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Lolo Miller

6-ADHD & Causes, incidence, and risk factors - 0 views

    Title: Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder Author: Timothy Rogge Date Published: 03-25-2012 Why Relevant and Summary: This article explains the causes, risk factors, symptoms, signs and tests, treatment, expectations, health care provider, and prevention. ADHD is most common in children and those children can cause a lot of chaos. How This Influenced My Thinking: I learned more about ADHD which helped me think about how those with ADHD act and feel. Credibility of Source: 5 because it is very detailed.
    Title: Causes, incidence, and risk factors of ADHD Author: A.D.A.M. Medical Encyclopedia Date Published: March 25, 2012 Why Relevant and Summary: This article tells you everything you need to know about ADHD including symptoms, signs, tests, treatment, and medications. It also gives important statistics about kids and how often they are diagnosed with this disease. How This Influenced My Thinking: This article got me thinking about children with ADHD and how much more common it is these days. Also I learned that this disease could start as soon as the brain begins developing which was very surprising. Credibility of Source: This article contains references to give credit to all the facts regarding ADHD and it has also been reviewed by numerous MD's.
Yadira Quiroz

ADHD - 0 views

    Title:ADHD Author: Richard S. Kingsley, MD Date Published: January 2011 Why Relevant and Summary: This article gives a nice explanation on what ADHD is and what the causes are. It also gives an insight on how people who are diagnosed with ADHD act in different settings. How This Influenced My Thinking: This article definitely made my knowledge of ADHD a lot broader. Credibility of Source: This article seems to be credible.

7- Symptoms, Causes, Treatments, & Future of ADHD - 0 views

    Title: Attention Deficit Disorder - An Introduction to ADD/ADHD Author(s):Regina Bussing, M.D. and John M. Grohol, Psy.D. Date Published:Jan 6, 2012 Why Relevant and Summary: It gives a nice overview of what exactly ADHD (and also ADD) is, what symptoms there are and how to work with it. it also gives interesting facts about how long it may have been around, and how many people are diagnosed with it. How this Influenced my Thinking; This just gave me a few extra bits of information about ADHD and its history, i am already familiar with it, as i have a younger brother who was diagnosed with it. Credibility of Source: The authors have degrees, and it is on a credible website about many varying aspects of psychology.
    Title: Attention Deficit Disorder Author: Regina Bussing and John M. Grohol Date Published: 2012 Why Relevant and Summary: This article describes the different symptoms of ADHD, and the different subtypes of ADHD. How it Influenced my Thinking: I was really surprised by the number of children in america that have ADHD. It says on average one student in each classroom will have it. Credibility of Source: Seems like a very credible source.
    Title: Attention Deficit Disorder: An Introduction to ADD/ADHD Author: Regina Bussing, M.D. and John M. Grohol, Psy.D. Date Published: Jan. 6, 2012 Why Relevant and Summary: This site grants a broad and detailed overview of many factors dealing with ADHD. How This Influenced My Thinking: The up-to-date research regarding the history, treatments, and causes of ADHD of this site have been illuminating and helpful. Credibility of Source: 7- Sources are cited at the bottom of articles, from credible sources.

Adults With ADHD: What Do We Know? What Do They Need? - YouTube - 0 views

shared by derpina on 20 Mar 13 - No Cached
    Title: Adults With ADHD: What Do We Know? What Do They Need? Author: TVO Parents Date Published: October 8 2009 Why relevant and summary: Great information about ADHD and interviews of people with ADHD How this influenced my thinking: I have never been "officially" diagnosed with ADHD but I have always struggled with attention, organization and time management. This resource gave me some great information on finding other resources available. Credibility of source: Very credible resource. Cites other sources and experts who contributed to the show.
Alma Reed

7 - Autism and suicide - 1 views

    Title: Suicidal Thoughts More Common in Kids With Autism: Study Date: 3/21/2013 Author: Amy Norton Why relevant and summary: This article reports on the findings of a scientific study published on the "Research in Autism Spectrum disorders" journal, that children on the spectrum have a higher chance of contemplating or thinking about suicide than their typical peers. This is especially pronounced in those families where the mothers are depressed as well and bulling happens in school. The author reports on both sides which support and are against such findings. How has this changed my thinking: As a mother of a child on the spectrum I am really concerned and interested in finding out how this disorder will affect him, as he grows and what can i do to help. Source credibility: This article was published on an online news magazine and reports findings published in an academic journal.
Sarah Haughton

