The 6 Characteristics of A Successful Educator - 11 views
In 2012, be kind to your brain - 6 views
Ten Ways to be a Better Leader of Change - 8 views
How do you change school culture? « What Ed Said - 6 views
Personalized Learning Chart - 8 views
How Finnish schools shine | Teacher Network Blog | - 3 views
We have been awash in literature about Finland lately. Mostly because something about what they do works! Of the many articles that I have read, this one in particular does a great job of sharing in a clear an succinct manner a good many of the pieces of the puzzle.
Also, for those in the Vermont area September 27th, Tony Wagner will be the keynote speaker at a conference on high school transformation. He will also present and discuss his documentary "The Finland Phenomenon" in a special workshop after his keynote.
Student-Centered Learning | New Learning Institute - 5 views
Finding a formula for good schools - 8 views
Education Innovation: Your School's Secret Change Agents - 6 views
“Somewhere in your organization, groups of people are already doing things differently and better. To create lasting change, find areas of positive deviance and fan their flames.”
school staff takes ownership of the quest for change
identifies preexisting solutions (what is working) and amplifies them across the school
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