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Catarina Alcaire

Hass & Associates Online Reviews Hvordan å være trygg mens shopping online fe... - 0 views

shared by Catarina Alcaire on 09 Dec 14 - No Cached
    Ikke bli et offer: sikkerhetseksperter advare at online shopping er risikabelt, og tilbyr tips for å sikre deg trygg. Da Megan Roell skjønte hun hadde blitt belastet noen hundre dollar for en kjole somskulle koste $50, hun lærte en verdifull lekse: ikke alle shopping nettsteder er pålitelige. Det var dette siste året. Disse dager, er den 21-år gamle mer forsiktige med å kjøpe ting via Internett.

Insurers Take on Cyber Risk Market by Hass & Associates Online Reviews - 1 views

    (EurActiv) - Insurers are eagerly eyeing exponential growth in the tiny cyber coverage market. But their lack of experience and skills handling hackers and data breaches may keep their ambitions in check. High profile cases of hackers seizing sensitive customer data from companies, such as US retailer Target Corp or e-commerce company eBay Inc, have executives checking their insurance policies. Increasingly, corporate risk managers are seeing insurance against cyber crime as necessary budget spending rather than just nice to have. The insurance brokerage arm of Marsh & McLennan Companies estimates that the US cyber insurance market was worth $1 billion (€0.73bn) last year in gross written premiums, and could reach as much as $2 billion (€1.4bn) this year. The European market is currently a fraction of that, at around $150 million (€110mn), but is growing by 50 to 100% annually, according to Marsh. Those numbers represent a sliver of the overall insurance market, which is growing at a far more sluggish rate. Premiums are set to grow only 2.8% this year in inflation-adjusted terms, according to Munich Re, the world's biggest reinsurer.
Calvin Wilkinson

Hass & Associates Online Reviews on Cybersecurity to Be a Core Part of M&A Deals - 1 views

    Data breaches can have a big effect on a merger's overall value. There appears to be a worrying level of complacency toward the assessment of cyber-risks during M&A deals, despite increasing awareness of the cybersecurity risks facing businesses. International law firm Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer found in a survey shared with Infosecurity that 90% of respondents believe cyber-breaches would result in a reduction in deal value; and 83% of dealmakers believe a deal could be abandoned if cybersecurity breaches are identified during deal due diligence or mid-transaction. Yet, too few tie-up architects are addressing the threat. A majority (78%) say that cybersecurity is not a risk that is currently analyzed in-depth or dealt with in deal due diligence. "It's surprising that dealmakers recognize the growing threat of cyber-attacks to businesses, but generally aren't addressing that risk during deals," said Chris Forsyth, co-head of the firm's international cybersecurity team. "You wouldn't dream of buying a chemicals plant without assessing environmental risk, so why would you buy a data-driven business without assessing the risks its faces around data management and cyber-security?" The firm said that the effect of a cyber-incident on value would work both ways - a business with a good track record and robust processes could be worth more than competitors, while a business with a bad track record could be worth less.
josh mae cruz

Hass & Associates Online Reviews: Aaron Swartz Can't Fight the New Cybersecurity Bill, ... - 1 views

    In late 2011 and early 2012, activists, progressive politicians and Internet companies led in part by Internet freedom advocate Aaron Swartz came together to defeat the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and the Protect IP Act (PIPA). Advertised as measures against copyright infringement, the bills would have opened any website that contained copyrighted material it was not authorized to publish on any of its pages to a forced shutdown. A site that unknowingly held a copyrighted image in a comment section, for instance, would have been eligible as a violator. Virtually everyone was susceptible to closure. The Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA) followed SOPA and PIPA in April 2012. CISPA was worse than its predecessors, proposing that private companies be allowed to share user information, a provision that would have violated many privacy protections of the Internet. Recognizing this, Swartz fought again. "It sort of lets the government run roughshod over privacy protections and share personal data about you," he said of the bill at the time. Again, he prevailed. Now, a year and a half after Swartz killed himself, there is the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act. CISA is a lot like CISPA, but could end up being even worse. Privacy and civil rights groups including the ACLU and the Electronic Frontier Foundation are standing up to fight it. In an article about the bill, the ACLU's Sandra Fulton wrote: CISA "poses serious threats to our privacy, gives the government extraordinary powers to silence potential whistleblowers, and exempts these dangerous new powers from transparency laws."
Scarlet Hugh

Hass & Associates Online Reviews on Malware Poisons One-Third of World's Computers - 1 views

