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Gaby K. Slezák

Emergeny Management Online Course (with Second Life scenario) - 0 views

    Second Life has been used as a cost-effective way to create a real-life emergency scenario (instead of costly video footage or custom 3D animation)
    SL is only used to create a scenario: "Our emergency management course utilizes virtual reality scenarios that immerse professionals into real-life experiences, thus enhancing their learning experience," said Dave Livingston, chief technology officer of Brainband Technology Services. "Second Life offers a cost-effective way to present instructional scenarios rather than trying to create them through traditional movie making, custom animation or 3-D gaming."
Janette Eade

Learn 4 Life » Educators in Virtual Worlds on Open Sim - the pioneers… - 1 views

    This series of posts is intended to be a comprehensive look at the use and development of Virtual Worlds on Open Source technologies in Schools
Gaby K. Slezák

NoviCraft - Teambuilding in a virtual world - 3 views

    NoviCraft has been developed through academic research on leadership, social interaction, collaborative learning, and management. Based on the Unreal engine.
    NoviCraft is a teambuilding and leadership solution, which guarantees immersive and emotional attachment for the learning event. NoviCraft is based on off-the-shelf multiplayer 3D game technology. It is an excellent awareness application for trainers, HRD specialists and consultants for assessing, building, and developing leaders, teams and team work in modern organisations.
Janette Eade

mquncon09 / FrontPage - 0 views

    The MQUncon 09 is a FREE event for educators to connect and share ideas and solutions around using educational technology in learning and teaching. It is being hosted by Macquarie University and the Islands of jokaydia in Second Life.
Gaby K. Slezák

The SLENZ Update - Second Life Education in New Zealand - 0 views

    No 83, May 16, 2009 « It's all a question of "presence". an issue which is hotly debated by educators in Second Life and other virtual worlds and which is seen as the key to virtual world learning success, when compared with other on-line technologies.
Dianne Rees

3 Barriers to adoption of Serious Games/Immersive Learning Simulations | Kapp Notes - 0 views

  • First, it is important to understand that a game/simulation is not educational just because it is a game/simulation. Instead, a game/simulation is an effective educational tool primarily because of the high level of interactivity and instant feedback. Well designed games/simulations engage the learner in a constant decision making process. The learner is forced to interact and think through the content and then witnesses immediate or near immediate feedback based on his or her actions. So the most critical aspect is not the technology (which is the focus of many when thinking about games/simulations) rather the most critical aspect is the design. The design must be interactive and provide realistic or corrective feedback as the learner progresses and the game/simulation must maintain a balance between anxiety and boredom which is known as the elusive “flow state.”
Gaby K. Slezák

Discovering SUN Wonderland - 0 views

    Great stepby-step introduction to Sun's Project Wonderland, the Java based shared 3D virtual environment for collaboration and education. Start right off.
    Introduction to Sun's Project Wonderland, the Java based shared 3D virtual environment for collaboration and education. Start right off
Gaby K. Slezák

Researchers Find New Way Of Measuring 'Reality' Of Virtual Worlds - 0 views

  • "This is an important issue," Montoya says, "because we believe that if users feel they are 'present' in the virtual world, they will collaborate better with other members of their team – and the more effective the virtual world will be as a setting for research and development or other collaborative enterprises." In addition, Montoya explains "an increased sense of presence in the virtual world leads to better comprehension and retention of information if the technology is being used for training purposes, and trainees are happier with the process." Montoya is the Zelnak Professor of Marketing and Innovation at NC State. The measurement scale developed by the researchers for the virtual world is called Perceived Virtual Presence (PVP), and factors in how users interact with the virtual environment, with their work in that environment, and with other users. "Now that we have developed the PVP scale," Montoya says, "it can be used to determine what PVP levels are most conducive to training, collaboration or other applications." Effectively, the PVP scale can be used to design a virtual environment that has the degree of reality that will best cater to a company's specific needs.
    The measurement scale developed by the researchers for the virtual world is called Perceived Virtual Presence (PVP), and factors in how users interact with the virtual environment, with their work in that environment, and with other users.
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