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Jocelyn Chappell

The tags we're using - diigo - educators | Diigo Groups Forum - 0 views

    and the useful tags are: administrator all_teachers bestpractices edublogger grants curriculum history literature math science technology language edu_news edu_trends edu_newapp digitalcitizenship techintegrator professionaldevelopment edublog
Vicki Davis

Evernote shared notebook: Evernote Help - 21 views

    This is my favorite Evernote "help" shared notebook tha I've found from spgscott. I've subscribed to peruse and learn about these things. I almost wonder if we're seeing the evolution of the textbook. What would happen if we could subscribe to the current research and thoughts of a leading scientist? Are we ready for that sort of messy insight into the minds and thoughts of a person who is turning over ideas in their mind. I"m not sure that we are.
Vicki Davis

Facebook Wants to Welcome Kids Under Age 13 to Social Network - Search Engine Watch (#SEW) - 12 views

    One of my students turned up this information that Facebook is working on controls to help kids under 13 use the service. It is no surprise that 7.5 million Facebook users are under the age of 13 and that 5 million of THOSE are 10 years old or younger. COPPA, while set up to protect children, is actually keeping them from participating in society as they want to. This infographic and information is worth sharing as you educate your students. If you want until they are 13 to talk safety online, that is too late. "Last June, Consumer Reports magazine said they had unearthed "several disturbing findings" about children and Facebook, including: 20 million minors had used Facebook within the year prior to their study. 7.5 million of those users were under the age of 13 and not permitted to use the site. 5 million of those were 10 years old or younger. 1 million children had been harassed, threatened, or subjected to other forms of cyberbullying in the year prior."
Vicki Davis

QR Codes in the Classroom - 18 views

    A collection of resources about QR Codes on Pinterest. Lots of great ideas.
Vicki Davis

Common Core Curriculum Resources - List | Diigo - 1 views

    Darren Burris, a math teacher at Boston Collegiate Charter School, has a list of 186 items for Common Core Resources on his Diigo list. He's someone you'll want to follow on Diigo.
Vicki Davis

Learning with 'e's: 10 characteristics of authentic learning - 12 views

    An important read as we work to reinvent schools and make sure we measure authentic learning with more authentic measures than bubble trouble. ;-)
Vicki Davis

The New Habitudes - More Lessons, More Learning, and More to Come | Angela Maiers, Speaker, Educator, Writer - 6 views

    We've been doing an incredible professional development with Angela Maiers. You start with what you want to "be" before you talk about what you want to "do." This model is powerful and transformative, but honestly it took me the first 3-4 hours of the 10 hour training before the light bulb went on and I went 'oh" - Oh, my goodness, I"ve been doing some of this, but we need a common language. We start with what we want to be "scientists" "a learer" "risk takers" "bold" "Models and mentors" - -she challenged us to "be the learner, leader, citizen you wish your children to be."
Vicki Davis

The Importance Of Mobile Learning In (And Out Of) The Classroom - 7 views

    This infographic is an impactful one helping school boards and IT departments understand the important of BYOD environments. In 2011 70% of the workforce between 22-34 used tablets and globally 46% of the mobile workforce has a smartphone. Using, managing, and maximizing these tools is an important part of modern life. Perhaps today's issues are helping students learn to focus, but keeping them out of school is shortsighted decision that will be looked back upon as a lack of vision... that is if you can help kids focus and help teachers encourage the use of them effectively. "Smartphones and Tablet sales will soon take over laptop and desktop computer sales: Don't stick just to books - why not let students use the technology they'll need in the future?"
Vicki Davis

music4motivation - 2 views

    A tumblr blog that 2 of my students are creating. featuring music that motivates.  They embed tumblrs and youtube videos and also share onto Twitter. If you like music, you might want to follow them. You can also submit your playlist of your favorite songs for them to share.
Vicki Davis

hello little world Skypers - 6 views

    Love the HLW Skypers which has been founded by some of my favorite educators: Anne Mirtschin, Theresa Allen, Karen Lirenmen. Love what they are doing. There is information about how Mystery Skype works as well.
Vicki Davis

New SMART Table® 442i inspires collaborative learning - SMART Technologies - 8 views

    YEs, they are here. Smart furniture. This is the smart table. Expect to see desks and more as we begin to merge our technology with everything around us. This would make a great unit for a demo or cool interactive learning center. " SMART Table® 442i collaborative learning center. Publicly unveiled at the British Education Technology Conference in London today, the SMART Table features an engaging 360 degree, multitouch surface with a brilliant 106.68 cm (42") high-definition 1080p LCD display. The SMART Table enables up to eight students to interact simultaneously and actively collaborate to achieve shared learning goals."
Vicki Davis

