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Glenn Hervieux

Content, Collaboration and Curation… - 5 views

    Kirsten Wilson (@teachwiki) shares how social media has provided the platform for educators (& others) to share, collaborate, & communicate, moving us from just being social to a community of learners. Curation is an important part of that process. She shares apps she uses to collect and share with others. I like how she includes several good questions to consider in the process.
Glenn Hervieux

CUE Conference Keynote: Common Core - Transforming Teaching & Learning | Catlin Tucker,... - 1 views

    Katlin Tucker, a dynamic high school teacher presents her approach-pedagogy-instructional strategies to transform teaching and learning. She demonstrates ways she helps engage students and grow skills in several areas, including communication, comprehension & critique, collaboration, content knowledge, etc. A couple of her main tools include Collaborize Classroom and Google Docs. 

I'm on a PC. When I try to launch Blackboard Collaborate, the launch file (.JNLP file) ... - 1 views

    I'm on a PC. When I try to launch Blackboard Collaborate, the launch file (.JNLP file) saves but won't open...OR, the file saves and opens, but it opens with a browser instead of Java, so I can't get into the session! Help!

COOL FISh… - 1 views

  • We are experimenting with an alternative learning design to engage learners who are perhaps not networked learners yet. We would like to utilise their curiosity to learn through creating opportunities for contextualised collaborative enquiries.
    So well said ! "We are experimenting with an alternative learning design to engage learners who are perhaps not networked learners yet. We would like to utilise their curiosity to learn through creating opportunities for contextualised collaborative enquiries. "
Sheri Edwards

MOOCifying K-12: Relationships, Collaboration, Risk-Taking | Open Education | HYBRID PE... - 0 views

  • Over the last year, high school learners (in the K-12 MOOCs I've designed) have identified that credit, content, and marks are not the only ways to learn. Instead, a networked, collaborative community that emphasizes learner choice and digital identity is essential to high school student engagement. The experiences of participants demonstrates that the pedagogy and the learning architecture is key in promoting open learning.
Glenn Hervieux

Lesson | Who Are You Online? Considering Issues of Web Identity - - 8 views

    "NY Times writers collaborated with the Common Sense Media writer Kelly Schryver to focus on the increasingly important and nuanced question "Who Are You Online?" Times and Learning Network content as well as offerings from Common Sense Media's K-12 Digital Literacy and Citizenship curriculum for teaching and learning about this complex issue." Lots of avenues to take this material in working with students.

Using Diigo for Collaborative Curation | Digitally Enhanced - 9 views

    An excellent description on how to use diigo.
Glenn Hervieux

Poetica - Edit Documents Online as if You Were Writing on Paper - 1 views

    "Poetica is a neat new service for collaborative editing of documents. The best feature of Poetica is its similarity to writing on a paper document. While reading a document you can click on any word or space between words to insert a line drawn to the margin where you write your comment. Clicking on a word or space also allows you to simply insert a suggested word above the line. If you want to suggest a change for an entire sentence you can highlight it and insert a drawn line to the margins where you can write your suggestions. Your suggestions are written in blue while your corrections are written in red." Supports imports of .docs, .pdfs, .rtf files.- definitely want to use this as a tool with Chromebooks

What the Internet Means for How We Think About the World - Rebecca J. Rosen - The Atlantic - 0 views

  • knowing looks less like capturing truths in books than engaging in never-settled networks of discussion and argument. That social activity -- collaborative and contentious, often at the same time -- is a more accurate reflection of our condition as imperfect social creatures trying to understand a world that is too big and too complex for even the biggest-headed expert
Donna DesRoches

ETMOOC Lip Dub - YouTube - 3 views

    Rhonda and students from her class in Cando.
    Awesome collaboration people! So much fun and educational too... fun stuff!

PKM in 2013 | Harold Jarche - 2 views

    "The basic unit of social business technology is personal knowledge management, not collaborative workspaces." - Thierry de Baillon

Google Drive and Docs: Sharing and Collaborating - Lesson 6 - 9 views

    A good tutorial for Google Drive. 
    Hi Kirsten! You might try using the metatagging function so that you and others can easily locate this link again.
kirstentschofen - 0 views

    White paper on participatory culture
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