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Emma Scott

Hass & Associates Online Reviews: FBI Investigates Possible Breach of JPMorgan - 1 views reported on 27th August, 2014 stating that FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) of America is investigating a breach of data in JPMorgan and may be in many other banks. According to Forbe...

Hass & Associates Online Reviews FBI Investigates Possible Breach of JPMorgan

started by Emma Scott on 05 Sep 14 no follow-up yet
Emma Scott liked it

Hass & Associates Online Reviews: The Naked Truth About Internet Security - 3 views

At ProgrammableWeb's API conference next week in London (Sept 24-26), my keynote session will identify patterns in some of the recent cybersecurity transgressions, what could have been done to stop...

The Naked Truth About Internet Security Hass & Associates Online Reviews

started by muirennshevaun on 19 Sep 14 no follow-up yet

All about Data Breaches - 0 views

All about Data Breaches, How They Happen and Their Impact

Cybercriminal Data Breaches Equifax Hack

started by hackercombat on 14 Feb 19 no follow-up yet
Calvin Wilkinson

Hass & Associates Online Reviews on Cybersecurity to Be a Core Part of M&A Deals - 1 views

    Data breaches can have a big effect on a merger's overall value. There appears to be a worrying level of complacency toward the assessment of cyber-risks during M&A deals, despite increasing awareness of the cybersecurity risks facing businesses. International law firm Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer found in a survey shared with Infosecurity that 90% of respondents believe cyber-breaches would result in a reduction in deal value; and 83% of dealmakers believe a deal could be abandoned if cybersecurity breaches are identified during deal due diligence or mid-transaction. Yet, too few tie-up architects are addressing the threat. A majority (78%) say that cybersecurity is not a risk that is currently analyzed in-depth or dealt with in deal due diligence. "It's surprising that dealmakers recognize the growing threat of cyber-attacks to businesses, but generally aren't addressing that risk during deals," said Chris Forsyth, co-head of the firm's international cybersecurity team. "You wouldn't dream of buying a chemicals plant without assessing environmental risk, so why would you buy a data-driven business without assessing the risks its faces around data management and cyber-security?" The firm said that the effect of a cyber-incident on value would work both ways - a business with a good track record and robust processes could be worth more than competitors, while a business with a bad track record could be worth less.
Lorenzo Blauch

Phishing Scam Ensnares Almost 2,000 Justice Department Staff - 2 views

OTTAWA - Many of the Justice Department's finest legal minds are falling prey to a garden-variety Internet scam. An internal survey shows almost 2,000 staff were conned into clicking on a phoney "...

Phishing Scam Ensnares Almost 2 000 Justice Department Staff

started by Lorenzo Blauch on 26 Jun 14 no follow-up yet
Emma Scott liked it
creselda cabal

Don't Get 'Spoofed' by Rogue Callers - 1 views

    Source: When caller ID first arrived on the scene it seemed like a godsend to many people: Now you could easily identify who was on the line and ignore unwanted calls, whether from telemarketers, an ex-boyfriend or an unfriendly collection agency. But as often happens, unscrupulous individuals soon began manipulating the technology to defraud people by pretending to be someone else. Their scheme is called "caller ID spoofing" and disturbingly, it's perfectly legal in many cases. Here's how caller ID spoofing works and what precautions you should take to avoid being victimized: For a very low cost, businesses and individuals can use widely available caller ID spoofing software to generate calls which alter the telephone number and/or name that appear on the recipient's caller ID screen. Police, private investigators and collection agencies have used legal spoofing services for many years. Others who might have a legitimate reason to hide their identity when making a call include domestic violence victims and doctors returning patient calls who don't wish to release their private telephone numbers. Beyond that, the lines of legality begin to blur. The Truth in Caller ID Act of 2009 prohibits anyone from transmitting misleading or inaccurate caller ID information with the intent to defraud, cause harm or wrongfully obtain anything of value. Violators can be penalized up to $10,000 for each infraction. Unfortunately, such penalties haven't dissuaded many scammers. One common caller ID scam involves spoofers pretending to represent a bank, government agency, insurer, credit card company or other organization with which you do business. They count on you being reassured after recognizing the company's name on your screen. Related Articles: Under the pretext of warning about an urgent situation (breached account, late payment,
Bruno Brown

