuroscientist and inventor Christopher deCharms demonstrates a new way to use fMRI to show brain activity -- thoughts, emotions, pain -- while it is happening. In other words, you can actually see how you feel.
Claude Almansi

Al Seckel: Visual illusions that show how we (mis)think | Video on - 0 views

    Filmed Feb 2004 * Posted Apr 2007 * TED2004 "Al Seckel, a cognitive neuroscientist, explores the perceptual illusions that fool our brains. Loads of eye tricks help him prove that not only are we easily fooled, we kind of like it. Cognitive neuroscientist Al Seckel explores how eye tricks can reveal the way the brain processes visual information -- or fails to do so. Among his other accomplishments: He co-created the Darwin Fish"
    From : "1. length: 14:30 2. overall speed (WPM): 117 3. vocabulary profile: 3K-92.3%; 5K-95%; 10K-96.6%; OL-3.2% 4. accent: US standard 5. comments: there are times when the speaker is quiet and the audience is viewing--actual speech rate is higher 6. Al Seckel, a cognitive neuroscientist, explores the perceptual illusions that fool our brains. Loads of eye tricks help him prove that not only are we easily fooled, we kind of like it."
Claude Almansi

Jill Bolte Taylor: My stroke of insight | Video on - 0 views

    Filmed Feb 2008 * Posted Mar 2008 * TED2008 "Jill Bolte Taylor got a research opportunity few brain scientists would wish for: She had a massive stroke, and watched as her brain functions -- motion, speech, self-awareness -- shut down one by one. An astonishing story. Brain researcher Jill Bolte Taylor studied her own stroke as it happened -- and has become a powerful voice for brain recovery"
    From : "1. length: 18:02 2. overall speed (WPM): 150 3. vocabulary profile: 3K-92.9%; 5K-95.3%; 10K-97.9%; OL-1.6% 4. accent: US standard 5. comments: very emotional story; key vocabulary = schizophrenic; stroke (of the brain) 6. Jill Bolte Taylor got a research opportunity few brain scientists would wish for: She had a massive stroke, and watched as her brain functions -- motion, speech, self-awareness -- shut down one by one. An astonishing story."
Claude Almansi

Improv Everywhere: Gotta share! | Video on - 2 views

    Filmed Apr 2011 * Posted May 2011 * Gel Conference "At the onstage introduction of Twirlr, a new social-sharing platform, someone forgets to silence their cell phone. And then ... this happens. (Song by Scott Brown and Anthony King; edit by Nathan Russell.) Improv Everywhere is a New York City-based prank collective that causes scenes of chaos and joy in public places." YouTube URL:
    From : "1. length: 3:20 2. overall speed (WPM): unknown--no transcript (*)--but not too fast 3. vocabulary profile: mostly frequent words--no transcript available 4. accent: US standard 5. comments: no captions for the first 34 seconds (**). References to various social sharing applications (Twitter, Facebook, Vimeo, Myspace, FourSquare...) 6. At the onstage introduction of Twirlr, a new social-sharing platform, someone forgets to silence their cell phone. And then ... this happens" (*) Actually there IS a transcript generated by the subtitles captions: - below the player in - downloadable from (Download > TXT) 362 words in 3:20 = 108.6 WPM (CA) (**) Actually captions now start at 0:03 (CA)
Claude Almansi

Improv Everywhere: A TED speaker's worst nightmare | Video on - 2 views

    Filmed Mar 2012 * Posted Mar 2012 * TED2012 "Colin Robertson had 3 minutes on the TED stage to tell the world about his solar-powered crowdsourced health care solution. And then... Colin Robertson is apparently "attempting to make the world's first crowdsourced solar energy solution" Or is he?"
    From : From : " 1. length: 3:50 2. overall speed (WPM): very slow due to interruptions; you'll see 3. vocabulary profile: mostly frequent words--no transcript available (*) 4. accent: US standard 5. comments: discusses "crowdsourcing": outsourcing tasks to a large group of people, such as customers or volunteers 6. Colin Robertson had 3 minutes on the TED stage to tell the world about his solar-powered crowdsourced health care solution. And then..." (*) Actually, this TED page has an English subtitle-generated transcript (as well as translated transcripts in the 47 other languages the video is subtitled in). And the transcript in page where the English subtitles were made shows an average 90 wpm in the passages where Collins actually speaks. This remains rather slow indeed, however non natives may find it difficult to grasp the written texts that appear very briefly on-screen, and hence Collins' allusions to these texts. (CA)
Claude Almansi

Amy Tan: Where does creativity hide? | Video on - 0 views

    Filmed Feb 2008 * Posted Apr 2008 * TED2008 "Novelist Amy Tan digs deep into the creative process, looking for hints of how hers evolved. Amy Tan is the author of such beloved books as The Joy Luck Club, The Kitchen God's Wife and The Hundred Secret Senses."
    From : "1. length: 22:49 2. overall speed (WPM): 164 3. vocabulary profile: 3K-96.5%; 5K-97.6%; 10K-98.8%; OL-0.6% 4. accent: US standard 5. comments: tells stories about her life; references to quantum mechanics 6. Novelist Amy Tan digs deep into the creative process, looking for hints of how hers evolved."
Claude Almansi

Andy Hobsbawm: Do the green thing | Video on - 0 views

    Filmed Feb 2008 * Posted Nov 2008 * TED2008 "Andy Hobsbawm shares a fresh ad campaign about going green -- and some of the fringe benefits. Andy Hobsbawm is the European chair of and the founder of the website Green Thing."
    From : "1. length: 3:25 2. overall speed (WPM): 135 3. vocabulary profile: 3K-92.2%; 5K-95.1%; 10K-98.2%; OL-1.5% 4. accent: British standard 5. comments: "great creativity" is repeated a number of times 6. Andy Hobsbawm shares a fresh ad campaign about going green -- and some of the fringe benefits."
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