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Humberto Garcia Jr.

7-Sex and Puberty - 0 views

    Title: Talking about Sex and Puberty Author: Tyndale House Publishers Inc. Date Published: 1999 Why Relevant and Summary: This is relevant because it talks about what should be talked about in Puberty and sex for both boys and girls. How to approach them and how to explain it to them . How this Influenced My Thinking: This made me realize that there are more ways to talk about sex and puberty to a child than how I got talked to. It made me think how I will someday talk to my child about puberty and sex. Credibility: It came from the Focus on Family website which seems to have quite a lot of great resources.
Alma Reed

7 - how our faith influences the adoescent mind and life - 0 views

    Title: How Does Religion Affect the Lives of Adolescents? Date: 11-30-2005 Author: Jennifer Elliot Summary and why important: This was an excellent article about religion and adolescence. It was well written, had great sources, it taped onto this issue from all the sides. It talked about the media's influence, how recent religious scandal might or have affected faith in our young generation and it explained that religion is one of the factors that influences adolescents to make the right choices and not the only one. How it has change my thinking: I liked this article because it seemed impartial, it did not glorify or vilify those who practice religion and those who do not. It was realistic, it explained some great concepts, and everything was backed by research. Credibility: the author has a BS in Mass Communication, a BS in Psychology and is a Certified Mental Health Technician. This article was published on yahoo! voices which is a great website with a good reputation.
Amanda Perez

6. How can you raise a moral child - 0 views

    Title: 40 Things You Can Do to Raise a Moral Child Date: 2012 Author: Ethical Society Mid Rivers Summary and why important: This list many different areas where parents can promote moral decision making in their child. While it's not so much an article, it does list wonderful tips and advice. How it has change my thinking: While it didn't necessary "change" my thinking, as a parent I found everything on this site to be helpful and positive. Credibility: This was a post from the Moral Society. I don't know who the author was specifically all of the information was logical.
Angel Thomas

4-World Views and Religion - 0 views

    Title: World Views and Religion Date Published: April 9, 2009 Author: Newton Fortuin Summary and Why Relevant: The reason as to why this is relevant is because it talks about religion and the world view on religion. I myself am fascinated with religion, I am fascinated at the different types of religions that exist and the different faiths that people have and put into their religion, creator, and God. It still amazes me that the world is still spinning with so many conflicts with each religion. How This Influenced My Thinking: it made me realize that I am not the only one that is fascinated with religion and that is intrigued with the fact that people go crazy over who's religion is "right" or "better" Credibility: From Open Salon a viewed Blog that users from around the world post and comment.
    Title: World Views and Religion Author: M. Scott Pecks Date: APRIL 9, 2009 Why Relevant and Summary: It talks about how everyone has a religion and what determines a persons particular worldview How This Influenced My Thinking: It didn't influence my thinking Credibility of Source: Somewhat credible
Samantha Ameperosa

5- Do Children Need Religion? - 0 views

    Title: Do children need religion? Author: Austin Cline Date Published : 2013 Why relevant: Talks about the negatives and positives about being raised with religion. It helps to focus on what can really affect the child when religion is involved in a family life. How this influenced my thinking: It just helps me to look at what I can help my children with when they reach that age and may be faced with these issues as well. Credibility of Source: I've used this site many times for references and it seems to be credible.
Guillermina Garcia

6-Moral Reasoning and Ethics - 0 views

    Title-Moral reasoning and ethics Author-n.d. Date-n.d. Why relevant and summary-because it explains what moral reasoning is. How this influenced me-It gave me actual facts to write my paper. Credibility-Not sure because no date or author, however it has many different sources.
Julia Magallanes

4-Discusses importance of religion(outdated) - 0 views

    Title- why religion matters author-Patrick F. Fagan date-Jan 25th 1996 why relevant and summary- this site provided many supporting examples as to how religion influences a child's upbringing. This give my paper some depth and intertwined different view points. how this influenced me- i wasn't really influenced by this site because it didn't add anything that i hadn't heard before. It might influence a person more if they are not as familiar with religion, specifically Christianity, as i was. credibility-the site seems pretty credible. It is a .org website, and was written by someone with a PHD in his area of study.
    Title:Why religion matters Author:Patrick F. Fagan Date published: 1996 Why relevant and summary:This article is relevant because it discusses the importacne of religion in family, relationships, personal health. However, it is very outdated. How this influenced my thinking:Having a connection with God and the church is very beneficial. It can make you a better person by trying to do good for others, yourself and family. Credibility of source:Seems credible from an organization website.

