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Envisage Technologies

Firefighters and Crossfit - 0 views

    Fire Departments use CrossFit, officially or unofficially, to prepare for the rigors of their profession. In firefighter competitions around the country, it seems that whenever CrossFit-trained personnel enter, they end up at the top of the field, dominating the competition.
Envisage Technologies

ODNI official: Transparency will be slow, difficult - 0 views

    The head of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence's civil liberties office said the transition to a more transparent intelligence community will be slow. "The intelligence community is not designed and built for transparency. We're designed and built for the opposite," said Alexander Joel, the ODNI's civil liberties protection officer. He spoke on a panel at Brown University's Watson Institute for International Studies Dec. 4.
Envisage Technologies

Free terrestrial broadcasting has 'critically important role' in emergency response, sa... - 0 views

    Free, over-the-air terrestrial television and radio broadcasting is a key element of disaster response, the International Telecommunication Union says in a draft report released in late November. The one-to-many nature of broadcasting means that so long as transmission capabilities exist, victims with access to receivers will have access to updated information. Unlike communications networks, which may fail after a disaster due to sudden and rushed demand to bandwidth or due to power loss, broadcast transmission is often robust and characterized by multiple local providers.
Envisage Technologies

On gun control, states are where the action is - 0 views

    The outcome of the year's flurry of gun control legislative activity was similarly mixed, as this timeline of some of the most headline-making bills - and the fallout from them - demonstrates.
Envisage Technologies

Minnesota police and fire forces bracing for early retirements - 0 views

    Police, sheriffs and other law enforcement departments around Minnesota are seeking to shore up their ranks in preparation for a possible large-scale exodus of older, experienced veterans next spring when pension changes could result in a wave of early retirements. Out of about 10,500 peace officers in the state, an estimated 10 percent could be eligible to retire early by May 31, 2014, after which pension reductions will increase for those who retire before they turn 55.
Envisage Technologies

With fewer qualified recruits, LAPD sees decline in ranks - 0 views

    Less than a year after reaching its long-sought goal of 10,000 officers, the Los Angeles Police Department is now seeing a steady decline in its ranks as the city struggles to find enough qualified candidates. Fewer people are applying to join the LAPD and, of those who do, a significantly higher number of them are being disqualified from consideration. Officials say budget cuts have slashed the advertising used to draw recruits while other departments are luring top talent with higher salaries than the LAPD offers.,0,603481.story#ixzz2n0bgBkEt
Envisage Technologies

"Have I been pwned?" - aggregating accounts across website breaches - 0 views

    As I analysed various breaches I kept finding user accounts that were also disclosed in other attacks - people were having their accounts pwned over and over again. So I built this:
Envisage Technologies

The only secure password is the one you can't remember - 0 views

    Do you always create unique passwords such that you never use the same one twice? Ever? Do your passwords always use different character types such as uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and punctuation? Are they "strong"? If you can't answer "yes" to both these questions, you've got yourself a problem. But the thing is, there is simply no way you can remember all your unique, strong passwords and the sooner you recognise this, the sooner you can embrace a more secure alternative.
Envisage Technologies

Coast Guard undertaking market research on 'non-lethal impact munitions' - 0 views

    The U.S. Coast Guard is gathering information from suppliers of "Non-Lethal Impact Munitions," which the Coast Guard might furnish to its maritime boarding teams in an effort to reduce the likelihood that they will need to resort to lethal force.
Envisage Technologies

Password practices from analyzing Pony Botnet Controller data - 0 views

    "[P]eople still choose comfort over security.  If you don't enforce a password policy, don't expect your users to do it for you." A fairly large instance of the Pony Botnet Controller produced so much data, we thought it would be interesting to look into some statistics regarding this particular attack. ~1,580,000 website login credentials stolen ~320,000 email account credentials stolen  ~41,000 FTP account credentials stolen ~3,000 Remote Desktop credentials stolen ~3,000 Secure Shell account credentials stolen
Envisage Technologies

Guardian of the Golden Gate Bridge - 0 views

    Guardian of the Golden Gate Bridge: a mini-documentary about California Highway Patrol Sergeant Kevin Briggs and suicide prevention
Envisage Technologies

Chicago Police To Get Special Training On Responding To Domestic Violence Calls - 1 views

    Chicago police will receive specialized "state-of-the-art" training on how to handle domestic abuse calls under a new inter-governmental task force plan aimed at curbing domestic violence.
Envisage Technologies

Movement to Contact - 0 views

    Many of the principles involved in offensive tactics of Movement to Contact (MTC) can be used by law enforcement. For the purposes of this article, MTC has one objective and that's to close in with and engage the active shooter.
Envisage Technologies

The appeal of lone wolves to terrorist organizations - 0 views

    Terrorist organizations value lone wolves for their ability to carry out the goals of the organization with lower costs, little or no need to plan, and a lower probability of detection, Amit Kumar of Georgetown University said during a recent event at the Potomac Institute for Policy Studies. Lone wolf attacks also appeal to organizations because they can motivate terrorist sympathizers to act.
Envisage Technologies

Hey, Enterprise Developers! Get Agile Or Get Steamrollered - 0 views

    Agile development is no longer an alternative way to develop software. With the pace of technology adoption accelerating at a frenetic pace, agile is increasingly the only way to develop software. That is, if you want to stay in business.
Envisage Technologies

A New Worm Proves the Internet of Things Is Vulnerable to Attack - 0 views

    One of the basic technologies that enables what we often refer to as the Internet of Things is embedded Linux, a version of Linux that runs on machines that aren't computers in the traditional sense. A lot of the new "smart" devices joining Wi-Fi networks in the home and office are running some variant of it, as do a lot of those home-Wi-Fi routers themselves. Researchers at security-software company Symantec say they've found a worm that proves that, eventually, these devices may be ripe for attack. It's called Linux.Darlloz, and it appears to have been built to infect versions of Linux found in home routers, TV set-top boxes and security cameras, and also some industrial-control systems.
Envisage Technologies

DOT vulnerable to serious security threats, says OIG - 0 views

    The Transportation Department's information systems are vulnerable to serious security threats due to deficiencies with its enterprise architecture, controls and vulnerability remediation.
    The Transportation Department's information systems are vulnerable to serious security threats due to deficiencies with its enterprise architecture, controls and vulnerability remediation.
Envisage Technologies

Internet of Things will challenge today's privacy practices - 0 views

    The Internet of Things--a state in the not distant future when hundreds of billions of objects now disconnected from computer networks will routinely transmit data across the web--will require a new privacy paradigm, says the Future of Privacy Forum.
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