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David Hilton

Museum Artifacts - Smithsonian's History Explorer - 0 views

    High-quality, well-organised images of selected artefacts from the Smithsonian, with accompanying information. Great for student research into American material culture.
David Hilton

Search the NMNH Department of Anthropology - 0 views

    This is the anthropological artfefacts databast at the Smithsonian Museum. Seems to especially cover the Americas and Egypt, although probably has stuff from all over the place and you'd expect it to be well-organised. Over 2 million artefacts.
David Hilton

Flickr: Wessex Archaeology's Photostream - 0 views

    This photostream from flickr is maintained by Wessex Archaeology in Britain. It contains images of their excavations and the artefacts they've recovered. Useful for investigations of pre-modern Britain, I would imagine.
David Hilton

Romans in Sussex - 0 views

    A database maintained by the Sussex Archaeological Society of Roman artefacts found in Sussex. Has a good search function.
David Hilton

Antiquity Journal - 0 views

    This provides a database of archaeological sites currently under excavation, including images of artefacts and some historical information. You search by region and then get a list of sites currently being worked on, so it can be a bit time-consuming but would be excellent for student research.
David Hilton

Welcome to the Portable Antiquities Scheme - 0 views

    This is a database set up in the UK to record archaeological artefacts found in Britain. It has a growing collection of coins, art, etc usually accompanied by an image. Would be useful when designing classroom resources or in senior student research, I would imagine.
David Hilton

Early Korea Project: Images - 0 views

    There's not much here really, just a few images of archaeological sites and artefacts from Korea but given that's not a place you see much about I've included them. When I lived there I visited the significant sites but usually they were uninspiring and accompanied by a sign that read something like: 'This is [insert Korean place name] which was destroyed by the evil marauding Japanese in [insert year]'. No love lost there, I think...
David Hilton

Staatliche Museen zu Berlin - Collections / Institutes - 1 views

    A collection of Asian artefacts and documents (I think) provided by the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin. I guess that's Berlin Museum or something.
David Hilton

Flickr: Classical Antiquity: Art & Architecture - 0 views

    This group was too good to pass up bookmarking. It's a collection of over 2000 good-quality images of places and artefacts from the classical world. An ancient history teacher's dream. Why are people still buying textbooks?
David Hilton

Flickr: "History & Antiquities (Post 5 - Award 3)" - 0 views

    This is a flickr group devoted to images of ancient sites, artefacts and churches. They are making an effort to make sure that people correctly tag and date the images so might be useful for you. There are squillions of flickr sites for history images - I won't save them all to the group. If you're looking for images though for your classes, perhaps take a look...
David Hilton

World History - 0 views

    This site provides basic information on individuals and artefacts, with some high-quality images and the locations of the artefacts. The information is simplistic and probably only useful with junior classes or for preliminary reading.
David Hilton

The Beazley Archive - The University of Oxford - 0 views

    Images of classical art & artefacts.
David Hilton

National Library of Russia - 6 views

    Has links to images of artefacts and documents and is in clear, correct English.
David Hilton

The Object of History | Behind the Scenes with the Curators of the National Museum of American History - 14 views

    Might be a great resource for a lesson using historical artefacts or during an archaeology unit.
Ed Webb

First the Nightmare, Then the News - - 7 views

  • to get an impression of the nature of a person, one has to see him in motion. So much is contained in the posture of the body, the position of the hands, the movement of the eyes.
    • Ed Webb
      I've been turning this over since I first read this last week - on Shakespeare's birthday, actually. How true is this? Can we not get a sense of the nature of a person who existed before video technology existed? Are those who exist for us only as text and artefacts irretrievable? I don't think so. But what, precisely, is missing in the absence of this data of how people move?
Kay Bear

Mobile Museum Service - 6 views

I am conducting some general Market Research in relation to launching a new National mobile Museum Service that will provide a dynamic and flexible on-line and remotely accessible Museum service to...

started by Kay Bear on 15 Jul 12 no follow-up yet
David Hilton

DL Search Input Page - 0 views

    This looks like an absolute treasure of a find, however the list does not lead to actual image, only descriptions of artefacts. They say they're still adding to it, perhaps that's why the images aren't up? I guess the pace of change is slower for classicists. Anyway, if they ever add those images this site will be an Ancient History teacher's dream. Fingers crossed.
David Hilton

- Presevation - 0 views

    There's not a whole lot here, but seeings as there isn't much I've found on ancient Israel I thought I'd put it in. It has some images of sites and artefacts from the Israel Antiquities Authority, including mosques (surprising, no?) and churches.
David Hilton

Wessex Archaeology - 0 views

    This site is quite specialised but if you're doing research or looking for resources on archaeology in prehistoric, ancient or medieval Britain then this is the place for you. Lots of neat images - they have a link to their photostream on flickr.
David Hilton

Extensive Information on Archaeology and Artefacts at Archaeology Expert (UK) - 0 views

    Another great site on things archaeological. Archaeologists seem to be making even better use of the possibilities the net has opened up than historians. This site provides some good quality, free services.
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