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Bangkok Post : Social networking' s DARK SIDE - 5 views

    Describe the following terms and explain possible solutions: drive-by downloads clickjacking targeted brand attacks on social networks MitB (Man-in-the-Browser) MitMo (Man-in-the-Mobile) advanced on-the-fly SSL hacking may 23 soo
    drive-by downloads Drive-by downloads are downloads to the computer that are harmful, and are downloaded because the user doesn't know that the download took place, what was downloaded (virus, malware) or downloaded something, but didn't know it was malware. When a malicious website is visited, malware may be downloaded to the computer without users even knowing. Solutions to prevent drive-by downloads include having the internet security suite (like Norton Internet Security) installed and kept up to date. Also, using a proxy can filter the web content (like Vidalia). The user's antivirus firewall should always be turned on. Clickjacking Clickjacking, also known as user-interface (UI) redressing, is one of the most common attacks against users by creating malicious pages that tricking users to click on buttons and links which reveal sensitive information, or can allow the attacker to take over control of the user's computer. The true function of the button is hidden under an opaque layer that shows something different to trick the users. A possible solution to clickjacking is the "walled garden" that iPhone has. It has a closed or exclusive set of information services provided for users, instead of allowing open access to apps and content. Targeted brand attacks on social networks Targeted brand attacks on social networks is attacking the big brand names, and attacking its reputation, currently common through attacks on social networks and phishing. Scammers that hijacked a social networking account can add random people to their friends list, and link them to malicious sites. Or an attacker would disguise themselves as the "official" profile of the brand company, and make friends and trick them into revealing sen

Ten Ways To Improve Your Search Engine Ranking - FindLaw - 10 views

    Define SEO. Describe the ten ways to improve a SEO. all nov 10 kuni
    Define SEO. SEO, (Search Engine Optimization) is a way of ensuring that your Web site shows up high in the rankings of search engines. Describe the ten ways to improve a SEO. 1. Learn Basic HTML- To do SEO yourself, you need to have a rudimentary understanding of HTML programming. 2. Understand the Difference Between Search Engines- There are basically four types of search engines in use today, (Google, Yahoo!, Bing, Altavista) and each has different methods of ranking sites. 3. The Quick Fix: Meta-Titles- it is important to include keywords in your meta-title that are relevant to your Web site. 4. The More Links, The Better- It is important to have a high number of quality links to your website from other similar websites. 5. The Content of Your Content Matters- Search engines also have the technology to look at the actual Content or words you put on your page. So, if a user types in a search for a particular keyword, the more often that keyword appears on your site, the more weight your site will receive, and the higher it will probably be ranked. 6. What About Keywords?- Meta-keywords are something you find in the source code of a Web page. They serve no other purpose than to try to convince search engines that a Web site should be highly ranked. 7. Experiment- The best way to improve your search engine ranking is to continue to experiment with different meta-titles, meta-keywords, Content, and linking strategies. 8. Avoid Dirty Tactics- There are many ways to try to trick search engines, but if the search engine discovers your tricks, it may ban your website completely. 9. Paid-Inclusion is an Option- you can guarantee that a search engine will see your Web site, and that your Web site will be ranked if you pay either pay a one-time or annual fee. 10. When in Doubt, Use a Professional- Many Web site designers have full-time SEO personnel to make sure that your website is highly ranked.
anonymous - 6 views

    brief march 23 woo
    1. Identify the area of impact the scenario relates to. - Business and employment 2. Identify the main stakeholders to the IT system. - JBPA, The Japanese Magazine Publishers Association, the Electronic Book Publishers Association of Japan, the Digital Comic Association, Apple. 3. Identify one ITGS social/ethical concern in the article - Intellectual property 4. Describe ITGS terminology and systems. - Apps: Apps is an abbreviation for application. An app is a piece of software. It can run on the Internet, on your computer, or on your phone or other electronic device. - Copyright: a set of exclusive rights granted to the author or creator of an original work, including the right to copy, distribute and adapt the work. The App Store is some kind of a database for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad created by apple that allows users to browse, download and install app on their devices. Applications in an app store can vary in cost, from free downloads to quite costly ones, depending on who developed the application and its purpose. Software Apps, E-books that are sold through the app store are pirated. This software is basically electronic books, similar to real life books, where its contents are stored online. This Japanese copyright infringement is done through software that is uploaded through the internet that can be downloaded for a price. However, the payment is delivered to the offender, not the original person who owns the contents' rights. These pirated apps are Chinese -based language apps which plays a role in delaying the notice of the copyright infringement. 5. If possible, describe a solution to the concern (issue). Illegal distribution of copyrighted property should be banned. However, the massive infringe of the law is common in China. There should be more strict policy and laws in national level to reduce the number of these issues, such as measurement and specified steps of installing and removing application to satisfy companies wor

