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Jack B

Ancient Rome for Kids - 1 views

  • For about 500 years,  Rome was a Republic  For about 500 years, Rome was an Empire Quick Comparison: Ancient Greeks/Romans
  • Republic Government 
  • Roman Emperors 
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • Geography/Natural Resources/Maps/Timelines 
  • graphy/Natural Resources/Maps/Timelines 
  • Daily Life 
  • Dinner
  • Entertainment
  • Holidays & Festivals
    ancient rome!
    GReat Website
kaitlyn o

Ancient Chinese People - History for Kids! - 1 views

  • Chinese people have always put a lot of emphasis on everybody acting the right way for their position in life
  • people thought your most important relationship was with your family
  • When girls grew up, they got married and left the house they had grown up in to go live in their husband's house, with his family
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Many Chinese people were slaves. Most people who were slaves worked in the fields, the same as free people. Some of them worked as servants in rich people's houses. The Emperor owned hundreds of slaves, and some of them worked for the government, collecting taxes or building roads. Some people were born slaves, because their mothers were slaves, and other people were sold into slavery to pay debts.
    ancient slavery
Chaehee Lee

Ancient Egypt for Kids - 0 views

    • Josh B
      Many links to different places to find many different things about Egypt
    • Yossi DuBow
      I think this a great website for learning about the Egyptian Culture.
    • Chaehee Lee
      Tells about daily life, afterlife, governemnt, and everything else you see down.
Erica G

Ancient Greece for Kids - Art & Architecture - 1 views

  • The ancient Greeks invented three types of columns that were used all over ancient Greece. The columns were placed to support a building, but also adjusted in size and angle and in footage from each other, so that from a distance, the columns looked perfectly symmetrical. 
Garth Holman

Facts about Ancient Greece for Kids - 2 views

  • The ancient Greeks developed new ideas for government, science, philosophy, religion, and art.
  • The influence of the Ancient Greeks are still felt by us today. The major impact in our lives today are in the arts, in philosophy, and in science, math, literature and politics. Trial by Jury Greek Myths Democracy The word 'democracy' is Greek. It means 'government by the people. We have a form of democracy in Britain, and this is a legacy of the Athenians and their assemblies and councils. Tragedy and Comedy
  • he first two letters of the Greek alphabet - alpha and beta - have given us the word 'alphabet'.
    Overview of several important topics: Daily life, clothes, houses, food, theatre, sports, gods, and more.... 
Garth Holman

Seventh Grade - History - 0 views

  • What made me so mad was that she didn't get her name on a gravestone.  I wanted her to be remembered as more than just the general's wife and more than just in my memories.  She taught me how to be the way I am and she told me to care for people even when you don't know how they'll react.
  • "Yeah.  It wasn't a wail, but it was the break-your-heart-one-tear-at-a-time type of crying that I really couldn't stand for more than thirty seconds," Ekati explained.  "Are you kidding me?  Wow." I couldn't believe how much these people cared for me.
  • I could have sworn I saw a tiny human skull in there.
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • that those soldiers would think for themselves.
  •  It hurt, but I did something that might not have changed anything, but now the people of Sparta were thinking and thinking leads to ideas.  Ideas that can change the world.
  • "dared to challenge me in public.  Tais, you are bound to the ground you are on."  The general raised his whip and struck.  And struck and struck again.
  • You remember how you said all those silly things about the geography and then your clothes morphed into those tights and a short toga?" Coriander laughed.  "You looked weird for about a second and then you started crying and you looked normal again."
  •  I took note of a very cute, broad-shouldered, blonde as he put away his gear.  
  • Why in the world would you wait until tonight? I thought.  What's wrong with right now? 
  • as I remembered Coriander was the "very cute, broad-shouldered, blonde" I noticed three seconds ago.  
    Ideas can change the world.
Eric G

