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julzx369 francisco

Watch REC 2 (2010) Free Movie Oline Stream - 0 views

    What they find inside lies beyond the scope of medical science-A heavily armed SWAT team and a mysterious government official are sent in to assess and attempt to neutralize the situation.
David Wetzel

PowerPoint Presentations Beyond Note Taking: Education Technology Applications That Imp... - 17 views

    The use of PowerPoint presentations in schools takes advantage of education technology integration strategies and techniques. However, student learning is not improved when these presentations are merely a substitute for note taking bullets from older overhead projectors. To take advantage of the power of this technology, the elimination of boring slide shows must be replaced with interactive story telling that keeps students engaged.
terry freedman

Beyond Gutenberg « Dreams of Education - 9 views

    Interesting and thought-provoking (if rather long) post about technology, its place, and the sort of concerns it raises. I don't agree with everything in the article, but will need to cogitate on my response to it. Read it, and decide for yourself.
Jose Antonio da Silva

SocialLearn - 0 views

    Social learn is an application aiming to move beyond web-feed based interoperability. They will use SL-aware apps communicating via API..
Paul Beaufait

Controversies in using technology in language teaching | Teaching English | British Cou... - 0 views

    BBC article cites: Barrett, B and Sharma, P (2007) Blended Learning - using technology inside and beyond the language classroom Macmillan Jones, C (1086) 'It's not so much the program, more what you do with it: the importance of methodology in CALL' System 14 / 2, 171-178
Paul Beaufait

E-Learning Journeys: Collaboration: Concept, Power and Magic - 0 views

  • It is through connections and communications using Web 2.0 and other tools that collaboration opportunities can emerge.
  • If you are practicing collaboration you have the power to change the world, one classroom at a time. The power of learning in a social and extended context, yet in a safe and supportive environment is achievable.
  • The ability to connect, communicate and collaborate with educators and students in all parts of the world using common online tools has changed the way I teach in the classroom, as well as changed the way I work as an administrator.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • The magic of collaboration comes from seeing students and teachers find their own voice and take charge of their own learning. It comes from being given choices and ownership and empowerment of their learning path.
    wonderful post about journeys "beyond 'wow!'"

7 best spell checker apps you can rely upon - 0 views

    "Do you find difficulty in spelling and grammar? Even if you are a native English speaker, you might be perplexed by grammatical laws, and you might find yourself spending a lot of time poring over your draught file, trying to figure out what needs to be changed. Grammar checker apps can be extremely useful in this situation. They go far beyond the traditional spell checker in that they can detect instances where you have used an accurate word in the wrong way."
IDa Sol

Wheelz Auto Motives Garage - 0 views

    A RELIABLE TOWING COMPANY Our network is the biggest and fastest car recovery network in UAE. Wheelz auto motives garage professional team is highly qualified and trained to deal with any situation. We have got huge appreciation from the customers just because of our capability of providing trustworthy Flat Bed Towing. We are ready to serve you 24 hours in a day and 7 days of a week. LEARN MORE ABOUT OUR COMPANY When going for work or longer vacations, you must be properly prepared for any type of emergency. Having roadside assistance from a vehicle towing service provider is one way to prepare. wheelz auto motives garage provides you the best car towing services in UAE. This will provide you with a great deal of peace of mind while you're on the road. wheelz auto motives garage car towing services are available anywhere and at any time in UAE. When you're trapped in the middle of nowhere, our fixers will be there within 45 minutes. We are available 24/7 to attend to any of your car emergency requirements. wheelz auto motives garage provides skilled and knowledgeable towing services to handle all of your breakdown concerns. wheelz auto motives garage. OUR MISSION wheelz auto motives garage is always eager to go above and beyond to provide customers and fixers with what they desire and deserve. Our company is committed to its objectives & was established with the goal of alleviating poverty and encouraging honesty and kindness. Our goal is to provide the most dependable and trustworthy home maintenance services . wheelz auto motives garage will satisfy the customers as well as provide an unforgettable experience with us. Our other objective is to hire experienced fixers and putting their abilities to service customers. Visit our website: Contact us: +971547051797

Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager - 100% Cheap Verified BM For sale - 0 views

    Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager Introduction Facebook Business Manager is a tool that was designed to help businesses advertise on the platform. It's an easy way for Facebook users to create and manage their pages, as well as a useful tool when it comes to running ads on Facebook. But like many things in life, there are two sides of the coin: there's what you think is right and then there's how people actually use these tools! Nowadays, it's very important that your business has its own verified Facebook manager account so that you can run successful ad campaigns across your target audience. Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager from us and get started with ads today. Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager from us and get started with ads today. We sell the best quality verified facebook business manager accounts. We have a variety of verified facebook business manager accounts for sale. We have verified facebook business manager accounts for all types of businesses, including: Real Estate Agents Lawyers and Attorneys Accountants and Tax Advisors How do you get your Facebook business manager verified? You need to apply for a verified account. You will then be required to fill in a form and submit your documents, which may include proof of identity, financial status and tax records. Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager Once your application is approved by Facebook, you will receive an email with further instructions on how to proceed with verification. Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager Verified Facebook Business Manager How do you verify the manager of your Facebook business page? Provide a government-issued ID. Provide your business address. Provide a phone number. Provide a business email address What is the quality of your Facebook account purchases? Our Facebook account sales are the best quality. We sell verified accounts, real accounts and active accounts. We also have a section where you can buy verified Facebook pages from al
    Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager Introduction Facebook Business Manager is a tool that was designed to help businesses advertise on the platform. It's an easy way for Facebook users to create and manage their pages, as well as a useful tool when it comes to running ads on Facebook. But like many things in life, there are two sides of the coin: there's what you think is right and then there's how people actually use these tools! Nowadays, it's very important that your business has its own verified Facebook manager account so that you can run successful ad campaigns across your target audience. Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager from us and get started with ads today. Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager from us and get started with ads today. We sell the best quality verified facebook business manager accounts. We have a variety of verified facebook business manager accounts for sale. We have verified facebook business manager accounts for all types of businesses, including: Real Estate Agents Lawyers and Attorneys Accountants and Tax Advisors How do you get your Facebook business manager verified? You need to apply for a verified account. You will then be required to fill in a form and submit your documents, which may include proof of identity, financial status and tax records. Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager Once your application is approved by Facebook, you will receive an email with further instructions on how to proceed with verification. Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager Verified Facebook Business Manager How do you verify the manager of your Facebook business page? Provide a government-issued ID. Provide your business address. Provide a phone number. Provide a business email address What is the quality of your Facebook account purchases? Our Facebook account sales are the best quality. We sell verified accounts, real accounts and active accounts. We also have a section where you can buy verified Facebook pages from al
Paul Beaufait

App Review: English Central (ECentral) | MIDTESOL - 3 views

    "ECentral could be a good supplementary resource for language learners looking to strengthen their language skills and increase their exposure to English beyond the textbook. Used in isolation, the app could end up being somewhat confusing for learners." (Jackson, 2016, Overall assessment, ¶1). Jackson, Lindsey. (2016.04.29). ...
robert smith

Certified Nursing Assistant Training - 0 views

    The Best Part is Certified Nursing Assistant Help Provide you useful information in becoming Certified Nursing Assistant. Most Important Tips and Guidance for Certified Nurses
    The Best Part is Certified Nursing Assistant Help Provide you useful information in becoming Certified Nursing Assistant. Most Important Tips and Guidance for Certified Nurses
    What are roles and responsibilities of CNA The job responsibilities of certified nursing assistant go beyond caring patients. It is very important for you to understand the roles and responsibilities of the nursing assistant before you choose it as a career option.

