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Joe Cilli

Tech failure sees hundreds of guests locked out of hotel rooms on New Year's Eve | Tnooz - 3 views

  • Officials at the 628-room property took almost four hours to fix the problem, as revellers waited in heaving guest areas around the hotel or slept in the corridors outside their rooms.
Kevin Character

Travel Companies Sued Over App Patent - 3 views

    In the age of apps and mobile technology, something told me this one was coming. I found an interesting article about 10 travel companies being sued by a mobile app producing company for copyright infringement. Air Transport World is reporting that MarcoSolve Inc., based out of Oklahoma, is suing several airlines and other companies, including Avis Rent A Car, the Hertz Corp., Hipmunk Inc.,, and The patent that MacroSolve is suing over grants the company the ability to download apps to any mobile device, collect data from those device users and send that data back to a central database. On a travel-based application, this would be conceived as the ability to track user location and automate social networking connectivity. MacroSolve was finally granted the patent in 2010 following several revisions when the company originally filed in 2002. More than 30 other companies other non-travel based companies were also sued by MacroSolve for infringement. However, a patent consultancy is claiming that the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office granted the same patent for the invention to different companies. When considering the app world and app technology, the article indicates that there are only very small differences in software that distinguish one patent from another. As app-building technology continues, I believe news reports will begin to reveal more litigation like this. This is the type of technology that tends to overlap in design. For example, the article says the MacroSolve patent on differed in its use of its app terms like "poll", and "survey". Air Transport World reports the recent litigation is forcing some foreign developers away from the U.S. market.
Carolina Villa

Hardware and software - A couple made for each other - 3 views

  • A processor performs all the necessary calculations and actions so that all other additional hardware and software can operate.
  • Hardware and software - A couple made for each other Posted: Apr 21, 2010 |Comments: 0 | var addthis_config = { "data_track_clickback":true, ui_language: "en" } if($.cookie("show_edit") == 'yes') { $('div.moderate_box_open').css('display', 'block'); }
  • an integration of software and hardware provides us what we now call today the modern computer!
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  • Both software and hardware are needed for any type of system to exist, period!
  • motherboard
  • A motherboard
  • A motherboard allows all hardware components of a computer to connect and interact with each other.
  • Processor
  • A processor performs all the necessary calculations and actions so that all other additional hardware and software can operate.
  • RAM is necessary for any computer to operate and provides the processor with the necessity sized chunks of data it needs to operate.
  • This is a hardware device that stores all the software and personal files you need as well as most importantly the operating system.
  • Software is what allows any device to operate whether it be a computer or any other sort of electronic device.
  • The operating system allows the user to interact with the computer as well as provide instructions for your computer to follow. Hardware can't exist without software, and without no software hardware would not not operate.
    The integration of software and Hardware is what makes any type of system function. A computer system has various hardware components. The motherboard, which allows all hardware components to connect and interact with each other. The Processor, performs all calculations and actions. Ram, provides the processor with data. And finally the hard drive, which stores all the software and personal data. On the other hand, the software is what allows any device(computer or electronic device) to operate. In the case of a computer it requires an operating system to function.Windows and Linux are two forms of operating systems. Hardware can't exist without software or viceversa.
David Glas

Go Paperless - 3 views

    The article talks about how a business owner was able to reduce the paper used at his restaurant in the back office. While doing this he finds out that it is much easier to control his business, the cloud and technology initiatives provide him with accountability and easier way to expand. This is a lesson in the how to achieve two objectives with one solution. 
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    Pi Pizza is a great example how businesses avoid large amounts of paperwork and stay on the cutting edge. Google Docs and Formstack are both multi-tool sites that can be used for all kinds of office work. Google Docs allows several locations to quickly share and submit documents. This saves a lot of time and related costs. I think it's interesting that blogger and twitter are mentioned - for both are free and very effective ways how a company saves advertising costs and gets to promote itself internationally with little effort.
    As this week video shows, recycle is not enough. go paperless is one way to protect our environment. I believe in the future, more business will do there businesss by going green. and fianlly, they will find out actually there is no big different doing it.
    I think that all companies must go green because the natural resources do not last for ever and once you destroy you can not get them back.
    I think going green is a must but its not enough. The system of producing-consuming needs to be comletely changed. Actually im happy companies start thinking about bringing less harm to nature.
    Going green is such a win for every party. I would argue that there is a big difference between wading through piles of paper and having a clean organized electronic system. The more automated the back office of any company can be, the more efficient and therefore profitable it will be. The popularity of cyber communication, data storage, bookeeping, etc is only going to increase rapidly in the next few years.
Melissa Krajewski

NORTHWIND Maestro Expands Professional Services to Achieve Greater Profits and Producti... - 3 views

