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John Lucyk

ASSIGNMENT - 6 views

Luckytoday Hands on Activity FDOE Educator Certification ________________________________________ Certificate Lookup * Apply and Check Status The purpose of Florida educator certification is t...

started by John Lucyk on 29 Jan 16 no follow-up yet
John Lucyk

Wendy Bray Teacher at UCF - 1 views

shared by John Lucyk on 29 Jan 16 - No Cached
    How to Leverage the Potential of Mathematical Errors Author(s): Wendy S. Bray Source: Teaching Children Mathematics, Vol. 19, No. 7 (March 2013), pp. 424-431 Published by: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Stable URL: Accessed: 29-01-2016 05:23 UTC Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at info/about/policies/terms.jsp JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact This content do 3 on Fri, 29 Jan 2016 05:23:09 UTC 3 on Fri, 29 Jan 201 ll use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 424 March 2013 * teaching children mathematics | Vol. 19, No. 7 Copyright © 2013 The National CounTcilhoisf TceoanchteenrstodfoMwanthleomadateicds,fIrnocm. w1w3w2..n1c7tm0..1or9g3. .A7ll3rigohntsFrreis, 2016 05:23:09 UTC This material may not be copied or distributed electronicaAllylloruisneasnuy bojtehecrt ftoormJSatTwOithRouTt ewrrmittsenapnedrmCisosniodnitfiroomnsNCTM. x to Leverage the Potential of Mathematical EIncorporrating arfocus oon students'rmistakses into your instruction can advance their understanding. By Wendy S. Bray elling children that they can learn from their mistakes is common practice. Yet research indicates that many teachers in the United States limit public attention to errors during math- ematics lessons (Bray 2011; Santagata 2005). Some believe that drawing attention to errors publicly may embarrass error m

Using Rubrics to Promote Thinking and Learning - 0 views

    Instructional rubrics help teachers teach as well as evaluate student work. Further, creating rubrics with your students can be powerfully instructive.
    Instructional rubrics help teachers teach as well as evaluate student work. Further, creating rubrics with your students can be powerfully instructive.
Erin Wasson

Interesting Research Article - Transformative Learning Experience: Aim Higher, Gain More - 1 views

    This research article provides an overview of how transformative learning experiences can be created through instructional design.  The aim is to use instruction to make learning more experiential, personally relevant and transformative to students.  The authors explain a framework for providing transformative learning experiences, including several indicators that fall into the categories of developing personal meaning, competence with the subject and relationships.  The authors also present guidelines for designing these experiences, including applying design fundamentals, crafting the learning experience and teaching and facilitating to inspire learning. A quick, but worth while read! Wilson, B. G., & Parrish, P. (2011). Transformative learning experience: Aim higher, gain more. Educational Technology, 51 (2), 10-15.

Instructional Materials | Flagler County Public Schools - 0 views

    The instructional page for families goes access to the math materials for the high school Algebra and Geometry

Florida Center for Instructional Technology - 2 views

  • FCIT is funded by the Florida Department of Education, school districts, educational foundations, and others to provide leadership, instructional materials, and support services to educational institutions in Florida and beyond with regard to the integration of technology into K-20 education.
    • Cindy Hanks
      A list of online tools brought to you by the University of South Florida.
    • Cindy Hanks
      With my position as elementary computer lab teacher, these goodies will come in handy. Sites like this will enable me to give my students more options and tools to work with during their creative projects on the computer.
    The Florida Center for Instructional Technology is located at USF and is funded by the Florida Department of Education.  It provides links to numerous educational technology resources.
    The Florida Center for Instructional Technology (FCIT) provides leadership, instructional materials, and support services to educational institutions with regard to the integration of technology into K-20 education. Has thousands of royalty-free clipart and images.
    I really like the resources for presentations and technology incorporation in the classroom in the Educational Technology Clearinghouse section of the site.
Paul Haberstroh

Educational Technology Clearinghouse - 1 views

    Great website for educators to access royalty free clip art, lesson plans, clip media, and presentations.
  • ...2 more comments...
    The Florida Digital Educator program supports the appropriate integration of technology into K-12 education. Visit the Florida Standards website for information about the Sunshine State Standards. Each photo is available in multiple sizes great for student and teacher use. A friendly license allows teachers and students to use up to 25 free photos per project.
    This website provides digital resources for schools in Florida.
    This website is AMAZING. It has clip-art, photographs, presentation images, maps, lessons, and answers to tech questions. There are so many images available, they are free (up to a certain amount, but it is very generous), it tells you exactly how to cite them, and it has options for file size and format. It took some clicking/digging around, but this is what led me to this site: FL DOE - Educators button at top - Curriculum, Instruction, Student Services - Instruction & Curriculum - Instructional Technology - Educational Technology Clearinghouse
    FCIT (the Florida Center for Instructional Technology) and ETC (the Educational Technology Clearinghouse) provide digital content, professional development, and technical services supporting the appropriate integration of technology into K-12 and preservice education. ©2011 Florida Center for Instructional Technology, College of Education, University of South Florida
Ariana Santiago

Tech Resource Guides from Seminole County FL - 0 views

    On their Instructional Technology Resources page, Seminole County Public Schools provide instructions and troubleshooting guides for Audacity/podcasting, United Streaming, and Digital Storytelling. It's interesting to know that a significant amount of teachers in Seminole County are using these resources. 