7- The Parent Report With Doug Cope - Podcast #24 "Breastfeeding" - 0 views

    Title: Breastfeeding Author: Doug Cope Date Published: 1/19/2013 Why Relevant and Summary: Great one minute talk about the benefits of breastfeeding, and alternative options. In a study from the Center for Disease and Control, 1,500 women were surveyed their plans for exclusive breastfeeding after birth of their incoming child, 85% of the women stated they planned to exclusively breastfeed, while only 32% of those moms actually were able to after birth, "..and that just shows that we're not supporting mothers to be able to feed their babies in ways they'd like". American Academy of Pediatrics and the World Health Organization recommend that women breastfeed exclusively for the first six months of babies lives due to the health benefits. Infants that are breastfed have reduced risk of ear infections, gastrointestinal infections, diabetes and sudden infant death syndrome. Mothers who breastfeed have reduced risk of breast and ovarian cancer. In order to improve the breastfeeding rate, it is important that in the first days of an infant's life s/he can stay with their mother for the first 24 hours of life in the hospital to receive exclusively breast milk. How This Influenced My Thinking: I learned about the benefits of breastfeeding, and the large impact it has on babies' development. Credibility of Source: Very credible.
Cassandra Crawford

6-Cosleeping Research - 0 views

    Title: Bedtime Story: Co-sleeping Research Author: James J. McKenna Ph.D. Date Published: October 1997 Why Relevant and Summary: This article brings up research about cosleeping (not from the past 10 years sadly). It brings up the links with SIDS and the benefits to the mother and child who practice co-sleeping. How this influenced my thinking: These findings showed me that there are benefits to co-sleeping and that bonding can take place while sleeping. Credibility of source: Ph.D. Research done at University of California's Irvine School of Medicine.
Andrea Miller

5 - Guidelines and suggestions for co-sleeping - 0 views

    Title: Safe Cosleeping Guidelines Author: James J. McKenna Date Published: 2013 Why relevant and summery: the article gives a good unbiased look at cosleeping, it also gives some good advice about safe practices How this influenced my thinking: Just gave me some good information to think about Credibility of source: Good - it was put out by the university of Notre Dame
Linda Burns

Brain Nutrition | Baby Food | Baby Brain Development | Infant Nutrition | Teach Baby - 0 views

    Title: Baby Brain Food Author: None Date Published: 2011 Why Relevant and Summary: Provides information on optimal nutrition for healthy brain development in infants. Though this particular article focuses on nutrition that is beneficial for the brain, the website as a whole places an emphasis on helping parents to raise bright, intelligent kids from a very early age. How This Influenced My Thinking: It emphasized how even the simplest of activities makes an imprint on a baby's mind. Credibility of Source: good. Has world-wide influence.

7-Understanding the Effects of Maltreatment on Brain Development - 0 views

  • There is now scientific evidence of altered brain functioning as a result of early abuse and neglect.
    Title: Understanding the Effects of Maltreatment on Brain Development Author: Child Welfare Information Gateway Date Published: 2009 Why Relevant and Summary: Thorough information and support on: How the Brain Develops, Effects of Maltreatment on Brain Development, Implications for Practice and Policy. This article presents relevant information for our human development class as well as resources for further research. How This Influenced My Thinking:  Brain development greatly influences me and I am always looking for information that I can put into practice. I have experience in working with youth who have faced maltreatment at an early age and I can see the lasting effects it has had on them. I am glad this area is being researched  Credibility of Source: Very credible- based on research
Guillermina Garcia

6-Understanding the Effects of Maltreatment on Brain Development - 0 views

    Title: Understanding the Effects of Maltreatment on Brain Development Author: Child welfare information Gateway Date Published:2009 Why Relevant and Summary: It explains how the brain develops in different age ranges. How This Influenced My Thinking: It taught me many things I didn't know about how many things happen inside the brain. Credibility of Source: It has different sources.
Angie Magallon

4- Crib-Sleeping Vs. Co-Sleeping - 0 views

    Title: Crib sleeping Vs. Co- Sleeping Author: Patty Onderko Date Published: No Date Why Relevant: It is relevant because it talks about where the baby can sleep and what are the benefits of sleeping with the parents. It also gives parents opinion. Credibility of sources: It seems credible it has other sources
Lauren Coker

6-Cosleeping and Your Baby - 0 views

    Title: Cosleeping and Your Baby Author:Yamini Durani Date Published: October 2011 Why Relevant and Summary: It was extremely relevant because it had the pros for cosleeping, it had the arguments against cosleeping, it had facts/statistics about it, and ultimately was very clear and informative about the practice as a whole. How This Influenced My Thinking: It was very clear and made me smarter on the topic. Credibility of Source: The cite seems legit! You should take a look!
  • ...1 more comment...
    Title: Cosleeping and your Baby Author:Y. Durani, MD Date Published:October 2011 Why Relevant and Summary: It helped me get a better understanding of cosleeping. It gave more detailed information about what are some of the benefits as well as the risks of cosleeping, and offered options to help transition children onto their own. How This Influenced My Thinking: This helped me decide that when I have children I wouldn't want to co sleep with my baby, but I would have the baby at my bedside instead where I can still have it near me which can help prevent SIDS. Credibility of Source: KidsHealth from Nemours
    Title: Cosleeping and Your Baby Author: Yamini Durani Date Published: October 2011 Why Relevant and Summary: Talks about pros and cons of cosleeping, as well as some possible concerns of parents and gives tips to ensure safe cosleeping practices. How This Influenced My Thinking: Shared some concerns of cosleeping that I hadn't thought of before Credibility of Source: very credible, reviewed by MD and is a pretty recent article
    Title: Author: Yamini Durani Date Published: October, 2011 Why Relevant and Summary: Explains reasons for cosleeping, how it is safe, addresses SIDS, how to safely cosleep, and how to help your child make the transition from cosleeping to sleeping on its own. How This Influenced My Thinking: I was never aware of cosleeping, at least to the extent with which it can occur. I was educated on the risks of cosleeping, which I never knew were possible. I was also introduced to SIDs. Credibility of Source: Source written by a doctor.
Tracy Pompeo

