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Hans De Keulenaer

World's Largest Tidal Turbine Successfully Installed : MetaEfficient - 0 views

  • The world’s largest tidal turbine, weighing 1000 tonnes, has been installed in Northern Ireland’s Strangford Lough. The tidal turbine is rated at 1.2 megawatts, which is enough to power a thousand local homes. It was built by Marine Current Turbines, and it will be the first commercial tidal turbine to produce energy, when it begins operation later this year.
Hans De Keulenaer

The Energy Blog: 1.2 MW Tidal Energy Turbine Ready for Installation - 0 views

  • According to a June 6, 2007 press release by Marine Current Turbines Ltd (MCT), the installation of its 1.2 MW SeaGen commercial tidal energy system will commence during the week of August 20th in Northern Ireland’s Strangford Lough. SeaGen will be the world’s largest tidal current device and will generate clean and sustainable electricity for approximately 1000 homes. Being a full size prototype, no scale up will be required for future commercial installations.
Hans De Keulenaer

Wave and Tidal Energy on the Rise: But Will it Work? | Renewable Energy News Article - 2 views

    Tidal & wave is the wild card for the energy sector. With 45 kW/m power in wave fronts, it's a sources of renewables that is already concentrated by nature. But after many decades, the sector remains stuck in concepts and trials. The La Rance facility by EDF is operating since the 70s - if it had been a dream technology, we'd have seen more of this by now.
Colin Bennett

Draka Delivers Renewable Tidal Subsea Power Cable - 0 views

  • Wave power alone has an estimated global potential of approximately 1,000-10,000 GW — in the same order of magnitude as the world’s electricity consumption. Located in the Orkney Islands of Northern Scotland, the wave and tidal sites are designed to test a range of machines located down to a depth of 50 meters and up to two kilometers from shore. “Wave and tidal energy is a very powerful source of renewable energy and a very challenging environment for equipment and systems,’’ stated Stuart Baird, EMEC Operations Director. “We need vendors like Draka who can deliver quality products and services that can stand up to the elements over time.”
Hans De Keulenaer

Northwest Tidal Energy Group Launch event - 0 views

  • This launch event will provide an overview of tidal energy technologies,demonstrate best practice from other successful global projects, and outline keypotential tidal projects in the region; the Mersey, the Solway and Morecambe’sBridge Across the Bay. Delegates will also hear from BERR, DEFRA and NaturalEngland.
Hans De Keulenaer

Planet2025 News Network - ntext - 0 views

  • This exciting and innovative showcase tidal farm scheme would be capable of generating 10.5 megawatts (MW) of clean, green power, drawn entirely from the sea’s major tidal currents.
  • Subject to successful planning consent and financing, the tidal farm could be commissioned as early as 2011 or 2012.

U.K. May Support Tidal Dam to Meet Renewable-Energy Target - 0 views

    The U.K. Business Secretary John Hutton, who earlier this month pledged to support new nuclear plants, said the government will consider whether to back a tidal power project with an output equivalent to five reactors. The government will study proposals including a dam between England and Wales that would produce 8,640 megawatts of power by 2020, enough to meet 5 percent of U.K. demand, the minister said today in a statement. It will also assess plans by Tidal Electric Ltd. to build a walled pool to produce 60 megawatts.
    Ah Severn and Cape Cod - just build the bloody things, or be silent forever.
Colin Bennett

Harvesting the Power of Ocean & Tidal Energy - 0 views

    A small team of engineers based in Cornwall, England, have made a breakthrough with the development of a turbine that they claim could solve the commercial viability of tidal power. Known as the Osprey turbine, the technology can be used to create electricity offshore at sea -- or in tidal rivers and inland waterways. The Osprey turbine is a vertical axis free flow device which produces power independently or as part of a larger system. Power output is expected to be from 1 kW up to 5 MW in a multiple system.
Colin Bennett

Wave and Tidal Powered Data Centers - 0 views

    As you've probably already heard, Google is exploring the possibility of an offshore data facility , powered with Pelamis wave energy converter units.
Hans De Keulenaer

SeaGen tidal power marine turbine plugs into electricity grid | Environment | guardian.... - 0 views

  • An underwater turbine that generates electricity from tidal streams was plugged into the UK's national grid today. It marks the first time a commercial-scale underwater turbine has fed power into the network and the start of a new source of renewable energy for the UK.

