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Q&A: Google to Dig Deeper Into Users' Lives - ABC News - 9 views

    How will Google's privacy changes affect users? Explain the reasons for making the changes. Is there a way to prevent Google from combining the personal data it collects from all its services? Explain the users major complaint about Google's new privacy policy? How could the government regulate google's privacy changes?  all March 6 chut
    How will Google's privacy changes affect users? - When you are logged into Google, the data that you search into its search engine can be culled to suggest videos for you on YouTube. If you use Google Docs, Google will alert you if you misspelled your friends' names or co-workers' names. Google will collect information from its devices that you use to empower the company to connect the dots from one service to another. Explain the reasons for making the changes. - Google wants to make use of all of its companies that they own. Plus all the data that they collect from their users worldwide. Google wants to use their services to its full potential. They want to tell their users that they are not drawing the users' profiles for their profit only. Is there a way to prevent Google from combining the personal data it collects from all its services? - No there are no ways to prevent Google from combining the data that Google collects from its services. Unless you are not logged on to one of Google's products. Even if you are not logged onto one of Google's services Google can still keep track of you by your IP address instead of your name. if you are logged on and you do not wish to be tracked you can delete your browsing history. Explain the users' major complaint about Google's new privacy policy legal? - The users are not allowed to consent to or reject this new privacy policy. Each users have different setting for their privacy so this new change will not allow the users to use different set of rules. How could the government regulate Google's privacy changes? - The government is carefully looking over Google when it comes to handling personal information of the people. Google settled this argument with the governemtn when Google made a mistake by exposing their client's email accounts. Google's handling over personal information will be audited every other year and they are not allowed to make changes that are misleading or deceptive.

Top 10 Google Products You Forgot All About - 1 views

    Which would you use? march 17 kuni
    I would use Google Sketchup, because this is one of the applications that I have on my computer. Google Sketchup is a software with which you can make a 3D model easily. Compared to the other 3D modeling software, Google Sketchup is easier to use. It has some tutorials for beginners, and you will find out how easy it is to create 3D model like a kid making a tower of blocks. Also, if you buy it, you will be able to convert it to a file that can be used for other 3D modeling software and modding games. I would use Google Trends just to see what's trending and Flight simulator in Google earth sounds pretty fun for when you're bored. I would use ; Google Page Creator, Flight simulator in Google Earth, and SketchUp. I would use the fight simulator, because it looks fun, and SketchUp mainly because I've always wanted to do some sort of graphics design on the computer. -In my opinion I would like to use Google SketchUp, and Google Book Search. First of all Google Sketch Up is helping me to make 3-D model. This is very useful in art class because when we have something like installations, we need some sketch of location and installation therefore by this program, I can draw 3-D installation and see how it looks like therefore this program is very useful for me. Also For the Google Book Search, this is kind of digital library which I can find book very easily and efficiently. I can see the books by this program also I can upload by own books which I can scan it. Therefore it might be very useful when I have something like writing essays. I would use Google Page creator. It enables to me create a page where I can find snippets of web pages, quotes, and images all over the web.

Google accuses China of interfering with Gmail email system | Technology | The Guardian - 4 views

    What evidence does Google present for Chinese government censorship? How does this impact the Jasmine revolution? Describe LinkedIn. Why was LinkedIn disrupted? What are the 7 International Safe Harbor Privacy Principles? Explain the major criticism of this system (International...)? Explain "self-censorship is a non-negotiable legal requirement". Explain "China's political elite have a love hate relationship with the internet". march 25 woo
    1. What evidence does Google present for Chinese government censorship? Google says that Chinese customers and advertisers have increasingly been complaining about their Gmail service in the past month. Attempts by users to send messages, mark messages as unread and use other services have generated problems for Gmail customers. Google shows potential signs that the Chinese government is increasing their censorship by revealing that Gmail's e-mailing system features have been disrupted for Gmail users as well as other Gmail interfaces such as sending e-mails. Google also reveals that the users who filed in these complaints are mostly potential threats to the Chinese government such as the activist accounts also with financial, technology, media and chemical companies users' accounts. Thus, even though there is no concrete evidence, there are signs that are most likely to be linked to the Chinese government. 2. How does this impact the Jasmine revolution? The move follows extensive attempts by the Chinese authorities to crack down on the Jasmine revolution, an online dissident movement inspired by events in the Middle East. The censorship was supposed to prevent people from getting too much information but instead, this can provoke people to go against the government since people are aware that they have been treated unfairly. 3. Describe LinkedIn. LinkedIn is a business-oriented social networking site. LinkedIn operates the world's largest professional network on the Internet with more than 100 million members in over 200 countries and territories. The purpose of the site is to allow registered users to maintain a list of contact details of people they know and trust in business. The people in the list are called Connections. Users can invite anyone to become a connection. 4. Why was LinkedIn disrupted? LinkedIn is business-social networking and Chinese can use this site as the means of evoking opposition against the government. China's president Hu Jint

How Google could have made the Web secure and failed -- again | Common Sense Tech - CNE... - 1 views

    Describe IT Jason Oct 4
    Google have transfer you automatically to its "encrypted" service, one designed to prevent potential "eavesdropping" on your searches. Google have use SSL( secure socket layer) to protect your search. Is can also be use when you are logging on to your bank account online. Google have introduce the SSL search, with the SSL search you can do your searches on Google with more secure and you are in private so no one can see what are you searching. Before Google URL was HTTP/ but now it is HTTPS/ Its secure now. Google have use SSL to help protect your data from unwanted access. So what you are connected to internet café, local hotspots or hotel your data will be secure. But Google is not responsible for any viruses you get over the internet searches. The SSL will only protect your personal information.