Your smartphone: a new frontier for hackers - Technology & science - Security - - 15 views

    Describe the different ways that iphones and android phones are being hacked. all sept 5 soo
    Malicious Applications that log details about incoming/outgoing phone calls, as well as recording the calls. They can create unwanted service charges subscriptions to phone users. The users may or may not even receive the "service" that was subscribed, and paid for. They cab intercept text messages, compromise emails, photos and private content. Malicious applications that appear to be games, calculators, or pornographic photos and videos are downloaded to smartphones. Malware that replies incoming text messages with spam links. E-mail based phishing - because the phone screens are smaller than computers, it is harder to tell apart phishing links and scams in the url. iPhone's unencrypted file of location logs for iPhone users. Jailbroken iPhones that run unauthorized content is also a gap where malware can get through. Because these apps are unauthorized, they haven't gone through Apple's authorization process, and can contain malware, and can hack the user's phone. o By Malicious Application= The Applications which Apple and Android offers to customer, sometimes have malicious worms or viruses. Sometimes, malicious applications masquerade to games, calculators, or pornographic photos and videos. Hackers made their own malicious app and phishing people to download. The payment will charge to the victim's phone bills. o By Phishing Texting= Personal texting sometimes contain spam and malicious links which lead to the hacking site o By Advertisement link= Viruses might attach to the advertisement link o By Weak Security= Weak security of iPhone and Android phone therefore, find the weak part of the phone and hack. o By E-mail= Users tend to be less caring on phones, as the words and the screen itself are small

BBC News - Rise in UK requests for Google content removal - 8 views

    Describe 3 examples of legitamate cases for removal. all oct 31 kuni
    i. Critical Politician movement: Google remove 236 communities and profiles from social network in India after the government complained that they were critical of a local politician. ii. Privacy violation: The users in Turkey were restricted from being able to see material about the private lives of political officials. iii. Local law violation: There was a problem that in Thailand, where someone uploads the video that insulted Thailand's monarchy, which was illegal under local laws. This caused the user in Thailand to ban YouTube site for a year.

Best content in StJulians_ITGS | Diigo - Groups - 0 views

    another itgs diigo

Best content in IB ITGS | Diigo - Groups - 3 views

    Links for ITGS articles

Twitter tired? Fatigued with Facebook? Try a new network - 11 views

    Would you try a new network? all feb 10 nat
    Personally I wouldn't try new networks, unless I have friends there. A lot of my friends are focused on Facebook, and I don't mind sharing my content with people I am friends with, as I usually decline requests from strangers, and are friends with people who I actually know or have mutual friends. However, I wouldn't mind giving Pinterest a go, as I think it sounds interesting, and also it sounds like Tumblr, which I like a lot, because we can share images with people with the same interest.

Bangkok Post : Staying secure - 9 views

    Presentation: Explain the issue of mobile security. Provide a detailed explanation of how to provide mobile security. nov 14 champ az
    Mobile devices can be occupied by malware that are no longer only exist in the computer. With the growing population of smart phones, it also increases chance of getting viruses, worm, or Trojan. These viruses can invade by number in fonts, SMS or MMS messaging, downloadable content, public Wi-Fi or Bluetooth connections. Mobile malware can cause serious problems. They can drain your phone's battery very fast, delete your important information such as contacts or messages, and also it can destroy your phone's function completely. The worst thing it could do is to display your personal images online. How to provide mobile security? Use anti-virus software You can keep your mobile phone secured by using mobile security software such as Kaspersky Mobile Security. This software is a complete protection that will keep away malwares and block threatening network connections. It also has many features such as control of private contacts and phone numbers, blocking accession of other people, and an mobile phone locator application in case it get lost or stolen. Works Cited

How Does Google Rank Websites? - 14 views

    Explain how Google's algorithm works. Why is it hard to rank high? all nov 9 johny
    The Google algorithm is also called as page ranking. Page Rank depends on the outstandingly democratic nature of the web via to enormous link structure as the sign of the values for each individual page. Google would understand a page A to page B as vote; it would look noticeably more at links age receiver and the sheer volume of votes. It would analyze what you are searching for and it would pick pages the most important page from the rest of the file that is relevant to your topic. Sometimes important pages wont answer you question. That's why Google page rank is combined with complicated text matching techniques to find the page that is important and similar to your question. Google does more then searching pages that has a match to your question it would examine the feature of the page content (satisfied) and that it would decide that is this page is a good match of your question. Because many websites don't have the possibilities to get highly ranked, because they also need to compete with other websites that comes from the company and they got millions of back links. For example you want to make a website about selling second hand stuff. When your going to try to search about second hand stuff it would directly show you E-Bay because it more popular and it has more views. The websites that you may been searching for must be on the 15 page or more then that because the web may have not enough back links or even none.