Future Of Education Technology | Emerging Education Technology - 0 views

  • 6 Inspiring, Informative, and Insightful Posts You May Have Missed this Summer
  • 10 Emerging Education and Instructional Technologies that all Educators Should Know About (2012)
  • Tailoring the Classroom of the Future With the Fabric of the Past
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • 8 Great Education and Instructional Technology Infographics
  • Mark Milliron’s Sobering, Honest, and Inspiring Keynote Address at CT2012
  • Using the Kindle Fire in Education – an Affordable iPad Alternative
  • TechChange – Enabling Social Change With Innovate Uses of Education Technology
  • 4 New Technology Tools for Measuring Learning Outcomes
  • Study Finds Benefits in Use of iPad as an Educational Tool
  • Introducing a Game-Based Curriculum in Higher Ed June 17, 2012
     Some articles about Future of Education Technology. (10 Emerging Education and Instruction Technologies that all Educators Should Know about. )

i-Ready Diagnostic & Instruction New - 0 views

    i-Ready Diagnostic & Instruction is a valid and reliable growth measure for grades K-12 that individualizes instruction. Built for the Common Core and available for both reading and mathematics, i-Ready provides robust tools to help educators ensure that students perform well on tests and provides ongoing performance and growth data. Used this in Broward County and now in Seminole County great ILS.
Tameika Fraser

The National Library of Virtual Manipulatives - 0 views

    A library of uniquely interactive, web-based virtual manipulatives or concept tutorials, mostly in the form of Java applets, for mathematics instruction (K-12 emphasis).
Dayla Nolis

UCF College of Education Resource Guide - 0 views

    Publications related to Instructional Technology
Ariana Santiago

Faculty Use of Asynchronous Discussions in Online Learning - 1 views

    • Ariana Santiago
      In response to the portion I highlighted -- I took a very effective graduate mixed-mode course that successfully utilized case studies and problem based learning in both the face-to-face and online components.
  • faculty and course designers may wish to develop sections of courses that are case study based, or utilize problem based learning. Both practices have been shown to foster high levels of motivation and engagement with face-to-face instruction
    My interests in instructional design as well as online/distance learning led me to read this article by Dr. Thompson. 

Curriculum Access for Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities - 0 views

    The Georgia Department of Education website listed this page for curriculum access for students with significant cognitive disabilities. They have developed many resources to support the instruction of students with significant cognitive disabilities. 
Sarah Morse

Inclusion in the 21st-century classroom: Differentiating with technology - Reaching eve... - 0 views

    Article about differentiating instruction and teaching with technology as it pertains to inclusive classroom setting

Educator Certification - 1 views

    The purpose of Florida educator certification is to support the academic achievement of our students by assuring that our educators are professionally qualified for highly effective instruction. Florida educators must be certified to teach in our public schools and in many of our private schools. Being the "Teacher friend" in the group you always get asked for the certification process, this has all the information needed and I know I've used it plenty of times.
  • ...1 more comment...
    The Florida Department of Education allows educators see if they are qualified to teach a specific grade or specific subject area. FLDOE also allows teachers coming from out of state to see if they also carry the requirements to teach or if they have to take specific exams or other ways to get certified in the state of Florida. This site also leads you to CPALMS which helps teachers create various lesson plans based on the required learning curriculum. CPALMS can not only be reached on the attached link but it can be reached at
    The main page for anything you need to find in relation to a Florida Teaching certificate, including checking application status, examinations, steps to certification, etc.
    The purpose of Florida educator certification is to support the academic achievement of our students by assuring that our educators are professionally qualified for highly effective instruction.

Elementary Curriculum and Instruction - School District of ... - 0 views

    Welcome to the Elementary Education Curriculum and Instruction Web Site
Sarah Morse

Instructional Technology - 0 views

    Florida Department of Education webpage for Instructional Technology.
Megan Shipe

iCPALMS - Instructional Resources - 0 views

    Link to CPALMS Instructional and Educational Resources based on State Standards as a search method.
Yanique Vaughn

Finding a New Way: Leveraging Teacher Leadership to Meet Unprecedented Demands - 0 views

    Given the newly refined ability to distinguish between teachers and their effectiveness, and the imperative brought on by the Common Core standards (CCSS) to deliver instruction at a more sophisticated level, it is no longer reasonable or tenable to keep treating teachers the same
    Given the newly refined ability to distinguish between teachers and their effectiveness, and the imperative brought on by the Common Core standards (CCSS) to deliver instruction at a more sophisticated level, it is no longer reasonable or tenable to keep treating teachers the same
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