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Nele Noppe

Cross-Cultural Space: Spatial Representation in American and Japanese Visual Language - 0 views

    • Nele Noppe
      quote! en meer zoeken over die theorie van visual language
    • Nele Noppe
      aspecten van een situatie tonen eerder dan de actie
  • subjectivity can be encoded in a panel as a whole, shifting the viewpoint of the panel to a member of the fictive narrative.
    • Nele Noppe
      subjectiviteit viewpoints
  • ...13 more annotations...
  • Japanese children use aerial and close up (“exaggerated”) viewpoints en masse and were not found in the American children’s representations at all.
    • Nele Noppe
      close-ups belangrijk: tonen emoties? (shonen van nabij bekijken)
    • Nele Noppe
      statistieken voor close-ups, linken!
    • Nele Noppe
      dit klinkt gek, denkende aan shojo-layouts. bekijken -> aan afbeelding te zien: lijkt op eerste gezicht niet Japans, nee. is er rekening gehouden met zaken zoals shojo stijl, waar de frames vaak helemaal afwezig zijn??
    • Nele Noppe
      aan bibliografie te zien: GEEN shojo manga, enkel shonen en gekiga. dat verklaart ongetwijfeld het één en ander welke invloed heeft deze fout op verdere redenering?
  • Though the numbers are minor, American books seem to modify their panels with framing types more than Japanese books do.
  • Aerial High-angled Lateral Low-angled Ground-up American 1 (SD = 1.2) 9.7 (SD = 8.5) 82.1 (SD = 8.5) 6.1 (SD = 3.7) 0.25 (SD = 0.4) Japanese 1.2 (SD = 0.9) 14.9 (SD = 5.1) 73.4 (SD = 8.6) 8.9 (SD = 3.9) 1.3 (SD = 1.5)
    • Nele Noppe
      blijkbaar zijn manga relatief gevarieerd qua perspectieven
    • Nele Noppe
      is relatief minder diepte in manga een gevolg van minder achtergrond?
  • a greater variation across authors for LRM categories than Japanese books do. I hypothesize that this variation can be attributed to a willingness of American authors to experiment more with the visual language as an “artistic” medium, as opposed to the Japanese usage of more of a communicative system akin to language (Cohn 2004)
    • Nele Noppe
      heel interessant! worden manga in japan meer gebruikt voor 'communicatie', en comics in de vs meer voor 'artistieke expressie'? (ook superhero comics van dertien in een dozijn?)
  • An “Art” treatment emphasizes individualistic and innovative techniques for authors, while a “Language” system promotes shared techniques amongst a community.
    • Nele Noppe
      gebruiken om erop te wijzen dat manga een 'taal' bevatten! -shared techniques wil niet zeggen minder originele inhoud, gaat over structural means
  • difference is recognizable in other domains such as drawing style. While American authors draw in dramatically varying ways, Japanese authors are similar enough in structure to belong to an overarching “Japanese style” that is recognizable at a glance.
    • Nele Noppe
      manga-tekenstijl is 'japans', herkenbaar
    • Nele Noppe
      masami toku opzoeken
  • Of course, the need for an explanation for variance at all is in part a curious one when dealing with the notion of languages, since usually languages are expected to vary.
    • Nele Noppe
      is het proberen uitleggen van verschillen tss japanse en amerikaanse visual language even onzinnig als het zoeken van verklaringen waarom iets in japan 'kuruma' heet en in de vs 'car'? of heeft het een nut om te zoeken naar verklaringen voor verschillen?
Ariane Beldi