  • NORTHWIND has expanded its Professional Services offering with the addition of Management Strategy Services to ensure hotel owners and managers are using the powerful capabilities of the Maestro hotel management system to maximize their operational efficiencies and productivity levels as well as reduce costs and drive revenue.
    I used Maestro in my first position in the hospitality industry as a front desk agent in a Boutique Hotel. We also used Micros for the POS system for the in-house restaurant but they were two separate entities at the time. I am happy to see the advancements that have been made to this now highly efficient system. After reading this article and doing some research on Maestro's website I feel Maestro outshines its competitors by providing excellent 'Diamond Plus' service to its clients. Compared to the Webrezpro system that I just analyzed for our Discussion assignment, Maestro provides several free tools and resources twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. An impressively North American based Help Desk is available 24/7 to ensure smooth operations of the system and optimal staff training. In addition Maestro provides install, staff training, transition assistance, refresher training, online tutorials, webinars, productivity audits, upgrades, enhancements and much more. Maestro management strategies collaborates with Hotel Executives and staff to increase performance, deliver high quality guest services and increase profits. Their professional team also addresses issues such as under-utilization of the system and ways to get the most value for your investment. Since Maestro supports platform and database independence updates occur instantaneously. To help Hotels save time, increase efficiency and have higher levels of staff productivity Maestro is the chosen tool for the job. Maestro clearly puts their clients' needs first and is therefore trusted by several Hotels worldwide.
    Maestro appears to be a good product based on the article. I would say though that both this and webrezpro do have some similarities of operating on cloud computing. The key is that depending on cost and application a company may choose what works best for them.
Ganna Gorbachuk - 1 views i guess it didn't attach properly

mobile security innovation POS hospitality Business solution


Hotels invest in technology despite economic downturn due to its positive impact in ind... - 3 views

  • his coupled with the crowded and lucrative nature of the industry has meant that hotel operators and owners have woken up to the need to invest in state-of-the-art technology as a way to differentiate them and remain competitive.
  • In a recent survey sent to over 2000 individuals it was found that over 50% of respondents were spending the majority of their IT budgets on in-room entertainment as a way to stay on top of their competitors.
    According the article $290 million will be invested into hotels in the Middle East in 2011. This means that hotel investors need to really pay attention and invest in the right technology for their hotels to keep them competitive. It also goes into the way to create the new guest-centric environment is to have the right new technology.
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    I actually believe it is a good idea to invest money in development of business in different regions. In my opinion this region has its own segment of customers for luxury hotels. This article tells us as well about the 2nd Annual Hotel Technology Middle East forum where a lot of discussions will take place uniting business owners, investors and hotel employees of all kind. Among the topics would be hotel strategic security, using of advanced hotel application, guest satisfaction and improvement of staff and back office efficiency.
    This article mentions the current trends if investments in the hospitality industry. Hotels see the need to invest in IT departments, that way the are assured of having more business. They see that in room entertainment is where the deference can be made, to sway costumers.
    "Today's guests arrive at a hotel with a high level of expectations - a hotel room needs to be their home away from home, and offer new services, experiences and conveniences."
    The article is a good one that simply shows the benefits of technology even though the economies around the world are down. The article is about the spending on IT even though their is an economic downturn. It starts by saying that even though their is a downturn, businesses are still investing in technology. Technology has become the way to give hotels a competitive advantage. The article states that guests expect the best and they look for new services that they would like. They feel that they best way to serve the guest is having the best technology that also works at making the business more efficient and able to work with guest services and hotel operations. So the improvements in technology has definitely helped the industry and businesses must keep up with the latest in order to keep up business.
samira sobhani

The history and future of the GDS | SilverRail Technologies - 3 views

  • In the emerging era of the GDSs (late '70s to early '80s), they served an enormously useful function of allowing travel agents to connect to multiple travel providers (by this time starting to include hotels and rental cars) in a single system, minimizing the need for development to multiple systems for the sellers. It also therefore provided a great service to the suppliers: because the GDSs were connected to a huge number of travel sellers, the suppliers could reach a broader audience than they could with direct connections themselves.
  • the standards that have developed in the air market (ticketing standards, timetable standards, airport / station codes, standards on fares) do not exist in rail at all.
  • Not only that, but there is the added complexity of traveling by rail, in that there are 1000x more train stations in the world than there are airports, which therefore creates the exponentially more complex combination of routes.
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  • As long as the aggregators are providing value to their partners (both suppliers and distributors), and not taking advantage of their position in the chain, a role will always continue to be played in this space, even if the exact form does not remain constant.
    Having a content aggregation would be a great development in any industry specially in Travel business. At first place GDS  was ment to be  designed for airlines but as the time passed other sections of travel business got involved and took their share in this powerful content aggregation. Now one of the most powerful sectors of GDS is Hotel industry and reservations of hotel rooms which are made through this computerized system.  However, this improved system of GDS could not be much of success in rail industry. Because the railing system is much more sophisticated than air transportation system. There are numerous rail stations existing out there which would be hardly controllable and arrangeable to be collected under a single computerized system.  However, if every and each of the major owners of GDS consider the whole chain and don't look for their very own profit this system would not only work out but also improves and reaches higher standards. 
tania morgan

