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susana canelo

How could you incorporate Diigo into your classroom/session setting in a pegagogically... - 238 views

Hi Nelba: Yes, they can see it, without having a Diigo account. That's why it's so easy !! No complications. If you click on the central arrow you can open the webslide. The problem appears if you...

best practices edudiigo learningwithcomputers lwc pedagogy

David Wetzel

5 Benefits for Creating a Classroom Environment for Student Blogs - 6 views

    Benefits for creating a classroom environment for student blogging begin with establishing a foundation for their success. Why is this important? Integrating blogs transforms a classroom into a learning community where students become self-directed learners and thinkers. This in turn, causes students to use higher order thinking skills as they create and post entries in their blogs, along with commenting on other student's blogs.
Paul Beaufait

CTL: Learning Environments - 0 views

    This Center for Technology in Learning page introduces activities of the center which focus on learning environments, lists current projects, and includes a list of selected publications, many of which are available online.
    I happened upon the site by following a reference to Tapped In (R) from the Unsung Hero... post on Authorship 2.0 (June 18, 2008).
Nelba Quintana

SimTeach:Multi-User Virtual Environments - 0 views

    SimTeach: Information and Community for Educators using M.U.V.E.'s Multi-User Virtual Environments
andrew bendelow

Brain Development in a Hyper-Tech World - Dana Foundation - 4 views

    The information explosion brought about by the Internet and other modern technological tools has undeniably had positive influences on society. "These are enabling technologies," said Friedlander. "I think their greatest power lies in their ability to enable people to reach out to a world that is much greater than what any child is likely to get in their home or school environment. That's all good and positive." The trick, he said, is knowing where to draw the line. "It gets down to a quantitative question: how much is too much? That's where the rubber really meets the road for most people, and that is a really tough question to answer." The responsibility for making such decisions often falls on parents, but they may not be equipped, able, or willing to do so. "We always hear the same thing, that it's up to parents to control the use of these things and teach kids how to manage it all," said Grafman. "But in order for them to do this, they have to understand better themselves what they are creating with their children. Many parents today just say, 'here's your computer, put it in your room and do your homework on it,' and that's the last they see of the kid. If that's the case, how much are kids going to listen?"
Zaid Mark

Attune your Windows 8 to your Adobe Photoshop CS3 - 0 views

    You must have heard much of bad about Windows 8, for not being compatible with many routine applications. This common word of mouth has, to some extent, brought down the ratings of this operating system. When Windows 8 hit the market, just like many other applications, Adobe Photoshop was unable to adjust itself in a renewed environment.
Paul Beaufait

Summative Assessment In eLearning: What eLearning Professionals Should Know - eLearning... - 10 views

    This post identifies five types of summative assessment applicable to online learning environments, and offers four tips for making summative assessments.
Paul Beaufait

Designing for Learning: Ten Best Practices for Teaching Online: Quick Guide for New Onl... - 21 views

    On this page, Boettcher explains, "ten best practices for anyone just getting started in the online environment. Research and experience suggest that these practices contribute to an effective, efficient and satisfying teaching and learning experience for both faculty and students" (para. 2, retrieved 2012.02.03 ["Minor revisions May 2011"]).
izz aty open-source community-based tools for learning - 0 views

    Moodle is a Course Management System (CMS), also known as a Learning Management System (LMS) or a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). It is a Free web application that educators can use to create effective online learning sites. is our community site where Moodle is made and discussed.
Paul Beaufait