Le débat sur la fanfiction relancé ? - - 5 views

    Diana Gabaldon (ci-contre) et George R.R. Martin, tous les deux opposés à laisser ce genre de liberté aux apprentis écrivains, viennent en effet de relancer les discussions autour du sujet.
  • ...8 more comments...
    This is in French, but it is about a debate on fanfiction, in which authors hold varying views on this phemonemon.
    In my opinion, they haven't launched a debate so much as joined other commercially published authors such as Anne Rice and Lee Goldberg in endlessly repeating the same extremely wobbly arguments against amateur writing. They misunderstand intellectual property and the creative process in a variety of ways -e.g. by assuming that somebody using a character they created is the same as somebody stealing a physical object, and by labeling their creations 'original' while dismissing fanfic writers as people unable to come up with good ideas of their own. Not impressive at all, but unfortunately, big-name authors decrying the defilement of their creations by supposed thieving amateur pornographers make good media copy :P This post does a rather good rebuttal of the arguments usually raised against fanfic by enumerating commercial works that are just as "derivative" as fic:
    To tell the truth, I'm not very knowledgeable in this field of copyrights issues. I'm just starting and need to read more. So, when I was tipped about these blog posts by people on Facebook, I thought it might be interesting for you and others. But apparently, from what you're saying, they are just going over and over the same old arguments. I'll check your link and we'll keep it for later thinking. ;-)
    It is an excellent post! I love the section about Virgile being a fanboy from Homer! I had to translate and learn Chant 6 of the Aeneid for my final high school exam! She could have added that Dante Alighieri is a huge fanboy of Virgile (he actually considers him as his spiritual master, despite the fact that more than 1000 years separates them both).
    Oh, it's a very interesting topic -my favourite ;) I'm doing a lot of research on the position of fanworks in cultural production at the moment. IMHO, published authors who rail against fanfic seem to be rather hung-up on an author-as-God idea that is terribly outdated today, has never had much basis in reality in the first place, and does nothing at all to promote creativity. Also, the arguments about the supposed harm fanfic inflicts are just plain silly. There certainly isn't any economic harm (ficcers are your biggest fans and very likely to buy your products and attract new readers), and somebody using your character is not the same as stealing your car because your character remains intact and available to you no matter how many fics are written (or how sexually explicit these fics are). Er, I'm going to stop before I go on a five-page rant. Have some more links: is good and short, as is (and many other articles on that site). talks about fanfic and copyright in more detail.
    Thank you for all these links. I'm keeping them as well!
    No prob! I'll send more if you're interested (Gabaldon generated a huge amount of intelligent rebuttal posts in the last couple of days), but let me know, I don't want to bury you in readings just because it's my personal favourite ranting topic ;)
    Well, that would be with pleasure. I might not be able to read everything through and through immediately, but I'll keep the urls in my Diigo and return to it later. But I'm definitely interested in those issues. I also have a colleague who's into this as well, so I'll forward these resources to her. And she is supposed to write a dissertation about Shakespeare, but she doesn't know what! She feels that everything that could be written about him has been written. Maybe, there would be something for her to dig in these.
    Maybe your friend would be interested in Elisabeth Woledge? She works for the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust ( and has done a lot of work on fanfic, too. She gave a very interesting keynote speech for a fanfic conference last February (abstract here: in which she discussed Shakespeare as well. I believe the keynote is archived on, -search for Woledge and it should come up. As for the Gabaldon issue, you can find a lot of links to discussions about her statements in this post on the Metafandom community:
    Woaw! I'm printing all these references and will bring it to her later this afternoon! We might be able to take a coffee together. I will also of course keep all these links! This is really great! Thank you so much!
Nele Noppe

