This photostream from flickr is maintained by Wessex Archaeology in Britain. It contains images of their excavations and the artefacts they've recovered. Useful for investigations of pre-modern Britain, I would imagine.
This site is quite specialised but if you're doing research or looking for resources on archaeology in prehistoric, ancient or medieval Britain then this is the place for you. Lots of neat images - they have a link to their photostream on flickr.
Has some small excerpts from medieval texts with accompanying translation and explanation. Not a whole lot there (unless you pay for premium access...) but would be useful for student research into medieval Britain/Constantinople/Vikings). Some pretty images for classroom resources there, too.
This is an interesting site which has a map of archaeological sites from medieval Europe and you can browse them to look at the acculturation of the Germanic invaders/immigrants at the end of Ancient period. Will be useful for student research.
Has some nicely organised pages with information that might be good for student research. Or a teacher brushing up on a topic they're not that familiar with... (^)_(^)