Roman Government Facts for Kids - 0 views

    • Eric G
      This website talks about the government structures of Rome over the years. At first, Rome was a monarchy ruled by the Etruscans. However, around 509 BC, the Romans gained control from the Estruscans and they established the Roman Republic. The people elected magistrates, which were the people that represented the the Roman citizens. Two of the magistrates were consuls, which were the people who decided when to go to war and when to add new laws. The consuls had to work closely with the Senate, which were wealthy men. Senators usually held the position for life. Since Rome was expanding, and the military was far away from the Senate, Lucius Cornelius Sulla was able to seize power of Rome, which marked the fall of the Roman Republic. Julius Caesar took control in 49 BC. After he was murdered in 44 BC, his nephew, Octavian, became Rome's leader. He introduced a new system, called an empire. It lasted 300 years and then began to decline. The empire fell around the year of 476.
zoe g

Hermes - Ancient Greek Gods - Ancient Greece for Kids! - 1 views

  • Hermes is a god of boundaries, borders and edges. Because of this, he's also in charge of things that cross borders, like messages or travelers.
  • For instance, Hermes carries messages to Odysseus in Homer's Odyssey, and to Alcmena in Plautus' Amphitryo.
Josh S.

Inventions, Achievements - Ancient Greece for Kids - 8 views

  • Trial by Jury Greek Columns   Greek Architecture Fables and Legends Greek Myths Comedy, Tragedy, Satire, Theatre The Olympics Roots of Democracy  Ancient Greece Hall of Fame
    • nolan m
      Click on these to learn more about whatever item they created/invented
  • arts, philosophy, science, math, literature, and politics. 
  • edy, Satire, Theatre
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Comedy, Tragedy, Satire, Theatre
    A list of ancient greece inventions with links better describing them
    Check this out for facts of inventions of Ancient Greece
    Ancient Greek Theater
mrs. b.

Ancient Greece for Kids - Athens - 3 views

  • Athens did not have a king, it was ruled by the people as a democracy. The people of Athens believed that no one group of people should make the laws and so citizens could choose the government officials, and vote for or against new laws. The people of Athens chose their ruler. They held a large meeting on the slopes of a hill in Athens where any citizen could speak, and tell the government what it should be doing. This was called the Assembly, and there had to be at least 6,000 citizens at every Assembly. Athenian democracy was not like modern democracy. Only citizens over 18 could vote. Women, slaves and foreigners could not become citizens. So democracy in Athens meant rule by the men of Athens. Slavery Slaves made up about a quarter of the working population on Athens. Most were people who had been captured in warfare and sold to slave dealers. They were then put on sale in the slave market.
mrs. b.

Sparta, Ancient Greek City-State - Ancient Greece for Kids - 1 views

shared by mrs. b. on 29 Oct 13 - Cached
  • The Spartans were proud, fierce, capable warriors
  • Sparta's government was an oligarchy
  • The people were ruled by a small group of warriors
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • In Sparta, the goal of education was to create a strong warrior. 
  • Sparta's warriors were legendary
  • Spartan women, unlike women in the rest of Greek world, had a great deal of freedom.  Many ran businesses. Sparta women were free to move about and visit neighbors without permission from their husbands
  • In Sparta, boys were taken away from their parents at age 7. They lived a harsh and often brutal life in the soldiers barracks. Younger children were beaten by older children who started fights to help make the younger boys strong. Children were often were whipped in front of groups of other Spartans, including their parents, but they were not allowed to cry out in pain
  • Sparta was ruled by a small group of retired warriors. This type of government is called an oligarchy.
  • The city-state of Sparta was basically a well-trained army. In other city-states, children entered military school at age 18. In Sparta, they entered at age 6. The girls were taught how to fight as well. Their school was separate from the boys' school.
  • Men and male children, from the age of 6, lived in the soldiers' barracks until they retired from military service. The men were often off fighting. The women were left behind to guard their homes. Perhaps because of this, women in ancient Sparta had a great deal of freedom. They ran businesses. They were free to move around and visit neighbors without asking their husbands permission.
    Spartan society and governement
Jason Wu