Book Review - The Net Delusion - By Evgeny Morozov - - 3 views

  • the ­asocial pursuit of profit is what drives social media
  • more capricious technology” than radio or television
  • capricious technology” than radio or television. Neither radio nor TV has “keyword-based filtering,” which allows regimes to use URLs and text to identify and suppress dangerous Web sites, or, like marketers, to collect information on the people who visit them
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • “Technology changes all the time,” he writes, “human nature hardly ever.”
  • Mass journalism and democracy are inextricably entwined
  • The Net Delusion
  • Against the Machine: How the Web Is Reshaping Culture and Commerce — and Why It Matters
  • For more on “The Net Delusion,”
    Feb 22 Does the Net allow more freedom or does is it a tool for governments and business to control us? Jenny
    1.7_surveillance 2.6_pol_gov 3.4_internet
    Does the Net allow more freedom or is it a tool for governments and businesses to control us? The Net allows both. The users can roam freely to their discretion where and what they want to put onto the web. It is just a matter of a country censoring the content, or the user self-censoring what is to be put on the web. Also, the governments and businesses both can use the Net to their advantage. The government can learn and find out various information of various individuals and trends of the public through the Net's social networking websites and other portal that have discussion between citizens themselves. Business are able to keep track of trends to see what is happening, such as the stock prices to what people like to eat, listen to, what they like to use. Thus the businesses are able to stay in business a little easier through knowing the information from the web. The businesses can also advertise themselves through the net, and that way, it is actually faster than having actual offline campaigns and advertisement. Therefore, the net can allow us both. We are free to use it more than let it control us. It's just a matter of fact that higher class society, social ranking, or economic status-ed has more chances to controlling the net due to their connections with the higher ups. Yet, censorship and surveillance is everywhere, and thus doesn't allow absolute freedom.

WikiLeaks Julian Assange Arrested in London: Is it a Conspiracy? - 4 views

    High cholesterol milk Feb 8 Who is Julian? What is wikileaks? Describe cyber attacks. How did politics impact wikileaks? How did wikileaks fight back?
     Who is Julian? - Julian Paul Assange is an Australian publisher, journalist, software developer and internet activist. He is the founder, spokesperson, and editor in chief of WikiLeaks, a whistleblower website and conduit for worldwide news leaks, with the stated purpose of creating open government.  What is WikiLeaks? - WikiLeaks is an international non-profit organization that publishes submission of private, secret and classified media from anonymous news sources and news leaks.  Describe cyber attacks - A cyber attack is an attempt to undermine or compromise the function of a computer based system or attempt to track the online movements of individuals without their permission. Attacks of this type may be undetectable to the end user or network administrator, or lead to such a total disruption of the network that none of the users can perform even the most rudimentary of tasks.  How did politics impact WikiLeaks? - Protect citizens from knowing the secrets about politics - They keep find track on information -  How did WikiLeaks fight back? - Protesting way back Julian being treated (Letting attacks to each other)
    1.5 Intellectual property 1.9 Policies 2.6 Politics and government 3.5 Personal and public communications

flowchart2.png (1490×1188) - 1 views

    how to procrastinate

Egypt, Internet access: Egyptian government restores Internet service - - 6 views

  • bring down Egyptian government websites
  • Welcome back to the Internet, #Egypt. Well, except — you stay down,"
    Wooh How might the internet be useful for the Egyptian citizens? What does it mean "bring down Egyptian websites"? Feb 4
    1. How might the internet be useful for the Egyptian citizens? Egyptian citizens, especially for the protesters, have organized the initial protests against the government online, through social media such as Facebook groups. The restored Internet would allow them to use to do so again and other citizens are now back to their computers and can have regular socialization online. A main ways of communication with the outside world as well as with themselves, Internet would allow the citizens to join together through websites on the internet to create groups that support what they think is best for them. In this case, they want a reelection from their current leader. 2. What does it mean "bring down Egyptian websites"? "Bring down Egyptian websites" means to stop access to those Egyptian websites through means such as having a DoS attack on the website. Also hackers can hack into the website and destroy the coding and content of the website and thus "bring down" the websites. Bringing down Egyptian websites can also mean that they are blocking all access to Egypt because there wouldn't be any portal into Egypt if all the Egyptian websites are brought down.

