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Claude Almansi

"risk-free, no obligation Signature Track trial" - Google Search - 4 views

    Tentativo di vedere quali dei corsi Coursera che offrono soltanto la certificazione "Signature Track" a pagamento sono e non sono disponibili per la traduzione nella Global Translator Community di Coursera 14 signature-track-only couses not on GTC: - New World, New Map: GPS for Today's Music Industry . West Virginia University - Re-Enchanting the City - Designing the Human Habitat . UNSW Australia - Pre-Calculus . University of California, Irvine - The American South: Its Stories, Music, and Art . The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill - Foundations of Virtual Instruction . University of California, Irvine - Forensic Accounting and Fraud Examination . West Virginia University and Association of Certified Fraud Examiners - What's Your Big Idea? . The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill - The Magna Carta and its Legacy . University of London - Introduction to Environmental Law and Policy https://w
    8 signature-track-only courses on GTC: - The Art of Teaching History . Rice University - What a Plant Knows (and other things you didn't know about plants) . - The Fall and Rise of Jerusalem . Tel Aviv University - The Power of Macroeconomics: Economic Principles in the Real World . University of California, Irvine - Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects . University of California, San Diego - Learning to Teach Online . UNSW Australia (The University of New South Wales) - Developing Innovative Ideas for New Companies: The First Step in Entrepreneurship . University of Maryland, College Park - The Emergence of the Modern Middle East | Coursera . Tel Aviv University
Claude Almansi

Coursera Blog * An update on enrollment and grading 2016-01-19 - 0 views

    January 19, 2016 "Starting today, when you enroll in certain courses, you'll be asked to pay a fee (or apply for Coursera's financial aid program) if you'd like to submit required graded assignments and earn a Course Certificate. You can also choose to explore the course for free, in which case you'll have full access to videos, discussions, and practice assignments, and view-only access to graded assignments. You'll see the options for each individual course when you click "enroll" on the course information page; courses that aren't part of this change will continue to show the options to enroll in the course either with or without a Certificate. Most courses that are part of Specializations will begin offering this new experience this week, and certain other courses will follow later this year."
    Ironia: quando ho fatto questo segnalibro, il solo tag raccomandato (dal blog Coursera) che è apparso era "mooc"...
Claude Almansi

Typos or Mistakes in a Course - Coursera Help Center - 0 views

    "If you notice a serious mistake in a course, please contact us. Include information about the mistake, including links to supporting evidence that it is a mistake. Serious mistakes might include: An assignment deadline set before the course start date A broken link to a resource required for an assignment A video that has no subtitles If you notice a typo or minor error in a course, please do not report it. Typos do not affect the course experience significantly for most users, and reporting them makes it more difficult for instructional staff to address real issues in course content."
    Strano concetto della qualità.
Claude Almansi

P2PU | Rhizomatic Learning - The community is the curriculum - 1 views

    "We've got some folks engaged... so we're on. I've got two blog posts running now that give a description of both what the course is 'for' and what it might look like. Wander over and give them a gander. Rhizomatic Learning posits, among other things, that the community is the curriculum. That being able to participate with and among those people who are resident in a particular field is a primary goal of learning. In each of my classes the curriculum is, of course, filled with the ideas and connections that pre-exist in the field but the paths that are taken by the students are as individual as they are, and the path taken by the class is made up of the collected paths chosen by all the students, shaped by my influence as an instructor and the impact of those external nodes they manage to contact. Course starts January 14th [2014]. tweet at #rhizo14"
Claude Almansi

Proposal Lesson plan for- Teaching goes massive: new skills required - 2 views

    "Overview - This course is offered by University of Zurich with Prof Paul-Olivier Dehaye and his students. This lesson plan is created by Dilrukshi Gamage ( a MOOC student from this class due to few reasons. 1. Course started with giving some ideas, but now it appears no more ideas facilitated 2. Forums are closed and we have no clue of what to do 3. Students who take this course or any of coursera for the first time will be wondering and might lose the context of learning. 4. This lesson plan will guide us to collaboratively find solution to be in synchronized and learn from the time we invest in this. Introduction - The course named Teaching goes massive : new skills needed. It is our responsibility to find out what are the skills we need when we are teaching to a massive class.. or any class. Prof.Paul mentioned some experiments which we can do and previous forums already started and gone very well until suddenly closed everything. So let us drive this MOOC , learn to learn ourselves how to be organized and learn from each other. Anyone can suggest things but not like as forums it has to be much more effective. This document will contain how to participate and what can you do in contributing to expand your learning. Don't worry this will not stop suddenly as we the students are in charge. First step lets set some objectives so we can see did we achieve when we finish this course. Objectives - After you complete this course 1. You will learn how to learn yourselves to work without a real teacher or a lecturer. 2. You will learn to make communications and build a network where you can share and learn throughout your interest. 3. You will learn to work on inclusive projects in the same course ( by inclusive what I mean was anyone can work in one project or more) 4. You will gain knowledge on what skills you need and how to handle it when teaching is massive Where to contact - Please use the links provided in collaborating
    vedi anche di George Siemens per un ottimo riassunto e altri link utili
    e , il Pad dove Dehaye spiega il contesto della sua decisione. Se qualcuno ne ricancella il contenuto, usate la storia delle revisioni: funziona come PiratePad
Claude Almansi