How Does Google Rank Websites? - 14 views

    Explain how Google's algorithm works. Why is it hard to rank high? all nov 9 johny
    The Google algorithm is also called as page ranking. Page Rank depends on the outstandingly democratic nature of the web via to enormous link structure as the sign of the values for each individual page. Google would understand a page A to page B as vote; it would look noticeably more at links age receiver and the sheer volume of votes. It would analyze what you are searching for and it would pick pages the most important page from the rest of the file that is relevant to your topic. Sometimes important pages wont answer you question. That's why Google page rank is combined with complicated text matching techniques to find the page that is important and similar to your question. Google does more then searching pages that has a match to your question it would examine the feature of the page content (satisfied) and that it would decide that is this page is a good match of your question. Because many websites don't have the possibilities to get highly ranked, because they also need to compete with other websites that comes from the company and they got millions of back links. For example you want to make a website about selling second hand stuff. When your going to try to search about second hand stuff it would directly show you E-Bay because it more popular and it has more views. The websites that you may been searching for must be on the 15 page or more then that because the web may have not enough back links or even none.

Google beefs up voice search with personal recognition - 5 views

    Describe the IT terms. march 29 jenny
    1.11_people_machines 3.2 _software
    1. Describe the IT terms. Patented - Granted and protected by rights. A patent is a set of exclusive rights granted by a state, national government, to the inventor for a limited period of time in exchange for a public disclosure of the invention. Cloud-based - software systems that based on the cloud (internet) Voice recognition system- computer technology that uses audio input to enter data instead of a keyboard input. Audio input is carried through a connected microphone. The Software is designed to recognize words or phrases with an internal database. The program would then match the audio signature of speech with corresponding data in the database. Cloud-based voice recognition - The voice recognition software the is important to virtual reality since it provides a fairly natural and intuitive way of controlling the simulation while allowing the user's hands to remain free. The audio signals are converted to electrical signals, and then transformed into coding patterns to which meanings have been assigned. Automated voicemail - Automatic voicemail system that stores voice messages. Goog-411 - an automated information service that uses voice recognition to find information for what the caller is asking for on local businesses. This also has a feature to send the information to the caller's phone via text messaging. Goog-411 has provided a foundation for Voice Search (search Google by speaking instead of typing, Voice Input (filling in any text field on Andriod by speaking), and Voice Actions (Controlling Android phones with voice commands). Android - Google's mobile operating system (a modified Linux Kernal system). This is the software stack for mobile devices that include the operating system as well as the middleware along with key apps.

China Tightens Electronic Censorship - - 2 views

  • A host of evidence over the past several weeks shows that Chinese authorities are more determined than ever to police cellphone calls, electronic messages, e-mail and access to the Internet in order to smother any hint of antigovernment sentiment. In the cat-and-mouse game that characterizes electronic communications here, analysts suggest that the cat is getting bigger
  • LinkedIn, a networking platform, was blocked for a day during the height of government concerns over Internet-based calls for protests in Chinese cities a few weeks ago, he said
  • China’s censorship machine has been operating ever more efficiently since mid-2008, and restrictions once viewed as temporary — like bans on Facebook, YouTube and Twitter — are now considered permanent. Government-friendly alternatives have sprung and developed a following
    This is similar to the Google accuses China... article and will help with the answers. Describe VPN. How does a proxy work? List a proxy you find useful. When would you use a proxy? Explain: Google has "played a role in manufacturing social disorder". march 25 Azman
    Describe VPN. A VPN means virtual private network and what it does is that it send you data over the Internet in a secure connection. It travels packet over unprotected network in a secured manner. It provides you tunnel which secures your data and send it encrypted form over the Internet. How does a proxy work? By using a proxy the web browser window is then coded as part of the proxy site address and not the real website the surfer is visiting. Any information cached in the temporary folder is that of the proxy, not the users. This means the user is not traced at all and the information is kept hidden. Article Source: List a proxy you find useful. Tor Trycatchme anonsafe When would you use a proxy? When you want to hide your IP from anyone. It is a good idea to use it while online shopping, accessing bank websites, and putting personal information. Explain: Google has "played a role in manufacturing social disorder". This means that Google has been the source of creating all the social disorder in the real world. Examples of these social disorders include the Libyan Protests as well as the Egypt Protests. These are named as social disorders. And Google, who feeds information to the various organizations and governments as well as provide social networking interfaces play a role in the community to communicate with each other in order to plan these social disorder events, such as the protests to overthrow the government.