Why Did Newspapers Take So Long to Copy Groupon? - BusinessWeek - 3 views

    brief analysis Make sure to describe major terms, like groupon and livingsocial. march 7 woo
    1. Identify the area of impact the scenario relates to. Business, E-commerce 2. Identify the main stakeholders to the IT system. Online Newspaper companies, newspaper subscribers 3. Identify one ITGS social/ethical concern in the article. Globalization 4. Describe ITGS terminology and systems. - Groupon: a deal-of-the-day website that is localized to major geographic markets worldwide. Launched in November 2008, the first market for Groupon was Chicago. - LivingSocial: an international social buying company based in Washington, D.C. They specialize in daily deals offered in cities across the United States, as well as in Canada, Europe and Australia. - TimeLiimited: is a service just like Groupon, which emails its readers on special offers for travel and living terms The New York Times newspapers are going to start using the internet, and connection of the companies to its subscribers for a fee to their advantage, even though there is a slim chance now. It is the spread of public communication of news, the latest trends, and discounts to events and merchandise while connecting directly to personal communication means of its subscribers (through their e-mails). 5. If possible, describe a solution to the concern (issue). Straightforward copying Groupon is not the answer for the success online. The New York times might be able to have a chance against Groupon and LivingSocial, but these two big groups have already topped the business of connecting companies with deals to its customers and subscribers for a fee. The companies should be able to manage connection between merchants and their customers. The New York Times would have to come up with special deals that appeal to users, such as a subscription discount, so on, and so forth to grab customers' attention from Goupon and LivingSocial to the New York Time's TimesLimited. The process involves sending people e-mail offers and discounts from companies and service providers, then charging a fee for
anonymous - 1 views

  • The protests have been spurred by extensive use of social media such as Facebook and Twitter, which are seeing their moment in the sun as the tools of revolution
  • They’re unleashing movements for peace, democracy and freedom in a region of the world that seemed like it was content to live without them
  • It shows that the power of the network effect can work in political revolutions just as it does in other parts of our lives. Social media has become like the lever that opens the doors that stand in the way of freedom
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • “triumphalism about the recent events in the Middle East is premature. The contest is still in its early stages, and the new age of internet-driven democratization will endure only if we learn to counter the sophisticated measures now being developed to quash it
    To what extent do you think social media opens the door to freedom? march 1

Google accuses China of interfering with Gmail email system | Technology | The Guardian - 4 views

    What evidence does Google present for Chinese government censorship? How does this impact the Jasmine revolution? Describe LinkedIn. Why was LinkedIn disrupted? What are the 7 International Safe Harbor Privacy Principles? Explain the major criticism of this system (International...)? Explain "self-censorship is a non-negotiable legal requirement". Explain "China's political elite have a love hate relationship with the internet". march 25 woo
    1. What evidence does Google present for Chinese government censorship? Google says that Chinese customers and advertisers have increasingly been complaining about their Gmail service in the past month. Attempts by users to send messages, mark messages as unread and use other services have generated problems for Gmail customers. Google shows potential signs that the Chinese government is increasing their censorship by revealing that Gmail's e-mailing system features have been disrupted for Gmail users as well as other Gmail interfaces such as sending e-mails. Google also reveals that the users who filed in these complaints are mostly potential threats to the Chinese government such as the activist accounts also with financial, technology, media and chemical companies users' accounts. Thus, even though there is no concrete evidence, there are signs that are most likely to be linked to the Chinese government. 2. How does this impact the Jasmine revolution? The move follows extensive attempts by the Chinese authorities to crack down on the Jasmine revolution, an online dissident movement inspired by events in the Middle East. The censorship was supposed to prevent people from getting too much information but instead, this can provoke people to go against the government since people are aware that they have been treated unfairly. 3. Describe LinkedIn. LinkedIn is a business-oriented social networking site. LinkedIn operates the world's largest professional network on the Internet with more than 100 million members in over 200 countries and territories. The purpose of the site is to allow registered users to maintain a list of contact details of people they know and trust in business. The people in the list are called Connections. Users can invite anyone to become a connection. 4. Why was LinkedIn disrupted? LinkedIn is business-social networking and Chinese can use this site as the means of evoking opposition against the government. China's president Hu Jint

BBC News - Americans face piracy website blocking - 2 views

    If passed, it would "accelerate" the net down a path that could lead to governments everywhere sanitising online content so citizens only get what those in power think they should see... What does this mean? may 19 nat
    This means that once the bill passes, the government will have control, and block any sites that they think people should not see, and this quote is saying that the people will only be able to see what the government approves of, leaving them with no freedom on the internet.

BBC News - Chemicals and defence firms targeted by hacking attack - 3 views

    Explain the type of attack and possible security measures to prevent it. m12 nov 8 jenny
    The type of attack was a phishing attack that involved sending e-mails that had attachments, that when opened, will install a Trojan horse code into the person's computer. From there, the Trojan horse will be able to locate and copy files to another part of the computer system where they will be extracted back to the hacker who performed the attack. Possible Security Measures to Prevent it: Don't open e-mail attachments unless you know they are from a trusted source, especially attachments containing extensions .exe, .ink, and .vbs. Always have your security software up to date. Customize your firewall settings for your browser to filter out content. (Default is usually all, but choose to "limit" your connection so that it limits the connection to possible attackers).
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