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David Ellena

Five Keys to Building a Culture of Active Learning | ASCD Inservice - 0 views

    How to build a culture of active learning in your building
David Ellena

Building Positive School Culture: 20 Ideas From Principals | Connected Principals - 0 views

    Some great ideas for creating a positive school culture
David Ellena

Tips for a College Ready Culture from Principal of the Year - Getting Smart by Getting ... - 0 views

    Know what I love @ this article? Not 1 mention of test scores
David Ellena

8 Tips to Create a Twitter-Driven School Culture | Edutopia - 0 views

    Want to get more out of Twitter? Here you go 
Jennie Bales

Leading a Coaching Culture For Learning: Key Concepts and Strategies for Principals - QSPA - 0 views

    Coaching in education has grown rapidly in education contexts in the last 5 years (van Nieuwerburgh, 2012). It has moved beyond the provision of coaching as a professional learning activity for school leaders to include: coaching training as a leadership development skill; various coaching initiatives designed to enhance teaching practice as well as coaching involving students either by staff or even by fellow students. Educators have embraced coaching in all of these school conversational contexts.
Duane Sharrock

Education in the Age of Globalization » Blog Archive » Numbers Can Lie: What ... - 0 views

  • Perhaps whatever in an education system or culture that boosts math scores leads to less positive attitude and lower confidence at the same time.
  • According to historical data, American education has always been bad and actually improving over the years.
  • the First International Science Study (FISS)[4] was conducted, U.S. students ranked bottom in virtually all categories:
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  • In the 1980s, when the Second International Mathematics Study (SIMS) and Second International Science Study (SISS)[5] were conducted, U.S. students inched up a little bit, but not much
  • In the 1990s, in the Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS)[6], American test performance was not the best but again improved:
  • In 2003, in TIMSS[7] (now changed into Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study), U.S. students were not great, but again improved:
  • Over the half century, American students performance in international math and science tests has improved from the bottom to above international average. The following figure shows the upward trend of American students’ performance in math
  • There are other studies and statistics, but this long list should be sufficient to prove that American students have been awful test takers for over half a century. Some has taken this mean American education has been awful in comparison to others.
  • The Numbers Don’t Lie, but What Truth Do They Tell
    "Over the half century, American students performance in international math and science tests has improved from the bottom to above international average. The following figure shows the upward trend of American students' performance in math."
    "Over the half century, American students performance in international math and science tests has improved from the bottom to above international average. The following figure shows the upward trend of American students' performance in math."
David Ellena

9 Warning Signs an Employee Needs to be Let Go | - 0 views

  • Nine Warning Signs an Employee Needs to be Let Go
  • 1. Things don’t improve with a change of scenery - Maybe it’s the relationship with their boss, certain peers, or the nature of the work has changed and the employee is struggling to perform at his best. Whatever the reason, moving the employee to another role or department can get him back on track.
  • 2. You feel like you have to walk on eggshells around the employee
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  • Don’t underestimate the destructive power of a toxic, unpredictable employee.
  • 3. Emotional instability
  • If you have an employee that demonstrates severe emotional mood swings on the job and in their relationships with others, you need to pursue the proper legal and ethical guidelines in dealing with him to provide the support he needs.
  • 4. Trouble fitting into the company culture
  • 5. Blames others, makes excuses, and challenges authority
  • Troubled employees will often challenge authority by trying to lay the blame at the boss’ feet by saying things like “You should have done this…” or “You didn’t address that problem…” or whatever the case may be.
  • 6. Distorts or manipulates the truth
  • 7. Unseen gaps in performance
  • Maybe it’s sloppy work, not following correct procedures, or even worse, being intentionally deceptive or unethical. Be careful, things may not always be as they seem.
  • 8. A trail of broken relationships
  • A person may be a high-performer in the tasks of his job, but if he can’t get along with other people and has a history of damaging relationships with colleagues, eventually there will come a point where his contributions are outweighed by the damage and drama he creates.
  • 9. Passive-aggressive behavior
    When it is time to say good bye.
Courtney Jablonski

Teachers carry their views on evaluations from online to Albany | GothamSchools - 0 views

  • The teachers’ goal was to devise recommendations based on teachers’ own experience for what measures districts should consider when evaluating teachers, and how heavily each of those measures should be weighted.
  • focused on breaking down “the culture of ‘closed doors’”
  • Under the state’s teacher evaluation deal passed last May, teachers will be given a score on a new 100-point scale, with 40 of those points determined by student achievement data.
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  • The remaining 60 points will be determined through “local assessments,” which will take forms that must be negotiated by school districts and their local unions. The law leaves open what those assessments could look like. Newly-developed tests or portfolio demonstrations of student work are two ideas that state officials have mentioned as possibilities.
  • One aspect of the local assessments is clear: they all must meet new regulations that are currently being developed by a state task force led by Deputy Education Commissioner John King.
  • The group ended up recommending that the 60 points be spread across five different evaluation measures, giving the most weight to observations by school administrators and other teachers in the school. A sixth measure — student portfolio work — was considered but abandoned, because the increase in paperwork for teachers seemed too high for the value the portfolios would provide for the evaluations, Anderson said.
    If you were to design the new teacher evaluation system, what would you include? What opportunities would you want this evaluation system to bring to light?
Courtney Jablonski

Education Week Teacher: Hybrid Teaching Roles Promote Student Success - 0 views

  • a hybrid teacher role as Data Strategist. I was charged with the task of organizing the various data points that, taken collectively, offer useful clues about student achievement, progress, and deficiency. The data lens could zoom out to a schoolwide perspective that might inform staff development planning, narrow to a classroom or grade-level view offering insight on skills requiring remediation, or focus on a single student being considered for referral to the school psychologist for a learning disability.
  • There is growing evidence that teacher empowerment as school leaders is linked strongly with teachers' tendency to engage in behaviors that accelerate student growth: soliciting parent involvement, communicating positive expectations, and being willing and able to innovate in the classroom.
  • In addition to measurable student impact, teachers that lead schools are better equipped to guide their own professional development, share their expertise, and develop explicit and implicit systems of accountability, while experiencing more respectful, trusting, and professional cultures.
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  • Title 1 funding that traditionally would have paid for an additional literacy specialist was allocated for the data strategist position.
  • The possibilities are endless when an individual's interests and skills are considered within the context of a school's needs. Such roles might also include community liaisons responsible for connecting families with various social services while plugging students into local job, volunteering, or community service opportunities. A keen interest in 21st-century skills might develop into a role that guides students to collaborate with others, synthesize information, and create something unique and useful for their peers.
  • The most prevalent barrier to hybrid teaching roles is the district-mandated staffing plan that leaves buildings with little opportunity to determine how personnel are allocated.
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