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Google accuses China of interfering with Gmail email system | Technology | The Guardian - 4 views

    What evidence does Google present for Chinese government censorship? How does this impact the Jasmine revolution? Describe LinkedIn. Why was LinkedIn disrupted? What are the 7 International Safe Harbor Privacy Principles? Explain the major criticism of this system (International...)? Explain "self-censorship is a non-negotiable legal requirement". Explain "China's political elite have a love hate relationship with the internet". march 25 woo
    1. What evidence does Google present for Chinese government censorship? Google says that Chinese customers and advertisers have increasingly been complaining about their Gmail service in the past month. Attempts by users to send messages, mark messages as unread and use other services have generated problems for Gmail customers. Google shows potential signs that the Chinese government is increasing their censorship by revealing that Gmail's e-mailing system features have been disrupted for Gmail users as well as other Gmail interfaces such as sending e-mails. Google also reveals that the users who filed in these complaints are mostly potential threats to the Chinese government such as the activist accounts also with financial, technology, media and chemical companies users' accounts. Thus, even though there is no concrete evidence, there are signs that are most likely to be linked to the Chinese government. 2. How does this impact the Jasmine revolution? The move follows extensive attempts by the Chinese authorities to crack down on the Jasmine revolution, an online dissident movement inspired by events in the Middle East. The censorship was supposed to prevent people from getting too much information but instead, this can provoke people to go against the government since people are aware that they have been treated unfairly. 3. Describe LinkedIn. LinkedIn is a business-oriented social networking site. LinkedIn operates the world's largest professional network on the Internet with more than 100 million members in over 200 countries and territories. The purpose of the site is to allow registered users to maintain a list of contact details of people they know and trust in business. The people in the list are called Connections. Users can invite anyone to become a connection. 4. Why was LinkedIn disrupted? LinkedIn is business-social networking and Chinese can use this site as the means of evoking opposition against the government. China's president Hu Jint

Libya turns off the Internet and the Massacres begin | ZDNet - 3 views

  • Now, though, realizing that they could no longer hide their abuses from a world a Twitter tweet away, the new model autocracies, such as Libya and Bahrain have realized that they need to cut their Internet links before bringing out the guns.
  • As in Bahrain, Libya’s Internet is essentially owned and controlled by the government through a telecommunication company Libya Telecom & Technology
  • Mobile phone services in Libya are also under the control of the government. So far though the government doesn’t seem to have cut international phone services off-perhaps because that’s harder to do without cutting off local telephone service.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • “Should Libya block Internet traffic, as Egypt did, it will not affect or any .ly domain.”
    Brief analysis march 1 natsuno
    Identify the area of impact the scenario relates to. Politics and government Identify the main stakeholders to the IT system. Libyan government, Libyan citizens, Libyan telecommunication company (Libya Telcom & Technology) 3. Identify one ITGS social/ethical concern in the article. Surveillance 4. Describe ITGS terminology and systems. Internet : a computer network consisting of a worldwide network of computer networks that use the TCP/IP network protocols to facilitate data transmission and exchange : URL shortening is a technique on the World Wide Web where a provider makes a web page available under a very short URL in addition to the original address. Top level domain : A top-level domain (TLD) is one of the domains at the highest level in the hierarchical Domain Name System of the Internet.The top-level domain names are installed in the root zone of the name space. For all domains in lower levels, it is the last part of the domain name, that is, the last label of a fully qualified domain name. 5. If possible, describe a solution to the concern (issue). It is hard to suggest a solution basically because it is the government's decision to shut down the internet. Therefore the only way to solve this issue is to discourage dictatorship in Libya. Main reason for the shut down of the internet was the cooperation of Libya Telecom & Technology which is owned by the dictator's son.