Half an Hour: The Future of Online Learning: Ten Years On - 0 views

  • While we want to provide personalized attention, especially to submitted work, testing and grading, learning is still heavily dependent on the teacher. But because the teacher in turn is responsible for assembling, and often presenting, the materials to be learned, customization and personalization have not been practical. So we have adopted a model where small groups of people form a cohort, thus allowing the teacher to present the same material to more than one person at a time, while offering individualized interaction and assessment.
  • Though networks have always existed, modern communications technologies highlight their existence and given them a new robustness. Networks are distinct from groups in that they preserve individual autonomy and promote diversity of belief, purpose and methodology. In a network, however, people do not act as disassociated individuals, but rather, cooperate in a series of exchanges that can produce, not merely individual goods, but also social goods.
  • In the case of informal learning, however, the structure is much looser. People pursue their own objectives in their own way, while at the same time initiating and sustaining an ongoing dialogue with others pursuing similar objectives. Learning and discussion is not structured, but rather, is determined by the needs and interests of the participants.
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • it is not clear that an outcomes driven system is what students require; many valuable skills and aptitudes – art appreciation, for example – are not identifiable as an outcome. This becomes evident when we consider how learning is to be measured. In traditional learning, success is achieved not merely by passing the test but in some way being recognized as having achieved expertise. A test-only system is a coarse system of measurement for a complex achievement.
  • The products of our conversations are as concrete as test scores and grades. (Ryan, 2007) But, as the result of a complex and interactive process, they are much more complex, allowing not only for the measurement of learning, but also for the recognition of learning. As it becomes easier to simply see what a student can accomplish, the idea of a coarse-grained proxy, such as grades, will fade to the background.
  • Most educators, and most educational institutions, have not yet embraced the idea of flow and syndication in learning. They will – reluctantly – because it provides the learner with the means to manage and control his or her learning. They can keep unwanted content to a minimum (and this includes unwanted content from an institution). And they can manage many more sources – or content streams – using feed reader technology.RSS and related specifications will be one of the primary ways Personal Learning Environments connect with remote systems. To use a PLE will be essentially to immerse oneself in the flow of communications that constitutes a community of practice in some discipline or domain on the internet.
  • In the end, what will be evaluated is a complex portfolio of a student’s online activities. (Syverson & Slatin, 2006)
  • place independence means that real learning will occur in real environments, with the contributions of the students not being some artifice designed strictly for practice, but an actual contribution to the business or enterprise in question.
  • As it becomes more and more possible to teach oneself online, and even to demonstrate one’s achievement through productive membership in a community of practice, there will be greater demand for a formalized system of recognition, a way for people to demonstrate their competence in an area without having to go through a formal program of study in the area.
  • the major shift in instructional technology will be from systems centered on the educational institution to systems centered on the individual learner.
  • rather than the employment of a single system to accomplish all educational tasks, both instructors and learners will use a variety of different tools in combination with each other.
  • Automation allows us to more easily create and present content, to more easily form groups and collaborate, to more easily give tests and take surveys. This frees instructors to perform tasks that have been traditionally more difficult and time consuming – to relate to students on a personal basis, to offer coaching and moral support, to learn about and analyze a student’s inclinations and understandings.
    Thanks for all of your inspiration!
    "an epic, must-read article" according to Brian Lamb (A social layer for DSpace? 2008.11.19
Kolja Schönfeld

Working with online learning communities - 0 views

  • Lurkers are widely known to be among the majority of defined members and they have been found to make up over 90% of most online groups.
  • most important members in view of their potential to contribute to online groups.
  • Clark’s work is well sourced, and within it he develops three guiding principles: online learning communities are grown, not built online learning communities need leaders personal narrative is vital to online learning communities.
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  • Clark identifies that “online learning communities grow best when there is value to being part of them”.
  • Clark contends that “leaders are needed to define the environment, keep it safe, give it purpose, identity and keep it growing”. He gives a set of mantras for teacher/leaders in any online community: all you need is love control the environment, not the group lead by example let lurkers lurk short leading questions get conversations going be personally congratulatory and inquisitive route information in all directions care about the people in the community; this cannot be faked understand consensus and how to build it, and sense when it's been built and just not recognised, and when you have to make a decision despite all the talking.
Learning with Computers group