Google Keeps Searches Fresh With Algorithm Update | News & Opinion | - 14 views

    Why did Google improve its search algorithm? all nov 9 Kong
    Google improved its search algorithm so they can stay up-to-date. Since that information is travels very fast with the internet, Google will need to keep the information on their search engine fresh. Its new algorithm update will prioritize most recent news about the current events, latest sports results, and most recent information.

Stop What You're Doing, And Go See What Google Thinks It Knows About You - 1 views

    click on the link to view your demographic according to google share with us your thoughts

Blogs Wane as the Young Drift to Sites Like Twitter - - 7 views

    Go to each link in the article and describe it. march 3 Nat
    Facebook : It is the world's largest social network site, which was founded in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg. It has become a very developed source on the internet, where users can like, share, comment on something without leaving the web page that they were at. There are approximately 500 million users worldwide. Twitter : Twitter is a social networking site that was started up by a group of 10 people called Obvious, and it has become popular for its simplicity of "micro-blogging" where a twitterer or tweeter sends short messages called tweets, within 140 characters, and are shared with people that follow you, and to the public. Pew Research Center- It is a research center for the people and the press, and it is an independent, non-partisan public opinion research organization that studies attitudes toward politics, the press and public policy issues. Huffington post : Huffington post is a news website that began in 2005, and it has become the most heavily visited news web sites in the country. BlogHer : is a group blog, online community, and refers to an annual blogging conference for woman.  Lisa Stone, Elisa Camahort Page and Jory Des Jardins founded BlogHer in 2005 in response to the question, "Where are all the women bloggers?" Tumblr : Tumblr was founded in 2007 by David Krap, and it is a social networking site that allows user to post text, images, videos ,links, quotes and audio, which can be reblogged by other users who follow your blog. Google : Google was founded in 1998, and is known as the world's most popular internet search engine. Google hosts and develops a number of internet-based services and products,and generates profit primarily from advertising through its AdWords program, which has helped them earn huge profits for their company. LiveJournal : LiveJournal is a virtual community where Internet users can keep a blog, journal or a diary. LiveJournal is also the name of the free and open source server software that was desig
anonymous - 2 views

    Explain why Google considers the information created in social networks to be so important. M12 Sept 1 nat
    Basically, what people do on social networks are; like people's statuses, comment on others' pictures, retweet others' statuses and etc. This can help companies like Google determine what the user might be interested in, as these activities on social networks sites reflect the users' behaviour online. Moreover, we tend to show to other users what you are interested in, (like liking fan pages)therefore a lot of the information companies like Google can get out from these websites are accurate. They can then put sites that they might take interest in at the top (first page), which may be more efficient for the user looking for that information, and the website itself.

Government surveillance continues to rise, Google says | Internet & Media - CNET News - 6 views

    Explain the issue with government surveillance of Google.

googletools - Google Docs - 0 views

    Google team: chaemin sujung smile rock
Avik Bag

Google Nexus 4 vs. Apple iPhone 5: Head-to-head - iOS 6, android phones, lg, iPhone 5, ... - 2 views


Google Consumer Surveys: How to create surveys - YouTube - 3 views

    Create and administer a consumer-like survey with google and administer it to the class then share the results. Pick a topic like: Choosing a phone or laptop. This is a team project. Team:  Palm Chut Tik  Champ April 11
    We need to pay if we want to create a survey. $100 is the minimum

Google Jumps Into Fashion E-Commerce - - 2 views

    brief nat nov 22
    1. Identify the area of impact the scenario relates to. Business, leisure 2. Identify the main stakeholders to the IT system. Google Inc., users in the US. 3. Identify one ITGS social/ethical concern in the article. Security. 4. Describe ITGS terminology and systems. : It is like amazon or ebay, and it directs shoppers to site where it can be purchased. Merchants pay them if the shopper buy the goods or click on it to learn more about it. 5. If possible, describe a solution to the concern (issue). Because it is on the internet, attention has to be paid to the issue of security. If any users buy anything, they would need to pay online by their credit cards, and some may feel reluctant to give credit card information online. To diminish this issue, Google will have to ensure a secure system where datas of each customers are kept safe and not misused.

Google Declines To Remove Police Brutality Videos, Still Complies With 63% Of Gov't Tak... - 10 views

  • lethal to the YouTube brand
  • legitimate takedown requests
  • Transparency Report
    Explain the meaning of the following: -lethal to the YouTube brand -legitimate takedown requests -Transparency Report all oct 31 soo
    Q1. Explain the meaning of the following: - Lethal to the YouTube brand The Lethal to the YouTube brand means that making less valuable of YouTube site. They are forcing YouTube to erase videos, which makes brand YouTube will feel shameful of. - Legitimate takedown requests The Legitimate takedown requests are from government. The government asks to erase all the post that are illegal in YouTube. - Transparency report The Transparency report is showing that why government and other agencies are requesting YouTube to remove all the reports that are inappropriate.

Uploading and converting PDF and image files with text to Google Docs - Google Docs Help - 0 views

    we should try this

BBC News - Spike in government surveillance of Google - 4 views

    Explain the issue with government surveillance of Google.
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