Ancient Greek Government for Kids! - 1 views

Garth Holman

Biography for Kids: Julius Caesar - 0 views

  • four Roman legions
    • Garth Holman
      In the military operations of Lucius Cornelius Sulla and Julius Caesar, a legion was composed of 10 cohorts, with 4 cohorts in the first line and 3 each in the second and third lines. The 3,600 heavy infantry were supported by enough cavalry and light infantry to bring the legion's strength up to 6,000 men.
  • Many of the leaders were jealous of Caesar and his following.
  • Consul was the highest ranking position in the Roman Republic.
  • ...12 more annotations...
  • Caesar became governor of the province of Gaul.
  • Caesar announced that he was going to return to Rome and run for consul again.
  • give up the command of his army first.
    • Garth Holman
      Why would we not want a man leading an army to come back to Rome with his army? 
  • In 46 BC Caesar returned to Rome.
  • most powerful man in the world.
  • The Senate made him dictator for life and he ruled like a king.
    • Garth Holman
      Checks and Balances are gone and so it the Tripartite Government.  The Republic is now an Empire with one ruler! 
  • changed the calendar to the now famous Julian calendar with 365 days and a leap year.
    • Garth Holman
      Enduring Impact?  JULY is named after Caesar!  
  • Caesar was too powerful.
  • He was stabbed 23 times.
    • Garth Holman
      Julius Caesar's death did not end the rule of the Dictator....they war for power was just starting and never again would the Republic Control ROME! 
  • Caesar Augustus.
  • While in Egypt he fell in love with the queen of Egypt, Cleopatra. He helped her to become pharaoh and had a child named Caesarion with her.
  • aristocrats.
    • Garth Holman
      Wealthy Romans who controlled the Senate 
mrs. b.

Alexander the Great [] - 1 views

shared by mrs. b. on 21 Nov 14 - No Cached
  • A great conqueror, in 13 short years he amassed the largest empire in the entire ancient world — an empire that covered 3,000 miles.
    • Garth Holman
      That is a big as the United States from NY to LA! 
    • Kanrry K
      4,000 miles less than the amount of miles it would take to get from Chicago to Shanghai,China.
  • Not bad for a kid who became the King of Macedon at the age of 20.
  • ...18 more annotations...
  • Many of Alexander's accomplishments were made possible by his father, Philip of Macedon.
    • Garth Holman
      Reminds me of the Quote by Albert Einstein "A hundred times every day I remind myself that my inner and outer life are based on the labors of other men, living and dead, and that I must exert myself in order to give in the same measure as I have received and am still receiving"  WE ALL NEED HELP TO GET WHERE WE ARE GOING! 
  • In 338 B.C.E., King Philip of Macedon invaded and conquered the Greek city-states. Philip took advantage of the fact that the Greek city-states were divided by years of squabbling and infighting. Philip succeeded in doing what years of fighting between city-states had not done. He united Greece.
  • Alexander's the Great's tutor was the Greek philosopher Aristotle.
  • For years, the massive Persian Empire threatened the very existence of the Greek way of life
  • Alexander, took the throne in 336 B.C.E., he vowed to complete the plans of his father. In 334 B.C.E., Alexander invaded Persia, which lay across the Aegean Sea in Asia Minor
  • Alexander smashed the Persian armies at the Tigris River and conquered the mighty Persian Empire, including the legendary city of Babylon. For many Greeks, this victory marked a moment of sweet revenge against a bitter foe
  • at the age of 25, Alexander ruled an expansive empire
  • Alexander conquered Egypt and founded a city at the mouth of the Nile River.
  • ntil he reached India and the Indus River in 326 B.C.E. At this point, his exhausted troops refused to fight further.
  • Without the support of his army, Alexander had no choice but to turn back and begin consolidating and organizing his far-flung empire. On his way home, Alexander died from disease in 323 B.C.E.
  • First, his father was able to unite the Greek city-states, and Alexander destroyed the Persian Empire forever. More importantly, Alexander's conquests spread Greek culture, also known as Hellenism, across his empire.
    • Garth Holman
      Key Is cultural Diffusion: spreading of Greek Culture around the globe.  THIS IS CALLED HELLENISM
  • Without Alexander's ambition, Greek ideas and culture might well have remained confined to Greece.
    • Garth Holman
      So, in a way did he save WESTERN CIVILIZATION? 
  • without the benefit of modern technology
    • Kanrry K
      That's pretty impressive!
    • Samuel H
      So impressive.
    • Ariel L
      That is just flat down awesome!!!
  • in 13 short years he amassed the largest empire in the entire ancient world
  • Alexander's reign marked the beginning of a new era known as the Hellenistic Age
    Brief history of Alexander the Great
danielle k