How Hotels Are Going Green for Guests - 3 views

  • I make a quick stop for goodies and feel like I’ve entered a miniature Whole Foods: bulk nuts, dried fruit, even local chocolate and salsa from (according to the salesperson) the Lexington farmers’ market.
  • a kitchen full of Energy Star appliances.
  • Filtered water pours into the sink, under which I find two bins for recyclables. The toilets are dual-flush, the showers are low-flow, the shampoo and conditioner are in bulk dispensers, and the bellhop tells me that the art on my walls, depicting a leaf motif, was crafted from recycled aluminum and car tires.
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  • I can grab one of the gratis bikes downstairs and go for a spin on the nearby bike trail into town, or take a dip in the pool that’s cleaned with saline salt solution instead of eye-burning chlorine.
  • Owned by Starwood Hotels & Resorts, Element is the first chain to receive an LEED-certified gold rating, the second-highest standard bestowed on a building by the United States Green Building Council (USGBC).
  • 212-room property, including saving water and electricity, recycling paper and implementing the towel and linen reuse program now common in most hotels across the country.
  • “It’s a 2 to 3 percent premium above the total cost of the building to go the LEED-certified route,” he says, adding that he hopes to offset that cost from the operational side in the next three to four years.
  • Energy savings include keeping electricity down to a minimum through natural lights and the use of CFL bulbs, low-flow showers and dual-flush toilets that save approximately 942,000 gallons of water annually at Element Lexington, and a roofing material that reflects heat from the sun, so the hotel won’t tax its air-conditioning system in the summer. Keeping with LEED standards, Element also purchases energy that comes from a green source: the wind.
  • Put a compost bin in the back of that megaresort in Cancun, and suddenly you have an “eco-lodge.”
  • Meredith Elbaum
  • says it’s hard to find a resort that actually practices what it preaches. “Seeing if they have LEED is one criterion, but you still have to do your research.”
  • Green Seal has also been vocal in its assessment that a typical average-size lodging uses more resources in a week than 100 families use in a year.
  • Indeed, government incentives and big business could very well be behind this latest surge in new hotel design.
  • “We heard from our global accounts, players like Microsoft, AT&T and Hewlett-Packard, that their goal was to find a hotel company that had some sort of green program in place,” says Brian McGuinness, “and we realized we need to do this.”
  • According to Arthur Weissman, this new initiative has led to an increase in revenue for hotels that join the movement. “The Doubletree in Portland, Oregon, told us they received more than $3 million in business due to their green certification,” notes Weissman.
  • But what about the typical traveler who simply wants a decent shower, a comfortable bed and perhaps a workout before turning in for the night? Workers who have no corporate mandate to go green are known to be extravagant when away from home, indulging in energy-chugging hot tubs and (dare I say it?) forgetting to turn off the lights and the A/C when they leave their rooms.
  • We need to find a balance.”
  • There’s certainly room for more growth in Element’s green design, such as the use of solar panels to heat the pool and the incorporation of a master switch, which many hotels in Europe already have.
  • The latter works by simply inserting your room key into a switch inside the room that turns on the electricity, heat and water. When you leave the room, you have to take that room key with you, thus turning off all the appliances.
  • “We’re just trying to do the right thing,” says McGuinness. “At the very least, we’re at the entry level: eco-friendly and not increasing the carbon footprint.” It may not be a green revolution quite yet, but it seems like a darn good starting point.
    This article is all about hotels going green and trying to get LEED certified. The one Boston hotel is doing things like having dual flush toilets, low flow showers, shampoo and conditioner in bulk dispensers, and a roofing material that reflects the sun to save energy costs. Another thing involved with getting LEED certified is getting energy from abouther source, this particular hotel is using the wind. It is expensive to do and doesnt appeal to everyone, hotel managers must figure out whats in the best interest for them and getting people in and out of their hotel.
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    This article deals with how hotels are going green. Many have the typical saving shower head, the double flush toilet, or the special roof panels. Some go a little further than just putting a garbage bin to recycle. Many hotels are now placing cards in the rooms asking if you want linens changed when they clean the room, and for example may ask you to do something specific like throw the towels on the floor. While it may be an expensive thing to start turning hotels into green hotels, profits are being seen as big companies are now pushing their employees to stay at green hotels versus non green hotels. This may be the extra push management needs to make the decision to go green. Also, it says not all customers may care about the green issue, but some may try. We just need to find a balance and not expect all people on vacation to be a happy go lucky green freak.
    To add onto Marilyns comment, not only are hotels doing the basics to go green, but a lot of hotels in california are taking the extra step, such as The Kimpton Hotels, and The orchard. They have changed the carpets and wallpaper for lower emission. They added recycle bins in every room in all 40 of their hotels across the country. Lastly, and one of the the additions I find most beneficial is their implementation of key card energy control, where a room key will be needed to activate the electricity in each room, and also shutting all electricity off when they leave.
    This article is about how starwood hotels are trying to become fullscale eco-friendly but some are hotels are only greenwashing. This article is stating that it is not enough to use one green practice and call yourself an eco-friendly hotel.
marilyn diaz