Thought Police Can't Protect Real Children - 2 views

  • would have established the catagory of "nonexistent youth"
  • The banning of fictional depictions of child abuse would likely be as meaningless as the banning of fictional depictions of car chasing with the aim toward reducing motor vehicle accidents in real life.
  • If content alone was the issue, war footage and horror films should be banned as well.
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  • Content in itself is not the issue--Child pornography has been outlawed because the methods involved in production involve real children in possibly abusive circumstances. How the material was produced is what makes it criminal, not what impression it conveys on the audience. 
  • Child pornography involving real children being sexually abused is horrid beyond words. For that very reason, I find it reprehensible to mix together such acts of human misery and suffering with illusionary fantasy that exists only in the author's imagination. Widening the definition of child pornography to include fictional material belittles the gravity of real sex abuse.
  • Many convicted criminals also cite the Bible as their inspiration of conducting astonishingly savage acts, and yet few would attribute the Bible as the root cause of such criminal behavior. Why?--Because free societies accept the principle that people are responsible for their own actions.
  • It is very dangerous to restrict the actions and rights of citizens based on the principle that some limited number of individuals may act irresponsibly. This is the equivalent of removing knives from the household kitchen because someone used a meat cleaver to commit a crime. Again, this logic is unbelievably reckless as well.
  • Furthermore, crime statistics published by the Japanese police themselves show no causality between the proliferation of erotic material and sex crimes. The crime rate has dramatically decreased since WW2 while the availability of erotica and violent fictional entertainment has risen by leaps and bounds during the same period.
  • It is easily imaginable that an endless cycle of accusations and denials will unfold regarding establishing the "true age" of fictional characters. Authors and publishers will more than likely attempt to proclaim that the characters look young, but they are actually above the age of 18. Physical attributes vary between widely depending on race and ethnicity, not to mention fictional non-human characters.
  • Publishers and authors are extremely proficient in adapting toward new regulations. If graphical depictions are banned, then abstract or comedic depictions will increase.
  • Either an ever increasing set of symbols will be deemed to be inappropriate to be linked to a core human attribute--human sexuality--or the futility of the ban will lead the law to become impotent over all.
  • Even today, numerous adult manga publications have self censorship standards that are mind-boggling. Authors have complained about how some editors have insisted on having all female characters appearing in their works be endowed with large breasts because drawing women as they appear more like in real life was deemed "too childish looking." 
  • Banning the fictional depictions of minors involved in sexual situations will make a fundamental core human attribute taboo.
  • Such a ban will stifle creativity and impoverish the cultural landscape.
  • The value attributed to works of literature and art change over time. The works of modern art and literature from the last two centuries are filled with examples where they were deemed to be vile, corruptive trash by contemporary authorities, but now these same works enjoy high status as priceless cultural treasures.
  • A culture grows richer through addition, not by subtraction.
  • A ban on fictional depictions of minor engaged in sexual situations has the very real potential to brand individuals as sex offenders even though they have had no sexual contact with real people. I believe there could be no legal justification for destroying people's lives simple because they drew doodles on paper, but the proposed ban would create such a legal precedence. 
  • I am absolutely certain that history will not look back kindly upon such a ban, and it will join a long list of colossal failures of regulatory policy, such as the prohibition of alcohol in the US between 1920 to 1933, various sodomy laws, the comic book code, and bans on socialist literature in Japan during the prewar era. It is important to note that all these failed moral crusades were led by virtuous and diligent individuals intent on making the world a better place. 
Ariane Beldi

JS17_penney.pdf (application/pdf Object) - 1 views

    Diverse depictions of the WWII German army exist in Japanese popular culture. This essay will explore the origins of the Japanese fandom devoted to German military technology and also the way that authors have (re)produced stereotypes related to German culture and traditions in their portrayals of wartime Germany. Finally, using examples by authors Tezuka Osamu and Aramaki Yoshio, this essay will identify the representation of both Japanese and German war crimes in Japanese manga and popular fiction as a significant discursive trend that calls into question assumptions about anti-war thought in contemporary Japan.
Nele Noppe

About the word manga - 15 views

Sorry for the late reply! Yes, I don't think it's very useful to try and draw conclusions about manga based on some aspect of Hokusai's work. Hokusai may have made the word "manga" famous, but his ...

manga meaning

Ariane Beldi

Transformative Works and Cultures - 1 views

    "Transformative Works and Cultures (TWC) is an international, peer-reviewed journal published by the Organization for Transformative Works. TWC publishes articles about transformative works, broadly conceived; articles about media studies; and articles about the fan community. We invite papers in all areas, including fan fiction, fan vids, film, TV, anime, comic books, fan community, video games, and machinima. We encourage a variety of critical approaches, including feminism, gender studies, queer theory, postcolonial theory, audience theory, reader-response theory, literary criticism, film studies, and posthumanism. We also encourage authors to consider writing personal essays integrated with scholarship; hyperlinked articles; or other forms that test the limits of the genre of academic writing."
    This online journal is opened to work on anime and manga fandom, so I thought this would be of interest to this group!
Nele Noppe