Sparta - Ancient Greece for Kids - 3 views

  • Spartans lived in harsh conditions, without luxuries, to make them tough fighters.
  • Sparta had its own system of government which was very different from the other city states. Rule was shared between two kings, the Gerousia and the Assembly. Most citizens Spartans were either Perioeci (citizens who paid taxes, served in the army and were protected by Spartan laws) or Helots (people from lands conquered and ruled by Sparta who had no rights). The Helots Spartan citizens were given land which was farmed for them by the Helots. The Helots were treated as serfs (slaves) and had to give half their crops to their Spartan master.
    sparta govermen

The Roman Republic Fails - Ancient Rome for Kids - 2 views

  • graft
    • Garth Holman
       a form of political corruption, is the unscrupulous use of a politician's authority for personal gain. The term has its origins in the medical procedure whereby tissue is removed from one location and attached to another for which it was not originally intended.
  • legions, to build roads, sewers, aqueducts, and arenas, and to pay for the welfare programs that fed the poor.
    • Garth Holman
      A Legion, is a name for an army.  Each Legion was about 6000 men.  Could be more or less depending on the year
  • tax farmers.
  • ...16 more annotations...
  • A tax farmer was a person who bought the right from the Senate to tax all the people and business in a certain area
  • didn't set up any controls
  • Tax farming was a business, and the tax farmers were in it to make a profit.
  • Plus, since the tax farmer decided who got taxed and who didn't, you could bribe the tax farmer to make your taxes low or maybe tax your competitors out of business, or if you had enough bribe money,
  • you and your entire family could be sold into slavery.
  • Rome was going broke.
    • Garth Holman
      Spending more then  they had.  This is always a problem! 
  • Under Roman law you could pay someone to vote for you.
  • Since they bought the position from the Senate, the Senate set the amount it cost and decided who actually got the job
  • Senate decided who got to build the roads, arenas etc.  So construction companies bribed the Senate to get the construction contracts.  Finally since the Senate made all the laws, people could bribe senators to make laws that they wanted.
  • Since there was no police force, there was no one to stop them.
  • Wealthy Romans hired guards and even built their own small armies to protect their homes and families.
  • Senators didn't trust each other, and they really didn't trust the legions. 
    • Garth Holman
      Why do you think the people of Rome did not trust each other?  Is trust in your fellow citizens important! 
  • They even passed laws making it illegal for a legion to enter Rome.
    • Garth Holman
      BUT one person will bring his army into Rome and things will change forever.  Who is that? 
  • They didn't say how much taxes were, or who got taxed.
  • They left all that up to the tax farmer.
    • coa21dcs
      They put the responsibility on the tax farmer
  • many of the tax farmers went way beyond
    • anl21dcs
      They taxed people they liked less or not at all and people they didn't like they taxed more heavily
Garth Holman

Roman Colosseum Facts | Kids Colosseum Facts | DK Find Out - 0 views

    Colosseum that explains parts.
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