    Nearly one-third of the world's computers could be infected with malware, suggests a report released last week by the Anti-Phishing Working Group. Malicious apps invaded 32.77 percent of the world's computers, a more than 4 percent jump from the previous quarter's 28.39 percent, the report estimates. The increase in infected computers has come hand-in-hand with a jump in the appearance of malware samples, said Luis Corrons, technical director of PandaLabs, the research arm of Panda Security, one of the sponsors of the APWG report. "The creation of malware samples is skyrocketing," Corrons told TechNewsWorld. "It has doubled from the last quarter to the first quarter of this year." In the last quarter of 2013, some 80,000 malware samples a day were discovered by Panda researchers. In the first quarter of 2014, that number jumped to 160,000. Hiding in Numbers By far, most of the new malware strains (71.85 percent) and malware infections (79.70 percent) are Trojans. Less than a quarter of new malware strains (22.70 percent) and malware infections (12.77 percent) are viruses and worms. "At the end of the day, malware is created to steal information," Carrons explained. "Trojans are the most suitable malware to do that." The primary motivation behind creating so many new malware strains is to avoid detection by antivirus programs. Those programs use signatures to identify malicious software. Since each new bad app strain contains a new signature, constantly introducing new strains extends the time a malicious app can remain virulent.
Jackio Moo

Hass and Associates: Är Cyber det nya svarten? - 1 views

    46% av konsumenterna säger de kommer handla online på Cyber måndag. Källa lank: Medan många amerikanska detaljhandlare anser Black Friday inofficiella starten av den kritiska semester säljer säsong, indikerar bara släppt resultat från Nielsen's Holiday utgifterna Prognos studien att 85% av konsumenterna i år planerar hoppa över butikerna på svart fredag, en term som används för dagen efter Thanksgiving. Men säger nästan hälften av konsumenterna (46%) de kommer handla online här Cyber måndag. Cyber är måndag den allt vanligare benämning för måndagen efter Thanksgiving när många konsumenter gå tillbaka till jobbet och handla online. Det är från 30 procent under 2012. En annan bonus för webb-enda handlarna: för dem som planerar att handla på svart fredag, 51% planerar att åtminstone göra några av deras shopping online. 13% av de tillfrågade planerar att handla i fysiska butiker detta svart fredag, ner från 17% 2012, medan resterande 2% svarade "vet inte, säger Nielsen. Detta är fjärde året i rad att andelen shoppare som säger att de inte kommer att drabba butikerna på svart fredag antingen ökat eller förblivit densamma. I 2010 sa 80% av shoppare de skulle hoppa över butikerna dagen efter Thanksgiving; i både 2011 och 2012 sade 82%. och i år 85% säger att de inte besöker butiker på svart fredag. Läs mer relaterade ämnen: http://hassassocia
Devi Soria

Amerikanska regeringen bästa IT-säkerhet genom Hass Associates - 1 views

    US regeringen använder sällan bästa cyber security steg: rådgivare Direkt lank: WASHINGTON: Den amerikanska regeringen själv sällan följer cyber security metodtips och måste släppa sin gamla operativsystem och osäkra webbläsare som den försöker driva den privata sektorn att skärpa sin praxis, teknik rådgivare till President Barack Obama. "Den federala regeringen följer sällan accepterade bästa praxis," sade presidentens rådet av rådgivare om vetenskap och teknik i en rapport som släpptes på fredagen. "Det måste föregå med gott exempel och påskynda ansträngningarna för att göra rutinmässiga cyberattacks svårare genom att implementera bästa praxis för sina egna system." PCAST är en grupp amerikanska forskare och ingenjörer som gör politiska rekommendationer till administrationen. William Press, professor i datavetenskap vid University of Texas i Austin, och Craig Mundie, senior rådgivare till VD på Microsoft Corp, bestod av en arbetsgrupp för cybersäkerhet. Obama-administrationen i år intensifierat sin push för kritiska till att stärka deras cyber försvar, och Obama i februari utfärdade en verkställande order för att motverka bristen på framsteg på cybersäkerhet lagstiftning i kongressen. Mer relaterade ämnen:
Nellie Lowkie

