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Sergio Ferreira

Renewable Energy From the Deep Ocean | Got2BeGreen - 0 views

  • Renewable Energy From the Deep Ocean
    Ocean Thermal Electricity Conversion - yet another energy source from our oceans...
frank smith

OPT | Ocean Power Technologies - 0 views

    "Every continent on the planet is surrounded by a cleaner, safer, more efficient answer to our energy needs. The power in ocean waves. Ocean Power Technologies (OPT) is a leading renewable energy company specializing in cost-effective, advanced, and environmentally sound offshore wave power technology. The electrical power generated by OPT's technology is key to meeting the energy needs of utilities, independent power producers and the public sector. OPT's PowerBuoy® system extracts the natural energy in ocean waves, and is based on the integration of patented technologies in hydrodynamics, electronics, energy conversion and computer control systems. The PowerBuoy is a "smart" system capable of responding to differing wave conditions. The result is a leading edge, ocean-tested, proprietary system which generates reliable, clean, and environmentally-beneficial electricity."
Colin Bennett

Plumbing the oceans could bring limitless clean energy - tech - 19 November 2008 - New ... - 0 views

    Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC), a clean, renewable energy source that has the potential to free many economies from their dependence on oil.
Colin Bennett

2 New & Innovative Ocean Wave Energy Devices - 2 views

  • Ocean Treader is a floating device. It will be tied up 1 – 2 miles offshore in ocean wave systems. It will not pose any obstruction on the shoreline. The theory has been put to test in wave tank. Now the company is producing a full size machine for offshore testing. Wave Treader has grown out of our work with Ocean Treader. Wave Treader uses its Sponsons and Arms and are mounted on the base of a static offshore structure. That structure can be a Wind Turbine or Tidal Turbine. By sharing the high infrastructure costs with another device, such as the foundation costs, cabling costs, etc., the economics of both devices are enhanced and the energy yield for a given sea area greatly improved.
Hans De Keulenaer

Greentech Media | Forecasting the Future of Ocean Power - 0 views

  • In this report, Greentech Media and the Prometheus Institute for Sustainable Development address the underlying fundamentals that will determine when ocean power technologies will become competitive with other renewable and traditional energy sources, what technologies will bring the industry to that point, and how investment, government policies and power sector buy-in will drive the growth of this industry. While today fewer than 10 MW of ocean power capacity has been installed worldwide, we believe that in six years the industry has the potential to break 1 GW of installed capacity on an annual market size of over $500 million.
Hans De Keulenaer

Greentech Media | Trawling for $500M in Ocean Power - 0 views

  • The emerging ocean power industry is poised to grow from less than 10 megawatts of capacity worldwide today to more than 1 gigawatt in six years, reaching a market worth more than $500 million annually, according to a report by Greentech Media and the Prometheus Institute scheduled for publication next week.
Colin Bennett

Underwater Wind Turbines? bioWAVE System Designed to Create Energy from Ocean Currents ... - 0 views

    Picture a kelp bed on the ocean floor swaying in the current. Done? Now picture an underwater field of bioWave turbines (pictured to your left) doing the same
Jeff Johnson

Friedman: Learning to Speak Climate (NYTimes) - 0 views

    Some countries have vintage whiskey. Some have vintage wine. Greenland has vintage ice. Sometimes you just wish you were a photographer. I simply do not have the words to describe the awesome majesty of Greenland's Kangia Glacier, shedding massive icebergs the size of skyscrapers and slowly pushing them down the Ilulissat Fjord until they crash into the ocean off the west coast of Greenland. There, these natural ice sculptures float and bob around the glassy waters near here. You can sail between them in a fishing boat, listening to these white ice monsters crackle and break, heave and sigh, as if they were noisily protesting their fate. Greenland is one of the best places to observe the effects of climate change. Because the world's biggest island has just 55,000 people and no industry, the condition of its huge ice sheet - as well as its temperature, precipitation and winds - is influenced by the global atmospheric and ocean currents that converge here. Whatever happens in China or Brazil gets felt here. And because Greenlanders live close to nature, they are walking barometers of climate change.
Glycon Garcia

ENN: Harnessing Energy from the Oceans - 0 views

  • Forever moving - our restless oceans have enough energy to power the world. As long as the Earth turns and the moon keeps its appointed cycle, the oceans will absorb and dissipate vast amounts of kinetic energy - a renewable energy resource of enormous potential.
Hans De Keulenaer

NASA Maps Reveal Wind Energy Sources - 0 views

  • Efforts to harness the energy potential of Earth's ocean winds could soon gain an important new tool, global satellite maps from NASA. Scientists have been creating maps using nearly a decade of data from NASA's QuikSCAT satellite that reveal ocean areas where the wind resources exist to produce wind energy.

Wave Power Hybrid Unveiled in Scotland - Renewable Energy World - 0 views

    Green Ocean Energy Ltd. has developed a wave power machine that attaches to an offshore wind turbine. The company says the economics of both machines are enhanced as infrastructure such as the foundation and cabling will now be shared.
Colin Bennett

Renewables & cleantech - May 19 | | Peak Oil News Clearinghouse - 0 views

    IT HAS been called Australia's first underwater wave farm. The power of the ocean,

Ireland Launches Ocean Energy Initiative - 0 views

    Irish Energy Minister Eamon Ryan has announced a program of activity, grants and supports to develop ocean energy in Ireland. Over EUR 26 million in targeted funding will go to the sector over the next three years. The Minister also announced a significant boost for the future of the sector with the first ever, guaranteed price for wave energy.
Colin Bennett

Could sea power solve the energy crisis? - Telegraph - 0 views

  • The French inventor Georges Claude is largely forgotten today; if he is remembered at all, it is as the creator of the neon lamp. Yet one of his projects from the 1920s could resolve the global energy crisis - by harnessing the power of the oceans.
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