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30 Ways To Turn Yourself Into A Google Search Pro | Fluency21 - Committed Sardine Blog - 0 views

    An overview of some of the extra features Google provides for searching.   Like limiting a search to a particular site e.g.      " uconnect"
Jennifer Vellacott

TeachThought - Learn better. - 0 views

    Links to loads of articles on education and technology. Fantastic site.
Jennifer Vellacott

Technology and Education | Box of Tricks - 1 views

    This page is described by boxoftricks as "some of the best free internet resources for education"  It's mostly presentation tools, or tools for organising or sharing information. Quite comprehensive.

The "Immeasurable" Part 2 - 1 views

    A blog post that presents a graph giving one representation of where certain skills and knowledge sit along two axes - "difficulty to assess" and "learning in a networked world". The argument is that most assessment in formal education focuses on content knowledge and basic skills.  Rather than on more important but more difficult to assess knowledge and skills. It might not be 100% correct, but it's good food for thought. What are you teaching and assessing in your teaching?  What am I doing?
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