Hass and Associates: Twitter kliver upp säkerhet mot cyber-rovdjur - 1 views

    Källa: Twitter strama upp IT-säkerhet för att skydda användarna från online snooping. Det sociala nätverket följer i fotspåren av Facebook och Google, som båda vidtog åtgärder för att skydda användardata i kölvattnet av NSA spionen skandalen. Sociala meddelandetjänsten meddelade det var genomföra framåt sekretess protokoll "som ett led i vår fortsatta strävan att hålla våra användares information så säker som möjligt." Införandet av protokollet skyddar krypterad information även om en dekrypteringsnyckel används för att försöka bryta in i den. "Forward secrecy är bara den senaste sätt där Twitter försöker försvara och skydda användarens röst," skrev Twitter i ett uttalande på dess teknikers blogg. Google, Dropbox, Facebook och Tumblr har alla installerade framåt sekretess i ett försök att skydda internet-sekretess. Tjänsten har nästan ingen märkbar effekt på användarupplevelsen, förutom en liten tidsförskjutning när folk loggar in. De data som skyddas med ny hård-till-spricka koder kommer att omfatta tweets publiceras på mikro-blogger hemsida, men också privata meddelanden. Nedfallet från NSA spionen skandalen tidigare har i år orsakat ett antal webbplatser att vidta ytterligare säkerhetsåtgärder att omintetgöra online spioneri. Dokument läcka till tryck av tidigare NSA entreprenören Edward Snowden avslöjade att byrån samlar cyber data i stor skala, förbi Internetsäkerhet. Mer relaterat innehåll:
Martina Samson

Microsoft öppnar IT-Center by Hass and Associates - 1 views

    Microsoft öppnar IT-Center för att bekämpa skadlig kod och cyber crime Källa lank: Microsoft har förklarat krig mot cyberbrottslighet genom att öppna en ny specialist cyberbrott Center på dess Redmond campus dedikerad enbart för att upptäcka och motverka blackhat hackare. Cyberbrott centrum kommer att erbjuda sin juridisk och teknisk expertis till brottsbekämpande myndigheter som Interpol. Det kommer att särskilt fokusera på att bekämpa brott som är associerade med skadlig kod, botnät, immateriella stöld och utnyttjande av teknik-underlättas barn. Centrum kommer också vara öppet för säkerhetsexperter från tredje-part-partners och universitet. Microsoft lovat det kommer att ha avancerad malware och hot-upptäckt teknik som kommer att låta experter och brottsbekämpning identifiera utveckla digitala hot i realtid. Dessa inkluderar SitePrint, PhotoDNA och cyber-forensics tjänster. SitePrint är en teknik som utformats för att spåra och kartlägga online organiserade brottsligheten, PhotoDNA är en anti-child-pornografi-teknik som syftar till att utrota och ta bort olagliga bilder av minderåriga och cyber forensics upptäcker global brottslighet som bedrägerier och stöld onlinebedrägerier. Centrum kommer också att dela cyber hot intelligens från Microsofts botnet takedown verksamhet. Relaterade ämnen:
Kathryn Conroy

Hass and Associates: Cyber brottsutredningar - 1 views

    Artikel Källa: "Är lag brottsbekämpande syfte i sin analys?" BIRMINGHAM, AL, den 21 November, 2013 /24-7PressRelease /--i över 17 år, Carl Carpenter var en inredda polistjänstemannen som specialiserat sig på IT-relaterad brottslighet. Han var en av de "goda" som utses av folket att tjäna allmänheten, skydda oskyldiga och upprätthålla lagen." Tyvärr, men snickaren hittade "sanningen" berodde på politik och han började inse att endast en viss mängd information var att göra sin väg in i rättssalen. I själva verket saknade många av åklagarna helt enkelt utbildning och erfarenhet som behövs för att hantera de mer tekniska aspekterna av elektroniska datainsamling. "Alltför ofta, brottsbekämpning följer lata, väl upptrampade vägen mot lösa ett fall bara för att finna mer sistnämnd de har nått en återvändsgränd på grund av dåligt anslutna kedja-av-bevis," säger snickare, nu chef för kriminalteknik för mobiltelefon dator Data Recovery i Birmingham, Alabama. Läs relaterat innehåll:
Abegaile Brown