Thieves Won't Wait. Neither Should You. | - 3 views

  • data is under attack
  • the most afflicted industry was accommodation/foodservice
  • use a combination of hacking and malware (61 percent).
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  • success stealing data “in transit” (62.5 percent) versus stored data (28 percent)
  • What this tells us is hotels and restaurants need to do more to protect sensitive payment data and be proactive in keeping up with the hackers and thieves. We also need to pay particular attention to properly securing data as it moves through the merchant IT environment.
  • Point-to-point encryption (P2PE) is a technology
  • has only recently gained momentum in the hospitality sector.
  • P2PE places “data in motion” in a wrapper that can only be decrypted by an endpoint that has the requisite key.
  • The goal of point-to-point encryption technologies is to encrypt as close to the point of entry as possible and guard against thieves who attempt to install sniffing/hacking software on a merchant’s network.
  • P2PE solutions can significantly reduce a merchant’s card data environment, mitigate potential breaches and simplify PCI DSS validation efforts.”
  • You should also understand the types of cards and transactions that can be encrypted. Does the solution encrypt both swiped cards and manually entered cards? Does it encrypt online transactions, as well as on-site or card-present transactions? Is the solution tamper resistant and, what happens if an attempted breach occurs? Where is the HSM (hardware security module) located? Even if data were to be intercepted, is it rendered unusable to cyber thieves?
  • A hosted solution will shift much of the burden of responsibility to the third-party provider and free you from having decrypted data in your environment.
  • Keep in mind, there is no single silver bullet when it comes to payment security. Even with EMV, stolen cardholder data could be used for a fraudulent online transaction. Merchants should implement a variety of technologies and techniques as part of a multi-layered approach to security that ultimately includes EMV to protect against counterfeit card fraud, tokenization to protect data at rest, and P2PE to protect data in-flight.
  • Thieves won’t wait for a unified approach and specification, and are looking to access your valuable data now. By taking a proactive approach to security that includes point-to-point encryption, asking the right questions, choosing trusted partners and keeping yourself updated, you can protect your customers’ data and your reputation.
    This article deals with the theft that happens on a daily basis in the hospitality field. It happens when credit cards are used to pay for something, like a reservation, and thieves want the information, so they can use your credit card number for whatever intentions they may have. As the article states, "our data is under attack". I can relate to those people that have had credit card numbers stolen, because it has happened to my husband and me, and it is a horrible feeling trying to get your life back on track and recover your money.  I think it would be a great idea, with some research, to get the point to point encryption technology in a field where credit cards are used so often, not only to cover the business (hotel), but also to protect the guest, so they feel at easy when they travel on vacation or business.  The overall point of this technology is to encrypt the information as close to the point of entry, i.e. the swiping of the credit card, as possible. This would in turn "significantly reduce a merchant's card data environment", as the program would encrypt the information so that hackers cannot access the customer's information. As I mentioned earlier, questions should be asked before buying this technology, as there is always something new on the market that may be better. Credit cards are not always swiped, but can also be manually placed in the system, so you want to make sure, that both transactions are protected. Overall, the establishment should always be concerned about the customer and their safety, whether physical or mental and always be prepared for the worse.
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    Marilyn, This is a great article and I wish this type of technology was everywhere because like yourself I have credit card numbers stolen before and it is a long process to end that. Working in the hospitality industry we would need to make sure that it is everywhere that a credit card is entered whether that being swiped in house, typed in the system manually, or even processed via the internet. In the hospitality industry we should be very aware of our guests safety and like you mention it is not only just physical safety that is a concern it is the mental state as well making sure the guests credit cards are safe and do not have a chance of being stolen by a hacker. This is a great article, keep up the good work!
    Great article! Personally after being a victim of credit card fraud, I'm very apprehensive of where I shop, who handles my card and how long it takes them to return it. I recently cancelled a large purchased after the cashier insisted on rubbing my card number on the reciept after the transactions had be approved. In my mind, I was thinking "If I let you do that, then I've open the door for anyone to charge thousand of dollars. I don't think so." As a manager, who hands credit card numbers for manual input, I'm very cautious of them and want to insure that they don't get into the wrong hand. Aftern each transactions is approved, that number is shredded and the credit card machine is batched out. Companies don't realize how important it is to PCI compliant. The risk in exposing sensitive information of our clients and customers can cost thousand of dolllars in fines and fee, in addition to the lost of that customer/client.
    Marilyn, Great a Front Desk Manager, it is my responsibility to randomly check our computers to ensure employees are not placing USB driver to collect data from our system. Our company has taking this a step further by putting metal locked case around the PC to avoid possible fraudulent activity. If we have to open a PC, we must log it to show proof why a PC became unlock. Companies should adopt similar procedures to protect the consumers/guests. Nelson
Yuri Kim

