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Brian Nichols

The Power of Educational Technology: 9 Common Principles for 21st Century Schools - 4 views

    "Build Community - The school should bring all learners together into a supportive community that nurtures both the individual and the group. The community should permeate all possible spaces, in the classroom, in the home and Online. 2. Encourage Critical Thinking - The school should actively encourage learners to think critically, continually asking the question, "Why do we teach what we teach?" 3. Reward Risk Taking - The school should actively encourage learners to risk failure in the pursuit of understanding. 4. Focus on all Learners - The school should surround the learner with ideas and information, encouraging the learner to pursue a wide variety of paths to knowledge, and supporting the personal growth for all who inhabit the community. 5. Value Diversity - The school should actively encourage and value the input of those both inside and outside the community with a diversity of opinions and experiences. The school should consistently check that it is inclusive and supportive of learners from diverse backgrounds. 6. Nurture all learners - The school should provide opportunities and encouragement for all members of the community including teachers, students and parents to learn and grow. 7. Pursue Innovation - The school should actively explore, pursue and assess new ideas and technologies, while always keeping the learner at the heart of the pursuit. 8. Teach Empathy - The school should actively and explicitly teach learners to think beyond themselves, encouraging students to value kindness and generosity. 9. Break down the walls - The school should provide access and opportunities for learners to reach outside the walls of the school to the neighboring, national and global community. "
Jason Finley

The School-Community and College-Readiness Connection - 0 views

    "It's human nature-if we feel we belong, we are more likely to view ourselves as having the potential to achieve. It's troubling that this simple principle seems to have been lost in the debate about educational reform."
    Being involved in a number of school transformation initiatives I have found that this principle can have a very powerful impact on students and their learning. But, there are also bigger lessons here which can/should be applied to whole school community. jf
David Ellena

4 Principles for Using Your Leadership Power | - 0 views

    A Leader has power, How do u use your power?
David Ellena

ASCD EDge - Leading with Grace and Poise: 5 Principles for Principals - 0 views

    Five tips on being a leader, not a boss
David Ellena

The 21st Century Principal: Leadership Principle: Deal with Anger by Removing Your Butt... - 0 views

  • What if, though, we could find a way to do what Buddhist teacher Thubten Chodron describes as a process of "Removing Our Buttons?" She writes:
  • "Rather than acting according to our habitual pattern of blaming others for our anger, we can note that our buttons are being pushed depends on two factors: other's actions and our having buttons. If we remove our buttons, there won't be anything for others to push."
  • According to Thubten Chodron, our removal of these buttons is simply removing our "automatic and habitual responses that so often get us tangled in cycles of anger and conflict with others."
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • We acknowledge and accept that anger when it appears.
  • Then we simply recognize that the anger is temporary.
    As we return to school here is some good advice for school leaders
David Ellena

The 7 Principles Of The Future Employee - 0 views

    Interesting take on what future teachers will want from the job
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