BBC News - Turkish net hijack hits big name websites - 12 views
anonymous on 09 Sep 11M12 analysis M13 brief sept 12-13 jen max
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Jenny Mok on 13 Sep 111. Identify the scenario. Business 2. Describe a social/ethical concern and the relationship of one primary stakeholder to the IT system in the article. Security is a social/ethical concern because it regards the security of the Database Servers that are used to store the Domain Names and IP addresses. With insufficient security, the database security can be breached by outsiders and be altered. The primary stakeholder is Group NBT, and is the domain name management firm of NetNames and Ascio whose DNS Databases were compromised in this attack. Their SQL commands were infiltrated by the hackers, so that the information stored on their DNS Database was altered, that made website visitors be re-directed to spam websites. 3. Describe the IT concepts and processes. Domain Name System (DNS) - The address book for the website that links the URL of websites to IP address numbers that computers use to visit a website. IP Address - The numbers that are separated by period dots that make up a website's numerical address of its location. (DNS) Database - A database is a massive spreadsheet with numerous data types and forms used to store large amounts of data (in this case, websites' domain names URL and their respective IP addresses.) SQL Injection - SQL stands for Structured Query Language, used for database manipulation. This is a hacking method by using the various layers present in SQL commands, by 'injecting' a hidden command that enables to create a loop hole for access and change the database information. This includes changing strings of commands in the original SQL command into malicious commands, that are executed when the altered SQL command is executed.
Natsuno Yoshida on 15 Sep 114. Explain the relationship between the IT system referred to in the article and the concern presented above. The security of the DNS Databases run by NetNames and Ascio (two subsidiaries of domain name management firm Group NBT) is a concern. Their SQL commands were being altered and compromised, which resulted in the altered domain names and IP address links. Their relationship is that the concern is the IT system's (in this case the Database's) security. The IT system, Group NBT's Database, has a concern over it's security. The DNS Database system has a security concern because the hackers were able to alter the paths of redirecting certain websites to scam websites instead through a SQL Injection attack that manipulates the SQL command used to manipulate the domain name database. 5. Describe and evaluate the impact of a social/ethical issue on the stakeholders The social/ethical issue is security. The stakeholders are Vodafone, the Daily Telegraph, UPS, and four other websites, Turkish hackers (Turkguvenligi), and internet users who visited those seven websites within the hacking duration. This has an impact on their security issue because their database has already been compromised once, and unless they create a new system of security to prevent SQL injections, they will never be able to know when someone is changing their SQL command strings. They need to have someone constantly monitoring their SQL to see if there are any changes. The security issue impacts Group NBT because it makes their customers that use their services doubt the secure service because hackers were able to alter the redirection of customers to scam websites instead of their respective website. Therefore security, to a large extent, has an impact on Group NBT. 6. Explain and evaluate one solution to the issue identified. A solution to the issue identified by NBT was to further review their Database system to ensure customers of a more secure service, since it is impossible for a