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Ancient Greece - 0 views

shared by Nicole G on 01 Nov 11 - Cached
    • Kalina P
      Very similar to the other greek site I found. This one has more cool photographs.
  • .   Art Photographs and essays about the beautiful world of ancient Greek art. Art collections incl
  • Greece.
  • ...14 more annotations...
    • Nikita V
      Good page to find good culture
  • A brief history of Greece is compiled here, as well as articles regarding the history of major Eras, places, and monuments of Ancient Greece.
    • Esther M
      a pot from ancient greece
    • Spencer H.
      Seems like a good website, chocked full of info, and many topics
    • Nicole G
      It has map and will show you where it is. Also it has archaeological. 
    • Arthur H
        Good photo of ancient Greek architecture  I have always wanted to study ancient Greece.
  • The culture of ancient Greece has cast its influence on the western world for over two thousand years.
  • The culture of ancient Greece has cast its influence on the western world for over two thousand years.
  • A colection of excllusive maps, and plans of monuments and archaeological sites.
  • Essays and pictures of ancient Greek Architecture, from the neolithic to the Hellenistic and Greco-Roman periods.
    • Raya H
      this shows a lot of important historical events
  • Photographs of ancient Greek Art and artifacts from major museums in Greece and around the world.
    • Thomas J
      This is a great sight to find archaeological artifacts. 
    • Olivia A
      This is an interesting fact about art.
  • Photographs and essays about the beautiful world of ancient Greek art.
    Ancient Greece website. 
  • ...5 more comments...
    Greece has influenced on the world for the past 2 millennium.
    this is a very good website about ancient Greece this is one of my favorites.
    The culture of ancient greece has affected the world fo thousands of years
    This is a great summary type website of greece.
    This shows all elements of greece.
    Greek art and artifacts from ancient museums.
    this is a good website


    "The top players in feudal Europe come from a small group of people - an aristocracy, based on skill in battle, with a shared commitment to a form of Christianity (at once power-hungry and idealistic) in which the pope in Rome has special powers as God's representative on earth. As a great feudal lord with moral pretensions, holding the ring between secular sovereigns, the pope can be seen as Europe's headmaster. Bishops and abbots are part of the small feudal aristocracy, for they are mostly recruited from the noble families holding the great fiefs. Indeed bishops can often be found on the battlefield, fighting it out with with the best. As in any other context, the strongest argument in feudalism - transcending the niceties of loyalty - is naked force. The Normans in England or in Sicily rule by right of conquest, and feudal disputes are regularly resolved in battle. But feudalism also provides many varieties of justification for force. And the possession of a good justification is almost as reassuring to a knight as a good suit of armour. One excellent excuse for warfare is the approval of the church. In 1059 the pope virtually commands the Normans to attack Sicily, by giving them feudal rights over territory not as yet theirs. Similarly Rome lets it be known that the Holy See is on the side of William when he invades England in 1066. Another important form of justification is a dynastic claim to a territory. Generations of marriages, carefully arranged for material gain, result in an immensely complex web of relationships - reflected often in kingdoms of very surprising shape on the map of Europe.

An Introduction to the Protestant Reformation | The Protestant Reformation | Khan Academy - 1 views

  • The sale of indulgences was a practice where the church acknowledged a donation or other charitable work with a piece of paper (an indulgence), that certified that your soul would enter heaven more quickly by reducing your time in purgatory.
  • Luther sparked the Reformation in 1517 by posting, at least according to tradition, his "95 Theses" on the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany - these theses were a list of statements that expressed Luther's concerns about certain Church practices - largely the sale of indulgences, but they were based on Luther's deeper concerns with Church doctrine.
  • but none of these efforts successfully challenged Church practice until Martin Luther's actions in the early 1500s.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • Pope Leo X had granted indulgences to raise money for the rebuilding of St. Peter's Basilica in Rome. These indulgences were being sold by Johann Tetzel not far from Wittenberg, where Luther was Professor of Theology.
  • He concluded that no matter how "good" he tried to be, no matter how he tried to stay away from sin, he still found himself having sinful thoughts. He was fearful that no matter how many good works he did, he could never do enough to earn his place in heaven
  • The Reformation was a very violent period in Europe, even family members were often pitted against one another in the wars of religion. Each side, both Catholics and Protestants, were often absolutely certain that they were in the right and that the other side was doing the devil's work.
  • It is also during this period that the Scientific Revolution gained momentum and observation of the natural world replaced religious doctrine as the source of our understanding of the universe and our place in it.
    Very Good Understanding of the Reformation and Indulgences, without going into too much detail. 