Great Debate: Should any Internet freedom ever be sacrificed to fight piracy? | ZDNet - 10 views

    Agree or disagree? all feb 10 soobin
    Agree Agree to some extent. Internet freedom can be sacrificed only to a certain extent to fight piracy. Getting rid of internet freedom is basically the same thing as shutting out the communication lines of the world. The source of the reason why piracy is done is mainly due to the fact that people can't afford the items that they wish to use, or need to use, because they are ridiculously overpriced. These industries don't think that way because they want profit, however, if piracy was stopped, then no one will buy their products anyways because they still can't afford it. Popularity of the product will decrease, and the marketing of the product basically just failed. We need to compromise something so that piracy is decreased until there is no more. But suddenly stopping everything in one shot with something like SOPA isn't the way to go. Disagree I disagree. The internet should be free and open. We need to educate people not to download pirated software, movies and music. Doing so is the same as stealing from a shop, which most people would not do. Most people would be prepared to pay small amount for the right to download these things. If governments try to remove websites, it is the same as censorship which sometimes happens in dictatorships but should not happen in free societies. We really need freedom for the internet, so that we can easily share our own ideas, and thoughts. Unlike China, where people can't even talk gossip about governments, which is a basic human right. But China is still very famous for internet piracy. The United States should not have the power to prevent freedom of internet because they are not the world's police force. They should not have the power to dictate what happens in the rest of the world. That's why internet freedom should not be sacrificed.

Egypt, Internet access: Egyptian government restores Internet service - - 6 views

  • bring down Egyptian government websites
  • Welcome back to the Internet, #Egypt. Well, except — you stay down,"
    Wooh How might the internet be useful for the Egyptian citizens? What does it mean "bring down Egyptian websites"? Feb 4
    1. How might the internet be useful for the Egyptian citizens? Egyptian citizens, especially for the protesters, have organized the initial protests against the government online, through social media such as Facebook groups. The restored Internet would allow them to use to do so again and other citizens are now back to their computers and can have regular socialization online. A main ways of communication with the outside world as well as with themselves, Internet would allow the citizens to join together through websites on the internet to create groups that support what they think is best for them. In this case, they want a reelection from their current leader. 2. What does it mean "bring down Egyptian websites"? "Bring down Egyptian websites" means to stop access to those Egyptian websites through means such as having a DoS attack on the website. Also hackers can hack into the website and destroy the coding and content of the website and thus "bring down" the websites. Bringing down Egyptian websites can also mean that they are blocking all access to Egypt because there wouldn't be any portal into Egypt if all the Egyptian websites are brought down.

Bangkok Post : Easing the healthcare burden with technology - 3 views

    article analysis march 29 soo
    1. Identify the area of impact the scenario relates to. This article is related to Heath problems 2. Identify all the ITGS terminology and phrases (IT and Social/Ethical) Video conferencing system=A form of synchronous learning in which two or more locations are connected through live video to facilitate collaboration and information sharing, unified communications, Wi-Fi, Mobile IP, RFID, translator, smart phones, Telemedicine, electronic, portable camera 3. Describe one ITGS social/ethical concern in the article. Internet access and privacy problems, digital divide and internet access equality 4. Describe the relationship of the main stakeholders to the IT system. Main stakeholders : doctors, patients Doctors can now look at each patient over the system, without physically being there with their patient. What this basically means that it can input the symptoms of the patient through a computer, rather than writing it up on paper. The advantage of the system is that doctors and patients don't need to travel to each others' place just to get looked at, because it can all be done via video conferencing. 5. Explain the relationship between the IT system and the social/ethical issue identified in question 3. The issue of reliability is related to the IT System (software and internet) in which the software relies on the internet connection. Therefore, if the internet connection fails to work properly, the software would not be efficient, and thus not reliable. 6. Discuss at least one problem that relates to the impacts of the social/ethical issue. The major problem that will arise from the impact of the reliability concern are the patients' lives. The patients lives would be in danger if the doctor diagnoses the illness incorrectly, and prescribes medication incorrectly. Wrong doses of certain medical treatments would be a threat to the patients' lives. 7. Evaluate one solution that addresses the problem identified. A solution that has been done is