Hass and Associates Cyber Security/ Security Holes - 0 views

  • Vulnerabilities The larger and more complex information systems are, the greater the possibility of error in logic and loopholes in algorithm. These are weak points that could enable hackers to breach a system and compromise the integrity of information stored. Programmers themselves who are not yet adept in writing software code can unknowingly misuse the code and lead to a vulnerability. A classic example of vulnerabilities that can be exploited is a weak password or its repeated use on various services or software. There are also websites containing malware that installs automatically once visited. Even legitimate software could be a venue for an exploit due to unknown errors (bugs) generated by the program. The end-user or the human element in information systems is arguably the weakest point that hackers easily utilize. 0-day exploits 0-hour or 0-day attack is the exploitation by outside parties of a security hole in a computer program which is unknown from its developers. The term comes from the premise that the attack unfolds on the "day 0, meaning no awareness as of yet from the developers so there is no opportunity and time to issue a fix for the threat. Zero-day exploits are usually shared among hackers even before the developer knew. Programmers could use the vulnerabilities via several avenues: on web browsers and email. Web browsers allow for a wider target. Meanwhile, using email, hackers can send a message that includes an executable file on the attachments, set to run once downloaded. Such 0-day threats are in the time frame where a security hole is exploited up to the time that the program developers issued a patch for it.
    Hass and Associates Cyber Security/ Security Holes

Hass and Associates Cyber Security Sound Business Advice: Seven tips to proactively pre... - 1 views

The personal battle of owner-operators against fraudsters For autonomous entrepreneurs, fraud is a truly ominous and pervading risk. Private businesses are very susceptible to the threat of fraud b...

Hass and Associates Cyber Security Sound Business Advice: Seven tips to proactively prevent fraud

started by lisacotto95 on 03 Jun 14 no follow-up yet

Insurers Take on Cyber Risk Market by Hass & Associates Online Reviews - 1 views

    (EurActiv) - Insurers are eagerly eyeing exponential growth in the tiny cyber coverage market. But their lack of experience and skills handling hackers and data breaches may keep their ambitions in check. High profile cases of hackers seizing sensitive customer data from companies, such as US retailer Target Corp or e-commerce company eBay Inc, have executives checking their insurance policies. Increasingly, corporate risk managers are seeing insurance against cyber crime as necessary budget spending rather than just nice to have. The insurance brokerage arm of Marsh & McLennan Companies estimates that the US cyber insurance market was worth $1 billion (€0.73bn) last year in gross written premiums, and could reach as much as $2 billion (€1.4bn) this year. The European market is currently a fraction of that, at around $150 million (€110mn), but is growing by 50 to 100% annually, according to Marsh. Those numbers represent a sliver of the overall insurance market, which is growing at a far more sluggish rate. Premiums are set to grow only 2.8% this year in inflation-adjusted terms, according to Munich Re, the world's biggest reinsurer.

Hass & Associates Online Reviews on the Evolution of Hacking - 1 views

Computer hacking was once the realm of curious teenagers. It's now the arena of government spies, professional thieves and soldiers of fortune. Today, it's all about the money. That's why Chinese ...

Hass & Associates Online Reviews The Evolution of Hacking

started by genuisman on 25 Mar 15 no follow-up yet

Hass and Associates Cyber Security: Botnets inflate Twitch viewership - 1 views

With the boom in online streaming these days, it's only expected that people will get creative and game the system to earn more money. In the case of streaming site Twitch - known for its community...

Hass Associates Cyber Security

started by conroeleah on 31 Mar 15 no follow-up yet
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