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Paul Beaufait

MultiBrief: Effectively incorporating technology with English learners - 2 views

  • Perhaps the first consideration is the instructional purpose of the lesson, and how the technology will enhance that purpose or help students to achieve the goals and objectives of the lesson.
  • Technology, as mentioned earlier, has the power to increase student knowledge and skills in various content areas. Yet another consideration that must be taken into account when working with English learners is how the technology is increasing academic language knowledge and skills. It is critical, then, that teachers take into account not only the content goals and objectives for the lesson, but also the language goals and objectives as well as the linguistic demand of the tasks students will need to accomplish in the classroom.
  • English learners need additional instructional supports or scaffolds, including providing students with necessary background knowledge that other students may possess, using graphic organizers, pictures/visuals, demonstrations and realia, and providing redundant information and differentiated instruction based on students' language proficiency level. When researching various technology tools, it is critical that we investigate how the tool addresses these principles.
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  • The use of technology in the classroom is quickly becoming not only commonplace, but also essential for helping students gain the 21st-century skills they will need to be successful in the future.
  • when implementing technology in the classroom, an important component of instruction is to teach students how to use technology effectively and responsibly. Students may need guidance and instruction on how to use technology appropriately given the task and learning at hand, how to avoid distractions with technology, and how to effectively navigate the digital world.
    In this article, Herrmann explains principles to guide the adoption and utilisation of technology to help meet general and specific needs of English-as-an-additional language learners.
Noelle Kreider

A look at the technology culture divide | - 11 views

  • Today’s students represent the first generation to grow up with this new technology.
  • While educators may see students every day, they do not necessarily understand their students’ habits, expectations, or learning preferences–this has resulted in a technology cultural divide.
  • Students are very comfortable with technology and generally become frustrated when policy, rules, and restrictions prevent them from using technology. 
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  • Educators must relinquish the idea of being all-knowing and replace that concept with an attitude of being a facilitator, knowing that the world of information is just a “click” away.
  • Traditional schools, generally staffed primarily with Digital Immigrants, often provide very little technology interaction compared to the digital world in which students are actually living.  Digital Natives can pay attention in class, but they choose not to pay attention, because in reality, they are bored with instructional methods that Digital Immigrants use.
  • Today’s Digital Native students have developed new attitudes and aptitudes as a result of their technology environment.  Although these characteristics provide great advantages in areas such as the students’ abilities to use information technology and to work collaboratively, they have created an imbalance between students’ learning environment expectations and Digital Immigrants’ teaching strategies and policies, which students find in schools today.
  • Teacher training programs in the area of technology will be paramount in the success of the Digital Native.
  • Twenty-first century educators must begin to answer these questions: Do the educational resources provided fit the needs and preferences of today’s learners?  Will linear content give way to simulations, games, and collaboration?  Do students’ desires for group learning and activities imply rethinking the configuration and use of space in classrooms and libraries?  What is the material basis of digital literacy? What is different in a digital age?  What are kids doing already and what could they be doing better, and more responsibly, if we learned how to teach them differently? Addressing these questions will contribute toward bridging the gap of the technology cultural divide and result in schools where all students have greater potential to achieve academically.
    Article discussing the technology culture divide between students and their teachers and its implications for rethinking how we teach.
David Wetzel

Stimulating Critical Thinking through a Technological Lens - 13 views

    Stimulating critical thinking using technology has the potential to create more in depth understanding of science and math content by students when engaged in learning activities which integrate in-class and on-line technology resources. Technology tools support stimulation of both inquiry-based and critical thinking skills by engaging students in exploring, thinking, reading, writing, researching, inventing, problem-solving, and experiencing the world outside their classroom. This is accomplished through learning content through the lens of video to multimedia to the internet (Using Technology to Improve Student Achievement, NCREL, 2005).
David Wetzel

Integrating Technology into Project Based Learning - 20 views

    "Integration of technology is an integral part of project based learning, because technology is an integral part of life outside the classroom as revealed in this part of the definition - "types of learning and work people do in the everyday world outside the classroom.""
    David, there is a local school that has all of their students 7-12 with a laptop computer. They don't have any textbooks that are books, they are all ebooks now. This is definitely the directions technology is going in the schools.
David Wetzel

PowerPoint Presentations Beyond Note Taking: Education Technology Applications That Imp... - 17 views