7 - Kohlberg's Theory Moral Development, breakdown of the stages. - 0 views

    Title: Kohlberg's Stages of Moral Development Author: No Author Date: No Date Why Relevant and Summary: This is a great break down of the different stages of Kohlberg's theory of moral development. How this influenced my thinking: It was great to read about Kohlberg's theory from sources outside of the textbook. This site breaks it down in a well-organized fashion and offers excellent descriptions and examples. Credibility of source: It appears to be featured on a college webpage, maybe put out by the psych department. Credibility of source: May or may not be credible. Appears to be a college professor's website.
Linda Burns

7 - Moral Emotions and Moral Behavior Study - 0 views

    Title: Moral Emotions and Moral Behavior Author: J.P. Tangney, J. Stuewig, & J.D. Mashek Date Published: 2007 Why Relevant and Summary: Discusses a study on moral emotions and behavior. According to the study done, "… actual behavior is not necessary for the press of moral emotions to have effect." How This Influenced My Thinking: Shows the power of guilt and shame. Just feeling those feelings is enough to stop us from doing something that would benefit us. Credibility of Source: High
Marisa Rodriguez

4- Kohlberg - 0 views

    Title: Kohlberg Author: Saul McLeod Date Published: 2011 Why Relevant and Summary: Talks about Kohlberg's theory and research, and explains each level and stage of his moral development theory. How This Influenced My Thinking: I know understand each stage of the moral development theory Credibility of Source: The website seems pretty credible
Tara Ponsot


    Title: Gay Male and Lesbian Youth Suicide Author: Paul Gibson Why Relevant and Summary: Talks about the causes and incidence of suicide in gay youth as well as ways to prevent it. How This Influenced My Thinking: I had no idea that the rates were so much higher than in heterosexuality. Credibility of Source: High. Therapist in San Francisco

5-Can Our Capacity for Moral Reasoning Be Strengthened? - 1 views

    Title: Can Our Capacity for Moral Reasoning Be Strengthened? Author: Daniel Jacobson Date Published: August 21, 2012 Why relevant/ summary: Looks at arguments about moral reasoning and acting solely on self interests.  How this influenced my thinking: It gave me a lot to think about in regards to how we go about in processing moral reasoning.  Credibility of source: Opinionated but credible resources used to formulate ideas
Lolo Miller

7-Piagets Stages of cognitive development - 0 views

    Title: Piagets stages of development Author: Roy Benaroch Date Published: 1012 Why relevant and summary: This artice reviews all four stages of piagets theory and elaborates on each one. it gives exampels of each stage and also the ages each stage happend Influenced my thinking: this gave me a better understanding of how children think at each particular agge of their development Credibility of Source: This page is written and reviewed by an MD and it also contains references for where the informayion is coming from. it all relates to out textbook as well.
Roxi91 Roxi91

7-Puberty - 0 views

    Title: Puberty and adolescence Author: Jennifer Mannheim Date Published: n.d. Why relevant and summary: This webpage discusses how both boys and girls reach puberty and what their physical changes are. They elaborate on how a girl start her menstrual cycle and why it is important for them not to engage in adult activities such as sex. How this influenced my thinking: this article further strengthened my knowledge on the subject. Credibility: this was from a government webpage.
Angie Magallon

6- Primary Physical Changes Associated with Puberty - 0 views

    title: Primary physical changes associated with puberty author: Angela Oswalt and Mark Dombec Date published:2010 why relevant and summary: This site is relevant because it gives the reader a lot of information on the changes that occur during puberty for males and females. It discusses the physical and primary sexual changes, emotional changes, and gives time frames for these changes. how this influenced my thinking:This influenced my thinking because I had forgotten that men go through spermarche which is similar to a woman's menarche, so men and woman both go through these sexual changes at about age 13 credibility of source:This source was credible, it was from a mental health website
    Title: Primary Physical Changes Associated with Puberty Author: Angela Oswalt Date published: Updated June 23, 2010 Why Relevant and Summary: This website gives a lot of information on the primary changes that adolescent goes through. It discusses emotional changes as well as sexual changes. How this influenced my thinking: It makes me look back and think about the changes that I went through. Credibility of Source: It seems credible it is a medical website and it was updated.
Amanda Perez