Online learning environments - 0 views

    Posted Teresa. Resources on blogs from Webheads' list.
Noelle Kreider

A look at the technology culture divide | - 11 views

  • Today’s students represent the first generation to grow up with this new technology.
  • While educators may see students every day, they do not necessarily understand their students’ habits, expectations, or learning preferences–this has resulted in a technology cultural divide.
  • Students are very comfortable with technology and generally become frustrated when policy, rules, and restrictions prevent them from using technology. 
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  • Educators must relinquish the idea of being all-knowing and replace that concept with an attitude of being a facilitator, knowing that the world of information is just a “click” away.
  • Traditional schools, generally staffed primarily with Digital Immigrants, often provide very little technology interaction compared to the digital world in which students are actually living.  Digital Natives can pay attention in class, but they choose not to pay attention, because in reality, they are bored with instructional methods that Digital Immigrants use.
  • Today’s Digital Native students have developed new attitudes and aptitudes as a result of their technology environment.  Although these characteristics provide great advantages in areas such as the students’ abilities to use information technology and to work collaboratively, they have created an imbalance between students’ learning environment expectations and Digital Immigrants’ teaching strategies and policies, which students find in schools today.
  • Teacher training programs in the area of technology will be paramount in the success of the Digital Native.
  • Twenty-first century educators must begin to answer these questions: Do the educational resources provided fit the needs and preferences of today’s learners?  Will linear content give way to simulations, games, and collaboration?  Do students’ desires for group learning and activities imply rethinking the configuration and use of space in classrooms and libraries?  What is the material basis of digital literacy? What is different in a digital age?  What are kids doing already and what could they be doing better, and more responsibly, if we learned how to teach them differently? Addressing these questions will contribute toward bridging the gap of the technology cultural divide and result in schools where all students have greater potential to achieve academically.
    Article discussing the technology culture divide between students and their teachers and its implications for rethinking how we teach.

International Spice Conference - Places In Goa - 0 views

    The All India Spices Exporters Forum (AISEF), established in the year 1987, works towards protecting the interests of the spice exporters in the country, creating a sustainable, pro-development business environment for the spice industry and its stakeholders. Places In Goa

International Spice Conference - Black Pepper & Red Chillies - 0 views

    The All India Spices Exporters Forum (AISEF), established in the year 1987, works towards protecting the interests of the spice exporters in the country, creating a sustainable, pro-development business environment for the spice industry and its stakeholders. Black Pepper & Red Chillies

CIPA Compliance | What Does it Mean and Its Updated Requirement - 0 views

    Congress enacted the Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA) in 2000 to address issues relating to minors' access to harmful or obscene content via the Internet. CIPA compliance is mandatory to libraries and schools that leverage the E-Rate program to get discounts for Internet connections or access. These organizations are mandated to provide a safe environment for kids when they go online.

Machine Learning with Python Training Course in Gurgaon - 0 views

    Machine Learning, Python, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence are the most buzzwords when it comes to technology. Machine Learning jobs can provide you with good salaries, and a stable career. Why learn Machine learning, Python,Data Science? Course Objective-- After the completion of the Machine Learning Course, you will be able to: Develop and Implement various Machine Learning Algorithms in daily practices & Live Environments. Build Real-time Machine Learning Applications Implement Data Analytics models on various Data Sets Data Mining across various file formats using Machine Learning models Building Recommendation systems and Classifiers Perform various type of Analysis (Prediction & Regression) Implement plotting & graphs using various Machine Learning Libraries Where to learn? A lot of institutes/colleges/companies are offering this course. Choose any one where you have good feedback. iClass Gyansetu conducts classes with faculties from Microsoft, Amazon. It's advisable to learn with people who are working in top companies in the world. Gyansetu provides a free demo session with trainers. Don't miss it! Talk to the trainer today. Placement You will be undergoing a major job-focused project at Gyansetu which makes your interview process easy. Also, the Gyansetu placement team will build your cv and profile on job portals and refer you to many companies/ consultancies. Duration Machine Learning with Python course will take almost 5 months to complete. Contact Phone No- +91-8130799520/ 9999201478 Website-
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