Bangkok Post : Cloud services open up business opportunities - 1 views

    What does cloud computing deal with? Describe each of the characteristics cloud services must have. Explain horizontal and vertical services. Define each layer of services. Explain the infrastructure capability terms. Why is bandwidth important? march 17 cream
    What does cloud computing deal with? Cloud computing deals with all the technology and support for the infrastructure of the cloud such as networking, database, storage, and management applications. Describe each of the characteristics cloud services must have. Fshared services (with standard framework and shared application programming interface (API)) - these services can be shared in order for all users to have access to them. Fstandard user interface - Web browsers to have access to the cloud services. Fself-service - Users must help themselves by self service when it comes to doing cloud services since actions are carried over the computer, not from human to human. Fservice metering - The Charge of the usage of the cloud services. Faccess over the internet - The medium of having access to the internet, as well as other places over the internet. Explain horizontal and vertical services. Horizontal Services - cloud applications, cloud storage, cloud servers, and cloud collaboration. These horizontal services are the services that are spread around horizontally as the infrastructure, and the base of the cloud service. It provides the technology and memory for clouds for example. Vertical Services - government services, cloud entertainment, cloud publishing and online ad networks, cloud healthcare, and cloud telecommunications. These vertical services are basically what we use the cloud services for, which field they are in, and how they are used. Define each layer of services. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) - This is a service usually from outsourcing done by an organization so that the actual infrastructure to hold the storage, hardware, and other components are stored elsewhere. Why is bandwidth important? Internet bandwidth will drive the popularity of cloud services in the country, as businesses and consumers will demand more services as bandwidth increases. Speedy network reliability is needed for "megabit-per-second" services.
    1.5 Intellectual property 2.5 Home and leisure 3.3 Networks 3.4 Internet 3.7 Databases

Egypt's Internet Block Aims at Social Media - PCWorld - 3 views

    aNt Feb 4 Why did Egypt block the internet? How has the internet supported civil disobedience? What does it mean when the US says social media is a fundamental right?
    Why did Egypt block the internet? To shut down communications within the people of Egypt to stop them from organizing protests against the government using social networks as a tool of communication. How has the internet supported civil disobedience? Many of the protests were organised with the use of social networks such as Facebook and Twitter, which helped everyone to organise the protest with people they didn't know. What does it mean when the US says social media is a fundamental right? US is saying that social media is a fundamental right, therefore should not be blocked or shut down, because it has become an important source of communication, and people have the right to know what's going on in the world.
Avik Bag

BBC - Future - Health - Internet offers rural India a digital lifeline - 7 views

    How can the Internet be really essential in villages? What are the drawbacks and maybe certain improvements.
  • ...1 more comment...
    Health Internet
    May 23
Alex Lenk

Singapore Airlines to launch inflight Internet in May? - Flights | hotels | frequent fl... - 3 views

    Chae Min November 5th  Describe the IT
    The IT system is in this article is internet access in flight at 30,000 feet. The Singapore airlines now provide internet for any digital device (such as tablet or laptop). The internet is provided by the self contained telecoms system on board each plain. It get the signal from satellite. Currently over 20 airlines using this WiFI and 3G signal thought to inmarsat's swift broadband satellite network.

Blogs Wane as the Young Drift to Sites Like Twitter - - 7 views

    Go to each link in the article and describe it. march 3 Nat
    Facebook : It is the world's largest social network site, which was founded in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg. It has become a very developed source on the internet, where users can like, share, comment on something without leaving the web page that they were at. There are approximately 500 million users worldwide. Twitter : Twitter is a social networking site that was started up by a group of 10 people called Obvious, and it has become popular for its simplicity of "micro-blogging" where a twitterer or tweeter sends short messages called tweets, within 140 characters, and are shared with people that follow you, and to the public. Pew Research Center- It is a research center for the people and the press, and it is an independent, non-partisan public opinion research organization that studies attitudes toward politics, the press and public policy issues. Huffington post : Huffington post is a news website that began in 2005, and it has become the most heavily visited news web sites in the country. BlogHer : is a group blog, online community, and refers to an annual blogging conference for woman.  Lisa Stone, Elisa Camahort Page and Jory Des Jardins founded BlogHer in 2005 in response to the question, "Where are all the women bloggers?" Tumblr : Tumblr was founded in 2007 by David Krap, and it is a social networking site that allows user to post text, images, videos ,links, quotes and audio, which can be reblogged by other users who follow your blog. Google : Google was founded in 1998, and is known as the world's most popular internet search engine. Google hosts and develops a number of internet-based services and products,and generates profit primarily from advertising through its AdWords program, which has helped them earn huge profits for their company. LiveJournal : LiveJournal is a virtual community where Internet users can keep a blog, journal or a diary. LiveJournal is also the name of the free and open source server software that was desig