5. Your daughter and puberty... - 0 views

    Title: Puberty, Periods and Girls' Bodies Author: Avert Date Published: n.d Why Relevant: Talks about the puberty stages of a girl. What to expect emotionally, mentally and physically. Shows things you can use when you get your period and what to use for acne. How this influenced thinking: It doesn't because I already knew these things. But, it does help with my approach if I have a daughter. Credibility: Article has references as well.
    Title: Puberty, Periods and Girls' Bodies Author: Avert Date Published: n.d Why Relevant:Goes into great detail about puberty for females what to expect and the symptoms you can expect. If also gives many information about the female body. How this influenced thinking: Didn't influence my thinking, because these were all things that I have already learned but it did give me give me many ideas of how I might go about talking to my 2 daughters when they reach puberty. Credibility: This article has great logical information as well as references.
Loni Marcus

9-Talking About Sex and Puberty - Focus on the Family - 0 views

    Title:Talking about sex and puberty Author:No author Date Published:No date Why Relevant and Summary:It give a clear explanation of puberty in each gender and how to talk about the sensitive issues of sex talk in appropriate ways How This Influenced My Thinking:it makes the difficult talk seem easier and gives great examples of how to approach the topic Credibility of Source:  Although I don't seen an author, it somce from what looks like a credible website.
Denise Villa

7- Puberty - 0 views

    Title: Talking to Your Child About Puberty Author: no author Date Published: n.d Why Relevant and Summary: The article discusses when boys and girls start going through puberty and how to talk to your child and when you should start talking to your child about puberty. How This Influenced My Thinking: It helps by giving some good examples on how to make this talk easier Credibility of Source: Its seems very credible
    Title: Talking to your Child About Puberty Author: Steven Dowshen Date Published: October 2012 Why Relevant and Summary: This is relevant because the article talks about what changes with boys and girls as they enter puberty, and it helps the parents by guiding them on how to discuss these topics with their children. How This Influenced My Thinking: This article was a helpful guide. although I do not have children yet or younger siblings, I do have nieces and nephews so incase I ever need to have a talk to them about puberty and sex I will know how to approach them about the topic. Credibility of Source: It seems credible.
Taylor Robinson

7 - The Sex Atlas - 1 views

    Title: The Sex Atlas Author: Erwin Haeberle Date Published: 1983 Why Relevant and Summary: Still relevant, even though its old because puberty hans't changed. It talks all about primary and secondary characteristics of puberty as well as the cognitive side of it. How This Influenced My Thinking: It opened my eyes to more of the cognitive side of it because the physical side is kind of obvious to me! Credibility of Source: Seems legit! It's a published book...
Gabrielle Nguyen

6- Mothers and Daughters: How to Talk "The Talk" - 0 views

    Title: Mothers and Daughters: How to Talk "The Talk" Author:Catherine Kedjidjian Date Published: n.d. Why Relevant and Summary: In this article, I learned that the sex talk can help prevent a lot of things. Such as fear, awkwardness, and curiosity. Having the sex talk is well awkward, but it helps prevent unsafe sex, unplanned pregnancies, and well sex. Apparently, if a parent talks to their child about sex it decreases the number of partners they will have and it will keep abstinence a lot longer than others. For a girl, it is easier and less awkward to talk to your mother about sex than it is your father. I learned that it is never too early to have the sex talk with your child and that there are websites and centers that can help you ease into the sex talk without it being awkward. I read about how there are signs that indicate puberty is around the corner for girls and how a mother should have open communications with her daughter when it comes to puberty and sex. How This Influenced My Thinking: This article has broadened my knowledge of puberty and the sex talk very much. Credibility of Source: Credible.
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