A Parent's Guide to 21st-Century Learning | Edutopia - 18 views

    An interesting guide from edutopia for parents that you can share with your parents and PTO. They share a lot of examples of 21st century learning and as you work to build support for these things, this is a great document to share. (Full Disclosure: The digiteen project is listed for middle school - after this was listed, we saw such an inundation of schools wanting to do the project, we created the DigiTween project for kids aged 10-12 and Digiteen is still for kids aged 13+.) There are a lot of other great sites including the World Peace game, information on Skype in the Classroom, World of Warcraft in School and the Digital Youth Network. Download and share.
Vicki Davis

Cybraryman Internet Catalogue - 7 views

    Backchannels in the classroom - this is a fantastic guide by Jerry Blumengarten @cybraryman1 of just about everything about backchannels.
Vicki Davis

Don't dis the competition - Home - Doug Johnson's Blue Skunk Blog - 0 views

    Doug Johnson is a great read for his blunt, in your face honesty and his point about how technology companies are trying to differentiate is a great one. I think, however, we should extend this to schools as well. If your school is great, say why, but dissing the competition is no way to compete. If you think your school has no competition, think again. So, read this in light of the arriving and coming competition on the edulandscape and have an honest take on how you should "sell" the virtues of your school. If you can't talk about how great your school is and have to resort to how bad the other one is, prepare for a day when you'll shutter the windows and wonder how they're going to keep the bugs out of your empty building. Wake up and smell the wires burning their way into your student's computers and tablets, great teachers are just a click away and we've all got to learn how to blend and trend our courses, teaching, and to bridge our classrooms to add real value as teachers. It isn't hard as you think but if you just sit and teach like you've always taught, you're setting yourself up for some unpleasant days. You can't do everything but you can do something to improve yourself. Next practices are an important part of your best practice. Always innovate and never settle. Standards are only the beginning, you must have purpose if you're going to be a great teacher. Doug says: "But what I do know that when competitors trash each other, I tend to tune out. And I flat out hate it when I know they are lying - and I will NOT buy from a liar. A salesman recently promoted his video storage service by stating "unlike YouTube, we don't own your movies." That's just not true. (YouTube doesn't own your movies, GoogleApps doesn't own your Docs, CIPA, FERPA, etc. do not ban social media.)"
Vicki Davis

Welcome to CK-12 Foundation | CK-12 Foundation - 2 views

    Free textbooks in a variety of topics on CK-12. This is promoted as "learning made simple." Do students know how to find and download alternate sources of information? Can they find and search for the topics they are currently studying? This is a valuable way to compare and research topics.
Vicki Davis

Good "Geofences" Make Good Neighbors in Age of Mobile Alerts : New England Board of Higher Education - 3 views

    Geofencing is a new concept in safety notifications. Schools can literally notify anyone entering an area (i.e. notify vendors and parents they must check in with the office when entering a certain area), leaving an area, or within an area of issues. This could be used to notify and protect students, teachers, and anyone on campus in the case of an emergency of any kind.  This article is one of the best I've seen about geofencing and how it works, although it is promoting an app (Ping4alerts) it is very useful for safety leaders and it directors to read and understand the potential of this very useful technology. "Hyperlocal alerts are a new capability made possible by the rise of smart devices and "geofencing" technology. A geofence is a virtually "fenced-off" area or geographic location. When this concept is applied to mobile devices, it refers to the ability of users to receive automatic alerts or notifications when entering, leaving or moving within a geographic area specifically defined by a virtual geofence. That area could be as small as a single building or as large as a state or region of the country. System administrators draw a square on a map through their portal interface to designate the location and size of the geofenced in area."
Vicki Davis

New Study: Engage Kids With 7x the Effect | Edutopia - 7 views

    " Kristy Cooper's insanely rigorous mixed methods study, Eliciting Engagement in the High School Classroom: A Mixed-Methods Examination of Teaching Practices, published in the April 2014 American Educational Research Journal, does an exceptional job of showing what works. Cooper, an award-winning researcher at Michigan State University with an MA and Ed.D from Harvard, examined the impact of three well-supported strategies that teachers employ to increase student engagement. As you read each summary below, try to guess which practice had the greatest impact." Todd Finley shares the three methods and asks which has the most impact: 1) Lively teaching, 2) Academic Rigor and 3) Connective Instruction. A fantastic must-read on student engagement that you'll want to email your staff.
Ruth Howard

Mentira - 7 views

    Virtual Reality game to learn Spanish language requires students to interact in real place also.
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