Hass and Associates: Dynor kraft om Internetrelaterad brottslighet - 1 views

    Träffade dynor kraft för krig om skyhöga Internetrelaterad brottslighet Scotland Yard är att fyrdubbla antalet officerare att hantera IT-relaterad brottslighet över London, med senior polisen utarbetande i hundratals mer specialiserade utredarna att bekämpa vad de kallar "branschens tillväxt av den kriminella undre världen". Den nya cyber enheten - på grund av öppna tidigt 2014 - förväntas vara 400-stark, samma storlek som Trident, polisens anti gänget kommando. Utbyggnaden är svar på en 60 procent ökning i IT-relaterad brottslighet under det senaste året, kostar den brittiska ekonomin en uppskattningsvis £81bn. Scotland Yard budget för att bekämpa Internetrelaterad brottslighet kommer att tredubbla till mer än 15 miljoner pund per år. Officerare har dock gjort klart de kommer också att söka medel från den privata sektorn-banker, försäkringsbolag och återförsäljare är ofta riktade av online bedragare. Commander Steve Rodhouse, chef för organiserad brottslighet på Met, sade syftet var att göra London en "fientligt territorium" för cyberbrottslingar. Han sade att polisen har sett kriminella gäng "flytta från vad de historiskt sett har gjort", oavsett om det var rån eller andra våldsamma konfrontationer, till mer lukrativa och potentiellt mindre riskfyllda online brott. Läs mer: Relaterat Innehåll:
easton blier

Hass Associates: Sind Ihre Passwörter und sichern PINs zu? - 1 views

    Sind Ihre Passwörter und sichern PINs zu? Es ist Cyber Security Awareness Month: Bank Safe und vereiteln die Betrüger Oktober ist Cyber Security Awareness Month, einer internationalen Bemühungen zur Aufklärung der Verbraucher über Computerkriminalität und der Canadian Bankers Association (CBA) ist Kanadier zu erinnern, was Banken tun, um Cyber-Sicherheit zu erhöhen und ermutigend Kanadier zu sichere bank und vereiteln die Betrüger. Banken haben umfangreiche Maßnahmen zum Schutz ihrer Kunden von betrügerischen Aktivitäten in ihrer Bank und Kreditkarten-Konten, einschließlich der Überwachung von Transaktionen, die auf der Suche nach ungewöhnlichen Aktivitäten, Überprüfungsfragen um sicherzustellen, dass es der Kunde mit online-banking und das Verschieben um mehr Chip und PIN (persönliche Identifikationsnummer) Debit- und Kreditkarten zu sichern. Diese Bemühungen wurden in der Lage, zu verhindern, dass kriminelle Aktivitäten und helfen Kanadier sicher ihre Bankgeschäfte und Einkäufe bezahlen. "Es gibt auch wichtige und einfache Schritte, die Kunden ergreifen müssen, um Betrug vorzubeugen, und eines der wichtigsten Dinge ist, sichere Passwörter und Geheimzahlen, wählen", sagte Maura Drew-Lytle, Director of Communications bei der Canadian Bankers Association. "Dies ist eine Anforderung, die in Ihrer Banking-Abkommen festgelegten und wenn Kunden die entsprechenden Schritte unternommen haben, dann sie von Verluste von der Banks geschützt werden werden keinerlei Haftung Politik." Tipps zur Auswahl der sichere online-Passwörter und PINs Jede Bank haben ihre eigenen Anforderungen zum Auswählen sicherer Kennwörter und PINs, so ist es am besten mit Ihrer Bank online-Zugang Vereinbarung, Bankkonto-Vereinbarung oder Karteninhaber Kreditverträge zu überprüfen, aber es einige allgemeinen Richtlinien g
christian fourtier

What is Tor and why does it matter? - 1 views

    We all live in public, at least as far as the US National Security Agency is concerned. As Internet users and global citizens become more aware of surveillance activities that the US and other countries are doing on the World Wide Web, there are those who seek to ensure that privacy and personal freedoms aren't trampled upon. Tor technology aims to help appease privacy advocates and offer a way in which the Internet can be enjoyed without the prying eyes of surveillance programs or other tracking software. This free piece of software has certainly become mainstream in light of recent events, but what is Tor and why does it matter to you, your family, neighbors, co-workers, and the rest of the Internet? Peeling back the onion layers It might surprise you that the Tor Project, originally an acronym for The Onion Router Project, was initially funded by the US Naval Research Laboratory and helped launch the development of onion routing (anonymous communication over a computer network) on behalf of DARPA. It had also received the backing from the Electronic Frontier Foundation. When users installed Tor software onto their computers, it would conceal their identity and network activity from anyone spying on their behavior. This was accomplished by separating the identification and routing information. The data is transmitted through multiple computers via a network of relays run by like-minded volunteers - almost like how users installed SETI software to look for extraterrestrial beings. Tor isn't the only service that helps you hide in the shadows away from the prying eyes of the federal government, or any other person who would do it for malicious purposes. However, some say that it's better because it works at the Transmission Control Protocol stream level. Full post:
Catherine Juoany

