A 47 page annotated, categorized list of (mainly) free online tools to support technology integration into the K12 classroom leading to blended learning.
In addition to providing professional development for hardware and software, this site also has numerous project based learning ideas using technology. I access it through my district's website so access may be limited without an account.
"Websites can bring a classroom to life. There are so many different worlds you can visit. Of course the Internet also brings you to a lot if information that is not age appropriate for school students so it is important to be safe and smart when you share websites with your students."
A fantastic resource for supporting the use of productivity software (mainly Microsoft tools) with step-by-step instructions customized for each operating system and in multiple languages. Great for helping students and parents, especially in ESL contexts.
In the old days, it really mattered what went on your résumé or what degrees you had. But increasingly, people are measured by the footprint they leave on the Internet.
That whole notion of portfolio-based credentialing — you're showing your actual work — is a big part of how social media affects education. Schools need to say, "Our output isn't just the transcripts; it's a body of work."
In the old days, it really mattered what went on your résumé or what degrees you had. But increasingly, people are measured by the footprint they leave on the Internet.That whole notion of portfolio-based credentialing - you're showing your actual work - is a big part of how social media affects education. Schools need to say, "Our output isn't just the transcripts; it's a body of work."
Prepare students to succeed in a global society by teaching them a new language. Rosetta Stone provides a path students and educators can follow with confidence.
On their Instructional Technology Resources page, Seminole County Public Schools provide instructions and troubleshooting guides for Audacity/podcasting, United Streaming, and Digital Storytelling. It's interesting to know that a significant amount of teachers in Seminole County are using these resources.
A high level discussion of issues involved in school districts using cloud-based services systemically. Beyond the technical issues, of chief concern is restricting access to student data.
The Georgia Department of Education website listed this page for curriculum access for students with significant cognitive disabilities. They have developed many resources to support the instruction of students with significant cognitive disabilities.