The concept of openness behind c and x-MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) | Rodriguez ... - 0 views

    "Abstract The last five years have witnessed a hype about MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) presaging a revolution in higher education. Although all MOOCs have in common their scale and free access, they have already bifurcated in two very distinct types of courses when compared in terms of their underpinning theory, format and structure, known as c-MOOCs and x-MOOCs. The concept of openness behind each of the formats is also very different. Previous studies have shown that c-and x-MOOCs share some common features but that they clearly differ on the learning theory and pedagogical model on which they stand. In this paper we extend earlier findings and concentrate on the concept of "openness" behind each format showing important differences. Keywords Distance Education; Massive Open Online Course; MOOC; Open Course; Open Learning; Openness"
fabrizio bartoli

K-8 Intro to Computer Science | - 2 views

    "K-8 Intro to Computer Science is a free course that aims to demystify computer science and show K-8 students that it's fun, collaborative, and creative. The course is designed to motivate students and educators to continue learning computer science to improve real world relationships, connections, and life. Educators will foster an environment of communal learning that emphasizes risk-taking. This course will teach students about computer science, computational thinking, and programming. It will also teach that success does not come on the first try, just like the world's most difficult problems aren't solved on the first try. Challenge is good when it is supported by plans and tools that lead to success. This course will help students persevere in solving problems."
fabrizio bartoli

5 Free Online Courses For Social Media Beginners | Edudemic - 1 views

    Whether you're new to technology, just getting started with a social network, or looking for some useful tips then these courses are for you. They're part of a new idea that I've been working on with a few friends. We're calling it Modern Lessons and it's essentially a 'Khan Academy for real-world skills' where a small handful of people build free online courses designed to help you learn some important things.
Claude Almansi

'A MOOC? What's a MOOC?' Now You Can Look It Up - The Chronicle of Higher Education - S... - 1 views

    ""A mook? What's a mook?" asks "Johnny Boy" Civello, the fast-talking gambling debtor in Martin Scorsese's 1973 film Mean Streets. For years, "mook" existed in English as an obscure slang term referring to "a foolish, insignificant, or contemptible person" (as Merriam-Webster's Online defines it). According to one Scorsese biographer, Vincent LoBrutto, the term first appeared in 1930 in the work of S.J. Perelman, the well-known writer and humorist. Since then it has occasionally resurfaced-in Mean Streets, for example; and again, around 2000, to classify an emerging class of poor, angry white kids who listen to rap metal. But that particular monosyllable was rarely at the tip of anyone's tongue. Until recently, that is, when college professors began broadcasting their courses to a worldwide audience. They called their courses "MOOCs," which stands for massive open online courses and is pronounced "mooks." Suddenly, that unfortunate syllable could be heard everywhere: in the news and the blogs, at tech conferences and faculty meetings, in legislative hearings and policy proposals. Now, it has been formally enshrined into the English language. Oxford University Press this week inducted "MOOC" into its Oxford Dictionaries Online. The definition: "A course of study made available over the Internet without charge to a very large number of people.""
    Vedi anche i commenti all'articolo.
Claude Almansi

Coursera Announces Details for Selling Certificates and Verifying Identities - Wired Ca... - 0 views

