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Katy L

James Paul Gee - Handheld Learning 2009 - 7 views

    Video of Professor James Paul Gee discussing the importance of situated learning, where images, actions, dialogues and experiences immerse you in this. Where you can marry words to worlds whereas verbal understanding in traditional education is worthless (to understand words you get more words or definititions). Gaming gives you a new tool that will let you surmise new possiblities so you can look at the environment in a new way. Every word is married to an action in a game: WOW, Sims2 or Yugioh. How do you give people a passion? Mentoring and to mentor others - knowledge is dispersible and distributed. Learning is your own responsibility and collaboration and help are essential to learning.
Ginger Lewman

Gamification - what is it and why is it important? > Smart Insights Digital Marketing - 0 views

    My perspective until now was that gamification is simply about badges and points, great for start-ups and hot new tech companies like, Farmville, Zynga, Foursquare but not useful for everyday marketers. Having spotted some information around the demographics of social gamers this week, I was really surprised. With a little more research what appears is a whole new world with an awful lot of opportunity for the right brands.

Film Musica Videoclip: Andra - Something New - 0 views

    Andra - Something New

Film Musica Videoclip: Andra - Something New - 0 views

    Andra - Something New
Syed Amjad Ali

E-Templates - A new approach in Rapid E-Learning Course Development - 0 views

    Advanced eLearning Authoring Tools have made eLearning Development Easy The rapid and extensive advances in technology have brought on incredible innovation in all fields of human interest. The impact of the same can be seen in the e-learning space, and these days, this specialized segment is breaking new ground continuously.
Vahid Masrour

Teach with Portals: Valve takes edutainment to a whole new level | ExtremeTech - 0 views

    not sure teaching formula resolution is the best/only way to teach math (meaningfully), but the game its based on was a huge success.
Scott Merrick

Innovate: Knowledge-Driven Design of Virtual Patient Simulations - 0 views

    Interesting and substantial new article at, on virtual patient simulations
Cathie Howe

Kodu - Microsoft Research - 4 views

    Kodu is a new visual programming language made specifically for creating games. It is designed to be accessible for children and enjoyable for anyone. The programming environment runs on the Xbox, allowing rapid design iteration using only a game controller for input.
Cathie Howe

Fractal - Home - 1 views

    "From the creators of the award-winning game Auditorium comes Fractal, a new ambient music puzzler experience. Combo, Chain, and Cascade your way through a pulsing technicolor dreamscape that reacts to your every move, while manipulating Fractals, creating Blooms, and expanding your consciousness at 130 BPM. "
Cathie Howe

BBC News - Video game success may be in the mind, study finds - 4 views

    Researchers show that gamers have bigger brains!

Games for Change - 10 views

    Called "the Sundance of Video Games" , the Games for Change Annual Festival brings together leaders from government, philanthropy, civil society, academia, and the game industry to explore the increasing real-world impact of digital games as an agent for social change. The Festival is also a showcase for some of the most innovative new games in development. The 7th Annual Festival was held in May 2010 in New York City and was headlined by The Honorable Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor and U.S. Chief Technology Officer Aneesh Chopra. It attracted over 600 participants.
Gaby K. Slezák

H1N1 Virus information center in Second Life - 0 views

    by the University of New Mexico. SLurl:
Janette Eade

YouTube - Project Natal - 0 views

    Introducing Project Natal, a revolutionary new way to play: no controller required. See a ball? Kick it, hit it, trap it or catch it. If you know how to mo...
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