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David Hilton

CELT: The online resource for Irish history, literature and politics - 0 views

    CELT, the Corpus of Electronic Texts, brings the wealth of Irish literary and historical culture to the Internet, for the use and benefit of everyone worldwide. It has a searchable online textbase consisting of over 12.5 million words, in over 1000 contemporary and historical documents from many areas, including literature and the other arts
    CELT, the Corpus of Electronic Texts, brings the wealth of Irish literary and historical culture to the Internet, for the use and benefit of everyone worldwide. It has a searchable online textbase consisting of over 12.5 million words, in over 1000 contemporary and historical documents from many areas, including literature and the other arts.
David Hilton

Stone Pages * Web guide to Megalithic Europe - 1 views

    A site run by people really into their rocks. Has information and some high-res images of standing stones, stone circles and other prehistoric megaliths from Western and Southern Europe. Good for prehistoric Europe, the Celts or archaeology, I guess.
David Hilton

Ancient History Encyclopedia - 2 views

    Seems to give thorough and accurate definitions of terms related to Classical history. Seems to be neglecting the reality that Asia had Ancient History too, but that's a minor oversight. Only a couple of billion people lived there anyway... Would be great for preliminary student research and definitions.
David Hilton

Flickr: Wessex Archaeology's Photostream - 0 views

    This photostream from flickr is maintained by Wessex Archaeology in Britain. It contains images of their excavations and the artefacts they've recovered. Useful for investigations of pre-modern Britain, I would imagine.
David Hilton

Wessex Archaeology - 0 views

    This site is quite specialised but if you're doing research or looking for resources on archaeology in prehistoric, ancient or medieval Britain then this is the place for you. Lots of neat images - they have a link to their photostream on flickr.
David Hilton

Internet Ancient History Sourcebook: Main Page - 2 views

  • Introduction: Using Primary Sources
  • Nature of Historiography
    Another of the excellent sourcebooks run by those Jesuits at Fordham Uni. This is the best online primary source research for the ancient world I've found.
David Hilton

Heritage Explorer - Images By Theme - 2 views

    A collection of images maintained by English Heritage. They cover Britain across the ancient, medieval and modern periods and are arranged by themes.
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