Finding The Perfect Nursing Top Valentino Shoes - 0 views

Finding The Perfect Nursing Top Valentino Shoes When nursing, it s important to find that perfect top. The perfect nursing top includes a combination of comfort, easy and discreet nursing access, ...

Valentino Shoes

started by hairyirockm33 on 21 May 16 no follow-up yet
Intesab Husain

Busbar sleeve shrink heat gun & hand-held hot air gun for shrinking insulation sleeves ... - 0 views

    Hot Air Gun Heat Shrink Busbar Insulation Sleeves / Tube The term Heat Shrinkable is applied to extruded or moulded polymeric materials, which are cross linked either by irradiation, or by chemical means, such that when their temperature is raised beyond the normal base polymer crystalline melting point, they do not melt but merely become rubbery.
Eduspire Org

Digital Storytelling: What's Your Story? - EDUSPIRE - 0 views

    We all have a story to tell, and so do your students! From your Kindergartener's weekend birthday party to your 12th grader's Senior Prom, your students want to talk and share. 21st century learning and the Common Core State Standards encourage today's students to move beyond basic telling and writing to recording, publishing, tweeting and blogging.
Paul Beaufait

braz2010vance [licensed for non-commercial use only] / PLN - 4 views

  • Etienne Wenger (2007) asked Cristina Costa when she knew she was in a community of practice and she said, when she noticed her practice had changed. And this is the correct answer.  When your practice changes, you know you have truly learned. The next step as a teacher is to model what you did for your students so that some will follow in your footsteps. So how can you do it?  Your change in practice probably won't be from this one encounter, unless I can convince you or nudge you, if you were heading that way already, into taking the next step in your journey.  The goal is to move from being just a consumer of networked content, which you in essence hoard, to a creator of content, which you share with the network that shares with you.
  • language teachers need to look beyond what it appears on the surface is happening between them and the learner and consider the bigger picture, such as ways in which technology fosters connections with communities and networks that humanize rather than isolate to strengthen individuals as an integral part of modern society and how that society acculturates, or learns together.
  • I encourage colleagues to think SMALL because in my view the computer is no longer the salient aspect of technology. The salient aspect is the use to which technology is put, and the salient use is to re-wire and expand how we are able to learn by enabling us to nurture and participate in always-on PLNs, or Personal Learning Networks.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • In order for teachers to grasp the fundamentals of applying technology to transformative learning outcomes, practice with peers is necessary, where teachers themselves become mentors for one another while sharing with one another their discoveries and experiences with their own learning.
  • Teachers who drive their own professional development through participation in PLNs constantly express and assess each other's needs, and promote professional development on an as-needed basis, from where it is only a short leap to applying it to students.
    PLN: The paradigm shift in teacher and learner autonomy
gabriela rosso

Vendée Globe 2008 - Hors les Murs - Beyond The Walls - 0 views

    We hope that others in our global networks will join this page to keep in contact and to continue to expand our global community. If you know of other teachers who might enjoy following the Vendee Globe, perhaps you can share this page with them. Thanks very much,

Cooliris, Inc. | Beyond the Browser - 0 views

    View image search results in a sideshow mode
Paul Beaufait

Educational Leadership:Reading Comprehension:Making Sense of Online Text - 11 views

  • The following strategy lesson invites students to stop, think, and anticipate where important information about a Web site's content might be found
  • To move students beyond simply cutting and pasting their notes directly into their final projects, teachers can provide students with a word-processing document (see fig. 3) that serves as a template to help them organize their research
    Coiro, Julie. (2005). Making sense of online text. Educational Leadership 62(2), 30-35. Retrieved September 21, 2011, from "Four challenges face students as they use Internet technologies to search for, navigate, critically evaluate, and synthesize information. Here ... [Coiro] pose[s] each challenge as a question and suggest a corresponding activity that models effective strategies to help students meet that challenge" (A New Kind of Literacy, ¶3).
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