7-Co- sleeping: Views of different cultures in America and around the World - 0 views

    Title: Sleeping with Me: A Trans- cultural look at the power and protection of sharing a bed Author: Meredith F. Small, professor of anthropology at Cornell University. Date Published: 1998 Why Relevant and Summary: This excerpt from her book gives a well-documented, highly researched view of co-sleeping in the United States and many other countries and cultures. How This Influenced My Thinking: This influences my thinking by giving scientific research and strong cultural beliefs about the subject of co-sleeping Credibility of Source: Highly credible
Badfish Two

5-Pros & Cons of Co-Sleeping - 0 views

    Title: Pros and Cons of Co-Sleeping Author: What To Expect; Pregnancy and parenting every step of the way. Date Published: N.D. Why Relevant and Summary: This article gives a good overview of co-sleeping and consists of a good list of Pros and Cons. It discusses the belief in the "family bed" and touches base on SIDS. How This Influenced My Thinking: Credibility of Source: Not very credible- The website is ran through Author Heidi Murkoff's brand What to expecting when expecting.
Gabrielle Nguyen

6-Nutrition & Brain Development in Infants, Toddlers & Preschoolers - 0 views

    Title:Nutrition and Brain Development in infants, toddlers and preschoolers Author:Kristin Mortensen Date Published: 2013 Why Relevant and Summary: This article talks about all of the important nutrients needed for an infant to grow neurologically and phsyically. How This Influenced My Thinking:gives great insight as to how each important nutrient effects a baby's brain development. Credibility of Source: high, author is a registered dietitian as well as journalist.
    Title:Nutrition & Brain Development in Infants, Toddlers & Preschoolers Author:Kristin Mortensen Date Published:n.d. Why Relevant and Summary:This article talks about the importance of nutrition and brain development in infants, toddlers, and preschoolers. Proteins, calories, fats, and vitamins & minerals, and how much they need in order to continue living healthy and continue positive brain development. How This Influenced My Thinking:This article made me aware of the foods that infants, toddlers, and preschoolers should be eating in order to promote positive brain development. Credibility of Source:Credible. Article from San Francisco Chronicle
Humberto Garcia Jr.

7-Preschool: Physical & Cognitive Development - 0 views

    Title:The Preschool Years: Physical & Cognitive Development Author:Robert Feldman Date Published:n.d Why Relevant and Summary: This is relevant because it talks about the physical aspect of a toddlers early development. As well as their brain development, what you can and should not do. How This Influenced My Thinking: This made me realize that toddlers and infants are so complex because they can be affected really easy and it can transition into adulthood. Credibility of Source:Seems pretty credible, the author works for prentice hall. It is also based off of another resource.
Lolo Miller

6-Benefits of cosleeping; What research shows - 0 views

    Title: Benefits of Cosleeping Author: API Staff Why Relevant and Summary: This article shares the benefits of cosleeping long term and short term. They also back up their information with research and scientific studies. How it Influenced My Thinking: I always thought cosleeping was unusual and did not know of many benefits, but this article changed my mind. Credibility :This is an international parenting group that does research on many child rearing and development topics.

Breastfeeding and co-sleeping with baby affects mom's welfare - 0 views

    Title: Breastfeeding and cosleeping with baby affects mom's welfare Author: Rachael Rettner Date Published: Nov. 2012 Why Relevant and Summary: This article states that breastfeeding and co-sleeping aided in the reduction of the stress hormone cortizol in mothers. How This Influenced My Thinking: The physical effects of natural care taking methods are more pervasive than previously realized Credibility of Source: 6 - Published by FOX News
Andressa Young

6.Co-sleeping Neither Helps Nor Hurts Child Development - 1 views

    Title:Co-Sleeping Neither Helps Nor Hurts Child Development Author: Michael J. Breus Date Published: August 17, 2011 Why Relevant and Summary: This article offers a study doing on a variety of lower class cultures and their children whom have co-slept with there parents. The researcher test their cognitive skills and behavior development. How This Influenced My Thinking: This influence my way of thinking that bonding can happen even while sleeping. Credibility of Source: the article was written by an author with a Ph.D and was found on Psychology Today.
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