How Ancient Trade Changed the World - 2 views

  • When the first civilizations did begin trading with each other about five thousand years ago, however, many of them got rich…and fast.
  • human interaction, bringing cross-cultural contact to a whole new level
    • Garth Holman
      When groups trade products, they also trade ideas. Cultural diffusion occurs and new ideas spread. Trade is good for change.
  • self-sufficiency
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • A farmer could now trade grain for meat, or milk for a pot, at the local market, which was seldom too far away.
  • where the climate and natural resources produced different things.
  • but was lucrative for the middlemen willing to make the journey.
    • Garth Holman
      We will discuss the middle man during the Renaissance.
  • luxury goods like spices, textiles and precious metals.
  • Cities that were rich in these commodities became financially rich, too, satiating the appetites of other surrounding regions for jewelry, fancy robes and imported delicacies.
    • Garth Holman
      If you have the resources others become very rich!!! Supply and Demand in action.
  • linking cultures for the first time in history.
    • Garth Holman
      What good things came from this linking? What bad things happened from this linking?
  • By the second millennium BC, former backwater island Cyprus had become a major Mediterranean player by ferrying its vast copper resources to the Near East and Egypt, regions wealthy due to their own natural resources such as papyrus and wool. Phoenicia, famous for its seafaring expertise, hawked its valuable cedar wood and linens dyes all over the Mediterranean. China prospered by trading jade, spices and later, silk. Britain shared its abundance of tin.
  • another was by sea
    • Garth Holman
      Rome will change that! The Roads connect cities and make travel faster.
  • Cities grew up in the fertile basins on the borders of those rivers and then expanded by using their watery highways to import and export goods.

Silk Road - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

shared by Livi E on 15 Mar 12 - Cached
  • refers to a historical network of interlinking trade routes across the Afro-Eurasian landmass that connected East, South, and Western Asia with the Mediterranean and European world
  • Extending 4,000 miles (6,500 km), the Silk Road gets its name from the lucrative Chinese silk trade along it,
  • silk was certainly the major trade item from China, many other goods were traded, and various technologies, religions and philosophies, as well as the bubonic plague (the "Black Death"), also traveled along the Silk Routes. Some of the other goods traded included luxuries such as silk, satin, hemp and other fine fabrics, musk, other perfumes, spices, medicines, jewels, glassware, and even rhubarb, as well as slaves.[4] China traded silk, teas, and porcelain; while India traded spices, ivory, textiles, precious stones, and pepper; and the Roman Empire exported gold, silver, fine glassware, wine, carpets, and jewels.
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • The Mongol expansion throughout the Asian continent from around 1207 to 1360 helped bring political stability and re-establish the Silk Road (via Karakorum). It also brought an end to the Islamic Caliphate's monopoly over world trade. Since the Mongol had dominated the trade routes, it allowed more trade to come in and out of the region. Merchandise that did not seem valuable to the Mongols was often seen as very valuable by the west. As a result, the Mongol received in return a large amount of luxurious goods from the West.
  • The 13th century also saw attempts at a Franco-Mongol alliance, with exchange of ambassadors and (failed) attempts at military collaboration in the Holy Land during the later Crusades,
  • Some research studies indicate that the Black Death, which devastated Europe in the late 1340s, may have reached from Central Asia (or China) to Europe along the trade routes of the Mongol Empire.[28]
    • Shira H
      Great site for quest 10 . Lots of information.
    • Shira H
      Has lots of information . Great site for quest 10 .  China trade silk and teas and porcelain. 
    • Livi E
      this paragraph says a lot of the answers for question 3

Peoples of the Dark Ages - 0 views

    Good website for webquest one

Thomas Becket - 0 views

  • In Medieval England the Church was all powerful.
  • The fear of going to Hell was very real and people were told that only the Catholic Church could save your soul so that you could go to Heaven.
  • in the church in Medieval England was the Archbishop of Canterbury and both he and the king usually worked together. 
  • ...15 more annotations...
  • No-one was surprised by Henry’s choice as both he and Thomas were very good friends. They enjoyed hunting, playing jokes and socialising together. Becket was known to be a lover of wine and a good horse rider. Henry II loved to ride as well but his personality was troubled by his fearsome temper. He tried to keep his temper under control by working very hard as it distracted him from things that might sparked off his temper.
  • excommunicating him
  • For people in England , there was always the real problem - do you obey the king or the pope
  • Henry II also controlled a lot of France at this time. William the Conqueror had been his great-grandfather and he had inherited his French territories as a result of this. When Henry was in France sorting out problems there, he left Becket in charge of England - such was his trust in him. Becket became Henry’s chancellor - the most important position in England after the king.
  • Henry saw the chance to give his close friend even more power by appointing him Archbishop of Canterbury - the most important church position in England.
  • Henry hoped that by appointing his good friend Becket, he might have more of a say in how the Church punished offenders. He hoped that Becket would do as he wished and toughen up the sentences passed out by Church courts.
  • The post of Archbishop changed Becket. He dropped his luxurious lifestyle; he ate bread and drank water, he had a luxury bed but preferred to sleep on the floor; he wore the rich clothes of an archbishop, but underneath the fine tunics he wore a horse hair shirt - very itchy and unpleasant to wear. He gave his expensive food to the poor.
  • Becket asked the pope to excommunicate the Archbishop of York who had taken sides with the king.
  • He is said to have shouted out "will no-one rid me of this troublesome priest ?" Four knights heard what Henry had shouted and took it to mean that the king wanted Becket dead. They rode to Canterbury to carry out the deed. The knights were Reginald FitzUrse, William de Tracey, Hugh de Morville and Richard le Breton. On December 29th 1170 they killed Becket in Canterbury Cathedral. After killing him, one of the knights said "Let us away. He will rise no more."
  • Becket’s body was still on the cathedral floor when people from Canterbury came in and tore off pieces of his clothes and then dipped these pieces in his blood. They believed that they would bring them luck and keep evil away.
  • Where Becket died quickly became a place of pilgrimage.
  • Henry II asked the pope for forgiveness and he walked bare foot to Canterbury to pray at the spot where Becket was killed. Monks whipped him while he prayed.
  • It took 21 carts to remove the valuables from Becket’s shrine at Canterbury Cathedral.
    • Garth Holman
      What does excommunicating him mean? 
    • Garth Holman
      Yes, why would he do this?  Why would he pick a friend to the second most powerful position in England? 

