Bangkok Post : Social networking' s DARK SIDE - 5 views
anonymous on 18 May 11Describe the following terms and explain possible solutions: drive-by downloads clickjacking targeted brand attacks on social networks MitB (Man-in-the-Browser) MitMo (Man-in-the-Mobile) advanced on-the-fly SSL hacking may 23 soo
Kim Sue on 24 May 11drive-by downloads Drive-by downloads are downloads to the computer that are harmful, and are downloaded because the user doesn't know that the download took place, what was downloaded (virus, malware) or downloaded something, but didn't know it was malware. When a malicious website is visited, malware may be downloaded to the computer without users even knowing. Solutions to prevent drive-by downloads include having the internet security suite (like Norton Internet Security) installed and kept up to date. Also, using a proxy can filter the web content (like Vidalia). The user's antivirus firewall should always be turned on. Clickjacking Clickjacking, also known as user-interface (UI) redressing, is one of the most common attacks against users by creating malicious pages that tricking users to click on buttons and links which reveal sensitive information, or can allow the attacker to take over control of the user's computer. The true function of the button is hidden under an opaque layer that shows something different to trick the users. A possible solution to clickjacking is the "walled garden" that iPhone has. It has a closed or exclusive set of information services provided for users, instead of allowing open access to apps and content. Targeted brand attacks on social networks Targeted brand attacks on social networks is attacking the big brand names, and attacking its reputation, currently common through attacks on social networks and phishing. Scammers that hijacked a social networking account can add random people to their friends list, and link them to malicious sites. Or an attacker would disguise themselves as the "official" profile of the brand company, and make friends and trick them into revealing sen