The Rules of Play: National Identity and the Shaping of Japanese Leisure - 0 views

    by David Leheny "Since the Meiji Restoration, successive Japanese governments have stressed the nation's need to act like a "real" (that is, a Western) advanced industrial power. As part of their express desire to catch up, generations of policymakers have examined the ways Americans and Europeans relax or have fun, then tried to persuade Japanese citizens to behave in similar fashion-while subtly redefining these recreational choices as distinctively "Japanese." In tracing the development of leisure politics and the role of the state in cultural change, the author focuses on the importance of international norms and perceptions of Japanese national identity. Leheny regards globalization as a "failure of imagination" on the part of policymakers. When they absorb lessons from Western nations, they aim for a future that has already been revealed elsewhere rather than envision a locally distinctive lifestyle for citizens."
Nele Noppe

Japan, Ink: Inside the Manga Industrial Complex - 0 views

  • Europe has caught the bug, too. In the United Kingdom, the Catholic Church is using manga to recruit new priests. One British publisher, in an effort to hippify a national franchise, has begun issuing manga versions of Shakespeare's plays, including a Romeo and Juliet that reimagines the Montagues and Capulets as rival yakuza families in Tokyo.
  • Manga sales in the US have tripled in the past four years.
  • Circulation of the country's weekly comic magazines, the essential entry point for any manga series, has fallen by about half over the last decade.
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  • Fans and critics complain that manga — which emerged in the years after World War II as an edgy, uniquely Japanese art form — has become as homogenized and risk-averse as the limpest Hollywood blockbuster.
  • The place is pulsing with possibility, full of inspired creators, ravenous fans, and wads of yen changing hands. It represents a dynamic force
  • future business model of music, movies, and media of every kind.
  • Nearly every aspect of cultural production — which is now Japan's most influential export — is rooted in manga.
  • Comics occupy the center, feeding the rest of the media system.
  • About 90 percent of the material for sale — how to put this — borrows liberally from existing works.
  • Japanese copyright law is just as restrictive as its American cousin, if not more so.
  • known as "circles" even if they have only one member
  • by day's end, some 300,000 books sold in cash transactions totaling more than $1 million
  • "This is something that satisfies the fans," Ichikawa said. "The publishers understand that this does not diminish the sales of the original product but may increase them.
  • As recently as a decade ago, he told me, creators of popular commercial works sometimes cracked down on their dojinshi counterparts at Super Comic City. "But these days," he said, "you don't really hear about that many publishers stopping them."
  • "unspoken, implicit agreement."
  • "The dojinshi are creating a market base, and that market base is naturally drawn to the original work," he said. Then, gesturing to the convention floor, he added, "This is where we're finding the next generation of authors.
  • They tacitly agree not to go too far — to produce work only in limited editions and to avoid selling so many copies that they risk cannibalizing the market for original works.
  • It's also a business model
  • He opened Mandarake 27 years ago, well before the dojinshi markets began growing more popular — in part to provide another sales channel for the work coming out of them. At first, publishers were none too pleased with his new venture. "You think I didn't hear from them?" he tells me in a company conference room. But in the past five years, he says, as the scale and reach of the markets has expanded, the publishers' attitude "has changed 180 degrees." It's all a matter of business, he says.
  • triangle. "You have the authors up there at this tiny little tip at the top. And at the bottom," he says, drawing a line just above the widening base of the triangle, "you have the readers. The dojin artists are the ones connecting them in the middle."
  • The dojinshi devotees are manga's fiercest fans.
  • provides publishers with extremely cheap market research
  • the manga industrial complex is ignoring a law designed to protect its own commercial interests.
  • Intellectual property laws were crafted for a read-only culture.
  • the copyright winds in the US have been blowing in the opposite direction — toward longer and stricter protections. It is hard to imagine Hollywood, Nashville, and New York agreeing to scale back legal protection in order to release the creative impulses of super-empowered fans, when the gains from doing so are for now only theoretical.
  • mutually assured destruction. What that accommodation lacks in legal clarity, it makes up for in commercial pragmatism.
Nele Noppe