    January 9, 2013 by Jeffrey R. Young "...Setting the Price The company also revealed more details about how it would award certificates and how much it would charge for them. Students who want a verified certificate will have to decide early in the course and pay upfront. Paying that fee will put students on what the company is calling the "Signature Track." The company and colleges are still struggling to decide what to charge for the certificates, though in its latest announcement Coursera said the price would run $30 to $100. "It's a huge decision: You're essentially setting a market," said Daphne Koller, a co-founder of Coursera, in an interview this week with The Chronicle. "No one has ever priced this before." Officials also stressed that they would offer financial aid to students who demonstrated that they could not afford the fees but could benefit from the verified certificates. Ms. Koller said Coursera would continue to offer free unofficial certificates to students who passed some of its courses. So why would someone pay for the verified certificates? Peter Lange, provost at Duke University, which plans to offer one of the courses in the new pilot, said each free certificate would have a clear disclaimer on it: "It says something to the effect of, We cannot vouch that the person who got this document took the course or did the work." The new Signature Track could mean serious revenue for Coursera, and for the 33 partner colleges that will get a cut of it. Exactly how the colleges will divide that revenue is still being worked out, it seems. Mr. Lange said the question was on the agenda at the next monthly meeting of Duke's Advisory Committee on Online Education." So, when Coursera staff offered free Statements of Accomplishment as "Recognition" to the volunteers of the Global Translator community, they did so in full awareness of their lack of value and of the mentioned disclaimer
Claude Almansi

Can You Really Teach a MOOC in a Refugee Camp? - The Chronicle of Higher Education 2014... - 0 views

    "Can You Really Teach a MOOC in a Refugee Camp? - Wired Campus - Blogs - The Chronicle of Higher Education August 1, 2014 by Steve Kolowich Two men living in Dadaab, a refugee camp in Kenya, would watch lecture videos and take online quizzes at a nearby United Nations compound. (InZone) One narrative that has driven widespread interest in free online courses known as MOOCs is that they can help educate the world. But critics like to emphasize that the courses mostly draw students who already hold traditional degrees. So when Coursera, the largest provider of MOOCs, published a blog post about how a professor had used one of its online courses to teach refugees near the Kenya-Somalia border, it sounded to some like a satire of Silicon Valley's naïve techno-optimism: Hundreds of thousands of devastated Africans stranded in a war zone? MOOCs to the rescue! Details of the experiment paint a more nuanced picture, one that highlights the challenges MOOC providers face in trying to change the lives of downtrodden people. Barbara Moser-Mercer, a cognitive psychologist at the University of Geneva, ran the refugee experiment and wrote Coursera's optimistic blog post about it. But in an interview with The Chronicle, as well as a more formal article she wrote about the experiment for a European conference on MOOCs, the professor expanded on the logistical issues that come with trying to make sophisticated online courses work in deprived settings."
Claude Almansi

01- This course is an experiment [Massive Teaching] with subtitles | Amara - 1 views

    ... This course only spans three weeks.The structure will be quite simple.In the first week, I'll take a mostly positive tone about MOOCs, describe the promise that many people see in them, including me. In the second week, I'll take a closer look at the technology and survey the copyright aspects. In the third week, I'll discuss the business aspects and maybe a bit of science fiction. In fact I'll prepare some material for the third week, but I'll be ready to add muchmore to it than that, mostly in response to questions that will intermittently pop up in the forums.It's quite a tight schedule, so it might be that atthe last minute, I settle for more text then I originally intended. In any case, this is just the first run of the course.As soon as possible, I hope to rerun it, this time with a bit more material, that I can reintegrate, to offer a slightly longer course.
    From Week 1 Lecture Videos of "Teaching goes massive: new skills required" by Paul-Olivier Dehaye See and
Claude Almansi

Fair Use, MOOCs, and the Digital Millennium Copyright Act: FAQs - 0 views

    "Fair Use, MOOCs, and the Digital Millennium Copyright Act: Frequently Asked Questions In October 2015 the Librarian of Congress issued new rules permitting certain teachers of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) to break encryption on DVDs, Blu-Ray discs and streaming videos to create short clips for use in their teaching. It's a major step forward for MOOC teachers and their students. This document, prepared by Professors Peter Decherney and Brandon Butler, answers some of the most common questions you might have about the new rule."
    (Per il contesto, vedi e Parti problematiche: Coursera and Udacity are for profit companies. Can they take advantage of the exemption? Coursera and Udacity are the platforms. Colleges, universities, museums, and other nonprofit organizations offer courses through these platforms. The organization that creates the course must be an accredited nonprofit educational institution, but the provider of the software platform may be for-profit . So a university course offered through Coursera may take advantage of the exemption. How can the material be restricted to students enrolled in the course? We believe that use of passwords provided only to enrolled students will sufficiently limit access to the course content to students or learners. How can redistribution be prevented? Offering streaming rather than downloadable versions of the course content should reasonably limit unauthorized redistribution of the work. Unfortunately, this unfairly disadvantages learners with slower internet access" Cioè l'autorizzazione a far saltare i blocchi anticopia vale soltant per i MOOC che non sono MOOC perché non sono Open ma protetti da password. E l'argomento secondo il quale il fair use vale per i video di corsi Coursera e Udacity, a patto che gli enti che elargiscono il corso non siano a scopo di lucro, anche se le piattaforme lo sono, è dubbio. in effetti Coursera e Udacity traggono profitto dai materiali proposti da questi enti. Quanto all'offerta dei video in solo streaming per impedirne lo scaricamento: almeno nei corsi Coursera dove il link di scaricamento è stato t
Claude Almansi