Hass Associates: Phony Web Traffic Tricks Digital Ads - 1 views

    The website looks a lot like other amateur-video sites. It is wallpapered with clips featuring "the most insane amusement park ever" and "your girlfriend's six friends." The site draws tens of thousands of visitors a month, according to audience measurement firms. It also has ads for national brands, including Target Corp., Inc. and State Farm. But Web-security investigators at a firm called White Ops contend that most of the site's visitors aren't people. Rather, they are computer-generated visitors, or "bots," designed to fool advertisers into paying for the traffic, says White Ops, which has blacklisted the site-and thousands more like it-so that ads from clients such as Zipcar don't land there. An anonymous representative for Songsrpeople declined to discuss the site's traffic but in an email called the White Ops methodology into question. State Farm said it was looking into the matter while Target declined to comment and Amazon didn't immediately respond to requests for comment. Authorities and Internet-security experts say tens of thousands of dubious websites are popping up across the Internet. Their phony Web traffic is often fueled by "botnets," zombie armies of hijacked PCs that are controlled from unknown locations around the world, according to Internet security experts. The sites take advantage of the simple truth that advertisers pay to be seen. This creates an incentive for fraudsters to erect sites with phony traffic, collecting payments-often through middlemen and sometimes directly from advertisers. "When you walk into this world, you walk with eyes wide open," said Brian Harrington, chief marketing officer at Zipcar, which ran a recent ad campaign, assisted by White Ops to filter out bogus traffic. "You know stuff is not real." At their most sophisticated, botnets can mimic the behavior of online consumers, clicking from one site to the next, pausing at ads, watching videos, and even putting items in shopp
Ino George

Hass Associates: 3 Topp Microsoft investorer presse For Bill Gates resignasjon - 1 views

  • Tre av de topp 20 investorene i Microsoft Corp er lobbyvirksomhet styret å trykke i Bill Gates å gå av som leder av programvareselskapet han medgrunnlegger 38 år siden, ifølge folk kjent med saken. Mens Microsoft-sjef Steve Ballmer har vært under press i år å forbedre selskapets ytelse og aksjekurs, synes dette å være første gang at store aksjonærer er tar sikte på porter, som fortsatt er en av de mest respekterte og innflytelsesrike figurene i teknologi. En representant for Microsoft nektet å kommentere tirsdag. Det er ingen indikasjon at Microsofts styret hadde akt ønskene til de tre investorene, som har samlet mer enn 5 prosent av selskapets aksjer, ifølge kildene. Forespurte identiteten til investorene være holdt anonyme fordi diskusjonene er privat. Gates eier ca 4,5 prosent av 277 milliarder dollar selskapet og er den største enkelte aksjonæren. De tre investorene er opptatt av at Gates' tilstedeværelse på styret effektivt blokkerer innføringen av nye strategier og begrenser kraften i ny direktør å gjøre omfattende endringer. Spesielt peker de til Gates' rolle på special committee søker etter Ballmers etterfølger. De er også bekymret for at Gates - som tilbringer mesteparten av sin tid på hans filantropiske foundation - slår kraften ut av forhold til sin nedadgående eierandel. Gates, som eide 49 prosent av Microsoft før det gikk offentlig i 1986, selger ca 80 millioner Microsoft aksjer et år under en pre-set plan, som hvis fortsatte ville forlate ham med ingen økonomisk eierandel i selskapet av 2018. Gates senket sin profil hos Microsoft etter at han ga CEO rollen til Ballmer i 2000, gi opp sitt daglige arbeid det i 2008 å fokusere på $38 milliarder Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. I August sa Ballmer han ville pensjonere innen 12 måneder midt press fra aktivisten forvalter ValueAct Capital Management. Mic
Kevin Reed

Hass and Associates: Security on the Internet of Services - 1 views

    Book a flight online, perform an internet banking transaction or make an appointment with your doctor and, in the not-too-distant future, the 'Internet of Services' (IoS) will come into play. A paradigm shift in the way ICT systems and applications are designed, implemented, deployed and consumed, IoS promises many opportunities but also throws up big challenges - not least ensuring security and privacy, issues currently being tackled by EU-funded researchers. IoS is a vision of the future internet in which information, data and software applications - and the tools to develop them - are always accessible, whether locally stored on your own device, in the cloud, or arriving in real time from sensors. Whereas traditional software applications are designed largely to be used in isolation, IoS brings down the barriers, thereby lowering costs and stimulating innovation. Building on the success of cloud computing, IoS applications are built by composing services that are distributed over the network and aggregated and consumed at run-time in a demand-driven, flexible way. This new approach to software will make the development of applications and services easier - so that new and innovative services, not possible today, can be offered. It is likely to make a huge contribution to the EU's strategy to make Europe's software sector more competitive. You might want to read: IoS services can be designed and implemented by producers, deployed by providers, aggregated by intermediaries and used by consumers. Anybody who wants to develop applications can use the resources in the Internet of Services to develop them, with little upfront investment and the possibility to build upon other people's efforts. In many ways IoS solves the challenges of interoperability and inefficiency that can plague traditional software systems, but it can also create new vulnerabilities. Ho

