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Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Company of One » The Finish Line - 0 views

    Newsletter by Ann Mehl, a life coach, 1.26.13. Justifies Studio's raison d'etre. Excerpts: "The workplace has changed enormously in recent years. Gone are the days when some benevolent company would direct and manage your career for you, while you dozed off at the wheel. Now more than ever, it is incumbent upon every employee to proactively manage his own career. We have become in essence, a nation of free agents. A company of one. And all successful "companies" must identify and set their priorities in such a way that our goals can be achieved. In the humdrum of work, it's often easy to find yourself adrift, floating aimlessly downstream without clear intent or destination. The days blur into each other, until you have no idea where you are going, or what it was you hoped to achieve. But ask yourself this question: if you're not steering the ship, then who is?" ..."Are there any personal development classes that would make certain parts of my job easier? Should I be speaking with other industry peers in my field so that I remain current? Is there anybody I can identify who might be willing to mentor me while I navigate this tricky next phase of my career?"
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Infographic: 9 Simple Ways To Calculate Facebook And Twitter Success - MarketingThink b... - 0 views

    Blog post by Gerry Moran, 3.9.13, at Marketing Think on how to calculate your Facebook and Twitter success Excerpt for how B2B brands need to use social media: Amplify: Increase the awareness of the brand story and solutions. Engage: Drive customer and prospect engagement with related content. Convert: Provide a way for the customer to convert interest after they become aware and have consumed enough content to move to the next step in the buying journey. To help you understand if you are reaching your goal, it is important for you to understand the right questions to ask to get the right social media measurement. Marketers need to map key social metrics to strategic questions vs. just measuring and blindly reporting how a channel performs.
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Xerox CEO Ursula Burns Has Advice for Ambitious Women - At Work - WSJ - 0 views

    Interview with Ursula Burns, the first A-A female CEO of a Fortune 500 company, Xerox on what young women should do to accomplish their career goals. March 25, 2013
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Fix Your Social Media Strategy by Taking It Back to Basics - 0 views

  • Identify your business objectives and target market. Also cons
  • narrowly define whom you want to listen to and communicate with.
  • Create social media content that drives engagement. What is your target consumer looking for? Social
    good article on using social media to achieve goals
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

7 Decisions You Can Make Today to Be More Successful - 0 views

    article by Skip Prichard on how to be happier and more successful. 1. Assume that others have good intentions 2. Write down your goals every day. 3. Realize that setbacks can ultimately lead to success 4. Learn to stop comparing yourself to others 5. Avoid toxic people 6. Begin each day with confidence 7. End each day with gratitude and thankfulness
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Connected Learning: A New Research-Driven Initiative « User Generated Education - 0 views

    Connected Learning, a new research-driven initiative was introduced at the Digital Media and Learning Conference 2012. This blog post by Jackie Gerstein discusses its essence and includes TED video of Henry Jenkins and separate video of Mimi Ito. See excerpt on core values and principals of connected learning: At the core of connected learning are three values: Equity - when educational opportunity is available and accessible to all young people, it elevates the world we all live in. Full Participation - learning environments, communities, and civic life thrive when all members actively engage and contribute. Social connection - learning is meaningful when it is part of valued social relationships and shared practice, culture, and identity ( This initiative is being driven by the following design principles: Shared purpose - Connected learning environments are populated with adults and peers who share interests and are contributing to a common purpose. Today's social media and web-based communities provide exceptional opportunities for learners, parents, caring adults, teachers, and peers in diverse and specialized areas of interest to engage in shared projects and inquiry. Cross-generational learning and connection thrives when centered on common interests and goals. Production-centered - Connected learning environments are designed around production, providing tools and opportunities for learners to produce, circulate, curate, and comment on media. Learning that comes from actively creating, making, producing, experimenting, remixing, decoding, and designing, fosters skills and dispositions for lifelong learning and productive contributions to today's rapidly changing work and political conditions. Openly networked - Connected learning environments are designed around networks that link together institutions and groups across various sectors, including popula
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Info Career Trends » Promoting your professional development: The value of be... - 0 views

    Blog by Penny Scott at Info Career Trends website, 5/4/2009 See excerpt on five year goals and being proactive in PD and career development. When I began my current position at the University of San Francisco in 2003, I knew that five years down the road I would need to apply for a promotion. This involved showing my professional development and service by creating a promotion binder that traced my career development - and seemed a daunting task to my new librarian's eyes, because I was worried that I wouldn't be able to find enough professional opportunities with which to fill my binder. I've found, though, that the promotion process is a model for the art of being proactive about career development, both in thought and in deed. Being proactive requires an active, open, seeking attitude, as well as reliable, high-quality action. This combination is very powerful, and can help you get beyond the constraints of time, funding, geography, or your current job description - giving you a career path of which to be proud."
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Why We're All Addicted to Texts, Twitter and Google | Psychology Today - 0 views

