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Nele Noppe

So You Wanna be a Japanese Animator - 1 views

  • Echoing the recent coverage of the troubles facing the anime industry, here are translated excerpts of blogs written by Japanese anime industry insiders. Several are taken from a fascinating website called Off the Record Animation Industry Gossip (subtitle: "Read this if you're thinking of becoming an animator! This is the true face of the anime industry! Do you think you can survive?") Bear in mind that as these blogs are anonymous, there is no way to verify the veracity of the claims. But they are a fascinating counterpoint to the "soft power"/"Japan cool"/"otaku utopia" rhetoric often espoused by foreign journalists.
    Echoing the recent coverage of the troubles facing the anime industry, here are translated excerpts of blogs written by Japanese anime industry insiders. Several are taken from a fascinating website called Off the Record Animation Industry Gossip (subtitle: "Read this if you're thinking of becoming an animator! This is the true face of the anime industry! Do you think you can survive?") Bear in mind that as these blogs are anonymous, there is no way to verify the veracity of the claims. But they are a fascinating counterpoint to the "soft power"/"Japan cool"/"otaku utopia" rhetoric often espoused by foreign journalists.
Ariane Beldi

Anime Class Blog - 3 views

    This is the blog of the Workers' Educational Association anime evening class. The first class is currently running in Central London from Tuesday 27 October to Tuesday 15 December 2009. Helen McCarthy is leading the class and will moderate the blog. The weekly handouts with notes, reading lists, viewing lists and links will be posted here on their own pages - see the right hand sidebar. There is also an expanded reading list - class members are welcome to add their own suggestions for further reading about anime, either on the reading list page or in their own posts.
Ariane Beldi

IndianAuteur - 2 views

    Indian Auteur is an independently run e-magazine, website, forum and blog started in Feb 2009.
Nele Noppe

Police Reaches Dead End in Belgian 'Manga Murder' Case - Anime News Network - 0 views

    With a link to our own blog, very very nice
    With a link to our own blog, very very nice
Nele Noppe

Fund animators, not adaptations - 0 views

  • we're looking at a definite trend of live-action anime adaptations, the first of which to hit screens being Dragonball Evolution, which also features white actors playing roles originally created, written, directed, animated, and performed by Japanese people.
  • According to Edward Said, one of the principles of Orientalism is a belief that Asia cannot speak for herself, and that the West must do it for her, constantly re-interpreting and clarifying the "mysteries of the Orient" for Western audiences, regurgitating the complexities of other cultures into an easily-digestible whole
  • There's an argument to be made that the purpose of live-action adaptations isn't to appeal to anime fans (although such adaptations doubtless intend on capitalizing on them), but rather to introduce mainstream viewers to anime via the otherwise-familiar milieu of flesh-and-blood cinema.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • But can such a move really benefit the anime industry? Is a live-action adaptation -- especially one that uses white actors in Japanese roles*** -- really a faithful homage to a beloved title?
Nele Noppe

Animation Co-Op Defense League Making Progress - Anime News Network - 0 views

  • (Chatsworth, CA) The Animation Co-Op Defense League (ACDL), a consortium of Adult Animation Distributors & Studio's, is pleased to announce they have made significant progress in their efforts to educate and combat the proliferation of web sites illegally hosting and offering for sale selling unlicensed content which is owned by the major Animation studios.
  • Said Crawford, “Every day we speak with web sites, tube sites, and affiliate programs, who have knowingly or unknowingly displayed content that they do not have the rights for. We have discovered that some of them were misinformed and want to legally comply with the Co-Op's members to obtain legitimate licenses to resell the material. This year alone we have already taken down a total of 10,738 infringers, including: 5006 Movie file-sharing links, 2123 Picture file-sharing links and 3609 Blog posts.
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