Villa Plus hotel group implements IBM business analytics software - 3 views

  • Villa Plus implemented IBM’s Coremetrics analytics software to help it understand customer behaviour.
  • Villa Plus advertises online and pays websites for every click-through. To ensure it gets value for money and fills vacancies quickly, it needed to understand customers, what to advertise to them and on which websites.
  • “We wanted to be able to monitor the whole journey of a customer before they buy,” said Lifford. “It helps us pick up, track and understand what people want.”
    In today's society, online booking is definitely a major form of reservation in the hospitality industry. Thus I think it will be profitable for the companies to understand why some customers booked and others just visited their website and left without booking. These kinds of information can be achieved with the aid of software, as shown in the article. This article is related to software utilization in monitoring the user journey on websites. Hotel chain Villa Plus decided to increase its properties by 40%, and because of this, Villa Plus began to implement IBM's sophisticated analytics software, instead of Google Analytics they had used. With the IBM's software, Villa Plus can track and understand customer needs and behavior across its website. These understandings help the company to advertise the right properties to the right people on the websites. Villa Plus is expecting this to result in high occupancy rates as well as a great return on investment.
    I like this Villa Plus, I think it can help customers as much as possible to get what they want and filter what they don't want, it can save time for valuable customers because they can get what they want at one time instead of searching from different websites or even leave without reservation. I also use online booking every time, I think this Villa Plus also can help me a lot next time when I book online again.
    Nowadays, online booking is very popular. But hotels still face with low occupancy rate. I think this IBM software is good. It can help solve this kind of problem. Advertising the right properties to the right people on the websites and result in high occupancy rates as well as a great return on investment.
Linlin Mo

Visit Baltimore launches 3D map app for city tourists - Baltimore Business Journal - 3 views

  • Ayers Saint Gross used a combination of satellite, GIS and aircraft imaging to create the 3D map, which can be constantly updated as new buildings arise and others are torn down.
  • Ayers Saint Gross is in the process of working with Apple and Android to create smart phone versions of the app, and could not give an estimate of when it would be ready for the public.
  • Not only does it allow tourists to navigate the city, but it also sells the city to potential clients interested in bringing their meetings and events to Baltimore, he said.
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  • Potential visitors can search for rooms for conventions, find restaurants near their hotels and see nearby transportation options from the bird’s eye or a street view. Noonan can even create custom virtual tours to showcase local attractions that particular groups might be interested in, allowing new visitors to understand the lay of the land before they’ve set foot on it.
    This article introduce a very nice, brand new 3D application that can help many tourists when they arrive, in Baltimore. As useful as the app may be to tourists, it's pretty sad that they have all these lovely features for one city and nowhere else.We can see that from google map to this 3D map, seems like it is a trend that the companies are developing theapplication of navigating tourists. However, I'm glad that they haven't revealed this app to the App Store or Play Store yet for the public because they need to expand their horizons before they even think to release it to the market. But as long as they improve this app and release to the public, it will be great convenience for the tourists.
    I highlighted the two passages I found to be most interesting in blue. I read that the system will update it's self every 24 hours but I'm wondering if that would include the forecast and traffic conditions. Does this also offer some type of naviagation device weather it be by car or foot? Baltimore, can be a rather rough city at time. I know that it will high light tourist attractions, convention centers, etc. But will it highlight street names and areas that travelers should stay away from?
Xue Yan