    Great article by Susan Weinschenk, Brain Wise: Work better, work smarter, September 11, 2012, and why dopamine keeps us "seeking" when we already have enough information. excerpt: Do you ever feel like you are addicted to email or twitter or texting? Do you find it impossible to ignore your email if you see that there are messages in your inbox? Do you think that if you could ignore your incoming email or messages you might actually be able to get something done at work? You are right!" ... "Instead of dopamine causing you to experience pleasure, the latest research shows that dopamine causes seeking behavior. Dopamine causes you to want, desire, seek out, and search. It increases your general level of arousal and your goal-directed behavior. From an evolutionary stand-point this is critical. The dopamine seeking system keeps you motivated to move through your world, learn, and survive. It's not just about physical needs such as food, or sex, but also about abstract concepts. Dopamine makes you curious about ideas and fuels your searching for information. Research shows that it is the opioid system (separate from dopamine) that makes us feel pleasure." Turn off the cues - One of the most important things you can do to prevent or stop a dopamine loop, and be more productive is to turn off the cues. Adjust the settings on your cell phone and on your laptop, desktop or tablet so that you don't receive the automatic notifications. Automatic notifications are touted as wonderful features of hardware, software, and apps. But they are actually causing you to be like a rat in a cage. If you want to get work done you need to turn off as many auditory and visual cues as possible. It's the best way to prevent and break the dopamine loops. What do you think? How do you deal with dopamine loops? Are you willing to turn off your cues?
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Twitter / BlueyeSocial: Savvy questions bloggers should ... - 0 views

    Questions for bloggers to ask about client goals. From BlogHer13. Twittered out of conference
Lisa Levinson

Press : Adafruit Industries, Unique & fun DIY electronics and kits - 0 views

    Adafruit was founded in 2005 by MIT engineer, Limor "Ladyada" Fried. Her goal was to create the best place online for learning electronics and making the best designed products for makers of all ages and skill levels. Over the last 6 years Adafruit has grown to over 45 employees in the heart of NYC. Adafruit has expanded offerings to include tools, equipment and electronics that Limor personally selects, tests and approves before going in to the Adafruit store. Limor was the first female engineer on the cover of WIRED magazine and was recently awarded Entrepreneur magazine's Entrepreneur of the year.
    Someone my London cousin suggested we look at. She is quite something and has grown a very successful company. She is the first woman engineer featured on the cover of WIRED. Her site is interesting, and she awards badges for acquiring skills.
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Does Your Organization Have Social Media Guidelines for All Staff? | Beth's Blog - 0 views

    blog post by Beth Kanter on social media guidelines, March 20, 2013, yet another practical body of knowledge to become comfortable with in working with orgs on using social media for learning, promoting, educating, inspiring, etc. excerpt Social Media Guidelines or what some call a social media policy summarizes your organization's social media goals, how staff will participate (dos and do nots), identifies legal and privacy issues, a social media work flow, and staffing needs.
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

The One-Word Answer to Why Bill Gates and Warren Buffett Have Been So Successful | Link... - 0 views

    Great exploration of focus as a verb (process) and noun (single goal) by Greg McKeowan telling the story of Gates and Buffett talking at dinner. Here are three ways to combine both types of focus to ensure we getting the vital few things done. --Ask the right questions --In order to have focus we need to escape to focus --Know how valuable your time is
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Whitepapers: Anecdote - 0 views

    White paper by Shawn Callahan, Mark Schenk, and Nancy White, April 21, 2008 on Building a collaborative workplace "THE ROLE OF LEADERSHIP Leadership is a keystone for establishing supportive collaboration cultures, especially in teams and communities. This is based on how leaders mainly embed their beliefs, values and assumptions in the fabric of their organisation. There are six main behaviours that leaders display that mould the organisation's culture.[3] What leaders pay attention to, measure, and control on a regular basis-are they paying attention to collaborative strategies and behaviours from team, community and network perspectives? How leaders react to critical incidents and organisational crises-are they sacrificing long-term goals for short-term fixes which sabotage collaboration? Does fear of connecting to the larger network keep them from tapping into it? How leaders allocate resources-are they investing in the collaboration capability? Is it attentive to all three types of collaboration? How leaders express their identity through deliberate role modelling, teaching, and coaching-as our leaders collaborate, so do we! How leaders allocate rewards and status-are your leaders rewarding individual or collaborative behaviours? Or both? How leaders recruit, select, promote, and excommunicate-are collaborative talents sought and nurtured?"
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