Thinking small with tidal power | Tech news blog - CNET - 0 views

    A lot of wave and tidal power systems being proposed these days will be capable of generating megawatts of power. Puget Sound Tidal Power is aiming for 10 to 15 kilowatts with its turbine--barely enough for five homes--but the lower power output also means a lower price tag
Hans De Keulenaer

In battle with squirrels, solar panels finally claim victory | Cutting Edge - CNET News - 0 views

  • For the most part, solar panels can safely be ignored and simply keep turning your meter backwards. But thanks to some local squirrels, I realized the perils of not regularly monitoring solar panels' output.
    wind -> birds & bats tidal -> fish pv -> squirrels
Hans De Keulenaer

Five Projects Make Severn Tidal Power Shortlist - Renewable Energy World - 0 views

  • A shortlist of proposed plans to generate electricity from the power of the tides in the Severn estuary has been unveiled by the UK Department of Energy and Climate Change.
Hans De Keulenaer

Howstuffworks "How can the moon generate electricity?" - 0 views

  • Some researchers are looking beyond our planet to the night sky. It turns out, there's a way that we can generate electricity from the moon -- thanks to the tides created by the gravitational pull the moon exerts on Earth's oceans. The Earth is tugged by the sun and moon. The sun dwarfs the moon in size, but the moon is much closer to Earth -- around 239,000 miles away, compared to the distance of 93 million miles between the sun and the Earth. Proximity trumps size when it comes to tidal movement here on Earth: The moon exerts more than twice as much gravitational force on Earth than the sun does
Colin Bennett

RenewablesOffshore: US Wave and Tidal Round Up - 0 views

  • Once again, it's time for the latest wave and tidal round up in the United States.
Colin Bennett

India approves Asia's first commercial-scale tidal power project - 0 views

  • This project will be India’s and indeed Asia’s first at commercial scale and will deliver important economic and environmental benefits for the region, as well as paving the way for similar developments within Gujarat
Ako Z°om

Top 7 alternative energies listed - environment - 14 January 2009 - New Scientist - 0 views

  • Watch a video of Jacobson discussing his findings. The energy sources that Jacobson found most promising were, in descending order: • Wind • Concentrated solar power (mirrors heating a tower of water) • Geothermal energy • Tidal energy • Solar panels • Wave energy • Hydroelectric dams
    finding the good sustainable energy is not so easy ... but the right way are for start to become continous choices ...
    what are the good next soltutions for sustainable energies ? .. infacts...
Hans De Keulenaer

Fair wind for offshore renewables - 0 views

  • The task force recommendations include: creating a national database of survey data, with information from DECC, The Crown Estate and, at the appropriate time, developers - to reduce duplication and minimise cost and time introducing common standards in data collection and assessment to ensure developers can use methodologies consistently and with confidence using mandatory multilateral consultation to engage other sea users (fisheries, shipping, recreational users, communities, etc) at the earliest opportunity, before applications increasing resources in Marine Scotland (on cost-recovery basis) to provide required environment specialists for efficient scoping and application processes prioritising early work to identify potential sites for new test facilities, including deep water offshore wind technologies
    Offshore is promising, but still early days.
Phil Slade

Eling Tide Mill - 2 views

    "Eling Tide Mill VISIT ONE OF THE ONLY TIDE MILLS IN THE WORLD PRODUCING FLOUR DAILY IN A 900 YEAR OLD TRADITION Eling Tide Mill is a water mill that harnesses the power of the tide to grind wheat into wholemeal flour. Situated on the edge of Southampton Water beside the renowned New Forest, there has been a mill on the site for over 900 years. It was abandoned in the 1940s, but had the good fortune to survive until it was restored between 1975 and 1980, at which time it re-opened as both a working mill, and a museum to this part of our industrial heritage. It is the one of the only fully working and productive tide mill in the United Kingdom producing flour as it had throughout the last Millennium and one of only a handful of mills in the entire world producing flour on a regular basis."
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