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Contents contributed and discussions participated by David Wetzel


Teaching Science to Special Needs Students: Learning Science by Interactive Instruction... - 8 views

    Teaching science inclusive classrooms is challenging due to the need for teaching too many different learning styles, including students who have learning disabilities. Learning disabled students have many concerns including physical, emotional, and cognitive. These disabilities cause the need to teach concepts differently primarily through the use of direct, explicit instruction and tailored evaluation.

Warning: Flipping Your Classroom May Lead to Increased Student Understanding | Teaching... - 15 views

    Flipping a classroom is not a teaching technique, it is more in line with a philosophy or way of teaching. It involves using technology as a tool, not the main focus, for helping students increase their understanding of science or math concepts.

Mathematics Teaching Using Journals: Writing Strategies That Improve Problem Solving an... - 9 views

    Math journals provide advantages for students to develop a better understanding of mathematics, with teachers learning their student's views and beliefs regarding math.

How to Encourage Critical Thinking in Science and Math | Teaching Science and Math - 22 views

    Encouraging students to use critical thinking is more than an extension activity in science and math lessons, it is the basis of true learning. Teaching students how to think critically helps them move beyond basic comprehension and rote memorization. They shift to a new level of increased awareness when calculating, analyzing, problem solving, and evaluating.

Teaching Math to Learning Disabled Students: Math Learning Strategies Designed to Help ... - 17 views

    Math activities proven successful with learning disabled students are presented, along with a description of factors that influence struggling special needs students.

Teaching Science to Special Needs Students: Learning Science by Interactive Instruction... - 8 views

    Teaching and assessment strategies are provided for encouraging students with learning disabilities to develop a better understanding of science concepts. Teaching science inclusive classrooms is challenging due to the need for teaching too many different learning styles, including students who have learning disabilities. Learning disabled students have many concerns including physical, emotional, and cognitive. These disabilities cause the need to teach concepts differently primarily through the use of direct, explicit instruction and tailored evaluation.

6 Little Known Facts About the Earth: Earth Science Resources that Support Student Lear... - 17 views

    Students' interest in learning science is sometimes based on inquiry into facts that others do not know or learning facts they have no prior knowledge or experiences.

PowerPoint Presentations Beyond Note Taking: Education Technology Applications That Imp... - 17 views

    The use of PowerPoint presentations in schools takes advantage of education technology integration strategies and techniques. However, student learning is not improved when these presentations are merely a substitute for note taking bullets from older overhead projectors. To take advantage of the power of this technology, the elimination of boring slide shows must be replaced with interactive story telling that keeps students engaged.

International Space Station: What Does the Future Hold? | Decoded Science - 2 views

    The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has closed the book on the Space Shuttle program, which begs the question: what is the focal point now for space exploration? Is there a still an ongoing role for the International Space Station's (ISS) to support NASA's space research and exploration?

Project Based Learning in Mathematics: Learning Activities in Math Designed to Extend C... - 21 views

    Six math projects that integrate real-world math problems are presented as a teaching strategy for helping students develop a greater understanding of math.

Science Discrepant Events and Critical Thinking: Using Surprising Phenomena to Focus St... - 7 views

    Sample discrepant events are used to cause contradictions in students' prior knowledge and experiences in support of their better understanding of science concepts.

Advantages of Active Learning in Science and Math Classrooms - 9 views

    Active learning has a powerful impact on student learning. How? Student achievement increases through mastery of science and math content as a result of this technique. Students also develop improved problem solving, communication, and higher order thinking skills.

Scientific Inquiry as a Process for Learning: Teaching Science Using an Inquiry Based A... - 12 views

    Teaching strategies of guided and student initiated inquiry are the basis of learning science when conducting scientific investigations.

5 Alternative Assessment Techniques in Science and Math | Teaching Science and Math - 24 views

    Alternative assessments provide you opportunities to determine the true level of understanding your students have regarding science and math concepts. These tools improve the learning environment for your students, along with your assessment of their real understanding.

Why Teach Science and Math? | Teaching Science and Math - 5 views

    As former elementary science and math education professor, I was always encouraging preservice teachers to teach science and math from a hands-on, minds-on perspective. My goal was single minded in the sense that for students to learn science and math their curiosity must peaked. This was always a challenge because most of these preservice teachers learned science and math by rote memorization of facts. Their prior knowledge and experience had few opportunities to actually investigate science phenomena and truly understand the usefulness of math.

Writing in Mathematics: Assessing Understanding | Teaching Science and Math - 16 views

    Writing in math is an excellent way to determine if students' understand or do not understand the math they are learning about. Allowing students to explain how they solved a math problem, how they developed a formula to solve a problem, or how they applied a math concept requires critical thinking.

Marietta Johnson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 1 views

    Mrs. Johnson was in great demand as a lecturer and, after John Dewey's favorable review of her school in 1915, she achieved a worldwide recognition as a leader in the Progressive Education movement.

Report slams heavy focus on school testing - Washington Times - 30 views

    "As Congress and the Obama administration weigh a major reform of education policy, the government should overhaul testing methods that have handcuffed teacher creativity and done little to boost student achievement, according to a new report from the National Research Council."

10 Education Apps for iPod and iPhone that Support Adult Learning | - 27 views

    Features and cost of education applications are provided for anyone in search of a way to make their mobile devices useful for learning in higher education.

What is the Technology Footprint in Your Classroom? - 18 views

    Strategies and techniques are provided regarding the benefits of using digital tools to support teaching and learning in any content area or grade level.
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