A History of Ancient Rome - 0 views

    • Josh B
      Shows how Romains live
    • Cameryn C
      Detailed Ancient Rome
    • Chaehee Lee
      Tells about the houses, and basically the history.
  • ...1 more annotation...
    • Yuke Z
      Very easy to undertand site, with many links leading to different topics. I like this site, very simple to use. Good and thorough history.
    Contains information about Rome
    ancient rome
    Looks good with many useful links

Google - 0 views

    good info
    good info

Ancient Greek Government - Ancient Greece for Kids! - 5 views

  • there were many different city-states in ancient Greece,
  • Aristotle divided Greek governments into monarchies, oligarchies, tyrannies and democracies, and most historians still use these same divisions.
  • In 510 BC, the city-state of Athens created the first democratic government,
  • ...19 more annotations...
  • Then in the 600s and 500s BC a lot of city-states were taken over by tyrants. Tyrants were usually one of the aristocrats who got power over the others by getting the support of the poor people. They ruled kind of like kings, but without any legal right to rule.
    • Lily S
      The government in Ancient Greece depended on the period of time
  • Archaic period
  • Late Bronze Age
  • at each period there were plenty of city-states using a different system, and there were many which never did become democracies or tyrannies at all.
  • Athenian democracy did not really give power to everyone
  • Athens at this time had an empire
  • many Greek city-states kept oligarchic government, or tyrannies, or monarchies, through this whole time
  • and they each had their own government. In addition, people's ideas about what made a good government changed over time.
    • jwoomer j
      They progressed in their government styles which helped them improve.
  • The Greeks had a lot of different kinds of governments
    • Eric G
      The Greeks had many different kinds of governments because each individual city-state had its own government
  • After the Dark Age, though, only a few Greek city-states still had kings.
    • Eric G
      There were not many kings in the city-states after the dark age.
  • The Greeks had a lot of different kinds of governments, because there were many different city-states in ancient Greece, and they each had their own government.
    • Arielle K
      Most people did not have voting rights in Athenian democracy. 
  • between about 2000 and 1200 BC, all Greek city-states seem to have been monarchies,
  • Most of the people in Athens couldn't vote - no women, no slaves, no foreigners (even Greeks from other city-states), no children.
  • The Greeks had a lot of different kinds of governments, because there were many different city-states in ancient Greece
  • Sparta is the most famous of these, though actually Sparta had two kings, usually brothers or cousins, at the same time.
    this is a good description of ancient Greek government 
  • ...1 more comment...
    Good facts about Greek government. Easy to read.
    This website talks about the government of ancient Greece.
    This website explains about Ancient Greece's government

Mythology - Ancient Greek Gods and Myths. - 1 views

    • Kaia B
      Hi! it's kaia
    • Angela W
      Wow, Greece has sooo many gods, but I'm pretty sure there are more. Where are the minor gods like Janus or Dionysus?
  • Chaos -
    • Olivia A
      He might be important, because he was the head of the pyramid earlier.
    This website has a good description of the topic.

Athens Voting Process - 2 views

started by Olivia A on 11 Nov 12 no follow-up yet

Greek Mythology Gods Olympians - 1 views

    This site tells about the greek gods. It gives a good brief description.
1More - Calculate the Volume of a Sphere - 0 views

    Fairly good website for people who like automated answers, helps you find the volume of the sphere. 

Aerodynamics & Hydrodynamics Science Fair Project Ideas - 0 views

    A good website to find out topics about science fair. Most of the topics are based on Aerodynamics and Hydrodynamics. 

Middle Ages for Kids - Medieval Castles - 0 views

  • The Keep: One of the largest spaces behind the thick walls was the keep. The keep was a storage area topped by a huge square tower with slotted windows for castle archers to use. The keep stored food, wine, and grain in case of siege.
    Really good website to find some vocabulary and questions about the castle.

The Empires 2 - Free Online Games (FOG.COM) - 0 views

    This game is like good game but I think its more fun because you can see them fighting.

Interesting Facts About the Spanish Inquisition | Doug Lawrence's Catholic Weblog - 0 views

    This website is really good for straight to the point information about the spanish inquisition it basically summarizes up what we have been working on in class. 

Student Work Sample: The Spanish Inquisition - 0 views

    This is a really good site, and explains things well. 

The Middle Ages - 2 views

    Great info on what life was like and what happened during the middle ages. Good info about travel as well.
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