Learning Creative Learning (MIT Media Lab Open Course) - 0 views

    " Sign-up is now closed. But don't worry, we'll definitely be back! Follow us at @medialabcourse for updates. Free & Online! You've been dying to take the MIT Media Lab course on creative learning, but you're not in Cambridge? Despair no more. We invite you to join the course right here, on the interwebs. It's free of charge and we hope you'll like it. A Big Experiment This is a big experiment. Things will break. We don't have all the answers. Sometimes we plan to rely on you to make it work. But we'll try our very darndest to make sure you have a good time, and get something out of it. Weekly Lessons Make new friends, and start learning from weekly live videos, readings, discussions, and project-based activities. Open for signup now, course starts February 11th. Questions? Drop us a note in our Google+ community or send us an email at All materials licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license."
Claude Almansi

My Education Path :: Find online courses and get free education! - 0 views

    "This site helps you navigate in e-Learning sources and MOOCs. We try to systematize information about MOOC education. You can use this service to find MOOCs, online courses, share comments and reviews. Our mission is to help people to build a personal education path using free or cheap online courses as alternative to traditional higher education. We help to find free alternatives to expensive college/university courses."
    Forse la IUL si potrebbe iscrivere come fornitrice di corsi / MOOC?
Claude Almansi

Weeks Pages - CyberOne Wiki (2006) - 1 views

    "Welcome to the Weeks Pages for CyberOne: Law in the Court of Public Opinion. These pages will primarily be maintained by the Harvard Law School students enrolled in the course, but, as is customary with a Wiki, are available for anyone to edit. There will be (at least) one page for each week of the course. On these pages you can expect to find a presentation of all of the material from the particular week of the course including the video of the lecture (once it is available), notes from the class meeting, summaries and discussions of the readings, and more. We invite everyone to engage in open discussion of the week's materials on the discussion page for a given week. "
Claude Almansi

IntroOpenEd 2007: an experience on Open Education by a virtual community of teachers | ... - 0 views

    "Antonio Fini, Andreas Formiconi, Alessandro Giorni, Nuccia Silvana Pirruccello, Elisa Spadavecchia, Emanuela Zibordi Abstract In Fall 2007 David Wiley, professor at Utah State University held a course about Open Education. That time, however, Dr Wiley's course was followed by a rather unusual group of students. The Fall 2007 edition, in fact, was available to anybody, free of charge, all over the world. The only requisite required was the possession of a blog for the completion of the weekly assignments. The present paper, whose authors attended the course completing it successfully, is an account of the experience they had. It can be considered an innovating experience from many different viewpoints and can be regarded as an example of how the world of the formal education can meet the demands of the informal one, in the broader landscape of professional training and lifelong learning. Keywords OER; Open Education; online community; informal learning Full Text: PDF This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License."
Claude Almansi

Massive Open Online Courses Are Multiplying at a Rapid Pace - - 0 views

    "The Year of the MOOC (...) MOOCs have been around for a few years as collaborative techie learning events, but this is the year everyone wants in. Elite universities are partnering with Coursera at a furious pace. It now offers courses from 33 of the biggest names in postsecondary education, including Princeton, Brown, Columbia and Duke. In September, Google unleashed a MOOC-building online tool, and Stanford unveiled Class2Go with two courses. "
fabrizio bartoli

Online Courses | Online College Courses | The Open University - 1 views

    Courses in Italy - Education
fabrizio bartoli Blended learning - 1 views

    "This course is focused on the potential of blended learning to transform the way we setup classrooms and schools.  We are not focused on simply putting computers into classrooms or layering technology on top of the existing system.  This course focuses on the highest-quality blended learning we have seen so far, and schools that are working to get closer to the golden ideal of every student getting exactly what they need, when they need it.  We'll cover the basics of blended learning and then move quickly into all the implications for the role of the student, the role of the teacher, and the implications for how we design and run our schools. "
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