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I Flipped statistics using computers - 22 views

That's impressive! Computers are a powerful tool for analyzing and visualizing statistical data. What approach or software did you use for the flip? Infrastructure

learningwithcomputers education tools resources learning technology teaching

Walter Antoniotti

Response to Class Project Over 100 BUT - 7 views

No one e-mail with questions. I added a contest, made instruction clearer. Plus I added Turning Points in American History to the projects page.

learningwithcomputers education tools resources learning online teaching technology web2.0 writing

started by Walter Antoniotti on 15 Aug 16 no follow-up yet
Walter Antoniotti

Class Project - 6 views


learningwithcomputers education online technology writing

started by Walter Antoniotti on 12 Aug 16 no follow-up yet
Walter Antoniotti

Excel Internet Library - 12 views

Collection for beginner to advanced with materials for specifiv user types. suggestions welcome

excel teachers learn applicationa

started by Walter Antoniotti on 15 May 13 no follow-up yet
darren mccarty

Bubbabrain 10 Million Game Challenge - 14 views

K-12 Challenge for students. Go to - click on the word challenges- select your challenge- select your state-pick a game- hit play.

education tools learningwithcomputers web2.0

started by darren mccarty on 19 Nov 11 no follow-up yet
Walter Antoniotti

Collection of free learning materials - 17 views

Sorted into software tutorials, Excel, bus software, Word and TI-84

learningwith computers online resources

started by Walter Antoniotti on 31 Aug 11 no follow-up yet
Walter Antoniotti

Computer Learning tools - 21 views

The computer section of Free Internet libraries has free software, software tutorials, learning materials for Excel, Word, TI-84 and C++.

learningwith computers education tools resources learning web2.0 teaching

started by Walter Antoniotti on 13 Apr 11 no follow-up yet
Sora Lee

Learning SEO Techniques through Online Courses - 1 views

Because of the recent economic downturn, I was planning of setting up a business that is unique from the common business ventures people go into. One time, I was searching through the Internet and ...

online course

started by Sora Lee on 06 Jan 11 no follow-up yet
Einstein Franklin

Awesome Assignment - 2 views

This is an awesome lesson using Google Patents. If you haven't checked out google patents its great!

learningwithcomputers education resources teaching online tools

started by Einstein Franklin on 11 Nov 09 no follow-up yet
Michèle Drechsler

Socialbookmarking and Education. A survey (english version) - 7 views

The english version : Thank you for your interest. Best regards Michèle Drechsler

socialbookmarking survey education

started by Michèle Drechsler on 13 Jul 09 no follow-up yet
Paul Beaufait

Socialbookmarking and Education. A survey - 10 views

Hello Michèle, I note that the link you provided leads to a French cover page. The English cover page is here:

socialbookmarking Education survey

David Hilton

History Teachers Group - 8 views

started by David Hilton on 06 Jul 09 no follow-up yet
susana canelo

How could you incorporate Diigo into your classroom/session setting in a pegagogically... - 238 views

Hi Nelba: Yes, they can see it, without having a Diigo account. That's why it's so easy !! No complications. If you click on the central arrow you can open the webslide. The problem appears if you...

best practices edudiigo learningwithcomputers lwc pedagogy

Carla Arena

How do you envision using the Webslides feature? - 124 views

Dear Berta, I have the same feeling...I wish I had known about Diigo and Webslides before I had taught the Listening Plus online course, but it's never too late, and I'll surely see how it can be ...

diigo goodpractices learningwithcomputers practices webslides

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