Morgans Hotel Group Launches Intelity's ICE, a Digital Extension of - 3 views

  • NEW YORK, July 20 - Morgans Hotel Group Co. (NASDAQ:MHGC) (“MHG”), the original boutique hotel company, announces its plans to launch a new virtual concierge program, a digital supplement to its renowned “GEM” (guest engagement manager) services. This initiative utilizes Intelity’s ICE (Interactive Customer Experience), via iPads, which will be available in all guest rooms at Royalton.
  • This innovative hospitality development will offer guests the opportunity to interactively explore the hotels many amenities, browse and order in-room dining options, communicate with the concierge for tickets to events, or arrange a car service; all on brand new Apple iPads.  Guests will even be able to personally manage their requests using the new ICE Touch program in-room technology. From the convenience of their room, guests will have direct communication with hotel management allowing them a novelty experience and further establishing a seamless stay at Royalton
  • In addition to serving as a resource for guests, this new platform also offers advanced communication tools for hotel staff, including real time messaging, notes from the General Manager, messages regarding programmed events, and information on specialty cocktails and featured menu items from the restaurants’ Chef. Hotel employees will even be able to program specific video or on-screen messaging for in-house groups. Royalton, already renowned for their staff and service, expects this program to enhance guest communication while heightening operational efficiencies.
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  • “This is an opportunity for Morgans Hotel Group to provide a unique and engaging guest experience, while staying on the cutting edge of technology.”
    The Intelity's ICE is a new virtual concierge program, as a digital supplement to its renowned "GEM" (guest engagement manager) service, which is established in Mogans hotel in New York. By launching the Intelity's ICE, nearly all guests' requirements can be accomplished quickly, for guests can explore the amenities in the hotels, search for events in the city, buy tickets and communicate with the hotel working staff through an ipad in each room. Not only that, but the hotel managers also find it a great program to communicate with the working staff. To the hotel managers, they think that the program can enhance customer service and increase communication opportunities as well as heightening operational efficiencies
    I found the mobile app to be most interesting because my article disscussed that as well. I feel that the mobil app will certainily create a unique experience for the visting guest. By going digital there are many benefits to not only the guests but the environment as well. There will be longer be a need for plastic room keys, or large amounts of paper. Hotels will be able to save expenses and man power by providing systems like the new virtual concierge program. In particular, you won't need to hire so many people to book reservations over the telephone. Everything can be done through the Ipad which most people have now a days anyway. However, I would feel better if there was trouble shooter around should the guest not be able to comprehend the technologic system.
Yongjoon Ji

Wi-Fi firm looks to hotels, universities|Business| - 3 views

  • The United States wireless network provider Meru Networks Inc is eyeing the Chinese market with the company expecting its revenues in the Asia-Pacific region to double in the next two to three years. The country's thriving hospitality industry and higher education institutes will be the biggest customers for Meru, which entered China two years ago.
  • the rapid-growing hospitality industry in China is likely to become another gold mine for Wi-Fi providers. The number of five-star hotels in the country hit 651 in January and there are another 500-plus luxury hotels waiting to open, data from the China Tourist Hotel Association showed. The number of top-tier hotels enjoyed a year-on-year increase of 15 percent over the past three years compared with the average increase rate of 6 percent in China's hospitality industry. The association estimated that the nation's five-star hotels could exceed 1,000 by 2015.
    According to Meru Networks Inc, US wireless network provider, a wireless network market in the Asia Pacific region, especially Chinese, will be doubled in the next few years. The rapidly growing hospitality industry in China is part of the reason why the wireless network market has a need to grow. There are 651 five-star luxury hotels in the country as of now and 500 luxury hotels are waiting to be opened in the near future.  What we need to focus on are the customers who go to these luxury hotels. Nowadays, Wi-Fi is not just one of services that the guest enjoys. It is a part of life and a necessity. Providing high quality Wi-Fi service is a big portion of showing the quality of hotel. Therefore hotels strive to have a system that could offer the most reliable product with the lowest price. 
Theodore Moore

