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H817 Open | The blog for the OU open course in Open Education - 1 views

    An aggregator of the blog posts for a course in open education from the Open University. Anyone can join the course (started March 16, 2013): Or you can just read and comment on the blogs if you want.

Open education - 2 views

    An open course on open education from the Open University--started March 16, 2013, but anyone can join now or later (content will stay up after it's done...for how long??)

OER Synthesis and Evaluation / OpenPracticesBriefing - 2 views

    Briefing paper on open educational practices and OERs, from the UK OER programme, phase 2. First two sections give definitions of open educational practices, and explain their value.

Open Definition | Open Definition - 2 views

    A definition of what makes something "open."
Glenn Hervieux

On 'Viral" Education Videos - Duncanville video - 4 views

    How is it this video (or others) went "viral". Turns out it may be profit driven more than "outrage" at education and a demonstration of poor digital citizenship. Audrey Watters will give you a perspective that is informative and eye-opening. It will help you to better understand, as well, the power of social media in the construction of "truth". 
Glenn Hervieux

Lectures Didn't Work in 1350-and They Still Don't Work Today - 3 views

    Award-winning educational futurist David Thornburg discusses classroom design and four learning models he has written about extensively in his book, "From the Campfire to the Holodeck: Creating Engaging and Powerful 21st Century Learning Environments" Is your classroom designed primarily for the traditional lecture? For using technology to do the same old things better than differently? Give out too much information vs. using more open-ended approaches? Transform the way information is learned and used? This article helped me to reflect on the way I encourage the use of technology and how to make its use an experience more reflective of what is presented in the CCSS and 21st century learning. What is your response to the article? Agree, disagree? What model(s) do you see yourself using? What movement would you like to make in your approach?
Sheri Edwards

MOOCifying K-12: Relationships, Collaboration, Risk-Taking | Open Education | HYBRID PE... - 0 views

  • Over the last year, high school learners (in the K-12 MOOCs I've designed) have identified that credit, content, and marks are not the only ways to learn. Instead, a networked, collaborative community that emphasizes learner choice and digital identity is essential to high school student engagement. The experiences of participants demonstrates that the pedagogy and the learning architecture is key in promoting open learning.
anonymous | Engage, Educate, Empower - 0 views

    " is a grassroots organization that safeguards the possibilities of the open and affordable Internet. We work towards informed & participatory digital policy."
Sam Boswell

How to Save College | The Awl - 3 views

    Your massively open offline college is broken
Sam Boswell

Using mLearning and MOOCs to understand chaos, emergence, and complexity in education |... - 4 views

    Article explaining chaos theory in relation to MOOC participation
Brendan Murphy

Connected Learning Principles | Connected Learning - 4 views

  • Fortunately, we are also able to harness the same technologies and social processes that have powered these transformations in order to provide the next generation with learning experiences that open doors to academic achievement, economic opportunity, and civic engagement.
  • we now have the capability to reimagine where, when, and how learning takes place
  • Connected learning is not, however, distinguished by a particular technology or platform, but is inspired by an initial set of three educational values, three learning principles, and three design principles.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • Shared purpose
  • Production-centered
  • Openly networked
  • The principles of connected learning weren’t born in the digital age, but they are extraordinarily well-suited to it.

Stop polarising the MOOCs debate - University World News - 3 views

  • And thus – for MOOC lovers and MOOCs haters alike – an important rhetorical point we should all be emphasising, in every conversation: in the complex, changing world in which we live, advanced learning is necessary. Not a luxury. It deserves the public support of other necessities. Advanced education is far too important to price out of the market for all but the global 1%.
  • If the question is, "is higher education worth it?" we know from the massive enrolment in online courses that the answer is a resounding "yes". It is also significant that world history courses are enrolling as many students as Python's open source software. People want higher learning.
    The academic conversation on MOOCs is starting to polarise in exactly the talking-past-one-another way that so many complex conversations evolve: with very smart points on either side, but not a lot of recognition that the validity of certain key points on one side does not undermine the validity of certain key points on the other. I regret this flattening of online learning into a simple binary of 'politically and financially motivated greed' on the one hand and 'an opportunity to find out more about learning' on the other. Some of both in different situations can be true.

Open Educational Resources infoKit / Home - 6 views

    wiki with lots of stuff about OERs, like what they are, why they're important, how to find them, a glossary of terms, and more.
Steve Ransom

Tweet Thine Enemy : Education Next - 2 views

  • Yet amidst the flood of words and images, we information consumers are adapting in a predictable, if unsettling, way: migrating toward sources that share our underlying biases and prejudices, which is leading to less real dialogue and inevitably to greater polarization.
    • Steve Ransom
      Echo Chamber...
  • “We generally don’t truly want good information—but rather information that confirms our prejudices. We may believe intellectually in the clash of opinions, but in practice we like to embed ourselves in the reassuring womb of an echo chamber.”
  • a schism between the policy community on the one hand and practitioners on the other.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Want to be part of the solution? You might start by following on Twitter people whose views you abhor and staying open to the possibility that they might, nevertheless, have a few smart things to say.
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