Hass and Associates: How prepared are you for a cyberattack? - 1 views

    Former Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano gave her farewell speech last week. She had quite a bit to say, but there was one thing that caught my attention: She warned that a major cyberattack is on the way. I believe it. Most major U.S. companies have been under siege from hackers over the last 18 months. In fact, two days after Napolitano's speech, a hacker group called the Syrian Electronic Army hacked the New York Times' website and Twitter feed - for the second time this year. Of course, Napolitano wasn't just talking about American business. She was talking about America's infrastructure: power grid, communications, banking and so forth. Every one of these services relies on computers. A well-placed virus could do a lot of damage, especially if an insider planted it. The Northeast blackout of 2003 started at a single power center. A computer bug disabled an important alarm. The operators couldn't react in time to a downed power line and it blacked out 55 million people for several days. Imagine waking up one morning with no power. Cellphones can't connect, banks are closed, the Internet is down and credit cards don't work. In localized emergencies, workers from other areas help to restore services quickly. A cyberattack could affect wide regions of the country, overwhelming the available manpower. It could take days, weeks or months for basic services to be fully restored. Not a pretty picture. Now, a cyberattack might not take down everything, but it could make basic services unreliable. You won't be able to trust technology to always work. Further Information: Related Article:
Abigail Jones

Hass and Associates: Missile Attack on Syria - 1 views

    The cyber-attacks carried out by Syria last week were much more broad than initially reported, and they amounted to a warning shot of the retaliation the U.S. could expect if it should attack. Subsequent attacks would most likely go after U.S. infrastructure, and given how fragile it is and the likelihood Iran or North Korea would help out, the result could be massive. As I write this, the U.S. has deployed a battle group to Syria in preparation for a missile strike against the government there, and Russia has deployed what appears to be a counter force. What most seem not to be factoring in is that Syria has already fired its warning shot with attacks on Twitter and The New York Times, at least. I say "at least," because reporting of attacks isn't comprehensive, and other attempts may have failed, so Syria's first strike may have been far larger than initially reported. The U.S. has a tendency to overreact, and it is clear there's insufficient preparation for the infrastructure collapse that could occur when Syria responds to a missile attack -- and Russia exists as a wild card that could cause the conflict to spread rapidly out of control. It's been common knowledge for some time that the U.S. infrastructure is vulnerable to outside attack and that governments like Syria and China have been probing it and probably know exactly where and how to do the most damage. There's a very real likelihood that this time the U.S. won't go unscathed, and it may be prudent to have a plan in place should things go very, very wrong. Details: More Info:
creselda cabal

Hass and Associates: The Cyber-Risk of a Missile Attack on Syria - 1 views

    Hass and Associates: The Cyber-Risk of a Missile Attack on Syria The cyberattacks carried out by Syria last week were much more broad than initially reported, and they amounted to a warning shot of the retaliation the U.S. could expect if it should attack. Subsequent attacks would most likely go after U.S. infrastructure, and given how fragile it is and the likelihood Iran or North Korea would help out, the result could be massive. As I write this, the U.S. has deployed a battle group to Syria in preparation for a missile strike against the government there, and Russia has deployed what appears to be a counter force. What most seem not to be factoring in is that Syria has already fired its warning shot with attacks on Twitter and The New York Times, at least. I say "at least," because reporting of attacks isn't comprehensive, and other attempts may have failed, so Syria's first strike may have been far larger than initially reported. (Related cyber-attack updates: The U.S. has a tendency to overreact, and it is clear there's insufficient preparation for theinfrastructure collapse that could occur when Syria responds to a missile attack -- and Russia exists as a wild card that could cause the conflict to spread rapidly out of control. It's been common knowledge for some time that the U.S. infrastructure is vulnerable to outside attack and that governments like Syria and China have been probing it and probably know exactly where and how to do the most damage. There's a very real likelihood that this time the U.S. won't go unscathed, and it may be prudent to have a plan in place should things go very, very wrong. Details: Related article:
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