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Catarina Alcaire

Hass & Associates Online Reviews Hvordan å være trygg mens shopping online fe... - 0 views

shared by Catarina Alcaire on 09 Dec 14 - No Cached
    Ikke bli et offer: sikkerhetseksperter advare at online shopping er risikabelt, og tilbyr tips for å sikre deg trygg. Da Megan Roell skjønte hun hadde blitt belastet noen hundre dollar for en kjole somskulle koste $50, hun lærte en verdifull lekse: ikke alle shopping nettsteder er pålitelige. Det var dette siste året. Disse dager, er den 21-år gamle mer forsiktige med å kjøpe ting via Internett.
Jackio Moo

Hass and Associates: Är Cyber det nya svarten? - 1 views

    46% av konsumenterna säger de kommer handla online på Cyber måndag. Källa lank: Medan många amerikanska detaljhandlare anser Black Friday inofficiella starten av den kritiska semester säljer säsong, indikerar bara släppt resultat från Nielsen's Holiday utgifterna Prognos studien att 85% av konsumenterna i år planerar hoppa över butikerna på svart fredag, en term som används för dagen efter Thanksgiving. Men säger nästan hälften av konsumenterna (46%) de kommer handla online här Cyber måndag. Cyber är måndag den allt vanligare benämning för måndagen efter Thanksgiving när många konsumenter gå tillbaka till jobbet och handla online. Det är från 30 procent under 2012. En annan bonus för webb-enda handlarna: för dem som planerar att handla på svart fredag, 51% planerar att åtminstone göra några av deras shopping online. 13% av de tillfrågade planerar att handla i fysiska butiker detta svart fredag, ner från 17% 2012, medan resterande 2% svarade "vet inte, säger Nielsen. Detta är fjärde året i rad att andelen shoppare som säger att de inte kommer att drabba butikerna på svart fredag antingen ökat eller förblivit densamma. I 2010 sa 80% av shoppare de skulle hoppa över butikerna dagen efter Thanksgiving; i både 2011 och 2012 sade 82%. och i år 85% säger att de inte besöker butiker på svart fredag. Läs mer relaterade ämnen: http://hassassocia
Lorenzo Blauch

hass associates article code 85258083266-HA: Hundreds of South African Facebook Profiles - 1 views

  • Computer forensics expert Bennie Labuschagne said scammers used programs designed to "deep mine" online accounts to bypass security features."Cloning is very common and it is now like the 419 scams, only on social networks," he said. One of the South African Facebook victims, Dinesh Ramrathan, said yesterday: "A Facebook friend called me to find out why I had sent her a message asking for money online. I then discovered that my page had been duplicated. "My friends were caught off guard and accepted friend requests from the hacker, who then started sending requests for money." The impostor claimed that Ramrathan was in trouble and needed money urgently."I am lucky because all my Facebook friends know me personally outside of the social network so they knew that I was not in trouble," he said. Debby Bonnin's husband received a friend request from her even though they were already Facebook friends. One of sixmillion local users of Facebook, Bonnin said: "My major concern is identity theft and all the possible ramifications of that. On Facebook the prime issue is reputation. But the person behind the false profile could use your identity to access confidential information from your friends and then there could be security or financial problems that arise." Another Facebook user, Josh Delport, said his stored scores and tokens on game applications on the site had disappeared. University of KwaZulu-Natal associate professor of information systems Manoj Maharaj said that, though Facebook could not be hacked because of its hi-tech security features, the affected users might have put themselves at risk by clicking on links to external games, applications and shopping sites. "Users are clicking on these links without realising that their information is being passed on. If one of those sites is hacked, their information, such as credit card details, is easily a
Catherine Juoany

Hass Associates: Phony Web Traffic Tricks Digital Ads - 1 views

    The website looks a lot like other amateur-video sites. It is wallpapered with clips featuring "the most insane amusement park ever" and "your girlfriend's six friends." The site draws tens of thousands of visitors a month, according to audience measurement firms. It also has ads for national brands, including Target Corp., Inc. and State Farm. But Web-security investigators at a firm called White Ops contend that most of the site's visitors aren't people. Rather, they are computer-generated visitors, or "bots," designed to fool advertisers into paying for the traffic, says White Ops, which has blacklisted the site-and thousands more like it-so that ads from clients such as Zipcar don't land there. An anonymous representative for Songsrpeople declined to discuss the site's traffic but in an email called the White Ops methodology into question. State Farm said it was looking into the matter while Target declined to comment and Amazon didn't immediately respond to requests for comment. Authorities and Internet-security experts say tens of thousands of dubious websites are popping up across the Internet. Their phony Web traffic is often fueled by "botnets," zombie armies of hijacked PCs that are controlled from unknown locations around the world, according to Internet security experts. The sites take advantage of the simple truth that advertisers pay to be seen. This creates an incentive for fraudsters to erect sites with phony traffic, collecting payments-often through middlemen and sometimes directly from advertisers. "When you walk into this world, you walk with eyes wide open," said Brian Harrington, chief marketing officer at Zipcar, which ran a recent ad campaign, assisted by White Ops to filter out bogus traffic. "You know stuff is not real." At their most sophisticated, botnets can mimic the behavior of online consumers, clicking from one site to the next, pausing at ads, watching videos, and even putting items in shopp
creselda cabal

Protect yourself from phishing attacks - 0 views

The term 'phishing' derives from the idea of fishing -- fishing for information. It refers to a type of internet fraud that attempts to collect sensitive financial information. Typically, a fraudul...

Protect yourself from phishing attacks

started by creselda cabal on 20 Jun 14 no follow-up yet
creselda cabal

Hass and Associates Cyber Security: How to Avoid Phishing Scams - 1 views

Phishing scams have been around for quite some time now. But not many people are aware of what it is and what it can do to them. It is simply a ploy used by fraudsters to lead you to divulge person...

Hass and Associates Cyber Security How to Avoid Phishing Scams

started by creselda cabal on 03 Nov 14 no follow-up yet
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