Internet blackouts: Reaching for the kill switch | The Economist - 2 views

  • cost Egypt as much as $90m
  • enforced closure of the internet can backfire
  • crudely disconnecting cables risks outrage elsewhere
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • And cutting international cables leaves a country’s internal connections intact
  • Egypt’s blackout had plenty of chinks
    What were the chinks in the blackout? What are problems with cutting national and international cables? Explain the possible financial impact of blackouts. How can a blackout backfire? march 11 kuni
    What were the chinks in the blackout? Many people abroad offered the Egyptians internet though the terrestrial phone system, which was basically a dial-up system. Moreover, Google and Twitter launched a service where users can voicemail their tweets, which is then converted into text, to publish their tweets online. What are problems with cutting national and international cables? It will cost a lot in budget and maybe some damage too, because it is complex and expensive to build and run a kill switch. Explain the possible financial impact of blackouts. The financial, impacts the finance of the blackouts are that money transactions and deposits are affected by the suddenly cut line, which may cause problems to both local individuals as well as large companies that are trying to seal a business deal between each other. An intergovernmental think-tank in paris predicts that the cost of damage in Egypt for its network shutdowns was around $90million. Also, other international countries that are trying to invest in the country that has a blackout are most likely to rethink their decision, and take their investing plans to another more stable country. This affects the country as the whole since they will be losing investors in their country. This would also affect the economy as rates change, the amount of people (tourists) flowing in and out of the country including business groups. How can a blackout backfire? A blackout can backfire its government because it can cause the citizens to view the government's act in a bad way. Cutting of connections will people will stop trusting its government, and would want to overthrow their leader/government. Moreover, This is somewhat a loss for the government. They wouldn't want their citizens to go up against them. Thus, citizens play a major role on how a blackout can backfire. The cutting internet doesn't help at all.

The Survival Station - 51 Free Tools to Stay Informed and Invisible on the Internet - 1 views

    How could this help you? march 17 jenny
    1.3_privacy_anonymity 2.5_home_leisure 3.2 _software
    How would this help you? These tools could help us by providing us with at least some more sense of security that what we barely have left now. Because we are often on the Internet, we are exposed to the danger of being seen and tracked by others. These tools help us stay invisible and informed. The use of encryption is used as well as proxies to hide user IP addresses. The free tools are basically for us to be aware of what is being tracked of our online activity, and how we can prevent it with the software.

How Egypt pulled its Internet plug - Computerworld - 3 views

    Sue Describe BGP. How does the BGP affect ISPs? Feb 4
     Describe BGP - BGP is the border gateway protocol, the protocol at the core of the internet's routing mechanism. BGP performs interdomain routing in Transmission-Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) networks. BGP is an exterior gateway protocol (EGP), which means that it performs routing between multiple autonomous systems or domains and exchanges routing and reachability information with other BGP systems. - Control the pathways  How does the BGP affect ISPs? - BGP glues all ISPs and their large customers together to form the Internet. Besides traditional routing, BGP also supports routing for new IP services such as Multiprotocol Label Switching Virtual Private Network (MPLS VPN). - Without BGP information provided by Egyptian networks, the rest of the world has no way to connect with the country's ISPs or its Web sites. Nor do its citizens have a way to reach sites or services beyond its boundaries. - "The Egyptian government has instructed the ISPs whether state owned or sate licensed, to withdraw their BGP announcements that tell other routers how to reach those ISPs" -

China Tightens Electronic Censorship - - 2 views

  • A host of evidence over the past several weeks shows that Chinese authorities are more determined than ever to police cellphone calls, electronic messages, e-mail and access to the Internet in order to smother any hint of antigovernment sentiment. In the cat-and-mouse game that characterizes electronic communications here, analysts suggest that the cat is getting bigger
  • LinkedIn, a networking platform, was blocked for a day during the height of government concerns over Internet-based calls for protests in Chinese cities a few weeks ago, he said
  • China’s censorship machine has been operating ever more efficiently since mid-2008, and restrictions once viewed as temporary — like bans on Facebook, YouTube and Twitter — are now considered permanent. Government-friendly alternatives have sprung and developed a following
    This is similar to the Google accuses China... article and will help with the answers. Describe VPN. How does a proxy work? List a proxy you find useful. When would you use a proxy? Explain: Google has "played a role in manufacturing social disorder". march 25 Azman
    Describe VPN. A VPN means virtual private network and what it does is that it send you data over the Internet in a secure connection. It travels packet over unprotected network in a secured manner. It provides you tunnel which secures your data and send it encrypted form over the Internet. How does a proxy work? By using a proxy the web browser window is then coded as part of the proxy site address and not the real website the surfer is visiting. Any information cached in the temporary folder is that of the proxy, not the users. This means the user is not traced at all and the information is kept hidden. Article Source: List a proxy you find useful. Tor Trycatchme anonsafe When would you use a proxy? When you want to hide your IP from anyone. It is a good idea to use it while online shopping, accessing bank websites, and putting personal information. Explain: Google has "played a role in manufacturing social disorder". This means that Google has been the source of creating all the social disorder in the real world. Examples of these social disorders include the Libyan Protests as well as the Egypt Protests. These are named as social disorders. And Google, who feeds information to the various organizations and governments as well as provide social networking interfaces play a role in the community to communicate with each other in order to plan these social disorder events, such as the protests to overthrow the government.