    The use of PowerPoint presentations in schools takes advantage of education technology integration strategies and techniques. However, student learning is not improved when these presentations are merely a substitute for note taking bullets from older overhead projectors. To take advantage of the power of this technology, the elimination of boring slide shows must be replaced with interactive story telling that keeps students engaged.
terry freedman

ICT in Education - 14 views

    Another timely, thought-provoking (and somewhat long) post, about the inappropriate use of technology in education. In my view, it's essential that people know when NOT to use technology. Read the post, decide for yourself.
Paul Beaufait

braz2010vance [licensed for non-commercial use only] / PLN - 4 views

  • Etienne Wenger (2007) asked Cristina Costa when she knew she was in a community of practice and she said, when she noticed her practice had changed. And this is the correct answer.  When your practice changes, you know you have truly learned. The next step as a teacher is to model what you did for your students so that some will follow in your footsteps. So how can you do it?  Your change in practice probably won't be from this one encounter, unless I can convince you or nudge you, if you were heading that way already, into taking the next step in your journey.  The goal is to move from being just a consumer of networked content, which you in essence hoard, to a creator of content, which you share with the network that shares with you.
  • language teachers need to look beyond what it appears on the surface is happening between them and the learner and consider the bigger picture, such as ways in which technology fosters connections with communities and networks that humanize rather than isolate to strengthen individuals as an integral part of modern society and how that society acculturates, or learns together.
  • I encourage colleagues to think SMALL because in my view the computer is no longer the salient aspect of technology. The salient aspect is the use to which technology is put, and the salient use is to re-wire and expand how we are able to learn by enabling us to nurture and participate in always-on PLNs, or Personal Learning Networks.
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  • In order for teachers to grasp the fundamentals of applying technology to transformative learning outcomes, practice with peers is necessary, where teachers themselves become mentors for one another while sharing with one another their discoveries and experiences with their own learning.
  • Teachers who drive their own professional development through participation in PLNs constantly express and assess each other's needs, and promote professional development on an as-needed basis, from where it is only a short leap to applying it to students.
    PLN: The paradigm shift in teacher and learner autonomy
Paul Beaufait

technology4kids [licensed for non-commercial use only] / FrontPage - 10 views

    "great tips for using technology with kids" (Welcome to our Wiki!, ¶1, 2010.11.09) - everything from A (audio) to W (wikis)
    Thanks to Claudia for pointing this out.

Coding In Paradise: Creating a Personal Research Agenda - 0 views

  • If you do not work on an important problem, it's unlikely you'll do important work.
  • It's not the consequence that makes a problem important, it is that you have a reasonable attack
    1.About having a research agenda: 1.1."It is a list of questions to focus on, the organizing principle around which you work" 1.2.Benefits from having a personal research agenda: Keeps the track of meaning like following a thread while your thought mules over those questions. 2. Sharing of personal research questions: They turn around the future web - The Editable Web: finding "a web browser that deeply embeds collaboration and editing." 3. The fabulous "Web-utopia": "people, collaboration and usability are first class citizens; ... seamless community as a major component of the browser...unifying editing and community (Tim Berner)...collaborative hypertext... 4."How can we create communication technologies that provide ever greater levels of interpersonal connection...? 5. "How can we create information technologies of focus and minimal distraction...?" ("The law of conservation of attention") 6. On search systems 7. On transforming how we link and talk about information and docs 8. Lightening the handling of events 9. On effectiveness at creating ideas 10. On creating technologies as important as writing
Paul Beaufait

The Bamboo Project Blog - 0 views

    • Bertha Leiva
      Thought-provoking blog post. I could see my son described in it. True, if they are not ready, we should wait and let them know we are there for them (son, students, colleagues, anyone)
  • Come up with a one-minute presentation that will show someone how to use a Web 2.0 technology or some aspect of the technology OR that explains a Web 2.0 technology and how it works OR that persuades people to use your favorite Web 2.0 technology.
    • Illya Arnet
      Being able to highlight and leave messages on a blog like this can faciliate sharing and decrease the amount of searching one must do. A very good reason to use web 2.0!
    BIG on strategic self-development: "Career Development, Technology and Learning Strategies for Lifelong Personal and Professional Growth (TypePad blog subtitle, 2008.07.10)
    Thanks to Mary for sharing this wonderful blog with the LwC group. I'm bookmarking it now, sharing it with friends, and going to add it to a blogroll as soon as I'm done here!
Paul Beaufait