Of Otakus and Fansubs - 0 views

  • hindrances in a digital world that copyright laws pose for creative works that, while technically infringing, should perhaps be valued and allowed.6 Certain features of digital technologies and the internet,7 according to Lessig, can permit greater restrictions on remix than were allowed in the past.8
  • hindrances in a digital world that copyright laws pose for creative works that, while technically infringing, should perhaps be valued and allowed.6 Certain features of digital technologies and the internet,7 according to Lessig, can permit greater restrictions on remix than were allowed in the past.8
  • Lessig and other legal scholars such as Mehra have pointed to dojinshi in Japan as an example of how permitting more “remix” can contribute to a vibrant cultural industry.
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  • some artists make a living off producing dojinshi.
  • In the west, fans of anime, the term for Japanese animation, behave much like fans of Star Wars and Star Trek: they “remix” the characters and ideas from the stories they watch.
  • Trekkies or Star Wars fans do the same activities as otaku, but one practice sets anime fans apart from other avid fans: fansubs.
  • Manga also has its own form of fansubs called scanlations
  • Fansubs and scanlations don’t quite match the “traditional” forms of remix that Lessig and others mention. They do not create a “new” work in the same sense as dojinshi, fan films, or AMVs because their aim is to remain faithful to the original work.
  • Fansubs as a cultural product sit at an interesting boundary—between the dojinshi-like fan culture that authors such as Lessig want to encourage and the massive online file trading so vilified by the recording and motion picture industries.
  • examines the anime industry’s unique relationship with fansubbers in the context of the suggestion that it represents a new policy model for online copyright.
  • Section 7 concludes by stating that it is too soon to claim the anime industry as a victory for alternative business models incorporating what most would think of as widespread copyright infringement.
  • Otaku create fansubs because they love anime—in fact, most love all things Japanese.
  • Fansubs predate BitTorrent, broadband, the dotcom boom and bust, and even the World Wide Web.
  • Fansubbers distributed or traded the finished videocassette tapes to others, but because of the time and cost involved of mailing out a physical medium, distribution was limited.
  • At one time fansubs were virtually the only way that fans could watch (and understand) anime.
  • But as with the music industry, the benefits of digital technology and the internet brought problems.46 Fansubbers started to take advantage of faster computers that allowed them to subtitle anime without the need for expensive, specialized equipment.47 This made it easier for more people to fansub because of the lower cost barriers to becoming a fansubber. The internet also meant that fans could meet from around the world, thus making it more likely that fansub groups would form. Today, groups now make digital video files instead of videocassettes.
  • Fansubbed videocassettes offered a poor quality picture and sound that encouraged fans to buy the licensed product when it came out and also limited the number of copies that could be made from a single original cassette (or from 2nd and 3rd generation cassettes).49 Digisubs offer a quality comparable to official (DVD) releases and the ability to make limitless copies.
  • Fansubbers then “release” their fansubs to fans. Distribution happens through all of the regular internet channels, including p2p services (Kazaa, eMule, etc), BitTorrent, IRC, and newsgroups.
  • Lessig essentially asks the question, “Do our laws stifle creativity and sharing to the point where it harms society?”78 Some point to fansubs and anime as part of the answer to this question—when a company allows some illegal activity it actually benefits.
  • Unfortunately for fansubbers, copyright law does not condone their activities.80 International copyright treaties such as the Berne Convention, state that its signatories (such as the United States and Japan) should grant authors the exclusive right to translation.
  • copyright law construes translations as “derivative works”.82 Derivative works are any work “based upon one or more preexisting works.
  • The Japanese legal system may also, as a practical matter, discourage litigation towards fansub groups within Japan,
  • Within Japan, fansubs could potentially be within the law because the Japanese take a more relaxed attitude towards some aspects of copyright law and include private use and non-profit exceptions into their law.
  • For infringements outside of Japan, it is no small wonder that Japanese companies do not bother with the expense of enforcing a right against a group whose infringement affects a distant market with a different legal system.
  • In his article regarding selective copyright enforcement and fansubs, Kirkpatrick argues for a fair use defense under U.S. law for fansub activities based on the cross-cultural value of translations, the non-commercial nature of fansub groups, and the potential market enhancement for the original work.
  • The fact remains that fansubs may create a preferable product for otaku—thus decreasing any market enhancement arguments.
  • One wonders what could be easier than a few clicks of the mouse and a few hours (or less) wait for a file to download, for free. Many video files deliver comparable picture quality and fandubs do exist.
  • Regardless of any potential defense, the law sufficiently tilts towards copyright holders so that they can easily use the threat of suit as enforcement.
  • The sheer cost of defending a copyright suit makes for a powerful incentive for fansubbers to settle, especially since fansubbers make no money from their activities and are unlikely to have any assets.
Nele Noppe