Big Data's Impact in the World - - 9 views

    Explain why becoming a data consultant might be a good career choice. Why is data measurement considered to be the modern equivalent of the microscope? How has data-driven decision making improved productivity? How is Big Data transforming the way social networks function? all feb 21 max
    Explain why becoming a data consultant might be a good career choice. Basically, their jobs are to help businesses make sense of an explosion of data Web traffic and social network comments as well as software and sensors that monitor shipments, suppliers and customers. So, since a great number of people have used the Internet frequently, their jobs are needed to people because as much as people use the Internet, the data will be increased and people need other people who can manage such things. Why is data measurement considered to be the modern equivalent of the microscope? The reason is that there is countless data sensor around the world. The sensors can measure and communicate location, movement, vibration, temperature, humidity, even chemical changes in the air. How has data-driven decision making improved productivity? Data-driven decision making has improved productivity because people collect as much as data they can before deciding. As people doing that, they can predict preference of consumers from the Internet. It is very useful because people don't have to spend much time on consumers' preference also, a small amount of money and time will be spent. How is Big Data transforming the way social networks function? Social networks websites such as Facebook and Twitter and Search engines like Google and make profit with their users' data. Many companies will buy the users' data from Facebook, Google, and Twitter. That's a way to earn money for social network websites.

Electronic Security a Worry in an Age of Digital Espionage - - 10 views

    List the precautions Mr. Lieberthal takes when visiting China. Define digital espionage. Why is it easy to steal information remotely? How was the US Chamber of Commerce hacked? Explain the reason for thwarting the cybertheft of trade secrets. all feb 16 soo paulo
    List the precautions Mr. Lieberthal takes when visiting China. * He leaves his cellphone and laptop at home. * He brings "loaner" devices. * He erases information before and after the trip. * He disables Bluetooth and Wifi. * He turns off his phone, and takes the battery out. * He only connects to the internet through an encrypted password protected channel. * He copies and pastes his password from a USB. Define digital espionage. Digital Espionage - The spying on digital information including corporate secrets and government secrets. These secrets are stored as digital data, and can be spied on and stolen. Why is it easy to steal information remotely? Because digital devices today are mostly connected to an internet network, and through this network, information can be stolen remotely if the hacker is able to hack into the system. Smart phones and digital personal devices are very common today. These devices are connected into workplace networks and carry information around. Hackers are able to hack into these devices and get onto the corporate network and steal information. How was the US Chamber of Commerce hacked? The US Chamber of Commerce was hacked through four of their employees, Asia policy experts' devices who travelled frequently to China. The Chamber's office digital devices including its printer and thermostat had a connection to an internet address in China. Through these remote connections to the digital devices, China could penetrate the inside information of the Chamber. Explain the reason for thwarting the cybertheft of trade secrets. Thwarting the cybertheft of trade secrets is to the benefit of the owner of those trade secrets. If cybertheft of trade secrets is not prevented, then other corporations would be able to use stolen trade information to their benefit, and possibly come out with the same product with slight modifications in order to gain more profit from other companies' ideas. This would also ruin the product