POS: Emerging Technologies | - 3 views

  • increase revenue
  • New technologies can only enhance these qualities, so suppliers are quick to incorporate new technologies into their POS systems as soon as they emerge in a bid to stay ahead of the competition.
  • shifting towards empowering the customer through iPad-based interactive systems and kiosk-based self-service systems
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  • More importantly, a good POS system is capable of improving the efficiency of the F&B operation and increasing the productivity of employees.
  • A good POS system should let you focus on your customers, not your POS system,
    This article discusses how new demand of customers within the hospitality industry is driving current point of sale systems such as micros to re-term their systems to focus more on customers. It includes several factors that are potentially driving POS systems to be revolutionized. The possibility of POS systems becoming more "from the palm of your hand" is growing each day as more POS systems are converging with wireless devices. As other outside factors influence hoteliers to emerge and update their POS systems, the development and progress of having the most profitable POS systems requires close examination of what works best for each company. One example the article touched on was the change from regular cashier systems to IPad based interactive systems and interactive kiosks. In addition, the enhancements of POS systems overall seem to be increasing F&B profit-a section of the financial statement that was historically less profitable. As with all technology, It is best to refrain from making a large capital investment into emerging systems, starting slow and monitoring how the bottom line is increasing and specific areas such as Room revenue or F&B revenue is the ideal choice.
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    *This article has 3 pages* Once you scroll to the bottom you select 2,3, and 4
    Such a great article I forwarded it to my client. Working in the corporate food service industry, my location lacks the technology of a POS system. Yes, we still use a Sharp cash regristar which makes sales tracking nearly impossible. The potential to drive sales with the use of a POS system and other technologies that continue to develop would be of great benefit. A POS system that tracked, sales, comps, discount, high and low seller would be great from the management side but a cashless system or a intergrated CC machine would increase speed of service thus satisfying the customer.
    Excellent Article! POS systems are becoming more user friendly than before. The systems allow companies to track revenue and inventory at the same time. The Walt Disney World Resort tested a POS system that allowed hotel guests to simply flash their room key and the charges would go directly into the POS system then PMS. Hotels have added POS systems to spas, recreation locations and retail stores...(
    Theodore your article proves a great point on the benefits of POS technology. Having a POS system adds more value that will cover its initial cost. Handles greater product volumes. Makes complex business logic possible. Provides more management possibilities of your daily operations such as sales tracking, refunds, time clocks, menus, pricing, revenue maximization, etc.Provides advanced functionalities such as reservation and table management for restaurants, hotels, bars, and any business in the food service industry. Realizes enhanced savings with greater efficiency. Delivers better workflow for staff. Improves customer service and increases customer through-put. Easily manage large numbers of customers and groups. Allows restaurant businesses to combine multiple services into a single invoice (hotel room, meals, events, services). Graphical management of store assets such as table, rooms, bar, etc. Delivers superior reporting and analysis features. Streamlines inventory management. Back Office integration. The purpose of POS system is to accommodate your employees and your customers. If you have happy employees this results in customers having a smile. You have to spend money (POS SYSTEM) in order to make money.
rebecca Bonet

HeBS Digital (Hospitality eBusiness Strategies) - 3 views

  • As travelers increasingly turn to the Internet and mobile devices to research and book travel, successful online marketing in hospitality has become increasingly critical to the industry’s success. Adept keyword selection, website designs, and social media campaigns can turn general online travel bookers into loyal repeat customers that book directly on hotel websites.
  • Profitable online strategies can be difficult to come by in hospitality, a dynamic industry where opportunities abound and many complex factors affect success. The cost of keywords has increased, yet many hotel budgets have reached a plateau.
  • hoteliers must compete with mammoth online travel agencies possessing multi-million-dollar budgets.
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  • For HeBS Digital, Adobe solutions provide insights into the market and a driving force to differentiate itself from competitors.
  • HeBS Digital keeps clients ahead of the curve and ahead of the competition in building direct online revenue channels.
  • Driving multichannel marketing success Improving return on ad spend for clients Making more informed online marketing decisions
    • Xu Wang
      Nowadays, as travelers turn to the internet and mobile devices to research and book their travel online increasingly, the online marketing in hospitality has become a important sign for success. At the same time, the hospitality industry tries best to enhance their online booking service, hoping to turn general online travelers into loyal repeat customers that book directly on hotel websites. However, there are still are challenges as the industry has many complex factors. And this article gives solutions and results by introduce Adobe products.
  • Additionally, the explosion in social media and smartphones has added new dimensions for marketers that require new skills.
  • “By using Adobe products at HeBS Digital, we are able to generate big returns for clients by employing highly engaging, locally targeted strategies,” says Jason Price, executive vice president for HeBS Digital.
  • In another instance, the HeBS Digital SEM team used bid rules created with the Adobe solution to automate the bidding for some keyword campaigns
  • With Adobe Solutions, HeBS is able to create award winning hotel website design, pioneer best practices in
  • marketing, and build leading-edge technologies for the hospitality industry
    Nowadays, as travelers turn to the internet and mobile devices to research and book their travel online increasingly, the online marketing in hospitality has become a important sign for success. At the same time, the hospitality industry tries best to enhance their online booking service, hoping to turn general online travelers into loyal repeat customers that book directly on hotel websites. However, there are still are challenges as the industry has many complex factors. And this article gives solutions and results by introduce Adobe products.
    In this article it talks about e business strategies. One of them being mobile device because research and booking travel have been so critical for people on the go. The HeBS is a big digital marketing firm for the hospitality industry. There are profitable online strategies to come by in the hospitality industry. These opportunities do not come easy many time it very complex but also very successful if it done right .Hotel budget have come to a plateau. Hotel need to step up the plate because online travel agencies have taken over the industry. In addition social media and smart phone have added new dimension for market that require new skills with their ideas. HeBS face a challenge by multichannel marketing success, improving return on ad spend, and making more online marketing to be able to come back by doing this they would have the solution and the result. The solution being, keeping clients of the curve of the competition by building direct online revenue. The result for that is providing insights. The market and the driving force for the differentiate competitors. The benefits will build a leading- edge for the hospitality industry
jennifer kornreich