T is for Technology « An A-Z of ELT - 16 views

  • Technosceptics, like me, happily embrace technology in our daily lives, but are nevertheless a little suspicious of the claims made, by some enthusiasts, for its educational applications
  • until the following four problems have been satisfactorily addressed, an ounce or two of scepticism regarding ‘ed tech’ seems well advised.
  • The delivery model problem:
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  • The theory vacuum problem
  • The attention deficit problem:
  • The added value problem:
    Thornbury defines "technosceptics" and outlines educational problems underpinning decisions whether to adopt and apply technology for language teaching purposes.
Barbara Moose

Tucson Unified School District - Educational Technology - 0 views

    Educational Technology uses technology tools to support data driven decisions, curriculum, instructional strategies, and assessment throughout the district in alignment with the State Standards.

Blockchain To Soon Become A Reality In Maharashtra - 0 views

    The state government is adopting a cutting edge technology to help enhance efficiency in governance. Already the government has completed its first blockchain pilot in the fields of health, supply chain, documents and SSC certificates. A detailed report has been prepared to go in for extensive use of blockchain technology in various government departments. A regulatory sandbox, which will be a common framework for adopting blockchain technology, will be prepared in the next five to six months."
Paul Beaufait

The Difference Between Digital Literacy and Digital Fluency | SociaLens Blog - 18 views

    "Literacy and fluency* have to do with our ability to use a technology to achieve a desired outcome in a situation using the technologies that are available to us" (christian, 2011.02.05, ¶1).
andrew bendelow

Brain Development in a Hyper-Tech World - Dana Foundation - 4 views

    The information explosion brought about by the Internet and other modern technological tools has undeniably had positive influences on society. "These are enabling technologies," said Friedlander. "I think their greatest power lies in their ability to enable people to reach out to a world that is much greater than what any child is likely to get in their home or school environment. That's all good and positive." The trick, he said, is knowing where to draw the line. "It gets down to a quantitative question: how much is too much? That's where the rubber really meets the road for most people, and that is a really tough question to answer." The responsibility for making such decisions often falls on parents, but they may not be equipped, able, or willing to do so. "We always hear the same thing, that it's up to parents to control the use of these things and teach kids how to manage it all," said Grafman. "But in order for them to do this, they have to understand better themselves what they are creating with their children. Many parents today just say, 'here's your computer, put it in your room and do your homework on it,' and that's the last they see of the kid. If that's the case, how much are kids going to listen?"
David Wetzel

To Blog or Not To Blog in Science or Math Class - 7 views

    The primary purpose of blog is to facilitate interaction between a teacher and his or her students. This is possible because a blog is a dynamic tool which can be easily updated or transformed as necessary to meet the needs of a science or math class. The integration of blog technology in a class requires an investment of time. Because of this commitment, additional evidence is needed to support the integration this technology in a science or math class curriculum.
mbarek Akaddar

28 Education and Technology Keywords Or Hashtags To Follow on Twitter | Tech Academy - 10 views

    28 Education and Technology Keywords Or Hashtags To Follow on Twitter
Paul Beaufait

Bridging the Writing Gap | Authorship 2.0 - 0 views

  • Students, in their infinite wisdom, have identified what makes Web 2.0 communication media so powerful: they genuinely put the act of communication back into writing. They offer a platform for students to use writing to develop their ideas and communicate those ideas to real audiences with real purpose.
    summarizes and reflects upon College Board and Pew Internet collaborative report on Writing, Technology and Teens: (2008.04.24)
    Marielle (Classroom 2.0) aka mapl3 (Authorship 2.0) publicises findings of a telephone survey and discussion with focus groups of U.S. teens about writing online
David Wetzel

Why use technology to Teach Science and Math? - 6 views

    As many of you may have discovered, I also found that many of my previous colleagues have little use for technology for teaching. They are mired in excuses such as using technology is cheating, students learn best through lecture, the stresses of NCLB makes it too difficult to do anything but have students memorize facts to pass the tests, etc.
Paul Beaufait

Controversies in using technology in language teaching | Teaching English | British Cou... - 0 views

    BBC article cites: Barrett, B and Sharma, P (2007) Blended Learning - using technology inside and beyond the language classroom Macmillan Jones, C (1086) 'It's not so much the program, more what you do with it: the importance of methodology in CALL' System 14 / 2, 171-178
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