In Piracy Debate, Is the Sky Falling? - - 29 views

    Why are copyright violations a serious problem? Describe two advantages and two issues with illegitimate downloading. Explain two possible solutions to this kind of piracy. all feb 13 chut
    *Why copyright violations are serious problem?
    Why are copyright violations are a serious problem? Major entertainment companies are losing millions and billions or money due to these copyright violations. More people are turning to online pirated goods instead of buying legitimately. These companies who are losing their profits are not happy about this problem. Describe two advantages and two issues with illegitimate downloading. One advantage is that pirated download saves you a lot of money. You wouldn't have to spend any money downloading these stuffs. Another advantage is that you can mass download it or download just some parts of it. For example if I wanted to listen to only one song of an album I can just download it off the internet for free, I wouldn't have to buy the real Cd which costs quite a lot of money and listen to only one song. Most artists today sell their Cd's for a high price but the qualities of their songs are not so high plus one Cd usually contains only 5 to 8 tracks. Comparing with the old times, one Cd contains about 15 to 20 tracks and it would still cost less and the songs do have good quality. An issue to this is that it is illegal. Downloading pirated goods are not so different from shoplifting or stealing. These goods have owners which the owners are willing to sell them but we who download them illegally are just taking them for granted. Another issue is that if this continues then the companies will not make as much many as before. This of course would affect the artists, celebrities, directors etc., directly. It can cause problems with jobs. If those people do not make money, then there would be no jobs. There are many jobs in the entertainment business which can be destroyed by this issue. Explain two possible solutions to this kind of piracy. One possible solution is to make it legal to download pirated goods. It may be the best solution possible at this moment. Many people are agreeing that it should be legal when it comes to downloading pirated goods. The enterta

BBC News - US court hears net neutrality arguments - 1 views

    summary gwansik
    Net neutrality: principle of internet service providers should not block customers that pay less to give faster speeds to those who pay more. Verizon says, FCC is not following the principle(net neutrality) so they argued to FCC with the order called "Preserving the Free and Open Internet". Basically, verizon is arguing to FCC; Why FCC is not following the principle, and they should follow it. inventor Sir Tim Berners-Lee, have said that everyone should have the right to a free and open internet.
Alex Lenk

Seeing That Ad on Every Site? You're Right. It's Tracking You. - - 0 views

    Smile October 28th  BAA
    1. Identify the area of impact the scenario relates to. Business, Home and leisure, 2. Identify the main stakeholders to the IT system. The main stakeholders of the Internet users and the internet advertisement provider (such as Google) 3. Identify and describe one ITGS social/ethical concern in the article. A social/ ethical concern in this article is privacy. This article refer to advertisement stalking you around and show up in every site that you are in. The concern is privacy because of the tracking of ads on the users. The IT systems uses cookie to track the user. For example if a user open a commercial website such as ebay and amazon the clicking into a certain product will place a cookie onto your web browser. The next time the user open the web browser, the ads will track you around. The companies that it target marketing which shows users the product that they are interest in at the right time. However is it ok for this ads to track the users around? 4. Describe ITGS terminology and systems. Web browser: a software application for retrieving, presenting and traversing information resources on the World Wide Web. Cookie: Computing a packet of data sent by an Internet server to a browser, which is returned by the browser each time it subsequently accesses the same server, used to identify the user or track their access to the server. 5.Describe the solution stated in the article or find a solution to the concern (issue) discussed in the article. One solution that can help solve this problem is to install an adsblocker. Advertisement blockers will block the advertisement from showing on the web browsers. However the cookie is still in your computer. Some web browsers or operating system allow the user to delete the cookie on your computer.

Facebook tightens grip on user ID data - Yahoo! News - 4 views

    analysis Az dec 2
    1. Identify the area of impact the scenario relates to. Business and Employment- Online business 2. Identify all ITGS terminology and phrases (IT and social/ethical). Applications, Internet, UID, network, web, software developers, policy, analytics services, 3rd parties' applications. 3. Describe one ITGS social/ethical concern in the article. Privacy is the concern in this article because some software developers behind outside applications popular in the online community were "inadvertently" sharing user identification numbers. 4. Describe the relationship of the main stakeholders to the IT system. The main stakeholder which is the Ad networks is sharing identifying information about users with advertising and Internet tracking companies. 5. Explain the relationship between the IT system and the social/ethical issue identified in question 3. Facebook (IT system) modified its policy to forbid user identification data from leaving third-party applications and for such information to remain confidential if used by analytics services connected to programs (privacy). 6. Discuss at least one problem that relates to the impacts of the social/ethical issue. The problem here is that all of the 10 most popular applications on Facebook were transmitting unique user ID numbers to outside companies which violates Facebook's policy: data received from Facebook, including UIDs, cannot be shared with data brokers and ad networks. 7. Evaluate one solution that addresses the problem identified. Facebook user should have a choice on whether or not to allow applications to get their UID. Facebook should also tighten their policy and make it harder for Ad networks to share UID with third party applications.
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