Hacking at Hotels: Mutating Threats at the Ramparts - 2 views

    This article states a situation where a rouge employee steals guests credit information. There should be a technological way to keep this from happening and they are discussing facial recognition as a possible solution. but that hackers would soon find a way around this as well.
ying jiang

What Management information systems are used by the hotel industry - 2 views

    Basically, this article introduces several Management Information Systems currently used in hotels. Different MIS has different features. Some focus on internal and external information exchanging, some mainly manage information exchanging among different departments inside the whole company.
Jingyi Wen

Employee Scheduling Software for Hotel and Lodging Industries - 2 views

    Labor costs are likely one of the largest expenses for almost all business. Although each business have different situation, reducing labor expenses is one of the fastest ways to realize more profit. After reading this article, I realize hospitality industry have some difficulties to control labor cost, such as peak hours, high season, part-time workers and a variety of job positions to schedule and multiple shifts to cover. So I think great labor schedule software could make creating work schedules and controlling labor budgets more efficient. Great labor schedule software should have below features, 1. Easily. This software could easily create rolling schedule for unlimited number of workers, define schedule and operational constraints. Easily publish schedules, calendars and any reports to staffs and managers. Manage labor costs and avoid over/under staffing with ease. 2. Flexible. Adjusting individual shift assignment start time, end time and payable hours when necessary. Quickly and efficiently find a substitute worker to fill a cancellation. 3. Comprehensive. Tracking all training, vacation, sick leave, and other off-work requests. Could visually assign tasks of any length from 1 minute to several hours. 4. Analytic. Numerous available reports can provide different kinds of detailed and summary information, such as labor cost data, payroll, employee position and etc. In a word, an efficient labor scheduling software will alert staffs when to work, and will reduce the amount of time that managers spend performing scheduling.
Mirta Echazabal

Hotel Rooms of the Future: New Hospitality Technology Profiled | News Arc... - 2 views

    This article basically talks about how much technology has changed and what directors of softwares predict technology will be in the near future. The article informs how the Peachtree Plaza hotel like many other hotels replaced the keys to all the rooms with electronic key cards. Which increased security for the guest and cost saving. Hospitality consultants agreed that in the future mobile phones will be the way to open guest room doors and will probably occur through infrared or wirelesss access to rooms. Neil Roodyn the director of software developers informed that he predicts that in the future people will be sitting around touch sensitive table top computer in lobbies where they can searchfor places to go in the area and make their own restaurant reservations. Neil predicts this can also influence more communication and interaction between guest. My thoughts on this article is that the younger generation is far more technology oriented and feel more comfortable with working all these new gadgets, but for the baby boomers and older crowd have the want and need of having that human interaction. Technology seems a bit to advanced for them. The more technology advances the less human interaction will occur. I think that technology advancement is great for everyone, but human interaction needs to remain for those that are not very technology savy.
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    I am all for getting rid of hotel room key cards. I have the worst time keeping track of them. I also find your comments on the generation gap to be compelling. My Dad is terrified of anything electronic. I cannot imagine that he would easily trust technology to check him into a hotel and do the basic functions of customer service. He would walk right past the touch screen computers and ask the desk receptionist for area attractions. I do see the decrease in human interaction as a negative. I personally enjoy the opinions of local people when it comes to ideas about where to eat or what to see. All of this rapid technological change can be intimidating, but I am sure that once we all grow accustomed to the new ways of staying in a hotel, then the old key cards will seem like dinosaurs.
    My parents are also not very savy with technology and they dont even speak english, so it makes it that much harder for them. They both still have flip phones. Overall, I know in the end there has to be some sort of balance with the advancement of technology and still have that human interaction.
    This is an informative article, and I also understand Mary's opinion. Over decades, technology has rapidly advanced and it seems to be quite hard to catch up with all the new technology released quickly. For example, I stayed in a hotel called Aria, one of the newly built hotels in Las Vegas, and the hotel is equipped with state-of-the-art room technology (not just room but all over the hotel). To get into a room, unlike other hotels, I just put a room key on a sensor instead of inserting a key; as well as, I just touched a button right next to the door for privacy instead of putting the "Do not Disturb" card on a door knob. This is not something really huge, however this is how hotels are technologically changing. As a person studying Hospitality Management, the change was very impressive, but at the same time, it was intimidating. Obviously, our parents generation should have harder time to use new technology and/or to get used it than I do. I totally agree that there should be a balance between technology advancement and human interation.
    I agree with Mary regarding baby boomers may not be as quick to adapt to the advancement of technology, however what is noticeable in resort hotels is that more people are taking family vacation and the kids are the ones driving the technology. It will therefore just be a matter of time where the use of technology within hotels will be just like a regular lifestyle activity.
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