How The Most Successful People Manage Their Time - 0 views

    Blog by Eric Barker,, September 14, 2015 "Here's what you can learn about time management from very successful people: Do a time log. See how long things take and when your best windows are. Plan the whole week. Focus on your core competency and what makes you happy. Have a morning ritual that gets you closer to your long term goals. Set 3-5 anchor events for the weekend. Plan something fun for Sunday night."
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

How can scholarly societies or associations add value with eLearning programs? | Exchanges - 0 views

  • Supported professional development.
  • Member needs
  • common benefits
  • ...14 more annotations...
  • It can provide members with professional development and learning, facilitate accreditations and certifications that are critical to their careers, and increase the levels of engagement between societies and their members, and between the members themselves.
  • professional development and learning, facilitate accreditations and certifications that are critical to their careers, and increase the levels of engagement between societies and their members, and between the members themselves.
  • strategic goals to the professional needs
  • strategic goals to the professional needs of their members
  • valuable program of benefits that will attract new members, and bolster retention rates
  • Member needs
  • Lifelong learning.
  • Lifelong learning. M
  • Supported professional development.
  • Convenience.
  • Convenience. U
  • Community engagement.
  • Community engagement.
  • Our successful eLearning packages are being adopted by membership organizations around the world as we combine our expertise in publishing with our experience in developing digital learning environments to create new possibilities for our society partners.  
    blog by Martin Davies for on value of eLearning programs for professional membership groups
Lisa Levinson

IS UNIT WEB SITE - IPTS - JRC - EC - 0 views

    Web site for Digital Competence: European-wide validation for all levels of learning "Objective:  Identify the key components of Digital Competence (DC) in terms of the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed to be digitally competent; Develop a DC framework/guidelines that can be validated at European level, taking into account relevant frameworks currently available; Propose a roadmap for the possible use and revision of a DC framework for all levels of learners. Outcomes: (1) a consolidated draft proposal for a DC framework, applicable at all levels of education, including non-formal settings (2) roadmap on how to realise and revise the DC framework. Rationale: With the 2006 European Recommendation on Key Competences (Official Journal L 394 of 30.12.2006), Digital Competence has been acknowledged as one of the 8 key competences for Lifelong Learning by the European Union. Digital Competence can be broadly defined as the confident, critical and creative use of ICT to achieve goals related to work, employability, learning, leisure, inclusion and/or participation in society. DC is a transversal key competence which, as such, enables acquiring other key competences (e.g. language, maths, learning to learn, creativity). It is amongst the so-called 21st Century skills which should be acquired by all citizens, to ensure their active socio-economic participation in society and the economy. Major questions: What are the key components of DC and what kind of knowledge, skills and attitudes people should have to be digitally competent, today and in the future? How can and/or should the development of this competence be validated at European level within a lifelong learning context, thus encompassing formal education, non-formal and informal learning and the world of work? "
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

8 Steps Lead to 1 Goal: Professional Learning Transformation - Learning Forward's PD Wa... - 0 views

  • 1. Launch the work.
  • 2. Examine the data. 
  • Combined ignorance does not create a powerful plan.
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • 3. Establish vision, assumptions, purpose, definition, and goals.
  • 4. Design operations of the system.
  • 5. Revise or develop policies.
  • 6. Develop long- and short-term professional learning plans.
  • 8. Conduct ongoing assessments.
    Stephanie Hirsh of Learning Forward describes how teams and districts may transform their professional learning, June 25, 2015.
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

6 Ways to Boost Your Professional Learning | Tom Vander Ark - 0 views

    Very nice article by Tom Vander Ark for Huffington Post, 9/4/2015 on how we can tackle professional learning goals for ourselves. via Jane Hart
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

7 Things That Shouldn't Impress Us Anymore - 0 views

  • the amount of good we are able to accomplish with our lives is a truer measure of success
  • The brand name of your clothing.
  • the amount of good we are able to accomplish with our lives is a truer measure of success
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Retirement is the ultimate goal for most people. Unfortunately, this creates an attitude that sees the greatest goal of work is to remove ourselves from it.
    Joshua Becker reminds us that which can be purchasedor bragged about may not the best measure of success. Instead, he talks about "amount of good we are able to accomplish with our lives is a truer measure of success."
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Connected Learning Alliance » Why Connected Learning? - 0 views

    The explanation of Connected Learning has a great graphic on learning principles and design principles that we can adapt for the WLS's work with professional membership groups. "Connected Learning leverages the advances of the digital age to make that dream a reality - connecting academics to interests, learners to inspiring peers and mentors, and educational goals to the higher order skills the new economy rewards. Six principles (below) define it and allow every young person to experience learning that is social, participatory, interest-driven and relevant to the opportunities of our time. "
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