Some responses to Satou Shuuhou's stuff - 0 views

  • Don’t take everything that Satou Shuuhou is saying at face value, there definitely are people that are really poor even while having a regular serialization, but many of them are people who don’t know how to manage their finances properly and just work really slow. Manga can make a lot of money, so please don’t look at manga authors like they’re people that work a lot and get very little in return.
  • I felt there was something wrong with Shuuhou sensei’s choice to sell chapters that have been published on magazine through his personal website. Is Blackjack ni yoroshiku a manga that was created from the start to the end only by Satou Shuuhou (and his staff)? That is impossible. The magazine’s editors must have helped him somewhere along the line. Such as coming up with new ideas on what to write about, or helping to fix up any problems in the roughs.
  • The annonymous author Masuda had said that Blackjack ni yoroshiku would not have sold as much as it did if it didn’t run on Morning magazine. So just how many people would read an online manga which has had no publicity and is being distributed on a personal site? Being published on a magazine that is being circulated across the entire nation gives a lot of publicity.
Ariane Beldi

Lost in Scanlation » Manga: An Anthology of Global and Cultural Perspectives - 2 views

    "Welcome readers who found this site in Manga: An Anthology of Global and Cultural Perspectives."
    This is a site from one of the author of the book "Manga: An Anthology of Global and Cultural Perspectives", available from!
Nele Noppe

Murotani Tsunezō | ComiPress - 0 views

  • main focus on educational manga. And he had remained tremendously successful in this line of work. His biographical manga like Himiko, Katsu Kaishū and Date Masamune went through anything between twenty and forty-two reprints.
    • Nele Noppe
      Is it commonplace for authors of educational manga to be this succesful? Are educational manga so highly regarded?
  • an into serious trouble with his 'Mohammed and Islam' (Mahometto to Isuram-kyo), which was withdrawn among protests by Muslims offended at the portrayal of the Prophet in pictures.
Nele Noppe

The Visual Linguist - manga - 0 views

  • At most, various sources mention one or two different conventions, but I couldn't find any extensive type of cataloging. (though, if anyone is aware of such a thing, please let me know)I started trying to make a cross-cultural list like this back when I used to have the forum, but that project seems to have stagnated. This is a research project just waiting for someone to take it up (like oh so many)...
  • Underlying message: Graphic systems are not universal
  • one graphic system can influence another one
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  • Graphic systems (or rather, human minds that produce graphic systems...) are fluid and changing
  • Multilingualism in visual language!
  • Children are choosing the "manga style" en masse to draw in — a consistent style which is beyond the scope of a single author and belongs instead to a community. Underlying message: Children learn to draw by imitating others
    • Nele Noppe
      is manga style easier to draw in for kids than, say, more realistic superhero style?
  • To this extant, it wholly removes them from the social context in which they usually appear. They did have some actual books on display, though they were kept under glass – meaning people couldn't flip through them at all. Of all print-culture visual languages, manga in Japan seem quite the paradigm example of using a Language over Art context. Seeing them pulled from that context and put into a dominantly Art setting was an interesting clash of these underlying cultural forces.
    • Nele Noppe
      emphasize the importance of context, the fact that manga images/signs are meant to be interpreted as part of a whole
Nele Noppe

Raiku wins Shogakukan, says artistic value of manga now legally recognized in Japan - 0 views

  • Raiku says this is a big step for manga authors as the artistic value of manga has been acknowledged.
Nele Noppe

Young Japanese shun promotions, comic about slacker salaryman popular - 0 views

  • In a sign of the times, "Otaryman," a comic-book series about a less-than-driven salaryman, has become one of this year's surprise hits. In the book, the protagonist passes his days worrying about his colleagues' files spilling onto his desk rather than trying to impress bosses. "He just plods along (in) life, and has very small ambitions," says Makoto Yoshitani, the series's 28-year-old author. "I think people my age find that comforting."
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